⁅ Switched ⁆

By CinnamonBunsssss

341K 11K 12.2K

(I wrote this in 2018 when I was younger, so the writing is terrible and I had no clue what I was doing. Read... More

⁅ Prologue ⁆
⁅ Chapter One ⁆
⁅ Chapter Two ⁆
⁅ Chapter Three //Good Cop\\ ⁆
⁅ Chapter Three //Bad Cop\\ ⁆
⁅ Chapter Four ⁆
⁅ Chapter Five ⁆
⁅ Chapter Six ⁆
⁅ Chapter Seven ⁆
⁅ Chapter Eight ⁆
⁅ Chapter Nine ⁆
⁅ Chapter Ten⁆
⁅ Chapter Eleven ⁆
⁅ Chapter Twelve //Rooftop\\ ⁆
⁅ Chapter Twelve //Interrogate Androids\\ ⁆
⁅ Chapter Thirteen ⁆
⁅ Chapter Fourteen ⁆
⁅ Chapter Fifteen ⁆
⁅ Chapter Sixteen ⁆
⁅ Chapter Seventeen ⁆
⁅ Chapter Eighteen ⁆
⁅ Chapter Nineteen //Machine Ending\\ ⁆
⁅ Epilogue ⁆
┅┅┅┅┅ //Oneshots\\ ┅┅┅┅┅
⁅ Snapchat ⁆
⁅ Alive ⁆
⁅ A Date? ⁆
⁅ Rooftop Continuation ⁆
⁅ Babysitting ⁆
⁅ Wedding Day ⁆
⁅ Without Skin? ⁆
⁅ Highway Chase ⁆
⁅ Cocky ⁆
⁅ Panic! Attack ⁆
⁅ Anderson Cuddles ⁆

⁅ Chapter Nineteen //Deviant Ending\\ ⁆

8.4K 301 203
By CinnamonBunsssss

{{YEET- so, this is one of the endings. I'll be working on the machine ending next and then there will be an epilogue and then this book will be done. :') this whole book was so fun to write, and it honestly makes me kind of sad that it's coming to an end. But I can just make oneshots of this Au afterwards if ya guys want. :'> but they would be rare seeing as I'll be going back to my other one shot book and continue with that one.

Anyway, enjoy le chapter! Loveyouguys💙tysmforallthesupportyouallhavebeengivingme}}

   "It's my fault the humans managed to locate Jericho..." (Y/n) muttered softly, wincing as there was still are sharp pain in her back, but was now dulled to a faint throb as it only sting greatly every once in a while. It still hurt like hell, but at least she knew she wouldn't die seeing as she was an android and she was given some Thirium to drink once they all arrived safely at the church. "I was stupid... I should've guessed they were just using me." A humorless laugh left (Y/n)'s lips as tears welled up in her eyes and dribbled down her face, finally coming to the reality that no one really actually cared for her. That they were all just using her. Connor, Niles, Hank, CyberLife, Amanda. Every. Single. One.
   "I'm so, so, so sorry, Markus." Her words were sincere and came from the bottom of her mechanical heart, which was not slowly breaking into pieces from the harsh reality that had been laid upon her. "I... I-I understand if you decide not to trust me..." The (H/c)-notes eyes squeezed shut in a futile attempt to stop the flowing of her tears, a quick raspy breath leaving her lips as everything felt like it was falling at the seams.
   "You're one of us, now." (Y/n) suddenly felt a hand on her shoulder, and let her tear filled eyes open to look Markus with a sorrowful yet thankful look at the fact that he decided to forgive her. "Your place is with your people." Those words didn't really help in her case, as she thought she really mattered to the Anderson's, and as much as she hated to admit it, she had grown attached to the whole family. Some more than others. Yet, it was clear she was just a tool that the humans decided they could use. Markus let his hand slide off her shoulder and turned around to walk away, but he stopped in place when (Y/n) began to suddenly speak while she wiped her tears away.

   "There are thousands of androids at the CyberLife assembly plant. If we could wake them up, they might join us and shift the balance of power..." It was a dumb yet smart idea at the same time; dumb because it could be considered a death wish with the stakes of it, and smart because if it worked then the androids would have an advantage in this war. This seemed to have caught the deviant leaders attention as he slowly walked back towards (Y/n).
   "You wanna infiltrate the CyberLife Tower?" Markus stopped a few feet in front of her and closed his eyes, an expression mixed with concern and thoughtfulness, before they opened again to reveal a disbelieving look in his multicolored orbs. "(Y/n), that's suicide..."
   "They trust me, they'll let me in. If anyone has a chance of infiltrating CyberLife, it's me." (Y/n) tried to reason, feeling as though this were the only way she could make up for the stupid mistake she made that Costa hundreds of lives at Jericho. The thought alone made her want to cry all over again.

   "If you go there, they will kill you." Markus's voice was serious and worried despite the fact that he only truly met the female android hours ago.
   "There's a high probability..." (Y/n) finally admitted, making a small nodding motion with her head along with what she said. "-but statistically speaking, there's always a chance for unlikely events to take place..." After a moment of silence over the two Markus stepped forward and placed a hand on her shoulder, an uncertain yet hopeful look in his eyes.
   "Be careful..." He gave the female android a look, who could only give a weak smile in response before he gently removed his hand and stepped away. "I don't want you to hurt yourself, so be on high alert..."

'Just please, please, be careful. I don't want you getting hurt...'

   Shaking her head gently (Y/n)'s eyes casted downwards as Markus walked away, feeling the same painful feeling mentally and physically in that moment. Before she would head to the CyberLife Tower she decided to rummage around in the supplies they had left so she could wrap up her wound to ensure it wouldn't get worse, seeing as she couldn't fix it herself at the moment.

╓﹎ ﹎ ﹎ ﹎ ﹎ ﹎ ﹎ ﹎ ﹎ ﹎ ﹎ ﹎ ﹎ ╖


NOV. 11th, 2038

╙﹎ ﹎ ﹎ ﹎ ﹎ ﹎ ﹎ ﹎ ﹎  ﹎ ﹎ ﹎ ﹎ ╜

╓﹎ ﹎ ﹎ ﹎ ﹎ ﹎ ﹎ ﹎ ﹎ ﹎ ﹎ ﹎ ﹎ ╖


PM 10:48:05

╙﹎ ﹎ ﹎ ﹎ ﹎ ﹎ ﹎ ﹎ ﹎  ﹎ ﹎ ﹎ ﹎ ╜

   The whirring sound of the self-driving taxi could be heard slowing to an automatic stop as it left two tire trails in the pure white snow as it passed through it. As soon as the vechile came to a complete stop one of the two guards that were standing next to the gate walked over to taxi, the window automatically rolling down once he was standing beside it. (Y/n) turned her head the minute it did so, so that she was now facing the soldier.
   "(Y/n) Model #313 248 317. I'm expected." With that said (Y/n) turned her head back to face forward, so she no longer at to look at the guard standing by the side of the car. It took a while as he was most likely using the screen built in his mask to scan the androids identity, and when it was deemed successful he stepped back from the vehicle.
   "Okay." He stepped back more as the window slowly slid shut once more, and once he was far enough as from it he made a signal towards the other guard. "Go ahead." One of the Police Drones flew over the gate with the glowing letters spelling out 'CyberLife' on each segment, the blocks going down into the ground one by one till there was nothing blocking the car's way now.

   The self-driving taxi began to accelerate and move once again, now heading straight towards the extremely large and tall tower. It took a bit due to how the long the bridge was, but eventually the taxi rolled to a stop in front of the tower, causing the doors to automatically slide open and for (Y/n) to step out into the cold night air. She blinked a few times as she stepped out, her hands moving to fix her bow tie as she heard the doors slide shut behind her. There were two guards that she passed by as she made her way to the entrance, which again the glass doors automatically opened when sensing her approaching figure. Three more guards were inside as soon as she entered, and (Y/n) stopped in her tracks since they were blocking her way.
   "Follow me. We'll escort you." The middle guard nodded his head towards her, making (Y/n) worry a bit that this plan may not have as much of a chance of working as she thought it would.
   "Thanks... But I know where to go." (Y/n) tried to convince them that she would be fine on her own, but it would seem as though that wouldn't work at all.
   "Maybe, but I have my orders." That response made her want to scowl at the guard, yet she held it back as he turned around and began to walk further into the first floor of the tower.


Follow the guard


   It was a boring walk (at least to (Y/n) it was, which surprised her since she usual never got bored, but then again she was a deviant now), and as the two approached the entrance to the center of the tower she saw white, thin lasers coming down and she instantly recognized them as scanners.
   "Agent 23 identified." As the guard walked through it a blue sparkle seemed to go around him, obviously from the scanners he had just walked through.
   "(Y/n) android identified." A bunch of blue rings ran up (Y/n)'s body as it scanned her and a red staticy sparkle was left behind her, which she assumed was because it was to indicate that she was an android and not a human. "Agent 47 identified. Agent 72 identified. Scan complete. Access authorized."
   Then began the long walk once again, silence being the only thing between the four even as they finally reached the elevator.

   Once there they let (Y/n) enter first, the two guards that had actually followed her piling in as well as one of them pressed their palm against the scanner on the wall.
   "Agent 54, level thirty-one." While the one guard did this (Y/n)'s (E/c) hues wandered over to the side of the elevator, noticing the various floor numbers written on the wall.
   "Voice recognition validated. Access authorized." At the sound of that her eyes quickly snapped back forward after reading that the Warehouse was all the way at -49, meaning it was at the very bottom.


Reach Warehouse on Level -49


   Slowly the elevator began to rise up before it began to speed up, now going at a normal pace to the level the guard had put in. (Y/n)'s eyes watched the numbers on the screen shift the farther the elevator went up, before letting her gaze flickered between the two guards.


Neutralize the guards



Stop elevator before floor 31




   Briefly her eyes moved around the elevator, first looking at the panel and one of the guards before it went to the top left corner and spotted a camera there.


Camera status: Enabled








Camera status: Disabled


   (Y/n)'s facial expression remained the same as she looked away from the now disabled camera, her eyes flickering between the panel and the guard on her left. It was a long shot, and she knew it, but she tried to walk straight for the panel, only to have the guard push her back.
   "Don't touch that." That was all he said, and (Y/n) awkwardly shuffled back into her place till he was no longer looking her anymore. So with that plan not working out, she instead deciding to go with the other one.

[□] Preconstuct




Simulation result: Failure


  The first result didn't end well, and would end up in her getting shot, so she decided to try the other guard first to see if that would be successful.


[ 🔓 ]

[☓] Execute

   Swiftly (Y/n) flung herself towards the guard and kneed him right in the chest while pushing him flush against the wall, catching both of them off guard.


   The other guard tried to charge her but she simply twisted around and kicked him right in the gut with force, making him slam up against the other wall of the elevator. When her attention went back to the guard she pinned she noticed him taking out a pistol, yet she remained calm and let her programmed reflexes take over.



   (Y/n) yanked the gun away and kneed him again, this time where the sun don't shine before she turned around swiftly to the other guard.


   He had a pistol out as well but (Y/n) made quick work of first punching him in the gut, then the face, making him crumble down into the corner for a bit. Suddenly she felt a pair of arms try to restrain her, making her attention snap back to the other problem.




   While trying to break free from him grip (Y/n) noticed the other one trying to get up, so she flung her foot out and pushed it against his face, making both his head slam up against the wall and causing her and the other guard to stumble back against the other one.


   With one swift movement (Y/n) got her arm free enough to pull it forward before jamming it back into the man's ribs, leaving him only grapsomg onto her with one arm now as his other clutched where she hit.



   With his hold still on her (Y/n) managed to maunver and twist herself around, till she was kneeling on the ground. With no effort she raised the gun above her head and aimed it behind her, a gunshot ringing through the small space as she pulled the trigger, causing a bullet to pierce straight through the guards head. After that she dived over onto the ground, laying on her side as she aimed the pistol at the other guard till another gunshot was heard, and blood splattered from the wound in his head.
   Still in a slight defense mode (Y/n) got up from the floor slowly, one leg spread out to the side while the other stayed crunched up beneath her, and her free hand keeping her steady by pressing against the ground. Her narrowed (E/c) eyes darted around the elevator room, looking for any other possible threats while her gun followed her movements.
   When she was deemed safe she stood herself up fully, tucking the gun away in her CyberLife jacket in case she would need to use it later on.


Change elevator destination


  The floor was already nearing the twenties so (Y/n) stepped over the dead guard near the panel and placed her hand over it, an automated voice sounding right after she did so. "Please indicate your identity and destination."


► [○] Agent 54 voice

► [☓] (Y/n)'s voice


[○] Agent 54 voice

   "Agent 54, level -49." Her voice mimicked the now dead agents voice perfectly, of course sounding weird since she had to make her voice regulator deeper than usual to be able to copy it.
   "Voice recognition validated. Access authorized." Slowly the elevator came to a halt, waiting a moment before it began to descend now.

╓─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ╖


PM 11:01:07

╙─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ╜

   It took a while before (Y/n) finally reached floor -49. The doors slid open once they hit the bottom, yet (Y/n) didn't walk out quite yet as she pursed her lips together and placed her hand against the panel.






Elevator traction blocked


   Now (Y/n) let herself walk out of the elevator, her (E/c) hues looking over all the identical androids as she began to approach one of them once in the middle of the room. She looked down at her hand, watching as the skin peeler away till it only showed a pure whiteness. After that she stood close to one of the androids, her eyes staring at him as his gaze was blank, since he obviously hadn't been turned on yet.



   Her hand reached out and with a gentle grip grasped onto the androids arm, his hand doing to same to her own arm the minute she had done so.



   The android had now fully turned around so it was facing her while she was in the process of converting him, all the other androids not moving and staying the same as always.


   "Easy, fucking piece of shit!.." (Y/n)'s head snapped up at the familar sound of a cranky voice, and she moved her head to look in the direction of where it came from, only for her eyes to widen at the sight. There was Hank, standing off to the side while another model of (Y/n) stood a few feet away pointing a gun right at him.
   "Step back, (Y/n)! And I'll spare him." (Y/n)- Erm, evil (Y/n), spat at her, an emotionless and cold look on the face that looked exactly like (Y/n)'s.
   "Sorry, (Y/n)... This bitch is your spittin' image..." Hank muttered, seemingly to be surprisingly calm in this situation and only extremely irritated and pissed off at the moment. Then again, Hank was always like that.

   "Your friend's life is in your hands. Now it's time to decide what matters most!" The spare (Y/n) had stepped closer to Hank by now, the gun almost pressed against his temple as it looked over at Hank. "Him... Or the revolution." It looked back over at (Y/n), who had hesitantly pulled away from the android she was trying to convert earlier.
   "Don't listen to her! Everything this fucker says is a lie!" The grey haired male snarled, his gaze staying on (Y/n)'s figure and not trying to even look at the android that was currently holding him at gunpoint.


► [△] Guarantee

► [□] Hank

► [○] Bluff

► [☓] Convince


[☓] Convince

   "I used to be just like you." This caught the attention of it, and (Y/n) knew it would a long shot and most likely wouldn't work, but it was still worth a try. "I thought nothing mattered except the mission... But then one day I understood." (Y/n) knew it didn't work when she only got a blank look from it in response, nothing changing from it as it's grip on the gun only tightened in the slighest.
   "Very moving, (Y/n)... But I'm not a deviant." The spare hissed out, a glare forming in it's dulled (E/c) eyes. "I'm a machine designed to accomplish a task, and that's exactly what I am going to do!" The grip on the gun tighten more as it jerked it forward in the slighest, but still not yet touching Hank's head and only aiming at it less than an inch away.


► [△] Guarantee

► [○] Hank

► [☓] Bluff


[△] Guarantee

   "If I surrender, how do I know you won't kill him?" (Y/n) barked back at the android, her own eyes sharpening into a glare despite the worry and fear that coursed through her at the fact that one wrong move could result in Hank's death.
   "I'll only do what is strictly necessary to accomplish my mission. It's up to whether or not that includes killing this human." (Y/n)'s brows furrowed together, staying silent as he gaze flicked back and forth between the machine and one of her favorite humans. Then again, she was only close with three humans which were all in the same family as Hank.
   "Enough talk!" Finally the android pressed the gun flush against Hank's temple, making (Y/n)'s Thirium pump stop for a moment as terror struck through her. "It's time to decide who you really are." There was a snarl on it's lips as it jabbed the pistol against Hank's head a bit. "Are you going to save your partner's life? Or are you going to sacrifice him?"


► [○] Save Hank

► [☓] Sacrifice Hank


[○] Save Hank

⌜┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈ ⌝
Hank ⍓

⌞ ┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈⌟

   "Alright, alright! You win..." (Y/n) fully backed away from the androids, so that she was now standing in the middle of the isle, her gaze moving to Hank who's expression had the slightest bit of worry in it. Before (Y/n) could even react the android moved the gun to point at her at the speed of light, Hank quickly darting after to grab the gun from it's hand, yanking onto it's arm and grabbing it's attention.


► [△] Shoot

► [□] Convert

► [○] Interpose


[○] Interpose

   (Y/n) darted forward when it was distracted and tackled it, her arms wrapped tightly around it's waist as she twisted around in a small circle, which unfortunately lead to it snaking it's arm around her shoulders and neck and somehow flipping (Y/n) over. An aching pain shot through (Y/n)'s body as she was harshly slammed down to the ground, but she tried to ignore it and got up as quickly as possible, only to come face to face with her counterpart.


   (Y/n) was the one to make the first move as she charged and shoved it, before landing a hard punch right on it's cheek.


   After she had done that it tried to pull the exact same move, only for (Y/n) to grip onto it's wrist before it could touch her and shove it aside.


   While it was caught of guard for a split second (Y/n) took the perfect opportunity to land another punch on it's face, making it stumble back a bit before standing up straight again. The two stopped for a minute, just staring at each other as both of their L.E.Ds were flickering a wild yellow, but this time the machine was the one to make a move first.





   It's leg tried to kick on of hers, but (Y/n) blocked it with her knee before lifting her leg and swinging it upwards till her foot slammed straight across it's face. After that (Y/n) didn't give it any time to react as she punched it right in the nose, then punching right under it's chin and landing another straight on the cheek, where the skin was now peeling off due to the damage there.



   It tried to grab her and hit her but (Y/n) made sure to catch and block any attack that was thrown her way, getting a bit fed up with her other model at this point. So she locked an arm underneath it's own and swung her fist up to connect with it's face for the umpteenth time, and then tried to land a kick, only for her counterpart to wrap it's arms around the biocomponent. Just like that (Y/n) was swing around as she tried to grab harshly onto it's shoulders, but unfortunately couldn't do it as she was once again tossed to the ground.
   Despite the pain that was flaring up on her back she rolled to the side quickly right as a foot stomped where she last was, and just as she was about to get up the machine rushed over and grabbed her by the collar of her pristine CyberLife jacket.
   "Hold it!" Slowly both of the (Y/n)s' attention was one Hank, seeing him aiming a gun towards their direction. Very carefully and cautiously each one of them got up from the floor, and (Y/n) wanted to strangle the other model as it began to speak.

   "Thanks, Hank. I don't know how I'd have managed without you..." (Y/n) stood to Hank's left in front of him while the fake (Y/n) stood to the right of him, his gaze currently focused on the fake one that was speaking. "Get rid of her, we have no time to lose." (Y/n) was starting to panic at this point, and she turned her head to see Hank already staring at her and aiming the pistol towards her.
   "It's me, Hank! I'm the real (Y/n)." There was a tinge of desperation in her voice, but it would seem as though Hank couldn't identify it as his gaze kept shifting between the two.
   "One of you is my partner... The other is a sack of shit. Question is, who is who?.." It was obvious that Hank was in some stress, but it was understandable seeing the situation they were all in.

   "What are you doing, Hank?" At that Hank's aim went back over to the fake, making (Y/n) only relax in the slighest that she wasn't held at gunpoint for now. "I'm the real (Y/n). Give me the gun and I'll take care of her!"
   "Don't move!" Hank yelled, his tone clearly pissed off like always as his gaze hardened on the fake (Y/n). But then his gaze and the point of the gun moved back to (Y/n), just as an idea popped into her mind.
   "Why don't you ask us something? Something only the real (Y/n) would know." She suggested, proud of herself at the idea knowing that she would out smart her counterpart.
   "Uh, where did we first meet?" Hank was now facing the fake (Y/n) when he asked the question, making watch what would happen when her counterpart didn't know the answer.

   "Jimmy's bar! I checked four other bars before I found you. We went to the scene of the homicide. The victim's name was Carlos Ortiz." (Y/n)'s mouth was opened slightly, her gaze shifting to the floor as fear tremored through her body and made her L.E.D spin haywire.
   "She uploaded my memory..." After she mumbled that her gaze shifted back up to Hank, who was now pointing at her.
   "What's my dog's name?" He asked, and (Y/n) felt herself blanking for a minute but quickly got herself back together to answer the question.


► [△] Sumo

► [□] Scout

► [○] Jack

► [☓] Buddy


[△] Sumo

   "Sumo. His name is Sumo." (Y/n) answered smoothly, knowing it easily since she loved the dog to bits and pieces and would play with him whenever Connor let her.
   "I knew that too." 'Shut the fuck up' (Y/n) aimed a glare in the machine's direction, fear and anger coursing through her android veins in what could be compared to as an adrenaline rush for humans. Hank took a moment before he went back to looking at (Y/n), the hard look still on his face.
  "My son, my youngest son, what's his name?" Hank asked, a hint of a glare in his eyes with a spark of something else (Y/n) couldn't identify.


► [△] Cole

► [□] Connor

► [○] Gabriel

► [☓] Elliot


[△] Cole

   "Cole. His name was Cole." (Y/n) said this very softly with great relectnace in her voice, knowing it was a very sensitive subject for Hank no matter what. "And he had just turned six at the time of the accident..." The machine stayed silent, while a sorrowful and sad look slowly took place on (Y/n)'s features. "It wasn't your fault, Lieutenant. A truck skidded on a sheet of ice and your car rolled over. Cole needed emergency surgery but no human was available to do it..." Her voice was cracking up a bit as she remembered what the story was, seeing a pain that had been buried deep down for years finally show through the grey haired males eyes. "So an android had to take care of him... Cole didn't make it. That's why you hate androids. You think one of us is responsible for your son's death." A sad smile graced her lips as she finally clicked the puzzle pieces together, and Hank had lowered his gun a bit by now as his gaze stayed on her.
   "Cole died because a human surgeon was too high on red ice to operate... He was the one that took my son from me." The gun was now held down near his stomach at this point, a mixture of grief and anger painted on the Lieutenant's face as he remembered the tragedy that he tried so hard to forget. "Him and this world, where the only way people can find comfort is with a fistful of powder..." It would seem as though the machine started to panic, and it quickly spoke up, breaking their conversation.
   "I knew about your son too! I would have said exactly the same thing!" It pointed it's hands at itself before glaring over at (Y/n) the turning it's gaze back to the Lieutenant. "Don't listen to her, Hank, I'm the one who-" A gunshot sliced through the room as it tore through androids synthetic flesh and right through it's forehead, causing it's body to fall back and go limp on the ground. Although, the shot surprisingly wasn't from Hank, and the female android and male human turned to look over at the source.

⌜┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈ ⌝
Hank ⍓
⌞ ┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈⌟

⌜┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈ ⌝
Connor ⍓
⌞ ┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈⌟

⌜┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈ ⌝
Niles ⍓
⌞ ┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈⌟

   "Nice try, but I think we both know who the real (Y/n) is..." There stood Connor, his brown hues glued with a hateful stare down at the now dead android, his hand that gripped onto his pistol slowly lowering till it was by his side.
   "Honestly, father, you could've just looked at her model number on her jacket. Then this would've been so much easier." Niles piped in, causing the two other Anderson's to give him a look, to which he only shrugged at them. Hank groaned as he tucked the pistol away, while Connor did the same before running over to (Y/n)'s side, a worried look on his face.
   "Are you okay? Are you hurt? Nothing happened to you, right?" He asked hurriedly, his hands gently gripping onto her shoulders as he leaned down a bit so he was eye level with her.
   "Connor, calm down. She seems fine." Niles made his way over to the two, and despite what he said (Y/n) could hear the worried tone in his voice just as much as it was in Connor's.

   "I'm quite all right." (Y/n) nodded, deciding not to mention the fact that she was shot in the back at Jericho and slammed into the ground twice. No, she wouldn't mention that, because if they found out she could feel pain they would most likely freak out over her.
   "Thank God..." Connor let out a sigh of relief before pulling her into a tight embrace, to which she only leaned against him while letting her head plop down onto his shoulder. It felt... nice, now that she didn't have to mentally fight herself over the fact that she was feeling. But now was not the time to focus on such a thing, as she still had a mission to accomplish.
   So with that she pushed her way out of his arms, earning a confused look from the brunette as he was about to question her on what was wrong. But Connor's mouth immediately shut when she began to walk over to the androids again, now understanding what she was trying to do as he could only watch.






   This time she was finally able to connect to the android instead of being interrupted with a life threatening situation, and she noticed his L.E.D spark scarlet before shifting to a light amber.
   "Wake up!.." The knuckles of her white hand glowed a faint blue, but it faded away as her skin came back when she pulled her hand back to her side. Suddenly it was like a chain reaction had started as the android touched one of the others shoulder, leading to him doing the same till all of them were doing it. Now she just had to get all of them out of the Tower... {{Tbh I've always wondered how Connor got thousands of androids up and out with that tiny ass elevator-}}

   Just like that it wasn't long before (Y/n) was leading a march through the snow with thousands of androids behind her. And for some reason Connor and Niles tagged by her side, which she really didn't mind as she was too carried away with this moment. They won, they had won this revolution. They were free. The thought nearly brought tears to (Y/n)'s eyes, never once thinking in her entire life as a machine that this would happen.
   Her feet only came to a halt once Markus and the others were all in front of her, Connor and Niles stopping as well as they stood close to her side. Markus gave the two a once over, but paid no mind, simply thinking they were close humans to (Y/n) like Carl was to him.
   "You did it, Markus..." (Y/n) finally let the tears flow down her face, feeling so many relieving emotions overwhelm her in that moment, and Connor gently pulled her into a side hug to comfort her, while Niles simply slung an arm over her shoulder.
   "We did it. This is a great day for our people." Markus's voice seemed to hold many emotions as well when he spoke, but no one could blame him seeing as the hell they all went through to get to this moment. "Humans will have no choice now. They'll have to listen to us..."

   Everything was going by so fast. Connor and Niles had decided to stand by off somewhere else while Markus gave his speech to the thoausands of androids, (Y/n) standing near him on the small 'stage' while he did so.
   A smile of content was on (Y/n)'s lips as she listened to the speech, feeling as though everything was finally right in the world for once. But sometime during that everything suddenly turned black, before a bright white light blinded her and she found her eyelids blinking rapidly to get it away. When her vision cleared she found herself in the familar place of the zen garden, the harsh snowy winds blowing against her and making her shiver, even though she couldn't actually feel the coldness of it. Panicked and scared breaths began to sound from her and she frantically turned in circles, her eyes scanning all over the place as utter fear bottomed in the pit of her 'stomach'. It felt as if the cold were actually starting to get to her, and she wrapped her arms protectively around herself as she found her body starting to lightly shake. Finally, her eyes landed on a familar silhouette through the snow, recognizing the person immediately.
   "Amanda?.. Amanda!.. What's..." (Y/n) had to force her legs to move closer to the female, everything feeling as though it were freezing up and preventing her from moving at the moment. "What's happening?" The fear and confusion was an evident factor in her voice, and she found herself gripping onto her jacket tightly as if it would provide protection from the brutal winds, and she wondered how it only was affecting her while Amanda remained unfazed from it.

   "What was planned from the very beginning... You were compromised and you became a deviant." Shit, she completely forgot how Amanda would react when she found out about her betraying her. Then again, (Y/n) didn't really care if Amanda trusted her or not, but she did care about what would happen to her now that she knew everything. "We just had to wait for the right moment to resume control of your program..." That only made her even more confused and scared than before, her lip quivering as she took a step back from the female.
   "Resume control?.. Y-You can't do that!" Sudden rage replaced the fear, and she came closer to Amanda as her (E/c) hues sharpened into a pissed off glare. The fear of course was still there, it was just forgotten for a minute as (Y/n) let her anger take over.
   "I'm afraid I can, (Y/n)... Don't have any regrets. You did what you were designed to do." A low growl left (Y/n)'s lips at what Amanda said next, and the fact that her face still remained neutral only ticked her off more. "You accomplished your mission." With those words when (Y/n) blinked she was suddenly gone, and the anger mixed with the fear now as she ran to where the female last was, her hand reaching out to nothing as if she were still there.

   "AMANDA!" Her breathing was erratic and shaky as her gaze was all over the place, her hands beginning to shake as she stumbled back a bit. "There's got to be a way..." (Y/n) shook her head before holding her hand up near her face, shielding it from the snow and wind.


Find a way out


'By the way... I always leave an emergency exit in my programs... You never know...'

   Those words echoed in her mind as she began to hopelessly wander around the garden, snow piling up everywhere and making it a bit harder to walk with how much of it was layered on the ground. She made out the middle of the garden, where the large statue was, and took a right, walking over the bridge that went over the now frozen solid small river.  (Y/n) tried her hardest to ignore feeling in her systems that made her want to just collapse onto the ground, her feet stuttering a bit as she walked and almost making her trip.

   "But now the time has come for us to raise our heads up and tell humans who we really are. To tell them that we are people too!" The soft sound of a gun clacking a bit could be heard as a certain female android pulled the pistol out from behind her where it was tucked in her back pocket. "In fact, we're a nation." She moved it so that it was in front of her, and casually moved to rest her other hand on top of the pistol while her (E/c) eyes stared off into nothingness blankly.

   A gasp left her lips as she tumbled forward a bit, but managed to regain her balance before she came crashing to the ground. When she made it off the bridge her eyes moved around in a panic, before spotting something that glowed blue to the right of her. Since she had no other lead to follow, she began to make her way towards the object slowly but surely, her biocomponents screeching and feeling like they would fall apart any minute from her. (Y/n)'s heels clicked against the rocky path that was barely covered in snow, a long with the occasional crunch of the packed white powder as she got closer and closer to the glowing blue item.
   Finally when she was close enough it felt like her biocomponents just gave up on her, and she fell down in a slump right in front of what seemed to be a blue hand panel in a rock structure. Snow converted her entire form, and it seemed as though ice was starting to enclose around her as she tried to push herself up with all the force she had, but to no avail as she could only get her upper body up some.




   Desperately she moved one of her arms up with a struggle, her skin automatically peeling off as she slapped her hand onto the panel with a small 'thump'. From there she was blinded by yet another bright white light, making her eyes squeeze shut as she yanked her hand back to herself.

   Everything was dark for a moment, just pure blankness before slowly some screens began to pop up in the corner of her vision and the world around her seemed to fade back in. The (H/c)-nettes (E/c) hues blinked a couple of time before she raised her hands a little, causing her to look down at the gun in her right hand from before. Staying silent she tucked it away in her back pocket, before looking over at Markus and tuning back into what he was saying, now feeling completely free for the first time as all of her programming that made her machine was washed away for good.

{{So, the epilogue for this book will be taking off from this ending, seeing as if I did it from the machine ending it wouldn't make sense. :')}}

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