Strangers of Love

By Fierylight

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Greyson Lockwood He's well known for being the most heartless beast around. He is seen as immature, bitter, a... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24

Chapter 21

309 15 0
By Fierylight

Greyson's POV

I left the room because the feeling was bubbling to the surface again. I knew if I stayed I would end up doing something against her wishes, and I didn't want that. When I closed the door behind me, one of my guards came up to me in panic, "Apologies, but there is an emergency downstairs for you." My body moved past the guard and to my office. So help me Gods- When I entered the office, my father was sitting on the couch, listening to Nomad Warrior. 

"What is the urgency?" My fathers eyes met mine before looking to the man who was standing by the wall with pictures. His eyes were daggers that shot towards me when he glanced over. A marking on his neck and left arm caught my attention, he was a Nomad Wolf. He had to be part of some Wolf Clan that has no order except everyone for themselves. "Why is this wolf standing before us, father?" He sighed softly at my words before standing and proposing his 'idea'.

"This is Mr.Thatcher, he's going to be an addition at a price." His voice was calm. "She needs protection, so we shall see how Mr.Thatcher will do." My eyes almost bore a hole through my father.

"You have got to be kidding me," anger crept into every ounce of my being, "you think that I'm going to allow a Nomad Wolf, a male at that, near Charlie? Unmarked?" My father straightened  up, offering me the idea he wasn't backing down either. 

"Greyson," his voice was serious, "she needs better protection than she is getting at the moment. Mr.Thatcher was contracted by allied parties before to follow through with certain," he thought hard, "missions." His words seemed to be chosen carefully. 

A clearing of a throat made me turn to this Thatcher my father seems to be impressed with. He was standing respectfully in wait of the consensus from me. My father has a valid point, and I can't always be there to protect her. 

"What's in it for you, Thatcher?" My body squared with his for a moment. "I know it isn't just money. So what is it?" He smiled down at his shoes before straightening up, staring me in the eyes.

"Your young Charlie has caught the attention of many people, word travels." I couldn't take my eyes from him as he moved to a new spot in the room. "She's caught the attention of many horrible people, worse than me." This still wasn't adding up. "The truth of my visit is because of personal interest in this human and her abilities. She's referred to as a legend in areas, in others, a rogue. She has potential, and I have an interest in potential." Was he trying to contract Charlie?

Charlotte's POV

When I woke up, sunlight was streaming through my windows. The room had a chill of being empty, something I don't particularly like. As I moved through my morning routine, thoughts ran wild of the conversation last night with Greyson. I believe last night was the only night I haven't been bothered, maybe that will filter into the day and tonight. 

"Morning Sunshine." Mason was standing against the counter, drinking coffee. With no response, I moved along to getting food of some type. "No acknowledgement? Okay." He shrugged. 

"What's your agenda for the day, knucklehead." He smiled and nodded,

"There she is!" Sarcastic a**, "Well, I have many things to do today, including babysitting for a short time." He smiled smugly at me, earning an eye-roll. 

"There he is!" He rolled his eyes at my response to his comment. "Am I allowed to have time to myself today, or am I being forced to be around you?" Leaning against the counter, opposite to him, I ate cereal. 

"The only thing you can't do right now is go outside for the time being, it's not safe. Then, when Greyson gets back, you're doing something I believe." It's only ten in the morning and he's already out and about? Screw that.

"When should he be back?" I stared at Mason in irritation. I never agreed to do anything more than sleep, eat, and watch TV here. It wasn't in the agreement. 

"Probably around three or four tonight, so behave." 

The day seemed to be ticking by so slowly, as if being stuck here wasn't enough, they had gross healthy snacks. Who does that to themselves, because I sure don't. If I were at home I could relax in my living room with my TV and preset shows. Here, it sucks. I have to put in the extra effort to find something good, but I suppose that helps pass the time. A person can only watch so much television until they're bored as all H***. I've watched Mason's routine walk every hour, making sure I was alive and inside this empty house. I've been able to elude him and explore the house some more, against Greyson's wishes. The room that interested me most was the one Greyson seemed to get nervous about, so here I am, sitting on the floor in front of it. What on Earth could be in there that Greyson didn't want me knowing about it? His dignity.

"Charlotte?!" Mason's voice echoed from upstairs, crap. Moving quickly, I hid in the wall closet near my sitting place. It was crowded in here, who puts their clothes in a closet outside their rooms? Shaking my head, I leaned back into the wall slightly as Mason neared the area. "I really hope she didn't go in there, he'd f***ing kill me." He murmured to himself. "Charlotte this isn't funny anymore, I have information about Greyson you need to know." He had his hands on his hips, and with a sigh he went back up the stairs muttering. "I don't want to babysit anymore." 

So I suppose Greyson's not coming back until later tonight, meaning he and I don't have to interact today. It will give me the space I need to contemplate the whole situation with Greyson and what he wants to do to me. I'd be signing my life away to the worst childhood bully alive. Leaning back further into the wall was a horrible idea, it gave way at the weight, making me fall. When I looked up, I was met with a hallway with dim lights. Come on Greyson, this is too cliche. Next thing you know I'll find some ridiculous sex room or some kind of dungeon for his little pets. 

Ignoring the fear from not knowing, I followed the hallway to an open area with two doors on either side of the 'T' shape end. When I looked at each door, I was met with a decision to make of which to enter. I chose the right door because it seems to be used less than the other, meaning it may be the safer option. When I pushed the door open, I was met with a room filled with something unusual for Greyson - art work. Curiosity took over and I was trying to soak up all the paintings in the room. Hypothetically, if these were made by Greyson, why does he hide them? 

The door closed behind me, making me jump. It was just me in the room, so we should be okay. Shaking my head, I moved along to the wall of artwork. Each piece I took the time to look at thoughtfully. He can really paint, shocking me. No one would expect a hard** like Greyson to have hidden talents like this. A smile slipped onto my face as I went. Eventually I come to a large mural piece, my body seemed to freeze. It was of me, when I was younger. When I lived in this town. When Greyson was cruel. I was sitting beside a small watering hole with a waterfall, that was near my house. Did he follow me out there one day? It was my secret spot. The spot I went to hide from the intrusions of the outside world. It was calm and peaceful there, something I missed in the time away. 

Time passed, making me decide to head back. When I attempted to open the door, I wasn't able to. It seemed to be locked from the inside, meaning there's a different way to exit, so where would it be? My mind processed the are and the possibilities. I walked to a far wall, it wasn't like the others structure wise. It seemed to be more sturdy, meaning there may be a built in exit somewhere on the w- there! Sighing, I exited through a different passage, bringing me to another room. It seemed to be an office, but more of a hideaway office. Personal objects were in here, something that lacked throughout the house. Could this be the secret room Greyson locked?

Taking a chance, I went to the door, only to have it open up with me in the view of whoever was entering. My heart jumped into my throat when it was Greyson. He was followed by Mason who looked like he wanted to hide. That meant Greyson's wrath was coming, and I may not be ready for that yet. I watched Greyson's frozen body, his eyes and body language changed quicker than I've ever seen. He became angry, inconsolable. 

"Get out." His voice wavered with anger and hurt. His grip on the door-handle tightened more than I thought possible without breaking the door-handle. "Charlotte," His tone was growing even more irritable by the second, but I could only stand there staring at him. "please get out of this room. Now." He said the last word through his teeth, but I was frozen. Thoughts raced as I stared at him.

"Was the artwork by you? They're really nice." His emotions change from anger to shock. "You're not good at hiding things." He scared me when his tight grip met my arm, almost throwing me from the room. 

"Greyson." Mason's voice was wary. "Charlotte go upstairs." He didn't even look over at me as he stood between Greyson and I. 

"I fell, I was-" Greyson's loud and angry snarl cut me off, immediately sending fear through my body. I thought for sure my heart was audible by everyone in the area. His eyes were turning all black, that's when I decided I needed to leave. He was being scary, and I didn't like it. Turning, I went to run, but a tight grip ended up on my arm again. I was met with a very angry Greyson, the old Greyson. The pain shot through my entire body as he gripped tighter, making me weak. Panic set in and I tried to pry his hand off, but to no avail he used it to control me movements. 

"Greys-" Whimpering, I was cut off by him shaking me by my bicep with an angry growl. "I'm sorry, let go!" He eventually let me go by throwing me back, making me fall hard. I took no time to dash up the stairs and into the main area where others were standing. When I came to the area, all eyes fell on me. A rough looking man caught my eye as he seemed to be the outcast of the group. He was a younger male, maybe Matty's age. He was clearly covered in scars and tattoos, someone who enjoys standing out for a specific reason. His hair style told his character, put together and clean, but his style showed who he was - a casual bada**. His eyes seemed to rake over me multiple times, then his eyes zoned in on my arm. I looked down and saw immediate bruising, as if I'd been attacked. Anger set it from the feeling of betrayal from Greyson.

"Charlie, there you a-" Michael's voice filtered in, but stopped when he saw the state I was in. My shirt was dusty and disheveled, my arm horribly bruised, and me panting. "Are you okay?" He was genuinely concerned with me, when he should be concerned with his son. Did I step too far this time?

"Point in case." The mysterious man said softly, looking at Michael. "Her arm isn't snapped, and she's not crying." Both looked at me, waiting for me to say something.

"Charlie?" Michael's voice was increasingly nervous, my breathing increased, anger vibrated every atom in my body. This feeling was similar to the altercation in school, but so much more powerful. Taking a breath, I weighed my options. 

Silence enveloped the room, making my emotions even stronger. Taking a breath, I looked to door. My body moved me in the direction of my room. When I met it, I started putting the few items I had in my bags. Franky entered my room shortly after, watching me carefully.

"Can someone look at it?" His voice was ironically unsure for once. When I peered up at him, he had a horrible gash down his face that looked old. All of my efforts were forgotten and instinct moved me to face him. My grip on his face was gentle, as to not pull the stitches. He chuckled slightly as I inspected his face. "It's old, from the compound. You shouldn't be worried about me, we're worried about your arm." He motioned to the arm that was stinging in pain from movement. When I looked down, I fully saw what they were worried about. The bruising was worse as the seconds went by, and he had drawn blood from nails. "You're not fine, let someone look at it." His eyes held honesty for once. Sighing, I allowed him that bit of peace of mind. 

It took thirty minutes to inspect and bandage. Afterwords, I stood up and grabbed my backpack and my duffle bag. Franky and the others in the room didn't stop me when I made my way out of the room, and down to the front door. Stopping, I set my duffle down to pack my laptop and put it in my backpack. The room went from silent and calm to silent and hostile. His cologne sent my head spinning, but I didn't look. 

"You're not leaving." His voice was calm again, but it was solid. He left no room for argument, good thing I'm not wasting my time on that. I ignored him and opened the door, being met with Michael and this mystery man outside on the porch. I heard his footsteps following in pursuit, making me move faster to put a gap between us. When my feet hit the pavement, a deep snarl sent my body into a frenzy. It was animalistic, like the old Greyson. 

"Charlotte, you really can't leave right now." Michael's voice was more willing to compromise with me. "I understand what happened, and what you're feeling. You can't leave right now though, not with what's just happened." He was halfway down the steps, I couldn't even turn to look at them, in fear I may cry at the sight of Greyson. 

"I wasn't asking permission to leave." My voice shook with anger. I continued to a car, unlocking it. 

"She stole my keys." Franky sighed gently as I threw my bags into the car, closing the doors. I heard a commotion by the stairs, but I kept my back to the situation as I went to the drivers side. Greyson came out of nowhere, not allowing me to get in. My eyes stayed on the car window, glaring. 

"Come back inside, we'll have a conversation. You aren't leaving, Charlotte. It's not an op-" Greyson's face flew to the side, his body following the momentum as he fell to the ground. My hand stung in the pain and my body shook from the shock of what I just did to him. I'm on his level now. 

"Charlie," Mason's voice was hesitant as he watched Greyson on his knee, shaking gently. He hadn't moved from the position yet, good. "come over here, now." He seemed scared for my wellbeing. When I looked up at him, realization set in. I don't need to be protected, no one ever has protected me, and I don't need it now. Especially with Greyson. 

My body was shoved against the car forcefully enough to send pain through my back. Shouts of his name echoed, but no one moved. His eyes were filled with rage, his body shook from the intensity, and his grip was the tightest it's ever been. He was trying to rid himself of the rage by closing his eyes or shaking his head but he just couldn't. His eyes flickered, but ended up being entirely black. The hand print was visible on his face from me, I think slapping someone is more insulting than a punch, and I was proven right. 

"You aren't leaving," His voice was deep and animalistic, fearful. "go back into the house, and follow instructions from my father." My eyes didn't waver as I stared him down. 

"I may not know how to successfully reject you yet, but you should know that I do with every fiber of my being." He flinched at the words in shock, as if I had insulted his life and his manhood. "Take your hands off of me, and remove yourself."

"No." A simple answer was enough for me to lose it in anger. I was trying to hard to be calm and collected, but I just couldn't anymore. 

"F*** you." The words spat in his face so easily. "I genuinely can't stand the presence of you, and I can't stand this gnawing thought that I had hope. It always ends up badly with you, everything does. You're toxic, Lockwood. No person would willingly stay with you, no matter how hard you try to keep them around because it's always the same result- you get tired of a person, you hurt them, you apologize, and do it all over again." He shook intensely at my words. 

"Charlie!" Mason was closer, followed by Franky and Michael. 

"I'm shocked you'd be an Alpha, you can't even take care of yourself. I wouldn't ever put my trust in you to care for anyone else, you're selfish. You aren't worthy of the title, Lockwood. If anything, Kaine is more worthy. He'd never imagine physically harming Luke without thought, he wouldn't mentally or emotionally damage him." He was blank, typical. There were more and more voiced filtering in, I knew a crowd was starting. "What person needs his own people to work against him rather than for him, a normal Alpha doesn't need others to protect who they say is their so called mate. You've made a horrible mistake in thinking that it was me, because it's not." The words were bitter for me as I spoke them, I just wanted him to leave me be. He looked around at the crowd staring at him, I think my point was made because his eyes were normal colored, but blank still. His grip loosened, and his body language changed. 

"Why did you choose that door?" His voice was calm, he let go and stared at me with intensity I've never seen. "You had two options, and you managed to choose the safest. Why?"

"It wasn't used as frequently, as if only a singular person entered occasionally to remind themselves of something. In this case, their fears." He swallowed hard at my comment. "The other, had signs of frequent use, as if to show the person who they think they are. I assume it's an area where you all go to discuss things that aren't public knowledge. It was sound proof down there. Silent." By his reaction, my prediction was correct. 

"You had no place to be down there." He sounded insecure, what?!

"You have no place to be in my life, yet here we are." He peered behind and above me for a few seconds before looking at me.

"I, Greyson Lockwood, reject y-" His words were stopped by an even harder slap from me. Shouts as he spoke ceased and we were met with silence. He held his face gently, not making eye contact. My hand gripped his jaw tightly, anger seeped out so it was visible. I forced his eye contact.

"No," he swallowed, "you no longer make decision pertaining to me and what I choose, only I make them. You don't get to say it." He was breathing heavily, as if holding tears back. I released his jaw and shoved him away, he landed on the ground, staring up at me in shock and fear. "This is your singular f***-up, deal with it until I decide what to do."

With that, I left in Franky's car. He'll get it back eventually, just like I hope to get my common sense back because I think I'm actually starting to love this kid.

 I don't want him gone forever- just the time being.

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