A new friend ship or a hidden...

By SakurasoHana

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This is a story where you have just moved to a new place and meet new people you never felt more connected to... More

Fresh start (day 1)
First class
After school
At the ER
Going home
Durning that night
Meeting a new friend(day 6)
Theres a new creepypasta (day 7)
Going to the mall (day 2)
Meeting up (day 3)
Finally i'm no longer alone (day 4)
The party (day 5)
Finally back (Day 8)
Re introduce (day 9)
The party
Oh No
It's time to wake up
A new friend?
Let the wonder flood threw
Try to fight it, try to remember
High school
New life
Freak out
Make up
Head out
Time to dance
More surprises
Greatist time of my life
sneak peek

Coming back

37 0 2
By SakurasoHana

Ok, so I won't have a creepypasta pic for this chapter, mostly because...well as you read you'll find out.So sorry about the pic if you wanted this chapter to have a creepypasta pic.Sorry~

Reader's P.O.V

I came back with Sadie from our walk about 11.I went straight to bed, and laid there.I cried for a little bit.

I whispered under my breath, "I'm starting remember everything, why'd you try to fight him?!If you wouldn't have, we could be talking about this!"I rolled over and Snow licked up some of my tears.

I smiled some."I hope he comes back to."I went to sleep.

Jeff's P.O.V

"Wake up!I can't leave her alone in this dark world!STUPID BODY!"I tried over and over to wake up and move, I just can't do it.

I cannot give up tho.

I have tried and tried."Come on body!"

Kristin's P.O.V

I was reading up on my phone, and found something.

"What's this?"I had woken up and couldn't go back to sleep.

Tho, the headline on my phone made me worry.

'Three sisters of this happy family has gone missing.No one has heard from, or seen them since they have went miss.Mr. (L/n), and Mrs. (L/n) are hoping they're little girls come back.The only kid she has is her first daughter, Brittani.Please help fimd these girls.'

"They're looking for us.Well...they may have to wait a little longer."I started thinking on how little sis was doing, but I couldn't hear anything.

Slender did a great job on that, I like how we can be as loud as we want, and not wake anyone.

I figured she was asleep so I went back to it myself.

~~~~~~~~~~~Next week~~~~~~~~~~~

Reader's P.O.V

It's been a complete week since Jeff went into his coma.

I super worried, but I have to stay positive.

I came to check on him like I normally did, tho it was more important day it seemed.I have no clue why, it just feels like it's important.

He was stable like all the other days, but still had not awaken.

I made sure his complextion didn't get any worse, which it didn't.

I healed him for a few minutes every day.

I walked back into my room, and got ready for the day.

Sally had a dress she really wanted me to wear, and it was actually pretty cute for my liking.

I'm normally a shorts and a tee girl.

(A/N: If you can't see they dress, it has they front more open, and the rest of the out fit is more protective.I believe you can call it.But, I just liked how the dress is, I had a few others to.It was this or another one, but I think you just would really hate the way that dress was, and some wouldn't mind.Anyway back to the story.)

I still wore shorts under it tho.

"Come on Snow."Everyone knew I need time to think, and space.They came to talk to me about other things, but same time everyday I take a walk by myself.

I found a small waterfall and it was more like a creek.

It had a few trees, I sat in, a beautiful flower meadow.

This whole place was beautiful in all honesty.

I sat down in the tree I normally do, and grabbed one of the flowers growing on it, and went to sit next to the stream with all these flowers surrounding me.

Snow came next to me, and I put the flower on her head.

I then had my phone go off.

It was Em.

Em: OMG!GET BACK HERE NOW!And it isn't a Jason and me update, or I don't know what to do, just please get here.

Sorry I can't, and i'm in and out of service.See y'all when I get back😉: Me

Em: Promise?

Yes!!: Me

Em: Ok😉😘

👌😽: Me

My phone had stopped so I went back to thinking.

"I wonder what she need you back for."

"Same, but I still need time to think and get back to myself, my dear Snowflake."She licked my cheek, and laid beside me.

Jeff's P.O.V

The darkness started to go away.

I finally started to wake up.

I saw everyone around me except two.

"Jeffy!"Sally hugged me tightly.

"Hey Sal.Hi guys."Everyone showed happiness, but a bit of worry hidden deep in they're face.

"Guys where is (Y/n) and Snow?I figured they'd be here to."I ask hoping that isn't what they are worried about, but that hope was crushed.

"The girls are out on a walk.We've been worried on how she is, but if we ask her, her face drops."

"Why was she worried about me?"Liu hit me in the arm and look at me like I was kinda dumb.

"Jeff, you can't be serious."Kristin, and a few others laughed.

"Jeff, my little sister cares about you.Every day she would come in here, heal you for a little bit, go for a walk.She talks still, but she set you first.She was really worried."I looked at the others and they nodded at Kristin's words.

"Why would she do that?She didn't need to heal me, or make sure I was fine first."

"I may have not known her as long as you all, but even I can tell, that's just her personality.She helps others, before herself.That's just our (Y/n)."I sat there with a little bit of a smile.

"I need to go find her, any clues?"

"No.We try to stay on her, but not to bad."I nodded and took off into the woods.

I found a real pretty area and saw a girl sitting by the water, she started to move, and laid down on thw grass.

I saw who they beautiful girl was.Only one can deal with the lovely look she has.

I looked at her from a far.

Reader's P.O.V

(A/N: Sorry I keep going back and forth.)

I was starting to feel the presents of being watched.

I really didn't care.

I laid down, I then heard someone walking towards me, I didn't move tho.

I then saw a hand offering to help me up.

I looked up the air and saw Jeff.

My face lit up and I sprung up hugging him.

"Jeff!"He hugged me back.

Then picked me up and started spining me around.

"Heya."He finally stopped and put me down.

"How long have you been awake for?"I was so happy tears had started to roll down my face.

"Not long, and please don't cry."He put his hand on my cheek and wiped my tears away.

"So that is what Emily told me to come home early."

"Maybe, but don't feel bad about not coming back."I nodded my head and kept moving the water from falling daown to up, then Jeff spoke up.

"I heard you you came and checked on me every day."

"Ah....wh-who told you that?!"I dropped the water at his words and my face lit up.

"Your sisters."

"O-of course.Well...yeah I did come in there every day.I had to make sure no real problems were made from where you werein that fight.You had me worried you jerk."I splashed water on him.

"Hey!"I giggled.

"Jeff I have something to tell you.And all joking aside.I and dead serious."

"What is it?"

"I'm starting to remember."I put my bare feet in the watter and put my shoes beside me.

"You are?!"I gave a small nodded.

He put his arm around my shoulder and pulled me closer into a hug.

"I'm so glad, how much do you remember?"

"Some."He let me go and we sat there, we heard laughing.

"How cute.The baby has grown up."I stood up quickly and looked.

I saw an angel looking person and a demon.

"Who are you?And who gave you the right to call me a baby?!"

"Hm.Seems like you are stronger then I could bite off."

"Honey, don't be mean to her.Come with us, you can become a stronger young lady.An angel like me, slash a demon like her."He held his hand out to me.

Jeff stepped in front of me."How do we know you won't hurt her.And your not taking her."

I looked at Jeff.

"You wouldn't get it boy.Now hand her over!"I started stepping back, holding on to my head as I started to scream.


"Stop!"The demon woman grabbed Jeff by the arm, I saw that as I took off in the air.

I looked at them with a horrible death stare, and the pain had stopped.

"Let Jeff go!"

"Or what?!"I moved quicker then I had before.

This energy.I felt this energy go threw me before, but weaker.It was when I was fighting Zalgo.

"Woah.You've gotten stronger."Jeff was in shock.

I grabbed his hand and took off running as she growled in anger.

"How dare you!"

"(Y/n), are you ok?"

"I-I don't know, but I do know I need to get you to safety."

"You look really pale."

"I'm....fine."Those two popped up in front of us again, I turned to look at Jeff, but found him in the demon's arms.

She had her nails around is stomach, and a flame in her other hand next to him.

"Move another step closer, and I kill Jeff.Join us, and all will be fine."

I got even more angry that I felt even more of that power corse threw me.

Then everything went black.

Jeff's P.O.V

I saw her get madder, then out of no where she started looking like these two right here holding me captive.

But a mixture.


"Fucking hell!"

"Sweetie, we have to go."They looked at each other and disappeared.

(Y/n) weny back to her normal state and started to fall, and clouds that looked like a thunder storm came earlier, but it had now started to rain.

"(Y/n), come on."We lost Snow, i'm hoping she went back home, but (Y/n) is my main problem right now.

"Your still alive, that's good.I hope you just fainted.And you don't have those features anymore...wait what is this?"I saw part of a mark that was hidden with her dress.

I knew it was wrong to look, but I had to see what this was, so I lifted up her dress some and saw the mark better.

It looked like a birthmark, but this was odd saying she had one on her ankle.

It looked like a heart with angel wings and demon horns and a tail.It had arrow going threw the heart with a A plus D.I was bewildered by it but then it shined a little and was faintly there.

I hated where I had to look, but I pulled her dress down and hid it.I had only saw it because of the way she fell.It is kinda in the middle of her inner leg, and on the front.

"I'm sorry I looked.Tho i'm happy your a tomboy, or I would be even more embarrassed I looked."I was sitting down with her laying in my lap.I stood up and carried her home, then something fell out of her pocket.

I looked at it.It was a bracelet with my name on it, and it had a blade on it.

"Huh?"I put it back in her pocket on the dress she was wearing and carried her back.

Emily's P.O.V

I was getting worried."Jason, what is taking them so long?"We were in my room, and I was holding my phone trying to get a hold of (Y/n), but to no avail.

"I'm sure she's ok.Her and Jeff are probably talking."He put his arm around me.

I started to tear up."I'm scared for her."Jason pulled me into a hug, and I started to cry.

We heard the house become a little more noisey then normal.

Me and Jason looked at each other.

I wiped away my tears, and we walked down stairs to see what was wrong.

I saw what it was."W-what happened?!"

Jeff lowered his head.Kristin on the other hand took action.

She showed us what happened from our sister's memory.

Jeff was wet from the rain, but all of us could tell, not all of the water on his face was rain.

"I believe it's time she finds out."We all looked and saw a weird guy leaning on a wall.

"You we're waiting till this happened to her weren't you?!"

Slenderwoman had never really talked like that, this was a harsh tone.She normally talked nice, and sweetly.

"Kinda.I wasn't sure if her parents we going to show her, or if she could look like them if she got mad enough.Which she has.And she should have a mark to.And I know where it is."

"Oh do you now?!"

"Yes.Want me to show you?"

"Your not showing them, nor laying a hand on her!"

"My my Jeff.I've never seen you this worked up since Randy was trying to mess around with her."


I saw (Y/n) start to move.

"Oh, she's waking up.How great."

"Who the hell do you think you are, and who are you?!"

"Lets say a family friend."

"And your name?!"

"Hm, you can call me Dealer."

(Y/n) woke up and saw this "dealer" and curled closer into Jeff.

"I know who you are!You work with those two that tryied to hurt Jeff!"

"Forced to, like you, but you got out.Look, can I talk to you in private?"

"Why so you can kidnap me?!"

"No.I simply want to talk."

"Only if my dog can join me!"

"I guess that is fine.Jeff let her down please."

She nodded at him, and he let her down.

Snow and (Y/n) disappear into a room, and we stood on the outside.

Reader's P.O.V

"He cares a lot about you."

I blushed."Y-yeah.Anyway, what do you want?"Under my breath I looked at him and said Caleb.

"Correct.I am just like you.Actuallyb we are.I am only a year older than you."

"How do you know me?"

"I guess it's time I tell you.I am your older brother.Mother and Father wanted to keep me a secret, and tell you there secret and have you join them like they forced me."

"How come no one remembers you?"

"Mother and Father wanted to keep me hidden.That is where they went every night.To check on me."

"Prove your my big brother."

"Ok."He showed me a bunch of things.He proved it.

"Oh and check right here on yourself, you should have a mark starting to come in and out of showing till it adapts to you."I checked, and saw it.

"Wow.Do you have it to?"He nodded.

Tho his was a different spot.

He showed me his shoulder and I saw the mark.Then he showed me the under neath

"But, i'm kinda different."

"What do you mean?"

"I'll tell you in a second.But those two things you saw earlier, was your parents as you've probably figured out, tho they gave us the same gene.We can both transform like they can."He showed me, but he looked more like the demon, actually I should say mother.

"As I may look more like mother, father is still in there.But, you got a perfect mix."

"Oh.Hey, why do you call mom and daddy, mother and father.You could at least call them mom and dad."

"I learned how to talk from old timers, plus I just didn't know what to call them by."


"Well, i've told you everything, so I must be off."


"Hm?"He looked at me and tilted his head.

"Please stay, and be my brother.Or at least come and see me.Please!"I looked at him with a sad face.Snow who had been laying there the whole time, looked up and nuged my hand.

"I'll come to see you everyday.Alright my little mystery."

"Hehe."I smiled brightly.

We walked outb and Snow went off to play with Smile.

Right before he left he said to me, which made Jeff jealous I believe."Bye little angel."

"Bye dealer."With that he left.

I saw Jeff look at where that guy was, and head to his room.

"Jeff?"He kept on walking.

I told everyone else what he told me, but didn't say is actual name.

Once I got done, I ran to Jeff's room and nocked.


"Go away."

"Why?What did I do wrong?"

"Just leave me alone you mystery of a person!I don't even know if I know you anymore!Just never mess with me again!"

"I-"I started to tear up and ran into my room.

"Jeff, why?"Was the only thing I could say between tears on how I felt.

"Wh-why must I be alone?!"I cried for hours and heard scratching at my door.

I opened it and let the dogs in, then shut and locked the door.

"Why are you crying?"

"You should know why."

"My owner can be a jerk sometimes.Want us to stay with you tonight?"I nodded my head and they stayed with me.

Liu's P.O.V

I heard what he said to her and came in her room.


"What Liu?!"

"Why are you acting this way?!"

"What way?!I've always been like this, and you can leave me alone if your going to act like (Y/n) as well!"He stood up and looked at me.

"You made her cry.She is in her room crying her eyes out because of you.And the reason he called her that is because...Well you know why!She was coming up here to explain everything to you, and probably tell you more!But if you want to be alone, i'm leaving.Night Jeff."I turned and slammed the door behind me.

Me and Kristin talked.Then we all tried getting (Y/n) out of her room.

Only ones that got in was the dogs.We knew only one person could get her out, but he didn't want us to say anything to him about her, nor did he wish to apologize.

Jeff's P.O.V

(A/N: Last time I swear for this chapter.)

Everyone tried to get me out, and go talk to her, but I didn't want to.

"I bet they are liars.She isn't really crying."The noise had stopped saying everyone gave up.It was 2 in the morning

I went down stairs andgrabbed me a glass of water then read a book on the couch.

I heard that guys voice behind me."Why were you such an asshole.Do you know how much you hurt her?"

"Who are you calling asshole?And I bet none.And if I did, maybe you shouldn't have got with her."

"You, and that is a lie.You hurt her a lot, she's still crying.She is wishing to die right now.And are you kidding me.I called her that because she is my angel.She is-"

"Your girlfriend."

"Sister.She was going to tell you that, but you shut her out."

"No she's your girlfriend.And like she cares for me."

"No what be that way, that just means you missed out on one heck of a girl.Oh and that bracelet, she made that for you by hand.She was going to give it to you to show how much she cares for you."With that he was gone.

I sat there with my thoughts.

I went up stairs and listened on the other side of her door.

I heard three voices, so i'm guessing she made the dogs talk.

"So, what are you going to do now?And no more blood please.Your arms look horrible."

"I don't know, nor care.My sister was right, I'm crazy, worthless, nothing."

"Lies.Your non of that, and I don't know why my owner acted like that."

"He hates me.Just like everyone else.They all want me gone.Everyone hates me."

"Put the nails away!Don't lose anymore blood!"

"Why the hell not Snow?!"


"This bracelet was a waist of my time to make, just like i'm a wast of space."

"(Y/n)."I heard her go back to crying.

'I did hurt her.I'll apologize in the morning.It sounds like she's starting to tire down.'I walked back to my room, and went to bed.

Alright, I am in the middle of the next chapter, and hopefully it'll be done before the end of the week.I'm a little more peppy because I have the Slenderman movie coming out.So I hope you all, that are going to see it, have a lovely time seeing it.And hooe you all enjoyed this chapter.It may take work, and concentration, but you can accomplish your dreams.

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