Game Of Thrones Preference

By alertIamafangirl

448K 5.7K 534

Jon Snow, Sansa Stark, Robb Stark, Arya Stark, Bran Stark, Daenerys Targaryen, Theon Greyjoy, Margaery Tyr... More

How you meet pt.1 your point of view (Male Character (Game of Thrones)
How you meet pt. 1 your point of view (female characters) (Game of throne)
How you meet pt. 2 his point of view (male)
How you meet pt.2 her point of view (female)
how he asks you on a date
how she asked you on a date
Your first date (male)
your first date (female)
what he calls you
what she calls you
What you call him
what you call her
your first kiss (male)
your first kiss (female)
who says I love you first plus how it happened (male)
who says I love you first and how it happened (female)
How he asked you to be his girlfriend
How she asks you to be her girlfriend
why you keep your relationship a secret (male)
why you keep your relationship secret (female)
your first fight (male)
your first fight (female)
you guys break up pt. 1 (male)
you guys break up pt. 1 (female)
Ramsay Bolton
how you react to the break up pt. 2 (male)
how you react to the break up pt. 2 (female)
you guys get back together (male)
you guys get back together (female)
Person he gets jealous of
person she gets jealous of
person your jealous of (male)
person you are jealous of (female)
Jamie Lannister
Cersei Lannister
Tyrion Lannister
Myrcella Bratheon
Gendry Waters
Oberyn Martell
Yara Greyjoy
brienne of tarth
Viserys Targaryn
Obara Sand
What there family thinks of you (male)
How your family reacts to finding out about your relationship with her
Their favorite dress on you (Male)
There favorite dress on you (Female)
His favorite physical and personality feature (male)
Her favorite physical and personality feature (female)
They ask someone close to you for your hand in marriage
The moment you realized you loved her
He proposes
Your ring
His ring
Your matching Necklace
Your wedding ceremony
Your wedding Feast
2 Words to describe your wedding night
2 words to describe Your first time (female)
Ellaria Sand
How he protects you
How she protects you
Sandor "The Hound" Clegane
Tywin Lannister
Lyanna Stark
You find out your with child
You find a child/children you want to adopt
You tell them your pregnant
You agree to adopt the child/children
How they act during your pregnancy
You tell the children you are adopting them
Tormund Giantsbane
I'm back

Ashara Dayne

1.7K 17 0
By alertIamafangirl

How you meet pt. 1 (her P.O.V)-

You had missed you older sister crowned princess Elia Nymeros Martel of Dorne terribly so she suggested you come to visit her warning you to avoid the mad king the best you could. Your older brother Oberyn and you packed quickly loading up on a boat and set off to Kingslanding to visit your partner in crime. The trip went by fairly quickly only being a few days. When the large boat docks in the port your sister was waiting surround by her ladies her daughter held in her arms. Your eyes traveled from your sister to one of the ladies she was tall with long dark hair and haunting violet eyes. She was breathtaking and you couldn't pull your eyes from her. You finally snapped away as you stepped out of the boat behind your older brother. Your sister pulled you in a one-armed hug as you wrapped your arms around both her and your infant niece. Oberyn walked up behind you and wrapped his arms around you, Elia, and Rhaenys. You all pulled away as you took your sisters baby from her arms. You balance the young infant on your hip and watched the future queen introduce her ladies. She got to the one you had been staring at and introduce her, "Lady Ashara Dayne of Starfall." The stunning Dayne woman curtsied. "It's nice to meet you all," You greet. Your eyes bore into Ashara's haunting ones but were snapped out of it when Elia says, "Time for us all to head back to the castle your rooms are next to mine I will let you guys settle in and meet you at sundown for evening breakfast it is my baby girl's nap time and I am sure you two will like to rest." You all walk into the castle towards your quarters making a mental note to get to know the gorgeous woman.

How you meet (her P.O.V)-

My lady had told me her younger sister Y/N and Older brother Oberyn would be arriving and we were going to greet them at the port. We all readied ourselves, the princess, and her daughter before heading to the docks of Kingslanding. We saw the sales that showcased the Martell sigil flapping in the wind. The boat slowly floated towards us before stopping. A few men climbed out tieing the boat. Others gathered belongs and prepared to deliver them to the noble's temporary chambers. Finally, Oberyn Martell climbed out followed by his baby sister. Her skin was kissed by the son a beautiful olive color her eyes as black as a starless night sky her hair was made up of pretty dark ringlets. She was stunning as she climbed out and glided up to her sister that wrapped her in a one-armed hug. The third member of the three inseparable siblings walked up wrapping his arms around all three of the dornish females. The family group hug disbanded as the princess handing the stunning Martell woman her daughter. I studied her closely as she balanced her niece on her hip and the future queen introduced us. I was last to be introduced, "Lady Ashara Dayne of Starfall." My alluring violet eyes bore into her captivating black eyes until we were interrupted by Rhaegar Targaryen's wife, "Time for us all to head back to the castle your rooms are next to mine I will let you guys settle in and meet you at sundown for evening breakfast it is my baby girl's nap time and I am sure you two will like to rest." Our small group made our way back into the castle and towards our private quarters as I reminded myself I must get to know the other princess from Dorne.

How she asks you on a date-

Your visit to Kingslanding became a permanent living situation thanks to your sister's husband. He had requested you move there so your sister had family around. The king denied saying you were useless so Rhaegar hired you as his daughter's wet nurse forcing his father to accept your presence. It was hard saying bye to your older brother but you loved the fact of being here with Elia, your niece, and your new friend Ashara. You and Ashara had been walking through the gardens Rhaenys toddling in front of you. "Princess have you ever had feelings for a woman," The lady of House Dayne asked? "Of course I have harbored feelings for both and woman in my past," You answer your eyes never leaving the toddling princess. "Tell me about the first time you had feelings for a woman," The lady in waiting asked? "I was about ten and four this boy he was ten and nine the heir to one of the castles in Dorne was trying to court me I was flirting with him even let him kiss me a few times. He was cute I figured I could like him but then I befriended his sister. She was beautiful with dark hair dark eyes. She was just like me and one day I noticed I cared for her a lot more than my other friends. How my skin would burn where she touched me. How my heart raced when she said my name. How her smile made my knees weak. Her laugh was the most beautiful sound I have ever heard. I would get lost in her eyes and never return. My heart would skip a beat whenever I was around her. I completely forgot her brother began sharing secret romantic moments with her until she was shipped to some frozen tundra to marry some barbarian we tried to stay in contact but she had wifely duties lady duties and an eventually a babe to raise so the letters dwindle till they didn't come anymore after that came many woman and men alike," You explain hiding the emotion in your voice as you told the tragic story of your first love before questioning, "Why do you ask?" "Well, I believe I have strong feelings for a woman and wanted to make sure they were of the romantic kind and not just a strong friendship," The violet-eyed beauty explains. "Are they," You asked kinda hurt because you had grown to have feelings for her. "Yes," The brunette answered simply. Your sister's daughter had grown tired and waddled back to you. You bent over lifting her up and setting her on your shoulders before making a loop to head back to the palace. "May I ask who," You interrogated? "Yes um this may be foolish for me to admit because you may not feel the same but it is you I have grown to have strong feelings for you-you are the most beautiful woman I have ever seen you are literally my definition of perfection your beautiful dark eyes put me in a trance I dream of running my hair through your dark soft ringlets Your voice gets stuck in my head like honey your smile makes my heart race your laugh makes my knees weak when you say my name butterflies erupt by the thousands in my stomach when you hug me or accidentally touch me my skin feels like it is on fire," The woman next to you rambled. "That is a relief I have grown to have feelings for you over the past few moons," You cut her off. Ashara asked, "Really would you like to  accompany me on a date tonight." "I would love to and as much as  I love spending time with you I must go put Rhaenys down for a nap I will see you tonight though," You dismiss kissing her cheek and slipping into the huge castle.

Your first date-

You dressed your self as elegant but reveling you could with your wardrobe. You looked stunning showing off your olive color skin and accenting all the right features. The color highlighted your haunting dark eyes and your stunning soft shiny ringlets of dark hair. There was a knock on your door slightly after sundown. Your hand moved the handle and pulled swinging open the thick wooden door revealing the beautiful lady of House Dayne. "You look stunning like always," She complements softly almost like she was in a daze. "Thank you and you look amazing," You complement. "Thank you," Ashara thanks with a light blush. You stepped out in the hall shutting the entrance to your quarters with a thud. Her eyes were locked on you as you looked at her expectantly. She shook her head snapping out of the spell your beauty placed on her with the shake of her head. You giggled softly which made her heart flutter. You walked towards the exit of the castle your soft feminine hand brushing against her's until you intertwined your fingers. She led you through the crowded smell streets pulling you as close to her as possible. She pulled you into the tavern. Music was playing. People were dancing. Drinks and food were served nonstop. You smiled at the lively atmosphere. "I know you love to party Elia told me you, her, and Oberyn would always celebrate until the sun came up so I figured this was one of the most festive places in Kingslanding," She explains as your eyes scanned the area. "It is amazing," You breath out in awe. "I am glad you like it," Ser Arthur Dayne's sister breathed out a sigh of relief before asking, "Do you want to drink and feast or dance first." "whatever you want," You answer. She didn't release your hand as she walked towards a table in the corner. You sat across from one another. The Tavern Wench came and took your order. You both got lost in conversation. Your food arrived. You ate and downed jugs of ale and other liquors the woman brought to your table for you to try never breaking conversation. The two of you danced through the night. Both of your giggles bounced off the tavern walls. Your smiles were ear to ear that night. You both snuck back into the castle hand in hand. She kissed your cheek and you kissed her's before you slipped into your room. Dressing for bed and flopping on to the soft mattress with a pleasurable sigh. Drifting off to a sleep filled with dreams of the Dark haired violet-eyed beauty.

What she calls you-

My Wild Girl

You loved to party and have fun. You loved to travel. You were wild and free. The only thing you allow to hold you was her other than that nothing stopped you from doing what you wanted. So she called you her wild girl.

What you call her-

My Great Beauty

You were aware the men that constantly had their eyes on your lover. She was the most breathtaking person you had ever laid eyes on. She was yours. So you called her my great beauty.

Your first kiss-

You both sat in the gardens on a bench watching the water fountain. Your head was resting upon her shoulder arm wrapped around her waist. Her arm was draped around your shoulder. "I heard a tale that says if you turn away from the fountain close your eyes and say a wish in your head as you throw a coin into it your wish will come true," Ashara tells you. "Do you want to try it," You ask fishing out two coins out of a sachel of coins. You placed one in her hand and stood up. She followed you to the fountain as you guys twirled around and released your coins forcefully over your shoulder. "What did you wish My Great Beauty," You asked? Her eyes locked on your plump deep red lips before moving towards your dark eyes before she answered lowly, "To kiss the lips I have been dieing to kiss since you docked in the ports of kingslanding." You put all your pressure to your tip toes leaning up teasingly slow nudging her nose to the side and kissing her so softly she might not have felt it had she not been dreaming of this for many moons. You went to pull away but her hands flew to your face trapping you against her. Your bodies and lips slammed against each other tounges fighting against one another. The kiss was rough, needy, passionate, sensual, and absolutely perfect. You pulled away in need of oxygen. "What did you wish," She asked through pants as she regained her breath. "To share many years by your side," You answer. "Well My Wild Girl I can promise that wish will come true because I am never letting you go," She promises.

Who says I love you first plus how it happened-


The thick wooden door banged against the wall with a loud echoing bang as it was thrown open by your frantic lover. "TELL ME IT'S NOT TRUE PLEASE TELL ME IT WASN'T TRUE," The Lady Of House Dayne sobbed loudly. "Tell you what isn't true," You asked your face scrunching in confusion. "YOUR LEAVING," She screamed through her tears. "For a short while yes," You answer. "Were you ever going to tell me," Ashara whimpered heartbroken her tears slowing to just a simple trickle of tears over her puffy tear stained cheeks and out of her watery bloodshot eyes. "Take a seat My Great Beauty," You instruct. She took a seat at the end of your soft bed as you sat next to her. Taking her soft feminine hands in yours and placing a gentle kiss on hers. "Why are you leaving me have I done something wrong," The Lady In Waiting pleaded her heartbroken violet eyes begging you. "You have done nothing wrong and I am not supposed to say anything because our crowned prince hasn't told our king but we are all going to Sunspear you are coming to I know you miss your family too so I even arranged us a trip to Starfall I could never be away from you I love you too much to ever leave you," You explain. Her hands were gripping your face in an instant and kissing you passionately. You pulled apart and she whispered against your lips, "I love you too."

She asks you to be her girlfriend-

Doran and Mellario sat on a bench there newborn Quentin in there laugh and their daughter Arianne was in the water gardens running amuck with Oberyn's daughter's Obara, Nymeria, and Tyene. Elia sat her pregnant belly showing next to her husband that had there daughter Rhaeneys bouncing on his knee. You held Oberyn's infant daughter Sarella in your arms hand intertwined with your lovers as you joked with your older brother. "Uncle Oberyn come play with us, " Squealed you niece. "Ya father come play with us," His eldest daughter called out. "That is my cue I will talk to you later," Your brother dismisses kissing your chek and running after the group of little girls as they ran off screaming and laughing. "I love you," Asara reminds. "I love you too," You reply before she kisses you. "I know you say thins don't need a title My Wild Girl and I know our love doesn't since it speaks for itself but I need a title I need to know that you are mine," She rambles. "What are you saying My Great Beauty," You ask softly. "Will you be my girlfriend," She asked? "Of Course Ashara," You answer leaning over and connecting your lips in a passionate kiss. You pulled apart when you heard cheering and clapping as well as vomiting noises. "Not around my daughter," Screamed your brother before he busted out laughing.

Why You Kept Your Relationship A Secret-

You didn't. You both were raised in Dorne where you could love or lust after whoever you wanted. Plus to hell with what anyone else thought. She loved you and you loved her nothing else or no one else mattered.

Your first big fight-

The door flung open and your lover stormed in yelling, "HOW COULD YOU?" "How could I do what," You asked your brow scrunching in confusion. "DON'T ACT STUPID YOU KNOW WHAT YOU DID, " Ashara growled. "I HAVE NO IDEA WHAT YOU ARE TALKING ABOUT," You snap. Your Martell temper taking over. "HOW COULD YOU CHEAT ON ME AND WITH SOME RANDOM GIRL FROM THE BROTHEL," She sobbed roughly. "I DID NOT ON YOU WHAT ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT," You growl. "FARRAH TOLD ME SHE SAW YOU LEAVING THE BROTHEL EARLIER TODAY WHEN SHE WAS SHOPPING IN THE CITY SO YOU WANT TO LIE AGAIN," She hollered. "I WAS VISITING MY BROTHER WHO WAS STAYING IN THE BROTHEL," You argue. "STOP LIEING YOU CHEATED ON ME YOU SLEPT WITH SOME WHORE SO I ASK WHY WAS I NOT GOOD ENOUGH," She yelled through a waterfall of tears. "I AM NOT LIEING OBERYN IS STAYING IN THE BROTHEL GO CHECK FOR YOURSELF I WON'T ARGUE WITH YOU IF YOU THINK I AM CHEATING THEN  I SHOULD OH WAIT BETTER YET IF YOU DON'T TRUST ME I SHOULD JUST BE DONE WITH WHATEVER THIS IS YOU," You yell. "What are you saying," She whimpered. "I am done now get out," You say pointing towards the door. "With us," She clarifies? "Yes," You answer. "oh okay," She mumbles before walking away. Ashara didn't know what got into her as her feet carried her to the whore house. She entered the brothel and a beautiful scantily dressed blonde woman came forward towards her. "What can I interest you in hun and I will tell you ahead of time doll whoever you choose will explain and accept payment then so just tell me what attracts you lovely," The girl explains. "Um no I am not here for that I am here on behalf of Princess Elia I am here to fetch her brother Prince Oberyn so if you could show me to his quarters that would be grand," She lied. "Oh very well right this way," She instructed leading the way. She left you outside a wooden door. The Lady of House Dayne knocked on the door until it was opened revealing not only her lover's brother but sister as well. "What are you doing here Ashara is Y/N ok," They asked? "Oh um yes well no I messed up and I fear I have hurt your baby sister terribly," The Lady asked? "What did you do," Growled Oberyn protectively. "One of the maids Farrah saw her leaving here early I thought she was cheating I blew up on her she tried to tell me the truth and I didn't believe her now she said we were over," she explained. "Go to Y/N apologize she will forgive you but don't do it again,"  The princess of the seven kingdom demands. "Thank you," She thanks lowly and scurried off back towards your chambers. She knocked on the thick wooden door as she heard you choke out, "Whoever it is go away." She opened the door anyways and stepped in. "I SAID GO AWAY," You screamed. The woman you loved studied your wreaked form. You sat cradling your knees to your chest jugs of wine lay empty all around red spills occasionally on the floor. Your face was tear stained and swollen. Voices horse and sobs still were choking up. She ran to you and held you. At first, you resisted but fell into her sobbing. "What did I ever do to make you believe I would betray you like that disrespect you like that what did I ever do to make you believe I would cheat on you," You whimpered into her chest as she held you against her. "Nothing nothing at all I was just a fool filled with jealousy and rage I should I have listened to you I am sorry I am so so sorry I love you so much My Wild Girl please forgive me, " She begged. "Please know I love you and I would never cheat and that from now on when you are mad or jealous you need to come and talk to me listen to me," You answered. "Of course I promise now you look a mess lets get this cleaned up and then we can go to sleep," She vows.

You Break Up (Pt. 1 of the Breakup series)-

Her back was pressed against your bed her hands running up your body lips working against yours feverishly. Your legs were placed on either side of her hips hands tangled in her now messy long dark hair.  Your Lips moving against you lovers in a dominating kiss. You and Ashara's heated moment was stopped by a loud knock on your thick wooden door. You removed your lips from her's with a loud groan. "Go away I am busy," You yell reattaching your lips but the knocking continued. You pulled away and stood up with a loud groan. "This better be important," You snapped with anger written in your expression as you soothed out your dress. The woman you loved let out a beautiful laugh that made your knees weak. Your anger dropped as you placed a soft kiss to her lips and walked to the door. You opened the door and gasped at who you saw on the other side. "Is that really you Freya," You voice asked as you studied her with awe. "Yes and is it really you Y/N Nymeros Martell," She asks in her own trance. "It has been too long," You state. "Agreed I was hoping you would allow me your time," You Ex-Lover asked? "Yes, of course, come in," You instructed. "Ashara My Great Beauty I hate to ask this of you but my old friend and I need some time to catch up I will see you at evening meal usual spot at sunset you direct as kindly but rushed as you could. "Very well My Wild Girl I will see you at evening meal," She accepts climbing off of your wide matress stopping in front of you leaning down to place a quick kiss on your lips before gliding out closing the door behind her. "Take a seat anywhere you wish Frey," You suggest using the same nickname as when you were young and in love. You floated over to the wine refilling the two goblets on the table as she sat on the end of your bed legs out leisurely. You passed her the glass before sitting at the top of your bed criss-cross applesauce. "Why are you here Freya," You asked? "I came back for you first me and my children left for Dorne then Oberyn told us you were here so here I am," The dark haired woman explained. "Why after all these years it has been what seven years the last letter that came was five years and six months ago six moons after you gave birth to a son why now," You question? "I love you I never stopped loving you ever you were the one comfort I have longed for in the last seven years your body was the one I wanted not my barbaric husband I came now because I finally had a way to come back to my love my first love my only love and still get to keep my life and my childrens lives," She answers. "You were my first love and I will always love you but I love Ashara now I have loved and lusted after many over the last five and half years so I don't know what you want from me," You asked emotionally. "I will always want you to be mine but just having you in my life again is enough," The dark-eyed woman tells you. "friends," You ask? "Best friends," She clarifies. With that vow, you first loved stayed. You learned her husband was having an affair since before there marriage. The mistress had apparently given him six children in a span of ten years while Freya had only given him four children. A boy named Julius. His hair was as red as tomato and eyes as green as a gem. He was tall for his age of six. Then there was Elliana. She took after her mother. She had long soft shiny black hair and eyes as black as night. She was short and slim but only four. Next was a set of two-year-old twins. A girl and a boy. Zain and Camila. Camila was taller than her twin. Her eyes sparkled emerald green like her older brothers and long curly red hair. Zain was shorter than his twin with dark curls and haunting black eyes. They were all amazing children. You and Freya got reacquainted and you began to spend every single moment you could spare with your Ex-Lover and her children. Ashara had begun to get worried when all you would tell you girlfriend was Freya was an old friend you were close to back when you were young yet her appearance fit that of your first love. 

Ashara P.O.V-

I stood brushing Princess Elia's hair for her first time out in six moons. She didn't even know the ghost from your past had shown up.  "Elia who is Freya," I asked? "That is Y/N first love they were adorable they were always together sometimes I thought the two would run away together but Freya was sent away to marry Cyrus Winters of house Winter of Winterland in the north.  They wrote letters I think for a while but they lost contact and my sister began to act like Oberyn then she met you and stopped why do you ask," The princess questions? "She showed up at the door to your sister's chambers one day and they have been together ever since," I spill about my twenty-one-year-old lover. At that moment I decided I needed to talk with Y/N.

Back to your P.O.V-

You were on the beach with your best friend. She was chasing you down the sandy shores until she tackled you. She let up a bit turning you so you could face her and began to tickle you. "Stop Frey stop your killing me," You plead through giggles. She stops as your eyes locked to hers. Slowly she leaned down and connected her lips with yours. The kiss was slow and spilling emotion. You pulled away as she helped you stand up. "I have to go," You stutter scurrying back to your room. You entered frantically jumping when you heard the familiar voice of your girlfriend say, "We need to talk." "Yeah, we do," You answer calming yourself down. "I know who Freya was I know who Freya is to you," Ashara spoke up. "What is that," You ask? "Your first love the girl who you told me about before I asked you on our first date and now that she is back you realize you are still in love with her correct me if I am wrong," Your twenty-three-year-old lover growls lowly. You stayed silent and she shook her head. "Then I won't stand in the way, not of your happiness I love you and I want you to be happy even if that isn't with me so I am going to go," she says goodbye before walking away.

How you react to the breakup ( pt. 2 of the breakup series)-

You got back with Freya but it wasn't the same as when you were younger. She didn't give you the same feelings she did give when you were younger. You found yourself yearning for Ashara. You realized your mistake you had loved Freya once but you were in love with Ashara now. You had to get her back. So with that being said, you reacted in private with sadness and planned how to get your true love back. In public, you acted like the happy in love woman and second mothering figure to her children you were supposed to be.

You get back together (Pt. 3 and final part to the breakup series)-

You watched Ashara dance with other people from your seat next to Freya. "You love her," You heard your lover's voice say. "How do you know," You asked? "You look at her the way you used to look at me the way I look at you its okay I am not upset I will always love you I hope we can be friends but go get her if you don't you will regret it," Freya accepts. You thanked her before walking towards the woman you were in love with. Eddard Stark walked away as you approached, "May I have this dance?" "Of course," She accepts giving you her hand. You took it as the two of you began to dance. "Can I talk to you alone please," You asked? "Sure," She answers. You walk out the door and you blurted, "Freya and I are over for the rest of our lives cause I realized I was wrong I wasn't still in love with her I just needed closure I am in love with you-you have my heart completely for the rest of our lives I am so sorry I beg of your forgiveness please take me back," You beg. You were cut off when she slammed her lips against yours. Kissing you roughly and demanding. Ashara hands ran up and down your body. Your need for oxygen caused you to pull back. "We should go back in there," You suggest through breathless pants. "I have other ideas," She rejects gripping your hand and pulling you towards her temporary chambers.

Person She Is Jealous Of-


She was your first love. You had left Ashara for her before. You were still friends best friends. It made her insecure jealous and scared.

Person You Are Jealous of-

Ned Stark

The night at the tourney at Harrenhal. The looks they gave each other were more than friendly. The giggle and chuckle they out weren't ones of friends. You knew feelings were growing during there dance. So it made you a little jealous.

How your family reacts to finding out about your relationship-

Your family was supportive and happy for you. Their motto was if you were happy they didn't care.

Her Favorite Dress on you-

She said it made you look regal and even more beautiful then you always were.

Her Favorite Physical and Personality Feature of yours-

Physical- Your eyes. They were both haunting and gorgeous. She got lost in them cause there was no end. 

Personality-Your will. You were strong and free. You did as you pleased no one stopped you. No one or nothing scared you. 

The moment you realized you loved her-

Your first date. You were dancing and giggling smiling so wide you thought your face would rip. She was the same and at that moment you loved her that you were perfect together.

Your matching Necklace-

She wore the Martell necklace and You wore the house Dayne one. It reminded you both that the other carried you in there hearts and showed people you belonged to her and she belonged to you. 

2 words to describe your first time-

Slow and needy

How she protects you-

You are quick tempered ready to fly off the handle at any moment. You were a Martell after all but Ashara was more calm collected and logical. She helped you think before exploding. Which has saved your life many times.

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