Stucky One Shots

By Mamuah10

29.9K 672 714

Stucky one-shots! They'll be happy, angsty, angry, or all of the above! I hope you enjoy! Also, feel free to... More

Author Intro!
The Look
The Truth on the New Kid pt. 2
My Favorite Office Chair
Inner Demons
Hello Again
Happy Birthday
Laser Tag
Your Gay is Showing pt.1
Your Gay is Showing Pt. 2
Your Gay is Showing pt.3
Happiest Place On Earth
Admit it
Stop Doing That
Hello. Explanation Time...
October Shoutout & Thank You
Halloween Party
Nov. Shoutout and Other News
Liars to Lovers pt.1
Food fight
Liars to Lovers pt.2
Admit It pt. 2
Best Present
Dec. Shoutout
Writers Block pt. 1
Tag and explanation
Writer's Block pt.2
Not Your Classic F-Boy
Late Jan. Shoutout
Wanting This
Cupid pt.1
Cupid pt.2
Cupid pt.3
Escaping Marriage
One Last Moment pt.1
One Last Moment pt.2
How it Begins is How it Ends
Prompts 2
Ready to Leave
Scared to Eat
Mannequins Don't Smile
I Thought It Was Bromance
My Little Bird
Thank the Janitor
Back Again
When I'm peaceful
She's Right
Count Your Sheep

The Truth on the New Kid Pt. 1

1.3K 22 29
By Mamuah10

Steve was new to this whole public school thing. He was homeschooled his whole life until last year when his only parent, his mom, died. He was nervous as hell. He never got out much so while at school he just didn't talk to anyone. Most of the time he hid in his sweatshirt. The only way people really knew his name was because he was amazing at art. He usually got first in every art competition, but that also lead to bullying because everyone thought he was a try hard. 

"Hey James, come look at this little try-hards stupid sketch!"Yelled Peirce. James, also known as Bucky to his really close friends, was friends with people who were big a**holes a lot of the time. He hated it but they were his parent's friend's children so he couldn't just disown them, but since he was more of a leader he could tell them off and not have his parents ground him.

"Shut up, Peirce just leave him alone!" Bucky responds

"Whatever," he responds back to Bucky "later loser."  Bucky was about to go apologize to the new kid but as he looked up again he was gone. Bucky and his closest friends always wondered why he was so reserved. Peirce and the others just said it was because he was deadbeat and knew it. Bucky hated that. He was intrigued by the new kid and just wanted to be his friend. 

"Hey Bucky," his closest friend Natasha calls out, "what classes do you have this semester?"

"World History, Algebra 2, English 10, Spanish 2, Culinary Arts, Computer science, Art, and Biology."

"Sweet! I have Algebra, English, Spanish, and Biology with you!" Natasha said excitedly "I also heard that you have Art, Computer science, and Biology with the new kid."

"Awesome! Well, I'll see you tomorrow in Algebra," he says as he waves goodbye to her. He turns to walk out the front doors and accidentally trips and falls over the new kid. 

"oww," Bucky grunts as he gets back up slightly limping. When he fell he hit his ankle on the corner of the door frame and it had a pretty big gash in it. 

"Oh jeez. I'm sorry. I-- I uh I didn't see you there. Ummm here let me get you to the nurse. Oh my gosh, I'm so sorry."

"It's ok it will heal... wait you're the new kid." 

"Yeah, oh my gosh I'm so sorry" Steve was panicking because as what was said before, he didn't get out much so he didn't know what to do in social situations.

"It's fine umm..."


"Right. I knew that. Sorry" he says as they start walking towards the nurse's office. Bucky was flustered around him and he didn't know why. He was usually so confident.

"Okay here you go," he says resting Bucky on the chair in the waiting room, "I'll go tell them what happened and then I have to leave. Sorry again."

"It's fine. I'll umm... I'll see you around Steve." Bucky says watching Steve walk up to the desk

~~~ I like time skips so expect to see a lot of these... by the way, this is a time skip to da next day~~~

The next day Bucky couldn't really concentrate on any of his classes he just really wanted to see Steve again. He didn't know why though.

"Earth to Bucky. Dude are you okay?" Natasha asks during their Spanish class

"Uh Yeah. Yeah. I guess I was just daydreaming."

"Ooooohhhh. Who ya dreaming about?"

"Well, yesterday after we said goodbye I ran into the new kid. Literally" he says gesturing to his now wrapped up ankle 

"Oooohhh is he your lover boy now?" Natasha says wiggling her eyebrows 

" NOOOO. He was just really nice and I want to become friends. THAT'S ALL!" he exaggerates the "all" trying to make his point, but there was something about the Steve that intrigued him in a more than friendly way.

Class finished up and they head to lunch. Bucky sat with Natasha and the others on his right side and Peirce and the others on the left. Bucky tried to casually look around for Steve. He looked at the table where Steve usually sat by himself. He wasn't there. Bucky tried to think to himself that he had just left for lunch and he'll be back by art. He walks into the art room hoping to see Steve in there, but again he's nowhere to be found. He was a little nervous that after the accident yesterday Steve would ignore him. He goes through art and computer science alone, well except Peirce was there but Bucky couldn't stand him. 

Finally, during biology, he had someone to talk to. Natasha could see that something was on Bucky's mind and it was bothering him. Good thing they were lab partners.

"Hey you okay, you look bothered," Natasha says worriedly for her friend

"I just haven't seen Steve all day and I'm worried I scared him after the accident happened."

"Don't worry he'll probably be back tomorrow. Maybe he just got sick or something." 

"Okay," that's a reasonable explanation he thinks to himself

~~~ This is like a time skip guess but it's really just a trip to inside Bucky's mind~~~

Two weeks had passed and there was no sign of Steve. Bucky was dying on the inside. What had he done wrong? 

~~~ Back to REALITY ~~~

Bucky came to school early today. He hasn't seen Steve in weeks and he wanted to know why. He went into the school office.

"Hi Roxie," the women who worked at the office

"Good morning Mr.Barnes, what can I help you with."

"I was wondering why Steve, the new kid, hasn't been to school for a while."

"Well according to his uncle he was in some sort of accident that ended up with him in the hospital, but don't worry he should be back sometime this week."

"Okay thanks, and umm did you say, uncle?"

"Yes, his mother died last year so he's living with his uncle" 

"Oh. Thanks for explaining. Have a good rest of your day!" his voice sounded a little strained because he was trying to stay happy. The rest of the day he couldn't get that off his mind. His mother died and he was also bullied. No wonder the kid was so quiet. Natasha was really worried about Bucky now. She took him out to eat after school to make sure he was semi-okay.

"Hey Bucky, are you sure you're okay? Ever since you learned that stuff about Steve you've been acting a little strange."

"Sorry 'Tasha, I guess I just know how it feels."

"What do you mean." 

"I understand the being bullied part, not the loss of someone close. Before my parents made Peirce and the others become my friends they bullied me and I know they can hit you where it really hurts. I guess I just feel really bad with everything he goes through."

"Well when he get's back just talk to him and become his friend and you can save him from the years of tormenting like you had."

"Thanks, Natasha, I really needed that." 

"Anytime hon," she says as she hugs him.

~~~ Later that week to Steve's return~~~

All day Steve had been reserved to himself, he never even came out of his hood. Bucky was a little concerned for him, but he waits till after school to say anything. 

"What's up Steve," Bucky calls. Steve starts to walk faster trying to ignore Bucky.

"Dude," Bucky calls as he tries to pull Steve around making his hood fall. "Oh my gosh, what happened Steve! Are you okay?" Steve had a black eye and a badly bruised bottom lip with other bruises scattering his face. 

"Yes James!" he says angrily pulling his hood back up

"I'm sorry, are you mad at me?" Bucky responds confused

"A little yeah. I didn't want you to worry but you pulled down my hood and saw me."

"I'm sorry, I didn't know" Bucky was being sincere 

"No, I'm sorry I didn't mean to explode." he says realizing that he messed up "Jeez I am a f**k up," he mumbles

"Hey, you aren't a f**k up. You are one of the nicest people I know."


"I umm... I was--- I was wondering if you wanna go to the cafe and talk a little if that's okay?"

"Sure. I'm guessing you want me to talk about this," he says gesturing to his face

"If that's okay with you," Bucky says shakily. What was wrong with him. Why was he so nervous in front of Steve.

"Of course"

They walk in a comfortable silence to the cafe. They get there and both order coffee and take a seat at a table in the corner.

"Sooooo..." Bucky was really curious on what could have hurt Steve that bad.

 "Well it's not really a long story," he says shakily. He had to lie to Bucky on what actually happened or he knew it would happen again.

"That's fine."

"Well our stairs are wooden and I was carrying my books and I slipped on the stairs smacking against them and having my books hit me in my face." he was lying. If Bucky knew him well enough he could tell by the way he slightly grinds on his teeth. 

"Oh well that was pretty simple," he says thankfully as he sips his coffee.

"Yeah, I'll see you around James," He says getting up from his seat.

"Call me Bucky," he says getting up and bro-hugging him.

"Okay, Bucky,"  he felt weird after the hugged but just ignored it. "Sh*t, I forgot to tell my Uncle I'd be home late. I gotta run. Bye!" he yells as he leaves out the door. Bucky just hugged Steve and he didn't know why. Sure it was a bro-hug but Bucky swore he felt something. 

A/N: I'm actually really proud of this! The second part should either be up late tonight or sometime tomorrow. Hope you enjoyed!

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