Ace For Hire // BTS Reader In...

By tokki-maknae

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Who is Ace? Besides being the deadliest hitman on the market in the underground, whose really under the hood... More

Queen for Capture Intro


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By tokki-maknae

Finding Jungkook was harder then you imagine.

Since the club was only filled with gang members for the night, you've been mistaken for a waitress multiple times in a span of five minutes. But in a way you learned more about the gangs, and the underground scenes they run.

You even ran into a group of girls who called themselves BlackPink. Weirdly enough, for you, they acted like high schoolers. They ran into you and instantly started a bunch of different girl related conversations. Which was a first for you, but also ironic in the way they were talking and comparing their custom made knives that had 'BlackPink' engraved on the handle.

After a while of knife talk, they started to fawned over your hair and skin for a while. Two of them started talking about different types of braids they could do which led to a playful argument of who gets to braid your hair. While they bickered over who got to do your hair, which you decided no one was going to touch, you manage to slip out.

From a distance you could hear them go on about it. They were the classic popular girls that everyone wanted to be friends with. The kind of girls you'd kill to party with or go out and paint the town in neon pink.

Deep down a part of you actually wanted to be friends with them, but under different circumstances of course. You envied the idea of sitting around with other girls doing normal teen stuff, like talking about your recent crushes, comparing phone keychains at school, or even playing stupid games like truth of dare. Just normal girl things. But your pastel fluffy happy go lucky carefree teen day dream was quickly interrupted by a neon light reflecting off the polish top of a pistol tucked halfway into someone's belt.

RM's words echo, 'No weapons'. Tensing at that rule a bit and feeling more exposed than you'd like, you picked up your steps faster. Deciding it be better if you stopped day dreaming and focused on your surroundings.

You thought it be in your best interest to keep interaction with other gangs to an absolute minimum. Meaning you'd only interact if it was life or death important. Maybe after BTS makes it big or whatever you could go be in a girl gang. You smiled at the idea because it didn't sound all that bad. Except you'd probably would spend years finding the truth about dad. You ended up just forgetting about girl gangs all together. The idea of dragging other people along made you feel like a burden. Especially when you felt like this is something only you can do.

After walking around for a while you finally broke in your heels, so now you didn't cave man limp everywhere or needed to hold on to someone. You kept looking around and keeping your ears open for anything that that stood from the background noise. Your [E/C] eyes sweep the area in front of you back and forth slowly like a cat on the hunt. Specifically, a cat hunting a bunny.  

You wrinkled your nose at people doing body shots and getting high off of their own supplies. Glancing over at that area, you swiftly tear your eyes away and moved like a ghost through the club. It's the underground, that stuffs everywhere. But you're still getting use to it. Yet you've seen enough blood in the years of Ace to fill up a heart shaped kiddy pool.

Ironically, drugs and alcohol still rubbed you the wrong way. Walking up to the bar you tapped your nails against an empty shot glass, catching the bartenders attention. You took a bill that you hid in the side of your bra out, you held it up then waved at her a bit. She walked over leaning forward, resting her upper body against the neon bar counter, taking the money from you gently. You knew her tits were practically spilling out of her tube top but you kept your eyes locked with her neon yellow eye contacts.

"What's your poison sweetie?" She yelled over the music because there was a speaker conveniently, using conveniently sarcastically, placed right next to the bar. You leaned towards her a bit pushing up onto your tip toes. "I'm looking for someone!" You yelled back, but trying to ask politely. Which is hard to do when yelling.

"We're all looking for someone!" She answered while tossing a few ice cubes and orange slices into a cocktail shaker. Everything she did, she did it while bopping her head to the beat and swaying her hips out of rhythm with the music.

Before she completely lost interest in you, you added "I'm looking for a bunny on steroids! His suit jacket looks like its bursting at the seams, and the buttons on his shirt are barely holding together!" You covered the ear facing the speaker to avoid getting tinnitus.

She poured different colorful bottles that all had the same clear liquid, into the metal tin and capped the top with a shot glass shaking it. "Honey, I'm barely holding together." She yelled over the pounding speakers. Going back and forth a bit in your head, you assumed she was probably drunk and high at the same time somehow. You stood back onto your heels groaning. Turns out that bartender was as useful as a porcupine in a condom factory. You mouthed 'thanks' at her and started to walk away, maybe at this point Jungkook went back to the others and you were just walking around with head up your ass at this point.

"Some guy's went out back down the red hall. I'd go check there for your boyfriend. But if I were you, I wouldn't go looking there." The bartender yelled out and then went back to serving other people. You quickly turned around to correct her. "He's not my boyfriend!" You indistinctively yelled to her, nearly jumping back onto the counter. "Yeah sure, and I'm not the bartender!" She said, then walked to the other end of the bar where another hand holding a bill shot up. Well, with what she said, it was debatable.

Shaking your head to yourself, you turned around ready to brave the crowned of sweaty bodies. Red hall? You asked yourself as you started to put distance between you and the booming speakers. Now that you were a few feet away you could actually hear your own thoughts. You looked around the club again.

You noticed for the first time here that different areas were lit up with a neon color. The stairs that lead to the VIP glass boxes that looked over the entire club, were neon green. Inside those glass boxes were important meetings going down apparently. Or at least that's what you overheard when walking through the dance floor. You saw five girls sitting on a red velvet couch talking to a large group of guys, the guys all wore matching varsity jackets with different names and numbers on the back of them.

From where you were, you could only read two of the jackets by squinting. One said Baekhyun 4 and another one who turned their back towards you read D.O 12. You watched the two groups for a bit before looking around again. The whole dance floor was neon pink. The bar was neon dark blue, then the back area were everyone was lounging was neon purple. The same place were the giant Sinners neon sign dimly lit up the couches.

Oddly enough you noticed both Jimin and Tae were gone, you just assumed they left at some point. Either to go dance, drink, or watch Suga lug a drunken Hobi around with their height difference. The last option seemed to be the most realistic one. Because if you were given the option to pick, you would definitely watch that. You looked around and over the crowd scanning for anything remotely red.

You saw a hallway that two people drunkenly walked down and you saw a red glow reflect off the whites of their clothes. There's no way Jungkook went to the stairs, if it's for important personnel, he wouldn't be aloud to go anywhere near it. You also couldn't find any logical reason why he'd go there anyways. Sighing to yourself you decided to take what the bartender said on a limb, and headed to the hall.

You stride over to the hall as your heels made a clear clicking sounds that echoed around you. Once you finally step into the entrance for the hall and looked around, the panels of lights in the ceiling being a deep scarlet red. But the lights itself were so dim you had to squint until your eyes adjusted to the darkness and light change. You slowly make your way down the hall making no sound with your heels. As you walked, two black blobs in your line of sight started to define into the outlines of other people. You covered your mouth so you don't gag out loud at the two people shoving their tongues down each others throats.

Walking faster at that sight you loudly yelled random words in your head to avoid hearing the gross moist smacking sounds and high pitched gasping. You see a door that had 'Emergency Exit' at the end of the hall. But the 'Emergency' was crossed out with black spray paint that also had splashes of red across the door and the handle bar. You hoped it was just the left overs of a busted red spray can and not dried blood. The hand of the door was covered in the same red splashes, but some of it looked fresh and new. Based on the way it dripped down and into the handle bar.

Taking a few steps back, you casually lift your right leg up and used enough force to push the door open, enough for you to hop out through the doorway. You quickly grabbed a nearby overly chipped brick from the alleyway and left it in the doorway. From were you stood you could hear the thumping of the techno music blasting from within.

Stepping back, you read the black spray paint above the door that said, 'Welcome to Hell- Sinners.' With the red neon light escaping from the gap you left in the door frame, those two things went hand in hand. You turned around looking over everything in the alleyway. The single warm white street light above the door to the club lit up the majority of the alleyway. Feeling chills and your skin break out into goosebumps. You wrapped yours arms over each other and gingerly used your hands to rub the cold out of them the best you could.

This is stupid. You thought to yourself and reached out to open the door but froze in place. Your ears drone out all the sounds in the alleyway and held your breath, focusing onto the unmistakable sound of skin being beat into. It mimic the noises that boxers made when they hit already badly beat up punching bags. Except this one sound sickening. You stepped back away from the door and with deadly silence in your step, walked down the alleyway.

The closer you got, the more you could hear clearly. The hits were gradually getting worst and increasing more. You could hear the bruises blossoming from the hits that bounced off the grimy brick walls. Then, like lighting striking through unexpectedly, you heard the clear sound of someone's bone snapping.

That's when you saw it. You didn't know how you felt, so you didn't try to find an emotion or didn't show any emotion. You looked on with an unreadable face. But you knew you wouldn't forget what you saw. That wasn't the sound of someone's bone cracking apart, it was Jungkook's jaw. He was kneeling on the floor cupping his own face in pain. His suit was ripped and teared from various spots, it was hard to tell from your distance if it was ripped from stress under Jungkook fighting or from the oversized pocket knife that the guy held standing over him.

You matched the other sounds you heard to another body laying nearby. There was another guy dressed like the one who stood over Jungkook kneeling. But he wasn't standing, he was kicking. Kicking into the person under them like soccer player kicking off. Or an abusive owner beating their dog.

You recognized the boy curled up on the floor slightly, even though he kept his arms over his head you saw him clearly. As if you called out to Jimin, he looked up from where he was laying. His eye locking with you in an instant. You say eye, singularly not plurally, because his other eye was swollen shut and colored in grotesque shades of gnarly blues and purples. All it took was one look, one look that screamed at you to 'RUN'.

And you did. You ran like Jimin's eyes told you.

Running towards them as your instincts kicked in, blocking out all other rational thinking. Something unknown came over you, but instead of fighting it like you've done before, you listened. Dashing towards them effortlessly in your attire. It felt like time slowed down but your heart rate picked up. Which happened when you went into hitman mode. Or whenever you went Ace. This happened constantly during your first few hits. A natural born killer like your dad. As if it was in your DNA.

Your arm shot out towards the dumpster on it's own. Pulling a loose, thick plank of wood out from the nearby dumpster you dashed to the guy standing over Jungkook. Since he was closer, but before he could hear the clickings of your heels, you planted your feet firmly into the ground and bashed the wood plank into his knee knocking him onto one knee. Before he could raise the knife against you, you changed your hands positions while turning the plant flat, so it cut through the air faster, and swung back from the other direction. Hitting him in the side of his head, you felt it sink into the side of his head a bit like cracking a watermelon open. You never played softball, but you guessed you'd be one hell of a batter.

"[Y/N]!" You heard Jungkook yell in slight pain. Blood was thundering in your ears as your adrenaline shot into your veins. Suddenly you finally heard louder footsteps behind you, but before you could react to what was happening. Two muscular arms slid under yours and pin your arms square apart from each other, making you drop the plank. The hands met behind your neck putting you into a tight headlock.

You jerked forward causing your attacking to loose balance since he was using his weight to pull you back. Lifting up your left leg you stomp down into his foot until you felt the familiar cracking of his foot under your heel. The more you dug your heel in the more cusses he screamed into your ear. So much for not getting tinnitus.

The hands that were locked behind your neck rapidly loosen its grip, you took the moment to throw yourself back into him. After that, you created more space between you and the surroundings in front of you. Running your heels up the dumpster then onto the alleyway wall, you grabbed onto his shoulders gripping his jacket tightly and flipped backwards over him. While flipping you slammed him down into the ground successfully knocking the air out of him. You landed a bit roughly, but still pretty badass, considering you were fighting in 'bitch ass' heels the whole time.

Standing up quickly you turned sharply, connecting the back of your foot to the side of his head. Causing his head to go flying into the broken sharp edge of the rusted dumpster next to him. You heard the sickening stab of his head as it made a clean connection to the metal. Your chest and shoulders rise and fall heavily with every breath you took.

Fully tapped into your Ace skills and instincts, you didn't hesitate or wait for anyone to yell before you heard another pair of foot steps. You flicked your head back as you side step out of the way from the other guy. Who thought he could take you out by running at you pointing the knife. Which never works, at least not with a mildly experienced hitwoman. His arm followed you as you stepped away. You quickly grabbed his wrist with one hand. Using that hand you twisted his wrist back, which caused him the yell out in pain and to drop the knife. With your other hand you grabbed his arm past his elbow. Before he could recover from his sore wrist, you brought his arm down and your knee up making a clean snap in his arm.

After you snap his elbow, so it would never bend the right way, you walked over picking up the knife off the ground. The last guy was on his side holding his shattered arm. He looked at you making eye contact that caused him to yell out as if he saw a demon. Flipping onto his stomach, he tried to crawl away pathetically like a cockroach that got stomped on repeated with a steel boot.

Finally catching your breath and steadying your breathing, you looked over at Jungkook and Jimin. Jungkook was supporting Jimin by putting most of his weight onto himself. Your eyes instantly land on the blood dripping down his left cheek which dripped from a deep cut right under his left eye. Your fingers twitched, fighting the urge to touch his cheek.

"What caused the fight?" You asked Jungkook as he stood up slowly, carefully supporting Jimin's hunched over position. "I was walking through the crowd.. and I bumped into those guys. I said sorry but they dragged me out here anyways."

You looked back at the other guy who was beating on Jimin, who now had a dark crimson liquid pool out onto the floor from where his head met the dumpster. Staring down at the knife in your hand you look over at the last guy who was trying to escape. Walking over and past his crawling figuring your slammed your heel into the center of his back. Making him cry out, "y-you fucking bitch. Those heels fucking hurt!"

"No shit. Imagine wearing them for the whole night." You hummed a bit lacing your tone with dark sadism. Using the tip of your heel you roughly tapped his head. "Did you really start the fight over petty shit." You didn't ask him, you demanded.

He turned his head to the side to grit his teeth into dust, while looking at you out of the side of his eye. "He acted like a fucking prick. All you kids think your hot shit because your the newer gangs. I figured I'd teach that fucking twink a lesson." You noticed out of the corner of your eye how Jungkook reacted when he used the word 'twink'. Like he's heard it too many times before, but it still hurts.

You felt your chest tighten at that. The same way your body reacted before you were overcome with the urge to kill them. You didn't need to know who started the fight first, all you knew if you were going to end it and protect them. You didn't understand why you were overwhelmed when you witness Jimin's vulnerable state tell you to 'run' and when you saw Jungkook's eyes on the verge of tears. But for whatever reason you knew your chest ache when you found them. But that ache instantly transformed on its own into rage. Dragging the older guy by the back of his hair you threw him down in front of Jungkook and Jimin. "Apologize."

"Apologize?! Are you fucking insane?!" He let out a cackle that shook his whole body with every laugh. Already annoyed with his laugh you kicked his head down into the cement without holding back your leg strength. "Unless you want to look like a used pad after I drag your body against the concrete, I suggest you apologize. Especially since I'm feeling particularly nice about letting you live."

Digging his good hand into the dirt, you can hear him suck his pride through his teeth before hissing out, "Sorry, that you needed a girl to save your pathetic asses, you fucking shitheads."

Jimin let out a painful groan while holding his side, "that's the fucking, shittiest, most back handed apology I've ever heard."

"For once I agree with you, but like I said I'm feeling nice. But I just think a decent apology would've gone a long way for you." You grabbed the top of his head and jerked him back holding him into a kneeling position. You stared into his shakily black beady eyes that darted around from unknown fear. "Jungkook."

"Yes [Y/N]?" He asked with a slight wince in his speech.

"Your cheek, who cut it." There was a slight pause, and you felt the man in your grip tremble like a wilted leaf.

His doe eyes darted away from you as if he was more scared for the guy than for himself now. "He did.." Jungkook admitted and looked away a bit, like he knew were this was going. Nodding, you looked at Jungkook then at the old douche bag, "I'm a person of my word, but it's dangerous knowing you'll be out here. Especially now since you've seen our faces and heard our names. So whatever happens now, just know you had it coming." You flipped the knife around your fingers so it pointed downwards, your knuckles whitening around the grip of the handle tightly.

"N-No.." The guy pleaded, hoping you'd be merciful and that it was just a bluff. You held the curved knife tip to right eye's shrunken shaky iris.

Jungkook turned away. Jimin watched.

Some people in the club could hear through the propped back door the ear ripping screams that shrieked against night. But nobody ever came to investigate the sound. Somewhere inside the club, there was the same bartender shaking her head in disappointment.

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