Not What It Seems (Chase Dave...

By Writing_Babe

333K 5.5K 2.5K

Living with the Davenport's mean craziness and adventures. Continue to follow Alex through the wild adventure... More

I'm Not Leaving
Speed Trapped
Spy Fly
Missin' The Mission
The Cousin From Hell
Robot Fight Club
Bro Down
Save Me
The Rats Strike Back
Parallel Universe
Spike's Got Talent
Leo vs. Evil
Hole In One
The Bionic 500
Bionic Showdown
Memory Wipe
Adam Up
Llama Drama
The Haunting of Mission Creek High
Perry 2.0
My Little Brother
Prank You Very Much
Twas the Mission Before Christmas
Trent Gets Schooled
No Going Back
Third Book!

Trucked Out

7.2K 142 45
By Writing_Babe

Double update! Woo-hoo!

“I hope you two know that this isn’t a good idea.” I told Adam and Leo as Adam prepared to drive Davenport’s golf cart. I was sitting by the cyber desk.

“How is this not a good idea?” Leo retorted. “Adam needs to practice for his driving test, and using Big D’s hydrogen powered golf cart is perfect for practicing.”

“Just don’t come to me when Davenport finds out and grounds you.” I said.

He rolled his eyes. “Alright, Adam. First step: Seatbelts.”

Adam took a deep breath. “Okay, focus.” He quickly put on his seatbelt. “Yes! Zero to buckle in under five seconds.” He hi-fived Leo.

The elevator doors on the other side of the lab, and out came Chase, a black case in his hand. “Oh, look, a dummy driving a dummy.” He laughed.

Adam looked down at the steering wheel. “Ooh! What does this button do?” He pressed it.

“No!” Leo yelled as the car started speeding forward, right in the direction of Chase. He started screaming as Leo yelled, “Brake!”

I heard the screech of the brakes, followed by more of Chase’s screaming. The dummy that was in the seat next to Adam flew out of the golf cart and landed right on Chase, forcing him to fall right on his back.

Adam started laughing. “I wish all the buttons did that.”

I walked over to Chase and picked up the dummy, setting it to the side. “Are you okay?” I asked, a giggle escaping my mouth.

He propped himself up on his elbows. “Are you seriously laughing at me right now?”

I nodded, a smile on my face and kissed his cheek. “I’m sorry, it was funny.”

He rolled his eyes as I helped him up, but there was a small smile gracing his lips.


Later on in the day, we were all waiting in the living room waiting for Davenport and Adam to return. I was sitting next to Chase on the couch, my head rested on his chest.

Leo continued to look out the window. “I can’t believe Adam’s not back from his driving test. What’s taking him so long?”

Bree looked up from her magazine. “Two words: Adam. Test.”

“Man, if he passes, its good news for us and bad news for anyone on the road.” Chase said, then chuckled. “Or the sidewalk.”

“Even though you two have no faith in Adam, I do.” I spoke up. Bree and Chase looked at me. “What?”

“You think Adam’s gonna pass?” Chase asked. I nodded. “And since I don’t, want to make a bet?”

“Alex, don’t do it.” Bree said. “You’re gonna lose.”

I ignored Bree and looked right into my boyfriend’s eyes. “You’re on. What’s the bet?”

“Loser gives the winner twenty bucks?” He suggested.

“You’re on.” We shook hands. What? If we kissed, then Leo and Bree would just make gagging noises and complain.

“I hope he passed.” Leo said. “I need him to drive me to that party on Saturday.”

“What party?” Chase asked.

Leo laughed. “The one you weren’t invited to.”

“You got invited to Caroline Davis’ party and I didn’t?” Bree asked, shocked. Even I was shocked.

“Well, neither did I.” Chase said.

“Well, no surprise there.” Bree quipped and looked at Leo. “Why were you invited?”

“Oh, Bree.” Leo gloated. “I’m climbing the social ladder. There are now three or four ladies who make eyes contact with me in the hallway.” We all looked at him. “Okay, it’s two, but I am going to that party.”

The door opened and we all stood up, excited to see if Adam passed his test. “He’s home!” It wasn’t Adam. It was Tasha.

We all groaned, but I soon felt bad since it was Tasha. She was basically my second mother. “Oh, it’s just you.” Leo said.

“Nice to see you, too.” Tasha said, a sarcastic smile on her face.

“Sorry, mom, how’s it going?”

“Great.” Tasha beamed. “I’ve had the best day. It all started when I-“

The door opened and Leo pushed his mom aside, cutting Tasha off. “Save it for later, woman. Adam’s here.”

Davenport walked in, but Adam wasn’t with him. “Ladies and gentlemen, I give you Mission Creek’s newest fully licensed driver!” He motioned towards the door, but Adam didn’t come in. “Adam, that’s you!”

“Oh, right!” We heard Adam say from outside. He ran inside. “Woo-hoo, I passed!”

We all cheered, proud of Adam. “He really impressed me. He got a ninety-six on the test.” Davenport told us.

“I didn’t even know scores went up that high.” Adam said. “Oh, and get this; Mr. Davenport said if I passed, he would get me a car.”

“What?” Tasha asked.

“Well, in my defense, I never thought he would pass.”

“Yeah, none of us did.” Bree piped up.

“Actually,” I began. “I believed in him.” Adam smiled at me before I turned to Chase. “Someone owes me twenty bucks.”

He grumbled and pulled out his wallet, grabbing a twenty dollar bill. “Here.” He pouted.

I smiled and snatched the money. “Thanks.” I kissed his cheek before shoving the money in my pocket.

“Yeah, yeah.” He mumbled.

“Donald, are you sure he’s ready for a car?” Tasha asked. “You remember what happened when you bought him a bike?”

“Um, to be fair, honey, Adam is a lot more responsible now. He worked very hard to get his driver’s license and I think he should be rewarded.” Davenport told his wife.

We all turned to Adam who was sitting on the chair pretending to drive a car. He suddenly acted like the car was going out of control, making it crash. Tasha look completely frightened.

“I don’t know.” She said.

“Don’t worry,” Davenport told her. “I promise I will get Adam the safest car available.”

“The safest car is the one he isn’t driving.” Chase said.

Adam stood up. “Not true. I caused many wrecks as a pedestrian.”

“I don’t care what car it is as long as you give me a ride to Caroline Davis’ party. I don’t know if you heard,” He turned to Bree and Chase. “I was invited.”

“Enough!” Bree exclaimed.

“I still don’t’ get how you were invited.” I told Leo. He glared at me, but I smacked him upside the head. I did that a lot, and I was okay with it.


At school the next day, I was so ready to kill my best friend. I didn’t care about the party, but Bree and Chase did, which meant that Leo was bragging about the invite all day. Now, I wasn’t one for murder, but could I please kill Leo?

We were currently at lunch, and Leo was talking to a couple of girl. “Take care ladies. See you at the party.” He turned around and looked at us. “Oh, did I tell you I was invited to the-“

“Yes!” Bree and Chase yelled, cutting him off.

I was surprised to see Tasha walk into the cafeteria, but it was funny because Leo didn’t know yet. “There’s my little boy!”

His face fell. He knew now. “Mind if I join you?” She asked, not bothering to wait for an answer. She sat down and Leo continued to look from her to us.

“What are you doing here, Tasha?” Bree asked.

“I’m here because I decided to run for President of the PTA.” She smiled.

“Oh, that’s nice.” Leo interlaced his fingers together. “What school, because I know it’s not this one.”

“With Adam getting his license and you going to parties, it made me realize that you all are growing up.” Tasha said. “So, I’m going to get a lot more involved in your school lives.”

“Well, Leo could definitely use a chaperone for the party this weekend-“

“No! No, no, no!” Leo exclaimed, cutting Chase off. This was hilarious. He stood up. “Mom, why are you doing this? What is missing in your life? I can pay for art classes!”

“Leo, this will be fun.” She walked with Leo away from the lunch table. “If I get elected, I will be here all the time! We’ll eat lunch, gossip; I can talk you up to the gals.”

“The gals?” Leo questioned. “Get her out! Get her out!”

“Don’t worry.” Tasha assured her son. “Once the ladies see how mom rocks it, ooh! You are going to be so popular.”

“You really are.” Bree and Chase said in unison.

We all watched in amusement as Tasha walked over to a few girls sitting at a table. She was basically embarrassing Leo, causing him to laugh nervously and the girls to just laugh.

“Moms,” He said. “We all got ‘em. Am I right?”

I frowned at Leo’s comment. No, Leo. Not all of us had moms. My biological mom and my mom that raised me were both dead. Sure, Tasha was my adoptive mom now, but it wasn’t the same.


At the end of the day, Bree, Chase, and I were hanging out by Bree’s locker, just talking about random things. Chase was holding my hand as I leaned my head on his shoulder.

I saw Tasha run up to us, causing all the chatter to stop. “Guys, get this. I am the only candidate for PTA president! I’m gonna win! Car washes, bake sales, fundraisers; I’ll be here all the time.”

“That is great news.” Bree said.

“Leo’s gonna be so happy.” Chase added.

Once she was gone, we turned to Leo who was by his locker. He was in a disguise, but I didn’t understand why he didn’t wear a boy’s disguise.  “We have to stop her.”

“Uh, we? What’s in it for us?” Chase asked.

Leo ripped off his wig. “Oh, come on! I’m desperate!”

“I don’t get why you’re so against this.” I told him. “Tasha’s great.”

“So you wouldn’t mind having your mom at school?” He asked, but his eyes soon widened when he realized what he said.

“No, Leo, I wouldn’t mind. It would be great if she was alive.” I told him before running off. I ignored the calls I was getting from my friends and boyfriend. I ran home, tears streaming down my face.

Was I overreacting? Probably, but I didn’t care. Leo was trying so hard to get rid of Tasha, yet I would love it if my mom was at school. If only she was alive.


I didn’t know how long I stayed in my room for, but when I looked out the window, it was already dark. I knew everyone was home since I could hear them talking, but I assumed they wanted to give me some space. I actually appreciated it.

Suddenly, there was a knock at the door, but all I did was stare at it. “Alex, it’s me.” I expected it to be Chase, but I was wrong. It was Leo.

“Come in.” I croaked. I had been crying for a while. The door opened and in came Leo, a frown on his face. “Hey.” I murmured, my eyes moving to the floor. I was sitting on the floor, my back leaning against my bed.

“Alex, I’m so sorry.” He apologized, taking a seat across from me. “I wasn’t thinking and that just came out.

I nodded. “You should be grateful that you have Tasha in your life. Who cares if she wants see you at school more?”

“I know, okay? I should appreciate everything my mom does, but you know how she is.” I finally looked at him. “Don’t you remember the time she hugged me for about ten minutes on the first day of middle school?”

I cracked a smile. “She wouldn’t let go, and I honestly thought she was about to handcuff herself to you.”

He chuckled. “Do you forgive me?” 

I stood up and held out my arms, waiting for a hug. He smiled and walked into them. “If I say something like that ever again, you can kick my ass.” He said once we pulled away.

“Yeah, I really don’t need your permission.” I told him.

He playfully rolled his eyes. “Oh, you should know that Adam bought a monster truck.”

My eyes widened. “A monster truck?!” He nodded. “Why?”

“It’s Adam. Do you really need a reason?” I thought about it for a moment before nodding. He had a point.


The next day at school, Bree, Chase, and Leo were putting their plan to get rid of Tasha into action. I was a bit shocked that Leo was still gonna go through with this, but I didn’t say anything. I understood that Tasha could come on a bit strong, but she was a great person and mom. I was lucky enough to call her my adoptive mother.

And the plan? They somehow got Perry to join the election, which meant that Perry was most likely going to win. She would just scare all the people into voting for her.

When it was time for the election, Bree, Chase, Leo and I were standing by the wall. Chase had his arm draped over my shoulders, and both my arms were wrapped around his torso. My head was rested on his chest, and if I wasn’t standing up, I would probably be asleep from his soothing heartbeat.

“Let’s do this already!” Perry exclaimed. “I’m late for my shift at the Gas n’ Go!” She turned to the guy who was finishing up the ballots since he was staring. “What are you looking at?”

When it was time for the speeches, Perry was the first to go. This was going to be good. She cleared her throat, which ended up as a coughing fit. “Vote for me. I know where you live.” She walked off the podium.

“Good luck, mom jeans.” Perry told Tasha. “This elections mine.”

Tasha just rolled her eyes and walked up to the podium. “Before I lay out my platform, I spent some time going through the school’s accounting records-“

Perry bolted off her seat. “Uh, I withdraw!”

“This just turned interesting.” I mumbled.

Chase started flipping through the school rule book. “Uh, hold on! According to the rules, it is past the deadline to withdraw.”

“He’s right.” Bree said. “So, we still need to hear final speeches and then vote.”

Perry ran over to the podium. “No speech. I vote Tasha.” She then started chanting Tasha’s name, which got the whole gymnasium to chant her name.

“I did not expect this.” Leo said.


“…And once I’m President, Mission Creek will run as smoothly as my own happy family.” Tasha smiled and gestured to us. We didn’t look happy at all. We looked bored and tired. Her speech was pretty long. And a little boring.

She was about to finish her speech when suddenly, something crashed into the wall behind her. Tasha ran out of the way just in time, while we all ran into the corner of the gymnasium. There was debris and dust everywhere, and once that cleared, we were able to see what crashed into the wall. The monster truck. Of course.

The doors of the truck opened and out came Davenport. Adam stuck his head out the window. Tasha looked like she was about to burst, she was so mad. “Donald!”

“Vote for Tasha.” Davenport said, honking the horn. I had a feeling Davenport was going to have to pay to get the gym fixed. There were bricks everywhere, so much dust on the floor followed by some glass.

“Well,” Tasha said. “Thank to you, I totally lost the election.” She looked at her husband.

Bree, Chase, and Leo started cheering, but immediately stopped when Tasha looked at them. “You’ll get them next year, mom.” Leo said.

Since I had a feeling Tasha wanted to yell at Davenport, Adam, Bree, Chase, Leo, and I decided to head home. Even though it was dark out, it was nice. I always liked being out at night. Especially when the night air was crisp and cool. That always relaxed me.

When we got home, Chase and I decided to hangout in my room since we hadn’t been getting a lot of alone time. We both sat on my bed, our backs against the headboard.

“We need more alone time.” I mumbled, my head on his shoulder.

“Couldn’t agree with you more.” He said softly, kissing the top of my head. “You think I’ll get away with it if I sleep here tonight?”

I lifted my head to look at him. “Don’t take this wrong the way, but definitely not.” He chuckled and cupped my cheek with one hand, bringing his face to mine. He captured my lips in a sweet kiss. A kiss that made my heart melt.

“I love you.” He murmured, his lips hovering over mine.

“I love you, too.” I pecked his lips. “A lot.”

A lot was an understatement. This boy was my world and I couldn’t imagine my life without him.

There, we got some Chalex fluff. Once this chapter is posted, I’m gonna start writing The Bionic 500. I really want to start writing The Bionic Showdown, which is right after The Bionic 500. Who knows? Maybe I’ll have it up tomorrow. Vote and comment!

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