The Two Misfits (Hiccup x Rea...

Od -_-FoxyForLife-_-

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How To Train Your Dragon belong to DreamWorks. Warning ⚠️ If you haven't watched Dreamworks Dragons 1, 2, a... Viac

Chapter 1: Throughout the Years
Chapter 2: The Nightfury
Chapter 3: Tail and Eels
Chapter 4: Fly Test
Chapter 5: Free Fall
Chapter 6: Caught
Chapter 7: Nest
Chapter 8: Failed
Chapter 9: Brothers?
Chapter 10: Off To Battle
Chapter 11: Red Death
Chapter 12: Learning
Chapter 13: Heart Ache
Chapter 14: A Talk
Chapter 15: Dragons Leaving?
Chapter 16: Cheer Up
Chapter 17: Eggs
Chapter 18: Celebration
Chapter 19: Journey
Chapter 21: Wedding
Its out

Chapter 20: New Home

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Od -_-FoxyForLife-_-

Landing on the grassy lands Y/n noticed the dragons were more feathery and tall. Many shapes, sizes, and color. People came from inside hills and greeted them. Y/n finally noticed the rolling hills had doors and windows build into them. The people here seemed marry and cheerful. Bright and happy. Greeting Ashaw and Salmen. Quieting them Salmen spoke.

"Everyone I have a few announcement to make. We weren't able to find Athena, but managed to find our sister. Y/n, daughter of Einar and Athena."

Everyone brighten and cheered at knowing the young daughter of the chief successful made it out alive. Yet another to the bloodline that wouldn't easily be broken.

"Also I due plan on staying here to serve you properly and be the sword and shield of the land and the habitats."

Many burst into cheer knowing that they'd finally have a chief. Cherry stood next to him and took his hand in hers. Glancing down at her with a smile and turned back to the people. His people.

"I'd also like to inform that Cherry will be severing you as well."

A small voice above the cheers spoke up.

"So you two are finally getting married. Congratulations! Let us congrats our new Chief!" A young girl smiled.

That's what everyone processed to do. Salmen and Cherry where swept away to be questioned about the journey, the wedding, and when the celebration of his coronation may be. Liu left to find someone leaving to two alone once more.

"I'll show you around sis, Salmen will be rather busy for the next few days now that he has finally committed himself," Ashaw muttered. "Well unless you'd like to rest."

"I'll be fine."

Y/n took his hand and followed him as led her threw the crowds of people and dragons. Ashaw had drugged her up towards a mountain side.

"Care for a climb?" Ashaw asked.

Shrugging Y/n started with Ashaw following. Only going to a decent size ledge he pulled her closer towards him to make sure she did fall. The moon slowly rises over the horizon by the time they made it.

"I enjoy coming up here to get away from everyone," he smiled starting down at the village that was much bigger than what y/n thought. Behind the rolling the hilling was building, and in front was what looked to be an open field. Where the buildings where was expanded more than the size of the village of Berk.

"The hilling are were the homes are. Salmen thought it better to be hidden from those who flying above. The building over there hold supplies and where the villagers meet for meetings, weddings, healing, crafting, and others things," Ashaw tried to explain. "Basically the hills are were we sleep and where we built the building we gather to do as we need. Like in Berk."

Y/n nodding and froze as a dragon flew above and grabbed her and Ashaw from the cliffside. Screeching in surprise Y/n cling to the dragon for dear life. Ashaw however looked very unpleased.

"Put us down this instant Akilina!" Ashaw ordered.

"Sorry, but your needed by our best and blind healer who wanted to meet your dear sister," a young female voice spoke from above.

Ashaw sighed and shook his head. Slowing down the dragon released them a bit away from the tall structured buildings. And landed near a small hut built into a mountainside. Landing next to them Akilina smirked at them.

"She's inside. I'm Akilina by the way but you can call me Akili."


It came out as a mutter as she started at the feathered Nightfury. His blue eyes were intense and cold. He was much bigger than Toothless and Sky.

"Oh and this big boy is Nightshade. The alpha of his kind," Akilina beamed.

Ashaw rolled his eyes and knocked on the wooden door. A rustling was heard on the other side and suddenly the wooden door open. Y/n turned to see a younger girl with honey brown hair and hazed eyes. She was only a few inches taller than Gothi.

"Ashaw or..?"

Ashaw smirked and ruffled the young girls hair.

"It's me kid. Whatcha need?"

The girl smiled and embraced him which he returned.

"I missed you. Did you find who you where looking for?"

"Of course I did," Ashaw smirked taking Y/n's hand. "This is Y/n, my sister."

Ashaw explained handing Y/n's hand over to the blind girl. She smiled and shook Y/n's hand.

"I'm Blythe."

"Nice to meet you," Y/n smiled.

Withdrawing her hand Blythe took a few steps back so she could lend on the hidden hut.

"How late is it?" Blythe asked.

"Well it appears to be close to the time of the feast. Speaking of which we should get going," Ashaw spoke.

Lifting Blythe onto his back he smirked seeing Akilina and her dragon take hold of Y/n and flying away making Y/n nervous. Chuckling lightly he walked with Blythe to the great halls where they feasted.


As morning came Y/n woke to the smell of something good. Leaving the bed she was in she walked into the main room seeing Cherry sleeping on the couch with Salmen spooning her. Turning into another room she found Ashaw and Blythe eating what looked to be eggs, strips of meat, bread, and a large glass of yak milk. Sitting down Y/n noticed a plate already made. Taking a bite Y/n turned to them.

"Who cooked?" Y/n asked. "This is really good."

"I did mainly because I know Cherry is going to be much to sore and tired to work around today so I'm going to have to be the mother of the House," Ashaw muttered. "And thanks."

Y/n thought for a moment about what Ashaw meant but when she did she shook her head in disgust. Ashaw noticed and chuckled under his breath. Finishing up food they found Salmen and Cherry walking in looking tired. Seeing the food they sat down to eat, even if it was a bit cold. Blythe stood and kept their hand on the wall as she walked out. Y/n and Ashaw greeted them before walking out.

"So where's Liu?" Y/n asked. "I haven't seen him since last night."

Ashaw paused realizing he didn't even come home last night.

"Hmm, must have stayed at Ruby's with Akilina," he answered.

"Ruby?" Y/n asked.

"Cherry and Akilina's mother. Sweet lady. Do you care to meet her?" Blythe asked.

Y/n blinked and looked over at the small girl. She almost forgot that she was with them. 


Blythe smiled and skipped ahead. It was then Y/n realized her lack of shoes. She seemed carefree and very cheerful. With a small smile Y/n and Ashaw followed her. It wasn't until a question came to Y/n's mind.

"Where's her parents?"

Ashaw stares at Blythe seeing her stopping and turned towards them. Y/n paused as to not walk into her.

"I never knew them. They threw me out. And I'd be dead if Ashaw and Liu didn't find me," Blythe smiled. "Apparently to some, a blind girl isn't useful for some."

Turning back around Blythe continue her skipping. Y/n turned to Ashaw this see he was watching her.

"Come on, lets catch up."

Continuing to walk they made it to a little red door. Blythe was first inside.

"Ruby," Blythe sang. "I'm home."

An older red headed lady with green eyes and freckles appeared with Liu. Akilina was nowhere in sight much to Ashaws relief.

"Oh, Blythe. I see you brought Ashaw and a friend along."

"This is Y/n," Blythe smiled gesturing begins her.

"It's nice to meet up," Ruby smiled at Y/n before turning to Ashaw. "And you."

Ashaw tensed a bit. Ruby smiled walked over and gripped his hair.

"Why you no future wife to bless with children?"

"Ow ow please let go. I have a girl!" Ashaw screeched.

Ruby released him and crossed her arms while Blythe and Liu laughed under there breath. Y/n only started questioningly.

"Oh and where is she?"

"Uh...she isn't really aloud here because Salmen doesn't trust her after what her family has done," Ashaw muttered.

Ruby's eye twitched as she gripped Ashaws ear making him make a pained noise.

"You listen here and you listen good. Salmen may be your chief and he may be your brother, but you can't let him keep making choices for you. Understood?"

Ashaw gave a nod and rubbed his ear once she released him. Blythe and Liu chuckled as he glared at them. Ruby turned back to Y/n and smiled.

"Have you anyone yet?" Ruby asked.

Y/n blinked and Hiccup came to mind. She didn't have him anymore. She only shook her head no. Ruby gave a nod and spoke.

"Well, if you do and when you do, don't let your lump headed brothers scare him away."

Ashaw scoffed as Blythe and Liu looked at each other and smirked.

"What if it where to be a girl?" Liu asked.

"Then she better no let her brothers steal her away," Ruby answered.

Everyone chuckled at this. Maybe it wouldn't be so bad here. Everyone turned to the door hearing something scratched the door. Opening the door, Sky bounded in and tackled Y/n. Ashaw and Liu chuckled as Y/n was nuzzled and cuddled by the dragon. Ruby sighed and marched over.

"Ey Sky you can't be in here. Your too big and it'd be bad if Nightshde found you here," Ruby spoke sharply.

Sky huffed and grabbed Y/n by the back of the shirt and walked out with her only to bump into Nightshade on the way out. Ruby, Liu, Ashaw, and Blythe stepped out to see Nightshade growling and Sky which sky replied growling back. Akilina hopped down to clam him only, Nightshades tail stopped her. Sky turned away using his tail to smack Nightshade. Growling he pounced on Sky's back making him drop Y/n.

Growling and roaring as if they where communicating. Ashaw and Liu quickly moved Y/n away from the dragons and they snarled and circled one another.

Sky's POV

I went to take Y/n out with me. I missed her and I wanted to have company that didn't reject my presence. Walking out I bumped into Nightshade. Alpha of our breed.

"What are you doing here?" He growled.

"I saw just leaving," I growled back.

I noticed that the other humans came out. He gave me a warning glared that I returned. I noticed his little human hopping off but he moved her back with his tail. I turned to leave but not before smacking him with my tail. Before I could take off I felt something heavy on top of me. Losing my grip and balance I dropped Y/n and toppled over. I turned a snarled.

"You dare disrespect me?" He snarled. "Seems as though you haven't learned from your mistakes yet."

"Your a disgrace to our kind," i snarled back.

He roared out in anger and charger I growled loudly before meeting him head out. He pinned me and went to claw me only for me to shove him away. Grabbing Y/n with my front paws  and Ashaw and Blythe with my teeth carefully I flew off. Of course I didn't go to far, just far enough away from Nightshade. Landing I released them and circled Y/n to see if she was okay.

"Is that normal?" Y/n asked turning to Ashaw.

"Yes actually. He tends to keep me and Blythe away. Liu is actually closer to Nightshade than Sky," Ashaw explained to her. "He doesn't like me near Nightshade for some strange reason."

I huffed and nudged Y/n. Figuring that Ode, a wind cutter as the humans call us, would like to fly with Ashaw with me and Y/n so I decided to call him.

"ODE!" I roared out.

There was a roar of reply and just seconds later he appeared.

"Sky," he greeted landing. "Why'd you call me?"

"Care for a flight?" I asked.

He shrugged and placed Ashaw and Blythe on his back as I place Y/n on mine. Glancing at each other we flew off.

Third Person

Y/n and Ashaw were more than a little surprised about the dragons behavior. Blythe, however, clung to Ashaw for dear life. She didn't know how far from the ground or if they'd be above water. She didn't like flying that much but when the dragons slowed Blythe loosened her grip and sighed. Slow, peaceful, and a cool breeze. That's what Blythe enjoyed.

Salmen's POV

I decided that the chief ceremony would be tomorrow night and as for the wedding. A few days prior. Stretching my sore and tense muscles I looked up at the moon lit sky. Helping everyone here was delightful to say the least, but there is one who I'd say is a little less pleasant. Ruby. As much as I struggle with her, I remind myself that this is all for Cherry. Going to Ruby's home I sighed and knocked.

"Salmen. What do you want?"

"Your blessing for Cherry and mines wedding?" I asked.

I was nervous. Cherry told me I didn't have to do this. That I didn't need her mother's blessing but I felt as though I should at least ask. Ruby glared but sighed.

"I don't like you despite the fact that your trying to do what's right. But you do have my blessing and I'm only giving it because I love my daughter and she loves you," Ruby muttered. "Take care of her and be on your way."

With that said she shut the door. Truthfully I try to befriend her but she always turns me away and I don't know why. Walking away back to the underground home I found the My dragon along with my brother and sisters. Walking inside I found Cherry pass out on the couch and Liu on the floor next to her. I already guessed Y/n and Ashaw where sleeping. I carried Cherry to our room and went back to put Liu in his. Making my way back to my room and laid next to Cherry and smiled. I twirled the beads in her hair before long falling asleep.

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