Beating the System (bnha fanf...

By caity-devil788

333K 11.2K 7.8K

-"Why don't we beat the system? They all told me I could never be a hero, and that the idea of me being a vil... More

Beating the System
A Bird Always Falls Before It Flies
Wolf King
That's about as practical as a screen door on a submarine.
Thin as a Twig
VCU Urge?
The Letter
One Week.
His Letter
So You Wanna Talk, Eh?
What Does it Mean To You?
Liar Liar Soul On Fire
This is What it Means to Him
I Was Just Testing...
He Didn't Know What It Meant to Him
Iron Man, Bitch
Look Like a Badass (part 1)
Look Like a Badass (part 2)
You Thought You Knew What it Meant to You
Look Like a Badass (part 3 [out of 5])
Look Like a Badass (part 4 [out of 5])
Kind of a PSA
He May Never Get Back What He Once Had
(edited) Look Like a Badass (5/5)
Christmas Special!
Uh.... hi.... mom...?
Jesus Christ What Have I Done
Its Okay to be Angry
Izuku's Hair UWU
Flower Boy
Weather Boy
Pick your Poison
Time Skips?

Try It Again, Deku

6K 252 219
By caity-devil788

I put a ton of work into this chapter, so I hope you appreciate the effort. I wrote this all in one day and it's over 2000 words.

Today, Izuku woke up extra early. He had gotten a text late last night from Torako.

No clue how she got his number, but he thought it best not to think too hard on that.

You best rise and shine tomorrow, I've got a job for you!

So, not wanting to disappoint he did as such. He ate breakfast and left a note for his mother.

He had planned to walk to the warehouse; and yet, as he left his home, a familiar face stood at the bottom of the stairs to their apartment.

"Good morning broccoli child!~"

H-how did she find my address???

"G-good morning... Torako san..." Izuku felt her fist get rubbed in his hair.

"What did I tell ya about the san? Just called me Torako! Or Tora, or auntie Tora, just not Torako san or my last name. Your apart of the fam now, none of that honorific bullshit!"

Torako laughed it off, dragging me the rest of the way down. At the bottom of the stairs is a motorcycle and two helmets.

Torako throws me a helmet, putting on her own. She stands there. I wait for her to get on but she just stares at me.

"Well, come on what the fuck are you waiting for? Get on, give it a go!"

I stand shocked. "Wait, I don't know how to ride a motorcycle! I've never even sat on one before!" My worry is evident, and with good reason.

She smiled at me, waving her hand. She takes the helmet off again, setting it down. "Don't worry! I'll walk you through it before we head off. Get on, and don't press anything unless you're feeling brave. Speaking of which, we need to work on your confidence kid. But that's for another day."

I sit down on the bike, and she places my hands on the handle bars.

"Okay," she starts off, "this is how you control speed, and this one is the brakes. Now, if you look down here-"

I cut her off. "Wait! I don't have a drivers license!" She giggles at me, seemingly amused by my faint worry.

"You know how many kids say fuck it to that rule? As long as you don't get pulled over we shouldn't have a problem."

I look at her through my curls. "But that's illegal..."

"Yeah kid, so is running or being apart of a vigilante organization. But look where we are! You're gonna have to bend some rules, and if you want to get around the city when we do missions you need to know how to drive a motor bike. It's small, fast, and easy to escape in. It's convenient and easy to store. You can also modify them."

I think about it for a minute, before looking straight ahead. I twist my hand, and it revs. Then, it shoots forward without warning.

"AHH!" I get thrown off, and my head throbs. I hear Torako laugh and I hang my head in embarrassment.

"Haha! Oh, so you were feeling brave? Good kid, good kid... come on. This time, take it slow."

I feel like this is gonna take awhile...


It was nearly an hour later when I finally got the hang of it. I have a lot more bruises now than when I woke up... one time the motorcycle fell over and squished me. It's a lot harder than it looks, and my legs are short so they barely touch the ground.

"Yay! You finally got it! Damn you took a long time. Seriously kid, step up your game," Torako expresses. I rub the back of my neck sheepishly, giving her a small apologetic smile.

"Whatever kid, lets go! Schools in and hour and it won't hurt you to get there early. And guess who's driving?"

A look of horror overcomes my facial features.

"Oh no... no, no, no, no way! I am not driving us, well both die!"

Torako smiles demonically, putting her helmet on and forcing one on my head while she was at it.

"Come on! I trust you. If is truly a disaster I'll stop us and drive us the rest of the way."

I hesitantly nodded, still unsure. I sat down and Torako sat behind me, despite being far taller.

I start slow, eventually getting out onto the street.

This is scary...

But as I drive, I eventually forget about that. I start to have... fun. It's refreshing, almost. To be able to just ride around.

A smile lights up my face the rest of the way. We eventually arrive at my school, and we both get off. I attempt to hand the keys back to Torako, but she just closes my hand and shakes her head.

"Ride it home, kid. It's yours for the day." My face lights up in a beaming smile and I hug her.

"Thank you Tora... I'll bring it back tomorrow, promise!" She laughs, ruffling my hair.

"There ya go! Call me Tora from now on, kay kid? You're apart of this organization. You're apart of the familia. You don't have to be so uptight all the time! Have a good day at school, okay?" She plants a small kiss on my forehead.

It's... comforting almost. Like you would get from a grandma or an aunt. Someone who's like a parent, but not quite as strict.

Torako... Tora.

Tora starts to walk away, her hair swaying, and the boots she's wearing clacking against the ground.

I attach my helmet to the bike so no one steals it, and sit down next to the motorcycle.

I have about 45 minutes till school starts, so I think I'm just gonna write a bit. I recently got a new journal! The only difference is that this one doesn't say hero notes...

It has nothing on the cover. I don't want Kacchan ruining my work again...

About 20 minutes pass and I'm already hungry. I didn't have much for breakfast, and my stomach is not letting me forget.

So, I get back on the motorcycle and take a short ride to a convenience store a few minutes away.

I grab some chips, but then put them back. Motashiro san told me to eat healthier when we were practicing the other day. I'm kinda obligated to listen...

So, I grab some crackers instead and a milk carton from the cold items section. I pay for my snacks, and set off towards school again.

People should be arriving by now so I should try and be a bit discreet...

Third person

Izuku arrives at his school, his helmet on and the keys in his pocket. The kids that had arrived by now, (including a blond haired bomb-shell *budum ching*) looked over to the figure.

No one could see his face, but everyone started whispering. No one was old enough to drive yet, so no one had any clue who it could be. They were wearing a uniform, so they had to be a student. But that would be illegal...

Okay, what?

Izuku gets down and pops the helmet off, attaching it to the bike. His hair is flattened, so her brushes his hand through it to get it back to normal. People openly gape.

This can not be real.

Midoriya is a shy little goody-two shoes. A pipsqueak. There is no way he would actually break a law. Much less one with a possibly dangerous vehicle! Such an awkward, timid kid would never ride a motorcycle, much less learn. Seriously, is everyone seeing the same thing here?!? Quirkless no-guts broke a well known law!

Izuku- not noticing his classmates surprise- sits down on a bench to eat his crackers and drink his milk. It definitely made his stomach feel better.

But now that he wasn't distracted,
He noticed all the stares, all the disbelieving looks.

He blushed in embarrassment, looking at his feet. Why are the staring at him, it's not like he-

Oh wait.

Oh. Oh yeah, now he gets it.

Izuku starts to freak out some, trying to seem discreet but only confirming that is indeed him and not some look-alike.

Some people poked the bike, barely believing it's actually real.


Anyway, Katsuki was not having this today. No way. What the actual hell.

Said boy stomps over to his childhood friend and holds him by the collar.

"Okay, what the fuck is going on Deku?!" Explosions pop from his hands, making Izuku's neck red. Izuku whined a bit in pain, but kept any cries in.

"First, you stop talking about your hero bullshit. I'm glad you've finally given up, but no fucking way you just let that go you little shit. Second, you disappearing after school every fucking day. Dipshit, you don't have friends you fucking Deku. So where the hell are you going, you quirkless fuck?

"And third, that fucking motorcycle! You fucking goody-two shoes. You would never do something like that. You don't have a drivers permit, you stupid fuck. Who the hell would teach you anyway!? You get scared when you talk in class you ducking pussy, I know you aren't breaking a law."

Izuku shakes in fear. His teeth are clenched, sweat dripping off his nose. They have a crowd...

A sudden spark of confidence shoots through Izuku.

He looks up at Katsuki with a glare, his face ate in stone. Stern. This isn't Deku...

This is Izuku Midoriya.

Izuku grabs Katsuki's wrist, detaching his hands from his collar. He drags Katsuki away from the crowd and behind the school. Once they are fully out of sight and Katsuki finally processes, he rips his hands away.

"I can walk on my fucking own! FUCKING DEKU!"

Izuku looks back at the angry Pomeranian with a glare, silencing the yappy dog. (Roasted)

"Will you put your petty bitterness aside for one fucking minute so you can talk like a normal human being?! You sound like a villain! You have absolutely no control on your emotion, your anger issues are through the roof! For once in your life listen to someone else for once! Not everything someone says is a challenge towards you! So if you could shut up and sit down sometimes maybe YOU would have real friends for once, instead of driving them away with your massive ego! Jesus Christ, your ego is bigger than the Great Wall Of fucking China! Get over yourself!"

Bitch snapped.

Izuku was huffing. That was an effort.

Now, this didn't make Katsuki too happy.

He looked down, his face completely blank. But then, a smirk overtook his features. He started to laugh.

"THATS SO FUCKING FUNNY! I LOVE THAT YOU THINK YOU KNOW ANYTHING YOU STUPID DEKU! ITS AMUSING! You have no place in telling me off, but nice try! Though it seems you don't know your fucking place!"

Explosions went off.

Izuku was against the wall.

His shirt was slightly burnt, meanwhile, Izuku laid on the ground in a ball. Katsuki walked over slowly, like a predator stalking its pray.

"Know your place, you quirkless Deku..."

Katsuki picked Izuku up by his neck, holding him up. Izuku struggled to breathe, clawing at the hands around his neck.

"Why don't you just do us all a favor and off yourself already, heh Deku? I'm sure no one would miss you. Just go swimming and don't come back up, 'kay? You'll be doing everyone a favor. Getting rid of the weak. No one would fucking care about a quirkless Deku anyway! No one would even notice you're missing! It's not like you have any friends!"

I don't think Katsuki realizes the gravity of what he said.

People would care... right?

If I disappeared? I... I have people who care... my mom... the VCU...

"Geez kid, step up your game!"

"Tch. He's weak."

"I think she's scared of me..."

"Tch. You've gotta work on your dodging. It's sloppy."


Would they even care?

Katsuki gave one last blast into Izuku's chest, causing a red mark under his uniform.

He hissed as his skin burned and stung. If felt like heated needles stabbing into his flesh over and over again....

"Fucking Deku..."

He isn't right... they care... I won't give up...


Katsuki turned around.

"NO! My name is not Deku! My name has never been Deku! I am Izuku Midoriya! I AM WORTH SOMETHING!"

"Come on! He's perfect!"

"No quirk, no weakness!"

"Good job, kid"

"You're not so bad."

"I hope that helped..."

"They all have layers you have to break through. You just need to become..."



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