Not What It Seems (Chase Dave...

By Writing_Babe

331K 5.5K 2.5K

Living with the Davenport's mean craziness and adventures. Continue to follow Alex through the wild adventure... More

I'm Not Leaving
Speed Trapped
Spy Fly
Missin' The Mission
The Cousin From Hell
Robot Fight Club
Bro Down
Save Me
The Rats Strike Back
Parallel Universe
Spike's Got Talent
Leo vs. Evil
Hole In One
Trucked Out
Bionic Showdown
Memory Wipe
Adam Up
Llama Drama
The Haunting of Mission Creek High
Perry 2.0
My Little Brother
Prank You Very Much
Twas the Mission Before Christmas
Trent Gets Schooled
No Going Back
Third Book!

The Bionic 500

8.5K 148 125
By Writing_Babe

Did you ever have a neighbor that was so noisy and annoying and you just wanted to shoot them? Well, we did. This neighbor wasn't like any other ones. No. This dude would race his car up and down the street every night. It was so irritating, and when I didn't get enough sleep, I would be moody.

I trudged my tired body out of bed and made my way downstairs since I would be getting no sleep until the stupid neighbor stopped racing his car.

I walked into the living room and wasn't surprised at all to see that Adam, Bree, Chase, and Leo were already there. I made my way over to Chase and rested my head on his shoulder. He wrapped his arm around me and pulled me closer.

Bree opened the door, causing the noise to increase. "Ugh, this new neighbor has got to go."

"Why does he keep racing his car up and down the street every night?" Chase asked.

"Oh! I know this one." Adam said. "To get to the other side."

"Try again." I yawned.

Our neighbor revved his engine, causing me to groan. Chase just kissed the top of my head. "He clearly doesn't have respect for my beauty sleep. It takes at least eight hours to look this good; ten if you want the Leo glow."

"No one wants the Leo glow." I mumbled, my eyes getting heavy.

Davenport came downstairs wearing his silk pajamas. He even had an eye mask on his forehead. "I cannot believe I have to wake up to this."

"I can't believe I have to wake up to that." Leo said, gesturing to Davenport's pajamas.

"This is Italian silk." Davenport explained. "A cheetah wishes he looked this good."

"A cheetah would have the decency to cover that up with a robe." Bree quipped.

The car revved up again and Davenport went outside, obviously having enough of this crap. We followed him, stopping right outside the door. "Hey, Pierce! Get your car off my lawn!" Davenport took out a remote from his pocket. "Let's see how he likes my pressure sprinkler system."

Davenport walked further outside while the rest of us stayed inside. "Okay, set to Monsoon." Pierce's car got stuck in mud. "Ha! He got stuck in the mud."

As soon as those words escaped his mouth, Davenport got attacked by a wave of mud. It was pretty gross and funny, but I was too tired to laugh.

"Not anymore." Leo said before shutting the door to the house.


Bastard. That was the word I used to describe Pierce. I was exhausted as Bree, Chase, and I walked to school. I didn't know where Adam and Leo were, but I was too tired to care. Pierce continued to drive his stupid car all night, which resulted in me getting no sleep. So I was moody, and I had a massive headache.

When we arrived at school, I saw Leo waiting on line for locker reassignments. He was actually the first one.

"Leo, how did you get first in line for locker reassignments?" Chase asked.

"Oh, since I couldn't get any sleep, I've been here since dawn. FYI, you do not want to see the lunch ladies without makeup."

"Wait, they wear makeup?" Bree asked.

Leo nodded just as Adam walked up to us. "But since I'm first in line, I'll finally get the corner locker."

"Wait a second. I thought this line was for lice check?" Adam said before walking away.

Leo started talking about his perfect locker. I found that a bit weird. "There she is: locker 106. Away from the traffic, near the cheerleaders, and I can see Principal Perry before anyone else. And a two-second head start can save a life."

"Alright, I'm going to class so I can sit before I fall asleep." I mumbled as I started walking away. Chase followed me and guided me to class when I started going the wrong way. What? I was exhausted.


Once school was over, we all decided to lounge in the living room and watch Davenport have a conversation with Pierce.

When the doorbell rang, Davenport turned to us." Okay, that's Pierce. Now, watch as I handle this like an adult."

"Okay, but what do you want us to do when you start crying?" Bree asked.

Davenport opened the door, but instead of Pierce walking in, some kid walked in. Who was he? And why did he look like a snobbish rich kid?

"Clayton?" Leo asked. "What are you doing here?"

"Looking good and smelling great." Clayton replied. Yup. Snobbish rich kid. "Oh, my dad came to talk to your dad."

"Wait, Pierce is your dad?" Chase questioned.

"Hmm, makes sense. Rick jerk; rick jerk's son." Adam said. He then leaned in and smelled Clayton. Gross! "He does smell great."

"Hello? Is anyone gonna take my coat?" The snob held out his coat.

"Heck yeah I'll take it!" Adam grabbed the coat and put it on, only to have it rip at the seams. "It's got a lot of give."

Pierce then walked through the door and threw his car keys at Chase. "Two coats; light wax and shampoo the carpets, and don't touch the radio. I'm an easy listener."

"I'm not washing your car." Chase told him.

"Yeah." Adam said. "But may I take your coat?"

"Could we move this along?" Pierce asked. "I've got golf in the A.M and I like to show up early to scream during the other people's swings. Ahhh!" Adam jumped. "Drives them crazy."

"Look, I'll get right to the point." Davenport said. "You have been driving your car across my yard at night and it needs to stop."

"Not gonna happen, but I will pay you to stop talking. What's your price?" Pierce asked.

Davenport laughed. "Are you trying to pay me off? I'm a billionaire."

"Wow," Pierce mocked. "Just a billionaire; must be rough. Well, if you even need a loan, you know where I live. It's the castle at the top of the hill that casts a shadow over your entire existence."

"Please, you do not have more money than I do." Davenport said.

Pierce took out his phone. "That's my net worth." Davenport scoffed, looking at the phone. Pierce turned his phone sideways. "Well, not all the zeroes fit on my screen." We all muttered a 'whoa' each time the rich bastard moved the screen, revealing more zeroes. Davenport was literally on the verge of crying.

"Oh, yeah? Well, I can see one zero that's not on this screen. Ha! Take that!" Davenport's lip was actually quivering.

"Someone's about to start crying." Bree sing-songed.

"Look, okay, enough is enough." Davenport said. "What is it going to take for you to stop driving on my lawn?"

"I can't think of a thing. Goodnight." Pierce said.

Davenport stopped him. "No! You are not leaving until we resolve this."

"Fine. How about a contest?" Pierce suggested. "We can settle this on the racetrack. My stock car against yours. You do own a stock car, don't you?"

Davenport scoffed. "Of course I own a stock car." He actually didn't. "And when I win, you stop driving your car on my lawn."

"Oh, no." Pierce disagreed. "I think we should play for much bigger stakes, like the deeds to each other's houses." Clayton started whispering something in Pierce's ear. "Oh, and when I beat your sorry ass, that girl next to the scrawny boy becomes my son's girlfriend." I gulped and froze in my spot. "The winner stays, the loser goes."

"Deal." Davenport said, causing my eyes to widen.

"Chase," I whispered, my voice shaky. His hand that was already holding mine tightened.

"See you on the track." Pierce said, walking over to the door. "Or later tonight when I tear up the rest of your lawn."

As Clayton walked over to his father, he smacked my ass, causing me to shriek and jump about a foot in the air. "Back the hell off." Chase growled.

"What are you going to do about it, shrimp?" Chase stepped forward and I swear Spike was going to come out, but I tugged on his hand, pulling him back.

"Touch me again and I'll shove my foot up your ass." I threatened. He wasn't fazed at all. All he did was smirk and walk out with his father.

"Mr. Davenport, are you sure about this?" Bree asked.

"Yeah, if you don't win, we'll lose our house." Leo said.

"And I'll have to date that dick!" I exclaimed.

"Guys, I got this." Davenport said.

"Do you?" Chase questioned, anger seeping through.

"Don't worry about it." Davenport assured. "I just have one question, though. What exactly is a stock car?"

"Oh, come on!"


Us teenagers watched in shock as Davenport rolled up in in a blue and white stock car with the Davenport Industries logo on the food. Today was the day of the race, and to say I was nervous would be an understatement. I was terrified!

"Sweet ride, Big D." Leo complimented. "For a second there I forgot you weren't cool."

"Yeah, a guy with a huge ego and a sport car where they put your name and face on everything." Bree said. "It's a perfect match."

"Are you gonna be able to beat Pierce?" Chase asked and my heart started thumping. "I mean, you have no stock car experience. Not to mention you get car sick going to the store."

"Please," Davenport scoffed. "Look at this track. Even Adam can drive in a circle."

"But this is an oval and those terrify me." Adam said.

"Driving in a circle gets exponentially harder at two hundred miles per hour." Chase explained.

"Plus no bathroom breaks." Adam picked up a bucket. "You're gonna need this."

"Guys, don't worry about this." Davenport assured his kids. "I have spent hundreds of hours training in a stock car simulator, I hired the best pit crew in town; I got this."

Pierce and Clayton walked towards us, and I immediately grabbed Chase's hand. I didn't know why I was acting like a wimp, but I didn't care at the moment. There was no way in hell that I was going to leave Chase.

"Well, Davenport, we just wanted to wish you luck." Pierce said.

"You'll need it against our driver." Clayton added.

"Driver?" Davenport asked.

"Yeah, I said we'd race." Pierce said. "I never said I would be the one driving. Joey!" He called and his driver walked over to us.

My eyes widened and my jaw dropped when I saw who their driver was. "That's Joey Logano." I whispered to Chase, my voice a tad panicky.

"That's your driver!" Davenport yelled when they walked away. "When does he get his learners permit?"

Chase started going through his internal hard drive. "That's Joey Logano." He told Mr. Davenport. "He's been racing since he was six. He's the youngest NASCAR driver to win on the pro circuit. Ever."

"Oh." Davenport's face completely fell, all the color draining.

"We're gonna need a bigger bucket." Adam said.

I shook my head and sighed. We were so screwed.


While we waited for the race to start, Adam messed with the equipment. He picked up a large metal can that had a tube connected to it. He started speaking into like it was a microphone.

Chase saw what he was doing and gave him a look. "Really?" He took it away from him.

"I can't believe Big D has to race against Joey Logano." Leo said.

"Guys, I can win this." Davenport said, his voice sounding confident. "You forget that hired the best crew in town. Right...Pit crew guy number one?"

"Yeah, nothing motivates a team like a boss that doesn't know your name." Chase said.

"Whatever. Look, I'm ready. Bring on the checkered flag."

"Morning grease monkeys." That voice. No, no, no!

"I take that back." Davenport said. Perry approached us and all I wanted to do was run. Why did she have to be here?

"Principal Perry, what are you doing here?" Leo asked.

"Workin'." She said in a 'duh' tone. "I moonlight as an announcer-slash- flag waver-slash hotrod-calendar girl." She started posing, and I hid my face in Chase's shoulder. "No one sells lug nuts like me."

"Principal Perry," Bree spoke up. "Don't all these side jobs you have take away focus from being a school principal?"

"Oh, absolutely." She said. "Now, let's go over some ground rules. Hey, Logano, rich guy! Get your sassy chassis over here and let's talk some track."

As Perry talked over the rules with the rich dudes, I could help but feel queasy. Not to mention that my heart was racing, my hands were shaking, and my breathing was slightly uneven. I was so nervous!

"Alex, are you alright?" Chase asked me, his tone laced with concern.

I nodded hesitantly. "I'm just nervous. Chase, what if Davenport loses?"

He shook his head and pulled me in for a hug. I could feel eyes burning in the back of my head, and I knew Clayton was staring at me. That just freaked me out even more.

"Even if Davenport loses, I'm not letting that jackass take you away from me." He whispered in my ear.

I nodded. "I love you."

"I love you, too." He said softly, placing a soft kiss on my temple. "Now let's go cheer Davenport on."


The race was about to start, and the grip on Chase's hand tightened. He knew that I was nervous and scared, so all he did was rub soothing circles on the back of my hand.

We watched as Perry waved the flag, signaling that the race had begun. Joey took off, but Davenport stayed in his spot. What was he doing?!

Chase was wearing a headset so he could communicate with Davenport, but we were all able to hear him. "Ooh, he's gone already." He realized. There was some noise on his end as he tried to figure out the gear shift. "This is very different from my simulator."

"Go!" We all yelled. I breathed a sigh of relief when he drove off.

As we continued to watch the race, my hope that Davenport was going to win was depleting. "You're doing great, Mr. Davenport." Chase lied.


"No." Chase deadpanned. "You're twenty eight laps behind."

"Please tell him he doesn't have to wave every time he passes us." Bree said.

Clayton walked over to us, and it took everything I had not to punch him in the face. "I know what you're thinking, but don't." Chase whispered in my ear. Damn, he was good.

"So," Clayton began. "Where are you guys thinking of moving?"

"Well, my gut says Cleveland, but I'm an Indiana man at heart." Adam said.

"We're not gonna lose, Clayton." Leo told him.

"Keep telling yourself that, Junior." He patted Leo's arm.

"I'm the same age as you."

"Your wallets not." Clayton retorted.

"That doesn't make any sense." Leo said.

The snob took out his wallet. "My wallet makes sense. It talked to me all the time and right now it's saying: 'Can I have Leo's bedroom?' Yes you can!" He kissed his wallet.

"What mental ward did you escape from?" I asked, causing my friends to chuckle.

He turned to me. "You won't be talking to me that way once we start dating."

"That's not going to happen." I growled. "I don't care if Davenport loses, there is no way in hell I'm dating you."

"Let's just wait and see." He winked before walking away.

"I want to shove his dick in his mouth and watch him choke." I muttered harshly.

"That was, uh, a very weird thing to say, Alex." Chase said, chuckling nervously. "Very descriptive as well."

I shrugged. "You should be used to the things I say by now." He nodded and pecked my lips.


When Davenport came in for a pit stop, we walked up to him so we could talk to him while he stayed inside the car. "I can't believe I'm losing this badly." He said.

"But you know that stepping on the gas pedal makes it go faster, right?" Bree told him.

"There must be something wrong with the car." Davenport said.

"Okay, let's be smart about this and eliminate variables." Adam said. "Are we sure the car is not in reverse?"

"Wait," Chase interjected. "It's been almost a minute. Shouldn't your pit crew be done by now?"

"Well, yeah, and where's your crew chief?" Bree asked.

We looked around and saw the crew chief was talking to Pierce and Clayton. Chase walked away while the rest of us stayed by Davenport. He returned a moment later. "Pierce is cheating! He paid your pit crew to sabotage your car."

"I knew it!" Davenport got out of his car and turned to the pit crew. "You guys are fired. Get out of her, Ken. Ken! That was it."

His pit crew left, leaving the tires unchanged. "Probably should have waited until they put those back on." He mumbled.

"Wait, Mr. Davenport, what if we replaced your pit crew with a bionic pit crew?" Chase suggested.

"Or we can start rooting for Joey Logano." Adam said and we all glared at him. "Hey, just throwing out options."

"Hold on. Isn't using bionics technically cheating?" Leo asked.

"Look, they cheated first. Technically I'm just leveling out the playing field." Davenport said.

"Okay, I'll tap into the car's central computer and optimize it for peak performance." Chase said, then pointed to Bree. "You use your super speed to change the tires and gas it up." He turned to Adam. "And Adam-"

"Can do this." Adam interrupted, lifting the front of the car off its wheels. "Pretty cool, huh?" He ended up burning his hands and tried to cool them off before placing them back where they were. Wow. Just wow.


I didn't know why, but Davenport gave us all matching jumpsuits, followed by hats that had Davenport's logo on it. I wasn't really complaining. They were actually cool looking.

"Fifty laps to go!" Perry announced. "Logano's lead is shrinking. Davenport is actually catching up. And don't forget your lug but calendars are available at the concession stand. Keep an eye out for April. I'm wearing tires."

"Gross. So gross." I muttered, shuddering.

Suddenly, Davenport and Logano were head to head. I was biting my lip so hard that I thought it was going to bleed. "Great job, Chase! This car is flying, now!"

Davenport came in for another pit stop and both Bree and Leo jumped the little barrier separating us and the track.

"Okay, we need to change these tires in under ten seconds-" Chase said, but couldn't finish since Bree was already done.

"Done!" She smiled, grease covering her face. Davenport waved at us before speeding off, causing Leo's hat to fly off his head.

"This is incredible." Perry said. "Davenport has evened it up! I'm almost beginning to care who wins!"

I couldn't keep my eyes off the track, so I didn't even realize that Joey walked up to us until I heard his voice. "So it looks like my afternoon just freed up. You need any help?"

We all stared at him in shock, mumbling incoherent words. "Please say yes." He begged. "I want to hide from that flag lady."

Perry whistled. "Joey! Wanna go halfsies on a hoagie?" She then took a huge bite.

Joey hid behind the barrier and laid down on his back. Good call, Joey.

"Two laps to go in the jerk five hundred." Perry announced a little while later. "Davenport and Pierce are neck in neck. It's anybody's race and I think we're all wondering the same question; is there a Mrs. Logano?"

"Someone please shut her up." I muttered.

"Davenport, you're doing great." Joey told him. "Just please stop saying Vroom Vroom every time you make a turn."

Davenport was right behind Pierce when his steering wheel came off. The car started to swerve. "You do know it pops back on, right?" Joey asked. He was able to pop the wheel back in, but his car started to slow down.

"What is Mr. Davenport doing? Why is he slowing down?" Chase asked.

"He's gonna lose." Bree said.

"No, he's obviously giving up." Adam said. "It's the honorable thing to do."

"No, he's just drafting." Joey told us.

"Something I learned from my racing simulator." Davenport spoke up. "I'm reducing my weight and resistance by hiding behind Pierce's car, and then I'm gonna sling shot past him in the straight away. On my controller, it's red, green, up arrow. I'm pretty sure I can make it work."

I watched in amazement as Davenport flew past Pierces car, winning the race. Perry waved the flag. "And Davenport crosses the finish line!"

"Yes!" I cheered and ran into Chase's arms. "Is Clayton watching?" I asked quietly.


"Good." And without warning, I crashed my lips onto his. I could hear all my friends gag and groan, but I didn't care. I didn't have to date that prick!

"Great job, guys." Joey said as Chase set me down on the ground, but he kept his arm around my waist. "Now it's time for the real race; getting away from that flag lady."

"You forgot your calendars!" Perry shouted, running with the flag. Joey saw this and started running, Perry right behind him.

We spent the rest of the afternoon complimenting Davenport on a job well done. I was just so happy that I didn't have to date Clayton. I bet no one would want to date Clayton.


Adam, Bree, Chase, and I were all hanging out at school, while Leo was admiring his new locker. I still didn't understand why he loved this locker so much. Whatever.

"So, how does it feel to have the best locker in school?" Bree asked.

"Oh, I'm not the only one with a good locker." Leo answered. "I got primo upgrades for you four, too; any locker until we graduate."

"No way!" Adam exclaimed. "I get that locker for six more years?"

"Maybe more." Bree said.

Perry came out of her office, smiling. I noticed that she was wearing a familiar jumpsuit.

"Where'd you get that?" Leo asked.

"Joey Logano left his racing suit behind and I customized it in all the right places." She started posing and flexing, and I wanted to throw up.

"And some of the wrong places." Chase said as she walked away.

"Yeah, definitely the wrong places." I agreed.

Wow, three updates in one day. I guess I really want to write Bionic Showdown. I hope I'll have that up tomorrow. Vote and comment! Do you think I can get more than 5 comments? I think I deserve that since I updated 3 times today.

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