Accidental Avatar

By SashaL

290K 13.7K 2K

-Thanks To my co-write Cait (who did most of the work(We Love You Caitlin!)) :)- BTWs, I own nothing in here... More

In the Beginning There was Water
Back at the tree with Lexie
Meanwhile, elsewhere in the forest with Caitlin/Amaya....
Mogui/Lexie's adventures continue...
Back on a Fire Nation Vessel....
Back to Mogui...
Out in the ocean...
Close to a giant canyon, Mogui and the gaang prepare to cross....
In a Fire Nation vessel, outside a certain Prince's quarters...
Back to the Gaang...
On the Fire Nation ship again.
On a beach somewhere distant...
Still out at sea... ugh...
In a nearby Harbor Town....
Out on sea, heading into a rather big black cloud...
Near a little boat at the harbor...
Same time, different place...
In a cave...
Storytime with Grandpa Iroh... I don't like this story....
Storytime with the Avatar...
In the Ship....
When suddenly...
Out at sea, in the middle of a storm...
Out at Sea, in the air, in the middle of a storm...
Not far from there...
Searching for Sokka...
The eye of the storm...
Back at the cave...
In some Earth Kingdom Ruins...
Zuko's ship...
With some very sick Gaang members...
Zuko's Ship...
The Ill Gaang...
After traveling for some time...
A distant forest...
Back on a beach...
Random Tavern in the Earth Kingdom...
At the Abbey...
A previous location of the Gaang...
Back at the Abbey...
Near a certain volcano...
Out on the water, as a test begins....
Back at the Abbey...
In said forest...
Up in the sky, making their escape....
In a distant forest...
Somewhere far away...
Around a distant campfire to the North...
Did I hear Amaya again... I'm not sure...
What is the Gang up to now?
Far, Far away...around the same time...
Back at the Northern Air Temple...
Back to the pint-sized heroine...
Up in the northern area of the world...
Outside the Northern Water Tribe...
Ahh Zhao!
Water Tribe Feast
Next day, in the North Pole...
Remember Amaya collapsed?
Around watertown....
Its the final countdown...
Back up in the ice kingdom
In a fleet far away...
Drama central...
Some time later...
With the Fleet...
War drums be like...
Out under the moonlight...
In the armory, sharpening stuff...
Out in the Tundra...
In the armory...
Dun dun, dada dun dun, dada dun dun, dada dun dun...
Same place, a while later, Still Amaya...
Flying around, thwarting Zhao's plans...
Artificial Intelligence is approaching the Oasis...
Out in the blizzard...
Back at the Oasis...
In the air...
At the Oasis
Thems be angry...
Out in the tundra...Again...
Back at the Tribe...
El Fin

Switching from Mogui to Amaya...

3K 164 36
By SashaL

(Hey all. I just thought I'd take this chance to remind you... Comment, Vote and Follow if you like what you are reading :) Cheers guys)

After picking up Lexie, who looks quite well, all things considering, we go chasing after Aang. Now, I already know that the Gaang will get away just fine, but one glance at Lexie, and I know he doesn't remember that. I sigh absently and jab Zuko in the thigh.

"Stop it, that tickles," I told him. He gave me a confused look, then realised his hands had been tensing and relaxing constantly, and he was holding my waist. "If you tickle me, I'm not responsible for your injuries," I told him sweetly.
"No, tickle her. It'll be funny!" Lexie encouraged, hanging limply from behind Zuko.
"I'm not stupid," Zuko grumbled and relaxed his arms completely. I grab his hands and remove them from my ribs, placing them on my shoulders.
"There, now if you start doing that tense, un-tense thing, at least I get a massage out of it."
"Get a room," Lexie got a jab to the cheek as a result of his comment.

"Not funny, Le-peanut...." I had to stop myself from using his real name there. Soon we're crashing through the doors of the Abbey again, and I started laughing again. As soon as it was slow enough, I slid off the monster and skipped over to the door that we had just crashed through and plopped down on the floor, crossing my legs as I watched the thing walk in circles.
"What's it doing!?" Zuko demanded. "It's just going in a circle."
"I think it's drunk...." Lexie said, bumping around on its back.

It stopped,threws its head up and whipped out its tongue, narrowly avoiding Aang. I cheered and clapped loudly as Aang did a loop-de-loop while the Shirshu stood straight up, throwing everyone off its back.
"Aang!" Katara called out.
"Mogui!" Aang called, to which Lexie responded, calling out "Sokka!". So that was the name he picked. Cool.
"Uncle!" Zuko called to Iroh, checking if the old man was alright.
"DONKEY!" I shouted, much to the puzzlement of everyone present. 'Mogui' seemed to take amusement in it, though, and laughed from where he had fallen.

June got to her feet first and cracked her whip.
"Up!" She yelled. The shirshu leapt to its feet, and she was on its back and chasing in seconds.
"Oh, I wish I had some popcorn," I sighed wistfully. Aang landed, and I continued to sit on the sidelines. "And the fluffball tackles the hound-rat!" I cheered from my spot, as Appa did just that.

I turned my attention back to Aang to see Zuko had approached him, fists blazing. "Fire vs Air, who will win!?" I could tell my commentary was beginning to annoy Zuko, but I don't bother with him.

 Some of those nun ladies dragged Mogui/Lexie and his buddies out of the way, and I settled in to watch while Iroh slipped around them to where June was. Zuko started, throwing a punch that sent a ball of fire in Aang's direction, but the flighty little bender deflected it, then threw an air bullet. They stood there, shouting "ha!" and "Howah!" and throwing fire and air around. I realised that if I wanted to avoid potential harm, I wasn't in the best place. So, I turned my attention away briefly to find somewhere safer and spotted Mogui, who I skipped over and plopped down next to. At that moment, Zuko and Aang clashed in a fiery explosion.

"Ooo...." I said, staring at the two balls of fire and smoke that flew away from the main explosion. "Pretty!"
"Really? I don't think I'd call a fiery explosion of death pretty at this proximity," Mogui quipped back.
"True, it is a bit warm. But! Best seats in the house," I turned my head to look at the weird angle Mogui was sitting in. "Comfortable?"
"Oh yeah! I love having my head at this angle."
"Oh, well then I'll leave you be," I chuckled at his pout. "So, who're the friends? Zuko never shuts up about the Avatar, but sometimes I wonder if he even knows anything about them."
"Oh, this is Katara and Sokka. Aang is fighting Scarface over there."
I grinned and leapt to my feet, skipping over to Sokka. "Hey, nice to meet you, Katara!"
"I'm Sokka!" He said indignantly.
"Oh, well, that makes sense. Katara sounds like a girl name anyway," I giggled, leaping to my feet and twirling as I skipped away from them a little.
"Amaya," I turned, mildly confused by the solemn way in which Mogui had said my name. "Who am I? Why are you helping Zuko? And why are you so calm about all this?"
"That is a lot of questions. Ok, in order!" I clapped my hands and grinned. "You're my friend. Because it's fun, and why not?"
By the perplexed expressions on all their faces, I could tell that none of this made any sense to any of them.
"She's crazy!" Sokka yelled, and I laughed at him and turned to face the scuffle.

While I had been chatting, I noticed that June had gotten back up, and Appa was currently lying still.
"Come on, Fluffy!" I yelled, cupping my hands around my mouth. "Get up!"
I darted over, making sure to stay out of the reach of the Shirshu and pushed Appa. "Get up, you overgrown haystack!" His eyes snapped open, and he got up with a growl. I jumped back, slightly surprised, then cheered as I ran over to the edge, back towards Mogui and the other two.

During all the following commotion, I seemed to have lost track of Zuko and Aang. I found him again when I heard the Shirshu make that weird noise again and turned to see them running above us.
"I'm...starting to get some feeling back!" As soon as I heard Sokka say those words, I lept back and crouched a short distance from them as some rubble fell. Katara was, as I suspected, untouched, while Sokka and Mogui were a little covered in the stuff. "Ow..."
"Ouch, that looked painful," I said, wincing sympathetically. I spotted Iroh and ran over to him. I didn't really want to take part in the actual fighting. It was too easy to make it seem like I had picked a side, so instead, I did what Iroh was doing and avoided actual conflict. Iroh picked up a little bottle and tested the perfume inside. Clearly, he liked it since I watched him slip it into his sleeves and pretend as if nothing happened.

"You sneaky little old man," I chuckled, poking him in the side. He seemed mildly startled and laughed heartily at me, pressing a finger to his lips with a wink. I chuckled and nodded, mimicking the gesture to him. Aang and Zuko were now fighting over by the well, and I moved closer so that I could minimise the damage when it inevitably happened. Zuko, as usual, got increasingly angry and eventually demolished the cute little top of the well and jumped up. They did this weird little dance thing over the hole, and try to knock the other down. It looked like a fun, if mildly terrifying, game.

Aang retrieved Katara's necklace and dove into the well. As soon as Zuko blasted fire down, I started preparing to waterbend. Aang blasted out, shooting water up as he did, and I caught the water with my waterbending, using it to cushion Zuko's fall and then bend it back into the well. These people wouldn't be all that happy if they had no drinking water, now would they?

Anyway, Zuko charged after Aang, Appa chased Zuko away, the Shirshu attacked Appa. It's all a mess. That is when I noticed the nuns pushing big jars of perfume towards us. I took this moment to watch Katara's movements closely, mimicking them carefully. As the perfume came to fall over Zuko and the Shirshu, I used my bending to protect myself from the overpowering fragrance. I happened to be directly behind Zuko when the stupid thing whipped him, and he crashed down, knocking me over as he went. I landed on my butt, and with some embarrassment, noted that Zuko was lying paralyzed in my lap.

I looked up and saw Mogui looking at me, and I knew he wanted me to go with him. I gave him a small shake of my head and signalled, 'not yet,' with a small smile. Then I looked straight at Zuko and cleared my throat loudly. "Well...this is awkward...."
"Then move!"
"Can't. You're actually very heavy, and I'm tiny," he grunted in annoyance. "Also, you smell awful," he gave me an annoyed look. "Hey, Gramps, you didn't get hit!"
Iroh opened his eyes and did that cheeky shushing thing again. June's eyes snapped open, and I couldn't help but laugh at her expression of pure annoyance. I looked up and saw Appa flying away. "Bye! See you again sometime!" I called after them, waving and smiling brightly.
"They're getting away!" Zuko cried out.
"Yup," I responded, popping the 'p'. "But, you're paralyzed, I'm stuck, and Iroh is preoccupied. Next time for sure!" Zuko gave another of his famous sighs of frustration, and I giggled at him and started untangling his hair since there wasn't much else to do right then.

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