Someone New

By mad13k

1.1K 54 0

There's someone new In Julie's life. Her best friend knows him. With her friends' relationship problems and h... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Author's Note

Chapter 15

32 1 0
By mad13k

Sophia's POV

When i woke up i was still snuggled in with Elliott he looks so peaceful when he sleeps even when his face isn't in the best shape right now. He was lightly snoring when i came out of the bed and walked over to the bathroom and looked into the mirror. Um ew i look disgusting i probably scared Elliott last night when he saw me. My hair is all matted and all over the place, i smell like sadness and last nights perfume and shower, my makeup is all smeared under my eyes and my shirt is wrinkled beyond normality. I decided to take a quick shower and brush my teeth. I applied a little more mascara and some vanilla scented body lotion and spray. Okay this looks better, much better. I walked out into the room feeling bad that i feel fresh and great while Elliott probably feels like crap right now. He was still sleeping when i reached his bed, i kissed him on the cheek and sat down in the arm chair next to the bed and took out my phone. I texted my parents telling them the circumstances and that i am in Boston once again. I also decided to text his parents and Matt thinking that they should know that Elliott is in the hospital and i'm with him. I texted Julie telling her i think that Matt should be here in a day or two. Then i decided to play my daily round of Tetris waiting for Julie and Sam to stop by.

At around 8:30 Julie and Sam walked into the room while i was playing. they both brought bagels and coffee and they ran up to me giving me both tight hugs. Julie and Sam both sat down on the arms of the chair and started talking to me about random things clearly trying to stay away from everything that's going on right now. Then i subtely brought up Joseph and i started to describe him and making sure Sam hears me out. He has blue/green eyes with very dark brown hair and a light dusting of freckles across his nose. She sounded actually interested in him and said "Huh he's actually cute" i nodded and so did Julie. Julie said "Yea he sounds really cute and nice." we started laughing together until a deeper voice trying to sound high pitched said "i know right? let's talk about Robert Pattinson or something, while like Elliott is laying in bed barely moving like" he twirled a strand of hair between his fingers and smirked.

Julie shot him a look and said "Robert Pattinson is ugly" and Elliott started nodding and pointing to her dramatically. i laughed and said "Hey! i had a crush on him since i was like 12" Elliott turned his head and looked at me with pursed lips and squinted eyes i laughed and corrected myself "celebrity crush" he nodded and said "better, but it's cool your actually laughing again it makes me happy to see you happy." Julie and Sam looked at each other smiling and i rushed over to his bed side giving him a proper kiss and he kissed back this time. We all started talking for another half an hour until Sam and Julie left to attend their final two classes since they missed most of them while they were here.

A nurse came into the room and boy was she fake. oh my god she had long platinum blond hair, With dark eyes, and an orange tan. Her nails were each painted a different color. And she was wearing heels, Literally they were black stiletto's she looked about 6 feet tall and she had a nasty look on her done up face. she looked at me and said "I have to check the patients vital signs, who are you?" she asked really rudely. I decided to reply just as rudely and maybe a little more for pizazz, "i'm his girlfriend, and this patient has a name, it's printed right there" i pointed to the chart hanging of the end of his bed. She scowled at me and said "well sweety you better leave the room because i don't want you to be scared of the needles i will be using and i have to check how his genitalia is doing" she spat. Bitch i have seen his genitalia plenty of times and i probably know how to use a needle better than you considering the fact that my nails aren't two fucking inches long. Elliott laughed a little probably knowing what i was thinking. Instead of saying what i was really thinking i said "okay, but make sure you don't touch him the wrong way because a lot will go down and YOU will be fired." i said as i brushed past her and when i was behind her i saw that Elliott was trying really hard not to laugh so i added to that, showing her the middle finger behind her back.

As i waited in the hall i leaned against the wall and though about how lucky i was that Elliott was his usual smart ass, sarcastic, annoying, self. Just how i like him. The the nurse came rushing out of the room rushing over to the main desk saying "Code Blue! CODE BLUE! WE NEED A TRANSFER TO THE OPERATING ROOM STAT" i started crying knowing that code blue meant either cardiac arrest or respiratory arrest. knowing the circumstances it is Respiratory arrest. A few doctors rushed into the room and i could hear the gurney being wheeled out of the room. But when i saw the hospital bed with a blue and intubated Elliott on it, i officially broke down.I walked into the room where the first bitch nurse was folding his bed sheets and hooking back some shit onto the wall.I walked over to her and said "here let me put all the stuff back and fold the sheets. I'm in the nursing program at BU." she looked at me and looked genuinely sorry for me. She said "i know how it feels sweetheart. i lost my husband to respiratory arrest. he died on the operating table." she had tears in her eyes, and i couldn't fathom the word "lost" i would never be able to smile if Elliott god forbid died. She saw me starting to cry and put a hand on my shoulder "that was 10 years ago. medicine has improved since then honey. they'll put him in an induced coma so that way there won't be any complications during the healing process. He seems like a tough young man and he clearly loves you because the last thing he said was your name. At least i'm pretty sure it is your name. Sophia isn't it?" i nodded and she smiled "Well that confirms what i was thinking. he'll be fine. you can invite family over and wait in the waiting room, i'll show you the way." i followed her out into the waiting room and she showed me a seat telling me the surgery might last for 3 to 4 hours depending on if there are any complications. I thanked her and called everyone he knew and was frineds with.

When his mom picked up the phone she was hysterical much like i was on the inside but i wa trying to keep it together for her sake and Elliott wouldn't want me in that state.His parents are in Taiwan for business and they would be flying here in two days because the trip is extremely important. Next was Matt i dreaded calling him and debated whether i should text him or not . But i decided it's too important of a situation to text about.

He picked up on the second ring and sounded worried

"Sophia? is everything alright?"

"No" i sobbed loudly

"Sophia what happened? I'm boarding a plane right now"

"Elliott. It's Elliott" i cried

"What the fuck? What happened? what happened?"

"Respiratory arrest. He's in the OR right now, 4 hours" i said through sobs

"Fuck. i'll be here tomorrow Sophia you will need to go home. i'm boarding a god damn plane right now, and when i get back to Boston, hoping there aren't many layovers, I will find that asshole and press fucking charges along with beating the fucking shit out of him"

"Matt i'm not going anywhere until he wakes up, just have a safe flight. Okay?"

"Okay Sophia just relax he's a fighter everything will be okay i'm sure of it"

"Bye Matt."

"Bye sweetie"

This is pure madness. Madness. I went through friends until i knew i had to tell Julie and Sam. I made a group text because i couldn't handle talking about this in person anymore. It kills me a little every time i think about it.

Group text: Sam, Julie

Me: Elliott sufferred from a respiratory arrest. He's in the OR right now. 3-4 hour surgery. ONly been 30 minutes i'm going insane.

It took about 10 minutes for them to reply

Sam: fuck. i'm sorry bae, i'll pick Julie up and we'll be there soon. Stay strong

Julie:Omg i'm so sorry baby. Everything will be okay. I'll come by in 20 minutes. Be a tough cookie

i love her reference to my motto but this isn't the time for humor.

Me: i'm trying, really trying. He said my name before intubated and put under.

Julie: That is sweet beyond words. But how do you know?

Sam:Really sweet and same question ^

Me: The same nurse who told me that she lost her husband the same way. He died on the operating table...

Sam: don't you dare think like that! he will come out of there alive and as well as he could possibly be after this. He'll make it out for you. He will put the world under your feet and will go through respiratory arrest and bruised up balls before he does. Do you understand? He loves you and if this won't stop him from loving you and being with you, nothing will."

Wow that was deep coming from Sam

Julie; i thought his balls were fine....but what she said.

I laughed a little and then silently cursed myself at this time

Sam: don't make me laugh and lets not discuss my boy friends testicles. Thank you. I understand Sam and fyi i'm waiting for Mint chip ice cream and a hug from both of you.

Sam: you got it cookie, The hug is on it's way and the mint chip ice cream will be soon too.

Julie: Mk mint chip is nasty af so i'm getting myself something yummier. I'll see you soon, stay strong cookie.

Everybody always calls me that. Cookie. Oi vey i'm not supposed to be questioning why people name me after a sweet treat. I layed my head back and then Joseph showed up and said "Hey how are you holding up?" i looked up and was shocked to actually see him here. "You came?" i asked and he actually looked offended "Of course i came he's my best friend, obviously i'm worried about him and about you. So how are you." i smiled and patted a seat next to me, he sat down and i said "Shitty, i'm holding up pretty shitty-like. I'm worried out of my mind." he nodded and said "Me too. i ran out of a lecture and came straight here." i smiled he really is a good friend to him. They are actually pretty cute best friends all nerdy and wear the same stuff.

Sam and Julie came running into the waiting room with surprise surprise, comfort food including my ice cream. Julie and Sam ran over to me and gave me a hug. Julie sat on a chair right next to me and the other was taken by Joseph. Sam shot him a fierce look and he stuttered something and sat up sitting in the chair over. Sam smiled and sat down but i saw the look Joseph gave her,Elliott used to give me the same look before we started dating. Julie and Sam looked at each other as more tears started coming and Julie said "Hey c'mon don't cry. Everything will be alright. I guarantee it. He was tough enough to fracture someones skull after breaking a few ribs, he'll make it through with no problem. Isn't Matt supposed to come?" i tried to hide my growing smile by saying "He should be here in 25 hours assuming there aren't that many layovers. He would do anything for his brother. he even told me i should go home when he comes. He's nuts. He loves his brother but he's nuts." Sam spoke up and said "Well he's right you're going to need sleep and just plain rest. Elliott will wake up when it's his time to. He'll wake up while you are digging into some chocoalte cake and watching "The Notebook" for the trillionth time. He'd be happy to know that you weren't in this condition. Have some faith in the kid, he fucking broke his god damn ribs for YOU, do something back." i looked at her and said "Are you mad? how can i go home, eat fucking cake, and watch a romance movie while my boyfriend will be in an induced coma. I don't care what he would or wouldn't fucking want, i'm in a lot of emotional pain and i can't leave him." Sam looked shocked but i proceeded to talk knowing something very very valuable to this statement "When you fall in love you will know exactly how this feels. trust me. and my boobs are telling me that you should find it very very soon and who knows it might as well be right behind your back." she looked at me like i was fucking nuts and snorted "Yea okkaayyy fortune teller. All this sadness has gone to your head. just relax" I looked over at Julie who picked her head up, scrunched her nose and smiled nodding in Joseph's direction. I mouthed back "i know" while pointing to my boobs.

It literally took 3 hours and 45 minutes for the surgery to finish. 3 hours and 45 minutes worth of greeting 15 more of his nerdy friends and 3 of them smell like cheese so their comforting hugs weren't at all comforting. Elliott never mentions any of these friends except his best friend, Joseph, and a few others, Jacob, Caleb, Conner, and Arthur. I didn't really know the other 10 because they were called by the other 5. I really don't know how Elliott is friends with them or maybe they think they are friends with Elliott but let me tell you this: Ron, Bob, and Andrew smell like cheese. Gabriel and Martin are fucking pervs, one of them tried touching my boob and then when they got the signal they both moved on to flirting with Julie and Sam. The doctor finally came out and said "The operation was a success, practically no complications other than some blood loss which was more than necessary.The patient is intubated at the moment but when we see that he can finally breath on his own we will take the tube out. He is in an induced coma and he should wake up in 1-2 days. He is in stable condition back at his room, visitors are allowed only 3 at a time max. Please don't be frightened there are many machines and tubes attatched to our patient. Thank you and if you have any questions please ask the nurse to page me. My name is Dr.Trescott."

I looked over at Joseph and then at Sam and Julie. Sam said "let the nerd go first, with you and Julie. They are his bestfriends at the moment as i can see. I'll go in when one of you step out."She gave me a hug and sat down in her chair next to Martin. I walked up to Elliott's room following a nurse. When i came in i didn't expect ro see what i saw. Elliott was intubated like i knew he was, he was attached to a heart monitor which was beeping normally, and he had an IV along with different monitors attached to him, a cathater, and a feeding tube to top it all off. His face at least looked less swollen. I walked over to him and sat down in the arm chair next to the bed. It took almost everything in me not to cry. Julie and Joseph were on the other side of the bed just looking at him.

I took his hand, the one without the IV and just held his hand. I held his hand while people came and went while telling me they were sorry. Eventually it was just me again, holding his pale hand while his mouth was firmly clamped around the tube that let him breath. The tube that's giving him life right now is scaring me to death. I started talking to him, he's in a coma but if he really wanted to hear me he would be able to.

"Elliott, it's me Sophia, because i'm the only crazy one enough to talk to you while your in a coma at 1 in the morning." i laughed as i wiped my tears away "baby, i just want you to know that just because i literally can't do anything for you right now i am still here for you. Please even though you are in a world full of darkness right now hear my voice out please. I love you i hope you can show me that too right now" as i said that his heart monitor beeped a little faster and i smiled "see i knew you could show me, i love you and i'll be here until you wake up so that way you can literally see how much i love you. I have a lot of stuff to tell you so stay tuned," i got up and kissed him very gently on the cheek without releasing his hand i gently stroked his hair and sat back down. "sweet dreams baby, and dream of me" i said. when i said that his heart rate increased suddenly again and he ever so gently squeezed my hand. It was light and gentle and it was as if it took everything in him to do that and to truly show me.I smiled when his hand didn't relax again so i relaxed it for him and still held his hand as i layed my head down on my arm while it was on Elliott's bed and i fell asleep. i fell asleep thinking that even in a coma he can show me what i want to feel and see.

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