Shadow Walker

By STFc00kie

413 24 0

Olive Leni is your average 19 year old girl in a small town. She lived each day looking forward to what was n... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 16

Chapter 15

7 1 0
By STFc00kie

The room was quiet, and the tension was thick, "Thank you Ben," Q said, sitting back down and putting his head in his hands. Ben sighed and nodded walking toward Celeste, she held a smile that seemed forced and sad. She pulled him into a huge, making him relax slightly.

"Hi um, okay why the hell do I feel like I've been sold?" I finally broke the silence, catching all of their attention.

"You haven't been sold Olive, your perfectly fine," Celeste answered rolling her eyes.

"What the heck is she? Shes terrifying," I said quieter, catching Ben's attention. He frowned slightly, 

"A very old species in the shadow world. Arachnie," He said shrugging. 

"So in other words Arachnid, shes a fucking spider," I hissed, a smirk gently pulled to his lips.

"In more ways then one, yes" He finished turning toward Celeste again.

"What the hell did," I paused flexing my throat so I could mimic her strangled sound, "'I get the first bite,' mean?" I hissed. Fear was starting to take over my emotions again, making me angry at myself.

"Your not ready to know that yet," Ben said, which stunned me.

"Excuse me? Its my life I should know what deal you just made with it," I hissed back causing him to flinch slightly.

"Relax Olive," His words only pissed me off further.

"What do you fucking mean relax!! How many deals have you made with my life," I growled. Something caught my attention, Celeste, Ben and Q all hissed and flinched their heads away. As if my words and voice hurt them in some way, I frowned.

"Olive, your perfectly safe, I just need to confirm a few more things." Ben replied moving her brown eyes over me.

"Seriously Olive, you need to chill," Q said standing up and putting his hands up in a defensive motion. His hazel eyes held more fear then I thought I could inflict.

"Yeah Olive your fine, just relax," Celeste said doing the same motion, her eyes strained.

"Would all of you stop fucking telling me to relax? Its starting to really piss" I paused feeling a vibration I had never felt before, "Me," it got stronger, making my arms flex, the vampires standing in front of me took a slow step back. "OFF" I finally shouted.

What unfolded in front of me was completely unexpected, all three of them growled the, a deep voice coming though their own, the walls shook with the sound. Then they got pushed back, folding into themselves, almost as if they all had been punched in the chest the way they flinched. Their bodies cracked and curled in reaction and and their skin began turning a deep grey, lifeless and rotten looking. Their veins began to stick out with a firey red flaring through them and pulsed like nothing I had ever seen before. When Ben finally looked up, obviously stronger then the others his canines had grown double their normal size and his eyes were the deep red. The veins in his face stuck out just like the ones down his arms. The pupil however didn't flicker like normal, instead it kept dilating and shrinking. Almost simultaneously the rest of them looked up, their faces and eyes in the same condition as Ben's, they eyes all vibrating while staring at me.

"Um what the hell guys," I said shuddering at how truly evil they looked. They breathed heavily and sounded as if they were chocking. "Guys seriously cut it out your creeping me out," They turned their heads to the side.

"If you would like our keeper back, say their names and it shall be done." Ben said, but it wasn't Ben. It was like the other night, when a deep voice spoke with his, as if two were speaking. However, Ben's voice was completely gone, and instead completely taken over by a deep growl of a voice.

"Who are you?" I asked, realizing that I wasn't speaking to Ben anymore,

"I am the demon that inhabits this vessel," The voice answered, his head twitched to the side. Q and Celeste seemed to move and standing behind Ben, like he was a leading of some sort. "I will speak for all," He said almost as if he knew what I had been thinking. Their bodies would twitch every few seconds, their head would flick to the other side, or their shoulders would lift. A snapping would sound every so often along with the twitching, almost as if something in them were fighting the movement.

"What do you do?" I questioned further,

"I give this man immortality, strengths beyond belief and thoughts of evil," He answered. I felt a shiver run down my back, the thick realization that there truly was a demon attached to Ben,

"Why are you here?" I questioned frowning. A smile spread across Ben's face, but it was not his own, his was large and wild looking, seeping with a dark feeling that made my stomach turn.

"You called me young angel," he answered, the two behind him smiled wickedly. I frowned deeper at his words,

"Angel?" I questioned, he nodded. He then stepped closer the other two following him, I felt my skin begin to prickle. "What do you mean by angel?" I asked taking a step back, but they didn't answer, instead they kept walking toward me. "Okay I want them back now," I said feeling uneasy.

"If you would like our keeper back, say their names and it shall be done." They all said at the same time, turning their heads to the side and stepping closer to me.

"I want Ben, Celeste and Quinton back now." I yelled they all smiled and nodded their heads, as if they were linked in the same thoughts.

Slowly the grey in the skin began to fade, their veins relaxed and and their teeth pulled back. The sound of clocking bones made me cringe as I watched the display in front of me. Celeste's blue eyes came through as well as Quinton's hazel ones, Ben's took a few more seconds, getting a glazed over almost dead look to his face. He sucked in air with struggle as the red began to fade to a disgusting looking blue. A dead blue, the color an eye takes then the corpse it is in was dead. However he stood like he would alive and had muscle to keep himself up, a few times he would actually blink.

Slowly the ring around the eye starting going back to his dark familiar brown. When his eyes finally turned back to normal they all hunched over and began coughing, as if finally snapped back to reality. "Jesus fuck," hissed Quinton as he held onto his knees, tears began to stream down Celeste's face as she chocked on herself. Ben rushed over to the kitchen sink and began vomiting a thick black substance, almost like tar but with a oil like shine projectile out of his mouth. I rushed to him and rubbed my hand down his spine. When he finally came to a stop, Celeste and Q grew close with concerned eyes. He groaned leaning his forehead on his arm.

"Are you okay?" I asked as he huffed out long breathes. He nodded in response his body beginning to relax,

"What did it say?" His voice finally piped up. It was relieving to actually hear him, his voice talking to me,  no matter how strained and exhausted it sounded, it was him. It took a weight off my shoulders that I didn't realize I had been holding.

"What did what say?" I asked, not completely clued in.

"The demon Olive," Celeste answered for Ben in a calm voice. Quinton gave a look that held so much emotion, a mix of fear yet concern lying in it.

"I don't understand what happened," I said looking down to my hands. That's finally when Ben lifted his head and looked at me,

"Olive what did it say," He pressed, his eyes were relaxed yet determined.

"I don't know, I just kinda asked who it was and it gave incredibly vague answers," I said looking down to my feet. When I peeked up I noticed that they were all staring at each other.

"Thats it?" Ben asked,

"It called me 'young angel,' but they began creeping me out to much, I just wanted you back," I whimpered. Ben eyes relaxed more, a gentle smile pulled to his lips, moving closer he kissed my forehead.

"I am sorry you needed to see that," He answered stepping away.

"What happened there?" I asked, the room went quiet once again, making me collect the fact that they didn't want to tell me."Seriously?" I said disappointed, Celeste sent me a sad look,

"Its for your own safety Olive, you need to understand that we just want you to be safe." She said her smile turning up a bit, I frowned.

"Why do I have to be so weak," I pouted stepping away from them. They all frowned,

"What are you talking about?" Celeste said. I groaned walking over to the couch and sat down, Ben followed me, and Celeste followed Ben, Q stayed in the kitchen leaning against the island.

"I'm always the damsel in distress, like I need to be protected at all time," I sighed, placing my hands on my face and squishing my cheeks in. "To use Q's words, I'm the lowest thing on the food chain," I added. Ben opened his mouth to speak but Q interrupted him,

"It's quite the opposite Olive," He said catching my attention to him. "You are one of the most powerful species to ever exist." He said standing, Celeste nodded in agreement. I frowned, not following how I could possibly be. "You just extracted our demons Olive, made them obey and listen," Q said, his persistence eminent. 

"I have no idea how I did that, and they did not look like they were going to obey shit." I replied shivering at the thought of their evil eyes looking at me. 

"Trust me Olive, you had full control, the reason they took advantage was because you didn't know it," Celeste said with a sigh. 

"Then why are you guys having to protect me so thoroughly, and why was every one of my kind slaughtered." I asked looking between them. Debate was written on Ben as he thought,

"Your kind were a peaceful. Didn't expect a war to break loose, espectually didn't expect to be on the losing side of it," Ben finally answered. I frowned growing all the more confused.

"I don't understand," I pressed hoping for more information. Ben looked down at his hands, avoiding eye contact all together.

The room fell silent again, and I was once again the one to break it, "Turn me," I said, they all looked at me. Quinton even growled in response to it, they all stared in disbelief, as if they didn't hear me right. "Turn me into a vampire," I repeated, making sure they knew what I meant.

"How could you ask me to do that," Ben growled standing and turning his back to me,

"It would make me less vulnerable!" I yelled standing as well.

"You don't even realize what your asking," Celeste said sadly, looking down at the floor. I frowned,

"I'm asking for strength, speed, resilience, no more fear!" I said making a point, Ben growled again, but before he could speak Q piped in,

"Your asking for death," Q hissed, his fangs extended at me. I didn't understand why they were so angry at the idea. Ben sighed turning around,

"Olive, you may gain those things, you may gain so much power you don't even know what to do with it, but you lose so much more ," He sighed sitting back down and rubbing the back of his neck.

"But I won't feel scared," I said making him look up. "I'm scared Ben! I feel like I'm in danger at all times!" I shouted sitting and pounding my fists on the couch, "I've only known you for a week and I've been in more harms way then I ever have been in my entire life!" I hissed, his eyes tracked over to Celeste and sad look took over the brown iris. Q sighed as well shaking his head,

"Olive once you gain control of your abilities, you won't need a demon to make you strong," Q said, his hazel eyes holding sadness. I felt my eyes glaze over,

"What If I'm dead before then?" I said trying desperately to blink away the tears that threatened to fall.

"I won't let that happen," Ben said, making me shake my head.

"Isn't it easier to just turn me? Save you some man power and struggle?" I asked, he frowned at me and shook his head.

"If you really knew anything about it you would know that it is most definitely not easier to turn you," He sighed.

"Then explain it to me Ben, please," I insisted.

"Olive you asking me to willingly kill you, then hope that it goes right. And with your angel blood who knows what will happen!" He said. My frown deepened,

"Angel blood?" I questioned. His eyes widened in realization of what he had said. "I have angel blood?" I pressed desperate for some sort of answer. However the room went quiet once again, "This is ridiculous!" I said putting my hands up in the air defeat. Standing I stomped toward the door, I heard Ben stand and follow,

"Olive where are you going?" He questioned, making me turn around. Both Celeste and Q were standing as well, watching me leave.

"I'm going to talk to Jordan," I answered. Ben's eyes darkened,

"Why?" He growled, I raised my brow.

"Because he might actually have the answers I'm looking for" I said shrugging. Walking back toward the door. Ben grabbed my arm halting me, I turned around hope filled my heart, hoping that he'd give me the answers I was looking for. 

"How do you know he'll have any information at all?" He asked raising his brow, "Those things are hiders, they don't care about history," He added looking away. The feeling in my heart began to diminish.

"It still might be more then what your willing to tell me," I answered with a sigh. He frowned and groaned,

"You need to know I'm doing this to keep you safe, there are many who will want you if this information is leaked," He growled, I couldn't help but roll my eyes. 

We stood there, just staring at each other for a few seconds. The annoyance slowly began to wash away, and a sad look started to take it over. For the first time is a while his eyes began to show real emotion. It was definitely one of fear and love all mixed up in to one bit ray of emotion shattered through his deep dark iris's.

"Please be safe, and please come home to me," He said my heart filled with butterflies at his gentle eyes and sweet words. Stepping closer I placed my hand on his cold cheek, his eyes held a fear I had never seen before.

"While you scared the hell outta me, and I'm pretty pissed at you," I said slowly, making him frown. "I still will always come back to you," I said, causing his frown to quickly turn into a bright smile. He leaned forward and pressed a tender kiss to my lips and pulled away.

"Be safe," He said then let go of my hand allowing me to leave.

Staring at him for a few more seconds, I allowed myself to feel the love I held in my heart for him. The demon that showed himself wasn't Ben, that thing felt of evil, and discomfort. Like walking down a dark ally way in the middle of the night. Or like going into the basement when you were only 6, late at night on a stormy day. Hearing the crack of lightening as you wandered deeper, grabbing the thing your mom asked you. Then when it was time to go up the stairs you would run so fast just in case something was following you. Or simply the feeling a horror movie gives you, in that silent suspenseful part. Where the protagonist is slowly walking toward a dark corner, and you can see the gentle shadow of something there. You body begins to curl into the seat you are in and you begin to squint your eyes and tense. That demon gave that feeling,  the anxiety ridden feeling that some people couldn't shake.

 While whenever I looked a Ben I felt like I was fighting the ability to breathe, because of being so focus I forgot to. He truly felt like home, like safety, like comfort and warmth. Like the colorful leaves the crunched under my feet where I walked, and the smell of fresh air. Like the feeling of putting your hand in a cold pumpkin while digging into its sides, getting that satisfying grinding sound. He felt like my favorite month, something to look forward to and to enjoy when it finally came. Completely opposite to what the demon felt like, and perhaps that was the feeling that normal people seemed to get around him. But not me. 

Sighing I shook my head pushing myself back into reality, I sent them all one last smile before opening the front door and leaving. I needed to find Jordan, hoping to all hell he would have the answers I was looking for. 

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