Hidden Feelings

By NiyAlsina

639K 38.2K 14.2K

Four years have gone by and everything has changed. Valencia has been in a coma and Elias is now Four. But wh... More

New Book.
Bonus Chapters.
Epilogue* Pt.1
Epilogue* Pt. 2
Last Words
Possible Final Goodbyes


4.7K 350 135
By NiyAlsina

Amir Jones Jr.

"You're up early." My mom said when she saw me sit at the table.

"Yeah, I actually wanted to talk to you."

"I have to talk to you too." She sipped on her coffee. "Where have you been sneaking off to lately?"


"You're hardly here. Is it a girl?" She poked my sides smiling.

"More like a...woman." I said seeing her smile fade away.

"How old is this woman?"


"Twenty-five..." She cleared her throat. "Um, how long have you two been together?"

"A little over a year."

I had this weight on my shoulders keeping this secret from her. Me and my dad have a great relationship, but Malina and I have always had a stronger bond. I feel comfortable telling her first.

Something about this relationship with Faye and my previous relationships tells me that it's unhealthy.

"So you were seventeen and-"

"Yes, we were involved."

"You know how girls grow up sometimes with daddy issues? They lacked a father figure in their life and because of that they try to fill that void by messing with older men-"

"You trying to say that I have mommy issues or something?" I scoffed. I don't even care about Jaeleigh that much to let her have an affect on my life.

"Amir, don't catch an attitude with me. I'm just telling you what it sounds like to me." She called me Amir so I just sat back and shut my mouth. "I've been in your life, but I can't replace your mother."

"I don't have any other mother but you."

"Jaeleigh is still your biological mom, AJ. And you still are holding in that hurt from not having her in your life. You're looking for that unfilled void in other women."

"You think something is wrong with me?"

"Not at all, but you need to ask yourself if this woman is what you really want or is she just a coping mechanism." She rubbed my back in a soothing manner. "Do you love her?"

"Yes...I think-- I don't know."

"I can't tell you what to do. All I can do is stand behind you and support."

"Thank you, mom." I leaned over and gave her a tight hug. "Can we keep this between us? Just until I figure this out."

"If that's what you want."

"Woman, where my breakfast at?" Dad walked into the kitchen with Alora following behind him.

"There's cereal and milk. Go crazy."

Alora sucked her teeth, "Cereal? If I wanted cereal I would've ate breakfast at school."

"And what the hell I look like eating cereal? You sending your husband to work hungry?"

"I'm sorry my chocalate muffin." She got up and hugged him.

"Gross." Me and Alora said when they started kissing on each other.

"Have you two heard from your sister?"

"Yeah, she told me she was going to Miami for a couple weeks." Alora said.

"Miami? For what?"

"She got rejected by Elias for the umpteenth time and needs time to herself." She shook her head.

"Elias? She likes Elias?" Dad asked. He's truly slow because it was so obvious.

I told her she waited too long. Now look at her. Acting like she lost all of her sense. Alora told me how Malia told her about kissing Elias and causing him and Zahria's to break up.

That's low. Even for Malia.

"Dad, her and Elias been messing around since their junior year of high school. Every time Desmond cheated on her, she ran to him."

A shoulder to cry on is a dick to ride on.

"Messing around as in..."

Alora huffed, "Sexual intercourse, dad. Sex! He put his-"

"Okay, dammit. I get it. You knew about this?" He looked over at mom.

"Yeah, it was pretty obvious." Mom shrugged. "And she told me not to tell you. She said she was going to."

"Oh, so we keeping secrets from dad now? Alora, you a virgin?"

"Huh?" She popped her head up with a mouth full of fruity pebbles.

"I didn't stutter."

"Dad, I lost that at fifteen." She waved her hand.

"What the hell! Malina, you knew!"

"Lora, you said you was going to tell him."

"I just did."

"You know what! We're having a family meeting when I get from work at ten."

"But Malia isn't here." I laughed at how hype he was.

"We'll call her. And I'm calling Bash because he needs to know about these secrets." He walked out of the kitchen with his phone in his hand.


"What are you doing here?" Faye asked me when she opened her front door to see me.

"We have to talk." I welcomed myself inside and sat on her couch.

"I want to talk to you too." She straddled my lap and I pushed her off.

"I didn't come here for that."

"What is it, Amir?" She rolled her eyes.

"We've been together for a year and all, but do you really love me?"

"You know I do."

"That's not what I asked." I ran my fingers through my hair sighing. "The truth is, I don't think I love you either."

"Excuse me?"

"It was fun while it lasted. The sex was great-"

"I was pregnant with your baby." She spoke in one breath.


"I couldn't have a baby by an eighteen year old. How would that look?"

"You got an abortion?" I looked at her in disbelief.

"I had to-"

"You ain't have to do shit! That was my baby too!"

"Amir, I'm sorry." She looked at me with tears in her eyes.

"Fuck your sorry and fuck you!" I stood up and stormed out of the front door.

I couldn't believe she would do that. She was selfish and I can never look at her the same again.

Kaleb Lorizio

"Your mama getting her body back and she showing out." I told Penelope as she laid on my bare chest and I scrolled on Pandora's instagram.

"Can I hold her?" Kam laid on my bed next to me. She's only being nice to me because of Penny.


"Why not?" She whined. "I want to give my niece love."

"I don't know where you been."

"I been at home all day." She sat up and took Penny anyways. As soon as she saw Kam's face, she started smiling showing all of her gums.

"That little girl fake. All she does is mug me all day."

"Cause you ugly."

"Ya mama."

"We have the same mom, stupid."

"Oh good. You're all in here." Dad said as he pulled mom into the room and sat her on my bed. "So, I want everyone to confess their secrets right now and I won't get mad. No consequences. "

We all looked at each other and laughed. Dad, not get mad? Comical.

"I'm serious. This is your only chance not to get your asses beat."

"Who ass you gonna beat?" Mom side eyed him.

"I'll beat something else up." He licked his lips as my mom just smirked.


"As I was saying, I want confessions. Amir had informed me that there's some possible secrets in this house. So, Valencia, my dear wife, you're first."

"I'm the one who ate all of your chips and I'm the reason your shirts have been going missing. I also flirted with this woman at the store on accident."

"On accident?"

"It wasn't intentional. Puff still got it tho." She said cockily.

"Puff gonna get her ass beat. Kambria, my little angel, you're next."

"I lost my virginity to Lorenzo recently."

Dad laughed as he walked out of the room and came back minutes later.

"Val, you knew about this?"

"No, but it was bound to happen. As long as she's safe about it unlike her brothers." She took Penelope. "But you're just the cutest little baby. Aren't you?"

"Remind me to kill Lorenzo later. Kaleb, my surprise child. You're next."

"I put a dent in your car by accident."

"You're paying for that shit. Damn kids running up my blood pressure. Should've stopped before Elias."

"Nah, you're just old." Kam joked.

"I'm not old when I'm blowing out your mama's-"

"Woaah!" Me and Kam cut him off. He needs to find a filter.

Elias Lorizio

"I'm glad I could see you." I told Zahria as we left our appointment.

"Zahir was glad to hear your voice today." She rubbed on her stomach, laying the passenger seat back a little.

"You didn't miss me?"

"Elias, what do you want me to say? That I want you back after you kissed your bestfriend?"

"Yes, I miss you. I don't want her. I was just caught up in the moment."

"What are you going to do next time you feel like getting caught up in the moment? Fuck her? Maybe get her pregnant too?" She snapped at me making me glance over at her.

"Where the hell did that come from?"

"I've been by your side and you sit here and do this to me. I'm pregnant with your son." She started crying.

"Why are you crying, Zee?" I sighed. Here she goes.

"My back hurts, my feet are swollen, I'm horny, I'm hot all the time, and I'm so fat. Then your ugly ass go and cheat on me. I'm just having a bad week." By now she was bawling like a baby.

Maybe if she would stop eating so much salty food like I told her to, she wouldn't have swollen feet.

"I'm sorry baby." I reached over to rub her stomach, but she smacked my hand away.

"Don't fucking touch me."

"You hungry?"

"So you think everything can be solved with food? You think you can just shut me up with food? You think I'm fat? Huh, Elias?"


"Take me to KFC!" She raised her voice making me jump.

"Okay, calm down."

"I am calm."

"You're not giving up on us, are you?"

"No, I'm giving you time-"

"I don't need time. I know what I want." I told her and she chuckled.

"I need to see that, Elias. Love can only take you so far. I need some actions behind your words."

"I'm going to do all that I can for you to trust me again. Pinky promise." I held out my pinky to her and she locked her with mines.

I fucked up so I have to be a man and clean up my mess.



Elias and Zahria?

Excuse mistakes.

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