Liam's Baby

By _melodyy_x

22.7K 451 34


1 || Liam's Baby
2 || Baby love
3 || Under the moonlight
4 || Double trouble
5 || Baby secrets
6 || Beach baby
7 || Baby time
8 || Pain
10 || Remember?
11 || Welcome
12 || Why now?
13|| You really have to go?
14|| Help
15|| It Might Be Time
16|| A New Little Payne <3
17|| Adjustments
18|| Lets Plan It
19|| What does it say?
20|| Are we still on?
21 || Never Would Have Seen it Coming
22 || The Wedding ~Part 1~

9 || Having Feeling

1K 24 0
By _melodyy_x

Liam's POV

"Thats what makes you beautiful" I sang then realized that my voice was joined by another. It was Lindsay's but she wasnt singing she was mumbling

"Whats the matter babe" I asked "I'm just glad you woke up"

I leaned in to kiss her and she smacked me in the face

"Hey" i began, "What was that for" I asked bringing my hand to my face to masage it

"Who the heck are you" She asked "Your just a stranger get out of my room"

"What babe its me" I said

"Dont call me babe and get out of my room" She said "I said GET OUT OF MY ROOM"

I heard fumbling at the door, moments later, the boys entered

"Oh my goodness guys Lindsay woke up" Niall said

"Niall" I said Niall shot me a glare from across the room

"Who are you" she asked, "Who are all of you people" She said and then pointed to me  " I already asked you to get out of my room"

I didnt know what to feel. I was happy that Lindsay woke up, but I was almost wishing that she was still asleep because she didnt even know who I was. I obviously wanted her to wake up again, but remembering me. I mean what is this little girl going to have? A Mom & a Dad, but her mom doesnt remember her dad.

The Nurse came in who regularly takes Lindsay blood. "Oh, Lindsay your awake thats wonderful" She said "Ill go get the doctor"

I was farmiliar with this nurse, her name was Jane. She was the nurse who came in during the wee hours of the morning while i was talking to the baby or Lindsay.

The doctor finially came in to check on Lindsay and he asked me to come have a "talk" with him.

Basically just to cut it short, he said that there was a surgery that he could do which would bring back almost all of Lindsays memory.

The surgery is 250,000 dollars and its 10 hours long.

The doctor said that the risks are like any other surgery, that she could bleed out on the table and die, or something could go wrong and she could have permenet damage

I was going to go tell Lindsay who I was and explain to her what as going on. If this surgery did go wrong and she was like this forever, I wouldnt care. I would remind her everyday who I was.

"Love" I said grabbing her hand but she quickly pulled away demanding me to leave again

"I want to tell you whats going on" I said, trying to speak again before she told me to leave again

"Hi i'm Liam Payne. I am your fiancee, see that ring on your finger" I pointed to it "I gave that to you not that long ago" I continued "I proposed to you on top of a super romantic bulding" I laughed remembering her face "I'm in that band one direction alot of girls want me you see i can have any girl that I want but you, theres something about you that makes you different from anybody else. You dont annoy me at all your so beautiful and i love you more than anybody else in the whole wide world" I paused putting my hand on her stomach "Your pregnant if you didnt notice" She laughed, her sweet charming laugh "Im the dad of course" She laughed again "Were having a little girl and we silll havent picked a name out."

"How far along am I " She asked

"You are six and a half months pregnant Lindsay" I said

"Wow so theres not much time left until I have this baby" She said "Do we have a nursery set up or anything" She asked "And were do we live"

"There isnt much time left until we have this baby and I'm excited. We dont have a nursery set up, and we live in a house together" I said "And just so you know we didnt just meet and rush into this stuff" I said "WE have been together for almost 4 years" She smiled

"Heres the thing that I really want to talk to you about" I said "You dont really remember anything but your ex came around, I dont even know his name and he punched you in the stomach" I said a look of worry came across her face "Dont worry the baby is fine" I said "But you forgot things like you didnt know who i was and you probably dont remeber the boys either but just wait ill tell you that later" I said

"The Doctor suggested this surgery that if goes 100 percent right, and he said hes done is about 35 time and each one was succesful, You will get your memory back"

"What about the baby" She asked

"The doctor said that theyll monitor our baby during the procedure but the baby will be fine" I said

"Well" She said "Now that i remember who you are and youve filled me in on everything about us and stuff" I nodded "I think that we should pick out a name for our baby in case something goes wrong during the surgery" She said tears filling her eyes

"Lindsay May dont you dare think like that" I said using her middle name because I was mad she said that "You are going to be just fine" I reassured her

The doctor came in, he wanted to know if Lindsay was going to do the surgery so they could book an O.R. but he said that she really should do the surgery because the longer they wait, the harder it could be to fix.

"Yes ill have the surgery" She said

"Ok" The doctor said "Ill have a nurse come in and get you ready and then well take you down there"

"Its already happenening" I asked

"Yes" The doctor said "See you in about 15 minutes" He smiled then pointed to Lindsay

"Liam I'm scared" She said as soon as the doctor left the room "Dont worry love ill be here when you go into surgery and when you wake up" I said grabbing her hand and she actually squeezed mine back.

Lindsay is all ready for surgery now and there starting to wheel her to the operanting room. Im holding her hand as we walk to the O.R. and many hallways. We get to a door that says "Authorized Personel Only" in big red letter

"Im sorry sir this is as far as you can go" the doctor said

I turned my attention to Lindsay "I love you so much" I said "I love you too" She said

I leaned in for a kiss not knowing if i was going to get one but I did

They pushed Lindsay through the door and I watched as the doors shut and I could no longer see her.

Lindsay's POV

I didnt really remember Liam but he ws really sweet and there was no way he could make this stuff up. So when we go to the doors and he told me he loved me i told him I loved him too. He leaned in for a kiss and I didnt really expect myself to but i sat up and kissed him back.

They, the doctors that is, wheeled me through the door and through another and another until we got to one that said O.R. 3 

They pushed me through that door and then there were nurses and medical equipment  everywhere and now my nerves were really getting to me.

They moved me onto another bed and stuck things all over me and many needles to.

Then this doctor came over and put this mask thing on my face and told me to count bakwards from 10.

"Ok" I said "10...9....8..." I felt my eyelids starting to get heavy............ by 7 i was out


Guys over 70 reads thats amazing thank you soooooo much!!

Sorry I havent updated in so long, ive been really busy but I've also had writers block :(

But thank you guys so much for not giving up on this book! I felt bad I havent updated in so long so I wrote a long chapter 1,400 words yay!

I like how this story is going to far! How about you?

Thank you for reading! Enjoy.

Love you all!

- Melody XX

I updated this on Sunday July 27th, 2014 

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