Break Me (Doctor Who Fanficti...

By InLoveWithARockStar

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―SEQUEL TO "FIX ME"― Now that the Doctor is back, things have changed. AJ believes they'll just get back to t... More

Chapter 1 ― The Aftermath
Chapter 2 ― Torchwood
Chapter 3 ― My Last Adventure
Chapter 4 ― My New Home
Chapter 6 ― Even I Can Be Selfish
Chapter 7 ― The First Move
Chapter 8 ― First Date
Chapter 9 ― Guilt Trip
Chapter 10 ― Back In Essex
Chapter 11 ― Roots
Chapter 12 ― The Runaway
Chapter 13 ― The Craving
Chapter 14 ― One Last Trip?
Chapter 15 ― Get Here Already
Chapter 16 ― Having A Ball
Chapter 17 ― The Youthilosian Secret
Chapter 18 ― Break Out
Chapter 19 ― Shadow Proclamation
Chapter 20 ― Lies And Truth
Chapter 21 ― April 22nd
Chapter 22 ― April 23rd
Chapter 23 ― Viva Las Vegas
Chapter 24 ― Almost

Chapter 5 ― Night Terrors

13.8K 645 101
By InLoveWithARockStar


Hey hey sorry for updating to late, I was out of town and when I got back I just couldn't find the time :/ Even right now I'm squeezing this into my very tight schedule.

Little life update? Prom is approaching! I can't fucking wait lol. It's not been more than a year that I am with the most awesome of boyfriends, Sam ^^ We are officially moving in together next year :) Lastly, high heels are painful :/ But you got a suffer to be beautiful :P

I hope you enjoy this chapter! :) By the way, the title has nothing to do with the episode also called "Night Terrors" lol




I was standing in complete darkness and I was naked. There was no light, no breeze of air. Just complete darkness. My breath was heavy and my heart was pounding in my chest as a cold sweat covered my body.

A door a few meters away opened and a bright light slipped in the room along with the Doctor. I didn’t care where I was and that I was nude, I ran to him and hugged I’m in my arms as tightly as possible.

“I’m scared, Doctor,” I whispered.

“You should be,” he replied and – still in my arms, he became slightly shorter, his tweed blazer turned into a leather jacket and his hair was now very short and dark.

I pulled away to see not the Doctor by Owen in front of me.

“Hello, baby,” he smiled. “Looking good,” he winked.

I’m disgusted and I backed away as his eyes wonder on my exposed body. I tried to cover myself a little, but hands from behind me grabbed my wrist and pulled them away from my body. I look to each side to see Jared on my right and Leonardo on my left.

“Relax, sweetheart, we don’t want to hurt you,” Jared said, smiling slyly. “I have to say, I missed this body.”

He reached over with his free hand and caressed my cheek gently as I stretched my face as far away from him as possible. His hand slid down my neck and was approaching my breast.

“NO!”I shouted. “Leave me alone! Please, just leave me alone!”

“Mmm, you didn’t used to put up a fight,” said Leonardo as he too approached his hand to my chest.

I struggled to get my arms free but it seemed to be no use, they were much stronger than me. Owen remained in front of his, biting his lips with hungry eyes.

“Stop! STOP!” I shout as loud as I can as their hand violate me. “DOCTOR! DOCTOR!!!” I start to cry out loudly as tears stream down my cheeks.

“AJ! Wake up!” I heard someone yelled.

My body started shaking wildly and suddenly, I opened my eye for real to find myself in my bedroom at Torchwood and Jack is shaking my shoulders violently. I realize it was all a dream – nightmare – and that my screaming alerted Jack. Once he saw I was awake, he stopped shaking me, looking in my tear filled eyes, concerned.

“Are you ok?” he asked.

“I-I don’t know…” I said. Though he stopped tossing me around a little, I was still shaking and dizzy.

“You had a nightmare. None of it was real,” he said to comfort me.

Of course I knew that, but it felt so real. I nodded my head and caught my breathe.

“Why are you here? Don’t you go home?” I said. I looked over at the clock to see it was 3am.

“I live here. Like you,” he shrugged.

“Oh, ok…” is all I say.

“Do you want to tell me your dream? Maybe that’ll help,” he offered to listen.

But I shook my head. He wouldn’t understand if I told him. He hadn’t gained my trust enough for me to tell him about it all, my past and what the Doctor saved me from. If I simply told my dream like it was, he would have questions.

“Alright,” he said and he starts walking towards that door.

“Wait!” I said, the word leaving my mouth before I realized it.

He turned to me and waiting for me to say what I wanted, but I wasn’t sure myself. Usually, when I had a bad dream, I crawled into bed with the Doctor. Who knew where the Doctor was now. Jack waited and I was looking for the words. I ran my fingers through my long hair and sigh.

“D-don’t leave me alone…” I managed to say.

He gave me a sympathetic smile and walked back over to the bed. He unlaced his boots and removed from his feet before laying down in my bed with me.

We didn’t talk, we didn’t touch, but knowing he was just there eased my mind a little and about half an hour later, I fell into a dreamless sleep.


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