Hands In The Stars

By candybuffetcircus

2.8K 192 6

Money is made over piles of corpses. It always has been and it always will be. This is a world full of never... More

1. Orchid Rain
2. Strange Visits
3. Call Out
4. The Road To Your Heart
5. A Man Never Gets To Sleep
6. Empty Eyes Make Broken Dreams
7. Tormented
8. Child's Play
9. A Heavy Heart's Recognition
10. Jewellery
11. A Palace For Tonight
12. Camellia, Or Tulips?
13. Odd Breakfast
14. The Break-In
15. Happy Pills
17. Evening Request
18. Gray Break
19. Showgirl
20. The Art Of Greetings
21. As Friends
22. Banquet Renounce
23. A Drink Or A Flame
24. Abandoned Residence
25. Hit And Run
26. Home, Sweet Home
27. Gentle Needles
28. Pink Plaid
29. Fare Collation
30. Sweet Cherry Cake
31. Contact Collision
32. Returnal Of The Lamb
33. Delayed Birthday
34. Blood And Bones
35. The Holiday Roadhouse
36. Noteworthy Preparation
37. Distinguishing Anchor
38. Revolve Orbit
39. The Run-Away Doll
40. Exhausted
41. About Thirty
42. Connecting The Past
43. Meihui
44. Conducting The Audition
45. Water Is Thicker Than Blood
46. Hit Like A Wave
47. Border Drive
48. Get Together
49. In Time

16. Bar Meeting

48 4 0
By candybuffetcircus

Feng walked up to the bar and put down 35 yuan on the counter, which dragged the attention of the bartender over to him.
"Rum, Dorah!" He demanded in a loud voice. He leaned his elbows onto the counter and looking around the club, scanning the faces of everyone. People either danced around the dance floor, hung by the bar or sat in the boots enjoying their drinks or stage boys. Dorah, the clubs bartender, was standing behind the desk with a glass of water in his hand and a small black towel hanging over his arm.
"Ah, Feng!" The bartender greeted his old friend. He walked up to the counter and leaning over, grabbing the 35 yuan to put into the register underneath the counter. "A rum it'll be. Just a second sir." He mumbled. Dorah turned around in his small, cramped area to fix the drink. Feng watched the man in the black hoodie work, feeling his head throb a bit by all the loud noises around them. Suddenly, he felt a smaller pair of hands slowly running up his back and around to his chest, grabbing onto his shirt.

"Hey there gorgeous, I've missed you." The masculine voice came from behind Feng. Meihui leaned his forehead against the back of Feng's suit jacket, a big smile across his dark pink painted lips. Feng slowly turned around, a small smile over his lips as he already knew who was waiting for him. He looked the smaller man up and down, adoring tonight's outfit.
"Well, well, well, the famous Cherry Pon at my feet? I've missed seeing you too, baby. Someone hasn't been answering his phone lately, hm?" Feng half-aggressively greeted his partner. "Join me for a drink." Feng sat down onto the empty bar chair next to him. It wasn't a request; it was a demand. He grabbed onto Meihui's much smaller frame and lifted the worker up onto his lap. Feng put down another 35 yuan onto the counter."Actually, two rums, Dorah!"
"Oh, I'm sorry daddy." Meihui mumbled back in a lowered voice. He leaned his head against Feng's shoulder with a small smile, running his hand down Feng's body. "I've been busy, you don't need to use my stage name here you know, I'm not working when I'm with you after all."
"I know baby, but it suits you quite well." Feng commented. Feng's big, warm hands rubbed Meihui's back comfortingly, and he leaned in to gave the performer a deep kiss.

"Have you managed to get to know anything more about that Yonru guy yet? You haven't mentioned anything about it in a while. I hope you're not trying to avoid the quest." Feng suddenly changed subject as soon as the kiss broke apart.
"No sir, I've already told you all that I got but I'll look deeper into that matter later I swear. I just... Need more time" Meihui promised, his voice gentle and soothing. He placed one of his hands down onto Feng's thigh, starting to rub it softly. "Either way, that's not your work to worry about right now. Stop thinking about it all the time. You need to relax. Nothing bad is going to happen, relax babe."

"Christ, get a booth you two." Dorah rolled his eyes as he placed down a pair of big glasses onto the counter in front of the couple, a forced smiled on his lips. Meihui only laughed in response, waving Dorah's comment off. He leaned forwards and eagerly grabbed onto his drink, then held the other one out for the big mafia son in his company.
"Let's not talk about work now honey, please. How's your dear mother doing? I haven't heard from her in so long. Not since she gave me that flower bouquet! Too bad it's dead now..." Meihui converted the subject, and straightened himself up as Feng sipped onto his drink. The suited man looked around them before he locked his eyes back onto Meihui, who turned on his lap to instead sit sideways against the bigger man, strategically placing his hand onto Feng's chest.

"Hm, yeah, she's doing alright, but she's not as energetic as usual lately though." Feng ultimately answered before consuming the rest of his strong drink. "And on top of that, father isn't exactly being less of an asshole lately. Though he's not in the city for now, so that's a plus." Feng removed some of the purple wigs hair out of Meihui's face with his fingertip and adored the other.
"I feel so bad for your mother. I wish I'd see her more often." Meihui's voice saddened a bit. He put down his now empty glass to lean against Feng's chest. "She's a very sweet and caring woman. I'd never even think about spending one day in the same room as Dai alone. Don't let their worries get to you, it shouldn't effect you."
"Stop worrying about me." Feng waved Meihui's concerns away. To stop the worker from talking, he leaned in to give Meihui a wet kiss, running his hands down to take a firm grip of his partner's thigh. As the kiss broke, Meihui was just about to give Feng yet another one, when a big hand placed itself onto Feng's shoulder. Both men quickly turned around.

"Am I interrupting?" Emilio asked with a deep chuckle as he wiped some raindrops off his big shoulder.
"Oh, Emili- Rosa!" Meihui smiled widely as he noticed the small lady standing closely behind the gigantic man in front of him.
"Yes, in fact, it is possible you are interrupting." Feng sighed in a mildly annoyed voice, but he let a smile creep across his charming face. "It's good seeing you again, Hunter. I'll let it pass, this time. Why don't you two accompany us? Please."
"Well, we've got some time now, don't we?" Rosa seized her dear husbands thick arm and smiled up at him. Emilio gently lowered his head to look down at Rosa, letting his long, curly, dark hair fall off his shoulders and conceal his face. Then before looking back at Feng and ran his hand through his damp hair, dragging some of the mess behind his ear.
"Well, not very long but we do have some time." Emilio finally agreed, only because of his wife's pleading voice. "But we can't stay very long, tonights been going on for far too many hours already and I think the nanny will want to leave." He subtly reminded his affectionate wife and pecked her forehead quickly before walking up behind the empty chair next to Feng and Meihui's.
"I think I'll only just enjoy a small glass of wine then, please." Rosa decided as she saw Dorah making his way to the group. She pulled out 35 yuan from her shoulder bag, promptly handing the money over to Dorah before she sat down onto the chair in front of Emilio.
"As one would expect, ma'am. Anything for the Hunters." Dorah smiled politely at her and went to pull out a half emptied bottle of red wine.

"You two must be quite busy right now I can assume, there's been a lot going on lately. An awful lot of sloppy mistakes. From other members, I mean." Feng mumbled before pausing for a short second and getting a slightly concerned look. "How's it going with, well, those two? You know if they're causing trouble you can just tell me."
Emilio's smile died as he looked over at Feng, who stared back at him. There was a short silence before Emilio shook his head slowly.
"No, no they're doing just fine. Jīn isn't causing any trouble at all and the girl is not even close to a problem. Rosa is taking very good care of both of them." He reassured Feng, placing his hand onto his wife's shoulder and rubbing it softly.
"Well, you're being a big help as well." Rosa blushed a bit and leaned her short frame over the counter to accept the glass from Dorah. With a smile over his face, she and took a small sip of her wine. "I just love having them around, you know? Really Feng, I'll have to thank you for suggesting us for the job, it's been a dream. We really appreciate it." She commented honestly and leaned back against Emilio with a happy smile across her soft lips. Feng wasn't sure if he'd feel confusion, suspicion or concern. The situation at hand concerning the subject of those four people living under the same room left a weird taste in his mouth. One thing he knew for sure, it made him quite anxious. There was a fragile uncertainty in the air, with simply a few exchange of words things could easily go south for the Dongcock family's name, and many others involved. 

Feng groaned heavily and wrapped an arm around Meihui's waist, tilting his head against his shoulder.
"At least that's good, but don't get too stuck on them, woman. They've got to go soon whether you like it or not. There is no way that you can be keeping them, that would be far too dangerous. At least the girl, she has to go, very soon. We don't want her to spread anything or decide to do something bizarre, just can't risk it." He reminded them in a flat tone, when Meihui suddenly turned to look at Feng.
"Baby, don't be so cruel..." He mumbled and slid his hand up onto Feng's arm. Emilio sighed loudly, purposefully letting the other couple know of his disliking to the statement.

"Rosa is willingly doing her best raising something that your family caused, so don't you go all over her." Emilio said in a mild, but warning tone. "The girl can stay however long she pleases, there is no need for her to leave. She can barely speak clear chinese and she's been through way too much to even dare risking it. She's not going anywhere."
"That is not mine nor your decision to make, if I could I'd be on your side on this matter, you know. This entire situation is just one big mess, I don't want it to escalate and lead to something far worse." Feng rubbed his eyes a bit and let go of Meihui, who jumped down back into his feet again and looked towards the vast stage for a second, then turned back to Feng.
"I'm sorry, but I need to get backstage again. I have work to attend. You should come by again some other day, make sure it's soon, though." Meihui smiled politely and gave Feng a hasty kiss before disappearing into the enthusiastic crowd of dancing people. 
"Maybe you two should get going soon too, I've already restrained you here longer than intended, my sincere apologies. It's been good seeing you again, Emilio, really."


Emilio drove up to the imposing, gray mansion and parked his car. He watched the gates slowly close shut and lock back up again behind them through the mirror. He turned to give his wife a brief glance, glimpsing her leaning against the cars window almost asleep. The encounter they had with Feng really managed to set him off the edge. Though, he'd like to think that since he's one of the top ranked hitmen he does have some saying in the matter himself. The italian mafia man got out of the car and went to open the door for his wife, clasping her hand softly as they walked up to the entrance. He only let go of Rosa's hand to unbolt the front door and hold it open.
"In you go." He said with a smile, which caused the short lady to smile and step inside with Emilio following closely behind. He shut the door and slipped off his shoes just as the old nanny peeked around the corner and let a tired smile paint her wrinkled face.
"Oh, it's merely you two. I almost got a bit nervous for a second. Welcome home! The little one just fell asleep some minutes ago, but I can't seem to convince the girl to go to bed, so she's still up. I'm sorry, I absolutely tried." The elderly woman informed them as she clutched the dark blue coat from the wardrobe with her frail hands.
"Thank you miss Chu, that's completely fine. We're really grateful you could do this for us, you should go home and rest now, it's quite late." Emilio smiled politely at the grey-haired lady. He stepped to the side to let her make her way outside, and he slipped some extra money into her pocket.
"Your children are lovely, Hunter, I'll hope to get to see them again soon." She smiled before closing the door behind her and leaving the couple alone in the hallway.

Rosa quickly got rid of her shoes and jacket and tiredly hurled them onto the floor. With quick steps, she walk up to Emilio and wrap her arms tightly around him, which caused him to look down at her with a small smile. Rosa hugged Emilio tightly for a long moment before she grabbed onto the shoulders of his white dress shirt and pulled him down into a deep kiss. Emilio wrapped his arms around his short wife and kissed back, but soon straightened himself up a bit again and looked down at Rosa.
"I'm going to shower, please put the girl to sleep if you can, honey." He advised her, and stroke her cheek with his fingertip before he turned around and quickly made his way towards the bathroom. Rosa only had to take a few steps into the mansion before she spotted the short, brown haired girl peeking out from the railing of the dark wooden staircase leading to the second floor. She smiled slightly to herself as she slowly made her way up the steps and sat down besides the girl.
"Why honey, what are you doing up here at this time? You know you have school tomorrow." The woman whispered softly as she grabbed onto the girls small hand. "Are you feeling okay?"
"I'm sorry, Mrs Hunter, I had a bad day so I did not want to go to bed without knowing you are back." The girl mumbled. There was a short pause of silence between them, while Rosa waited to see if the other would continue.

"There's this girl in school, and she won't stop picking on me, no matter what I do. It might be because I speak weirdly, or because I'm a bit, well... Wider, than the others, I think." She slowly grabbed onto some of her hair and anxiously played with it between her short fingers, stumbling over her words with her Korean accent.
"Oh Zen honey... Don't let her provoke you. What she thinks of you doesn't matter at all!" Rosa informed her with a concerned voice. "If she becomes too much trouble, we'll always help you out, you know." She reassured the teenager with a generous smile, but it soon disappeared as the sudden cries of the baby boy could be heard coming from upstairs. Both girls turned their heads to the sound before quickly starting to make their way to the second guest room.


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