A new friend ship or a hidden...

بواسطة SakurasoHana

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This is a story where you have just moved to a new place and meet new people you never felt more connected to... المزيد

Fresh start (day 1)
First class
After school
At the ER
Going home
Durning that night
Meeting a new friend(day 6)
Theres a new creepypasta (day 7)
Going to the mall (day 2)
Meeting up (day 3)
Finally i'm no longer alone (day 4)
The party (day 5)
Finally back (Day 8)
Re introduce (day 9)
The party
Oh No
It's time to wake up
A new friend?
Let the wonder flood threw
Try to fight it, try to remember
High school
New life
Freak out
Coming back
Make up
Head out
Time to dance
More surprises
Greatist time of my life
sneak peek


32 0 0
بواسطة SakurasoHana

Alright, remember how I said Emily likes anime, like me, well she can draw to.This picture for this chapter is from my friend Emily.But, so you all know, I can't draw worth anything.All my friends are better then me at drawing, and all credit of this drawing goes to her.

Reader's P.O.V

I woke up with an arm around me trying to comfort me.I was going to see who's arm this belong to, but then I remembered.

'I......i'm in Je-Jeff's room, which....which....which means.....'I looked up and saw the smiling killer.

He was sound asleep.

Or I thought anyway.

"Oh your awake.Do you feel any better?"

"I guess...."

"What's wrong?"

"Nothing, why?"

"You don't seem like yourself."

"Maybe it's because someone found out i'm not as strong as I was.I'm nothing but a shell of my former self."I sat up and hugged my knees a little bit.

I put my head down and made sure my arms covered my face.

"Hey, what's with all this nonsense?You still are you.And you finally letting out some emotion didn't make you weaker, it made you stronger."

"You...you think so?"I lifted my head a little bit.

"No, I know so.So stop all this silly talk, your still the tough girl i've always known."I lifted my head up fully and looked at him.

He smiled, I smiled back.But, it was short lived.We heard a scream from the backyard.

I opened the window and jumped out and took off flying.

I saw Sally looking at this thing that could some up a weird looking devil.

Tall and black.Horns and a bunch of mouths everywhere.

I flew down and crashed hard enough to get him to look away from Sally.

"(Y-Y/n)!!!"Sally ran stright to me.I picked her up and she hugged me.

Jeff followed he jumped out the window.

"Jeff take Sally.You, Smile, and Snow can make sure she's ok.I'll fight this guy.To protect you all."I have him Sally and he took her and held her.

"I'm not leaving you alone!"

"I'm not letting anyone get hurt."Snow had flew out and picked Sally up with some of her powers taking her to Jeff's room where Smile was.

"Let me fight with you!"

"No!You'll get hurt!"As soon as I said this I had to push Jeff out of the way, and blocked the blow with a tentacle.

"Haha.If you join me, your little creepypasta buddies will be ok."

"I'm never going to join you."All of a sudden I felt this wave of power fill me.

I became stronger, faster, and better then before.

I jumped up and punched this beast right in the face.He flew.back some and blead some from my punch.

"Grrr.Still the same brat!"

"Look.I have no clue who the hell you are, but if you don't leave the pastas alone, your in for a hell of a lot more trouble."Jeff tried to charge him, but got hit so hard he flew into a tree and he was so badly hurt he started to bleed, and spit up a little blood.

"Oh, my bad."He smiled.

"I'll leave that as a reminder."He disappeared.

I ran up to Jeff and got him out of the tree.

"Jeff!Stay with me."

"I'm here.I'm not leaving you.I'm just a little tired."He coughed up some more blood.Some got on me, but I could care less.I put my hand on his cheek.

"Please, don't go to sleep!Stay awake!"I started healing him as quickly as I could.I had tears in my eyes.

His wounds healed, but he passed out on me.

"Jeff!Wake up!Come on!JEFF!"I checked for a pulse.He had a pulse.

The Pastas came out and saw the blood and the fight seen from what had been a fight.They must have thought someone was screaming for their life.

I hung my head down to hide my tears starting to flow down.

Slender took him inside to put him in his bed so he could sleep in peace.

"Are you going to be ok my child?"

"I fucking hate Zalgo!"

"Little sis!"

"What my language?It's true, that's how I feel."

"No, not that.I don't care about you cussing.Who told you his name?"



"I need time to go think."

"Alright."Sally came out with Em and Snow.

"(Y-"I took off running into the woods.

I started to cry like I normally do.I can't really cry loud cause I was never really used to it anymore.

I always cry quietly.

I heard barking and voices.

I climbed high up a tree.

Then the image of Jeff hitting the tree a few minutes ago came up.I lost more tears then I had a little spark of a memory come back.I was slowly starting to get my memory back.

I heard Sally and Smile.

Snow and everone knew I need time.

"(Y/n), please come back with me!I know you don't want to play, but can we do something.I know you miss Jeffy, we all do, but please can we hang out."

'I guess i've had enough time.'I jumped off the tree and landed behind her.

"Are you ok?"

"I will be."I wipped the tears off my face before she saw me.

"Hey, how about we make dinner for everyone tonight?You can help me make dessert."

"Yay!Oh can it be cheesecake, brownies, and.....cookies freshly made?"

"Of course you little princess.Here hop on my back.Smile come here boy."She did and Smile came.

I took off into the air with Smile flying next to us sense I put the magic for him to travel with us.

"Slender woman!"We found her in the kitchen setting everything out to make dinner.

"Slender woman!"

"Oh yes children?"

"We want to make dinner.Please."

"Alright.Here I was just going to make some pizza, and of course kidney pizza for EC and EJ."

"Alright.Lets start Sally."


I cut up the veggies, meat, kineys.

I made it to where Sally could sause the dough and chesse them.

"Ok Sally here are some of the toppings."

"Alright."She put the toppings how she wanted to on almost all the pizzas.

I did the kidney pizzas myself.

We got done with the pizzas and set the table for everyone.Slender woman came in there and poured what everyone likes to drink in their glasses.

"Alright, now lets make that dessert."

"What are you girls making now?"

"Well, cheesecake for our two fav cheesecake lovers.Kidney brownies for our eyeless friends.And homemade cookies for everyone else."

"All from scratch knowing you (Y/n)."

"Only the best for the best."Her aura around her let us know she felt nothing but pure happiness.

We started on the cheesecake sense it would take the longest.

Once it was done I put it in the freezer and movied on the cookies.

I made everything together with Sally.She kept adding chocolate chips.

"Alright Sally, shape them how you want and i'll put them in the oven.I'll start the batter for the kidney brownies."

"Can do~"I smiled.

I started making a good batter.I put it all into the bowl when Sally said she was done.

"Awe.They look to cute."

"Thank you."I put the cookies in the oven.

They were shapped like knifes and hearts.

I set a timer.

"Alright, just in cause it cooks faster then the timer is set to, please keep an eye on it please."

"Alright.I hope they turn out good."

"Me to."I mixed the brownies and put it in a baking pan.

The timer went off.I took the freshly done cookies and put them on a plate.I took a few cookies and split them between me and Sally.

"We have to make a few more batches."She nodded.

The cookies tasted great.

The brownies got done quickly.I put them on a plate and put a lid over it.I moved the chessecake into the fridge as another batch of cookies were cooking.

~~~~~~An hour a later.~~~~~~~~

We were finally done and set the table with the pizzas.The pastas all sat down not knowing there was dessert.

Once everyone got done with dinner me and Sally stopped them.

"Guys wait.Sit back down."They did and me and Sally got up from the table and came back with the desserts.

"Chessecake, kidney brownies, and knife plus heart shapped cookies."I picked up everyone's mess from dinner with on lift of the finger.Got to love having powers.

I sat back down to everyone with happy faces.

Emily was sitting next to Jason.I think he started to fall for her.Cause while no one, but me, was looking he would feed her a piece of a cookie.

Me and Sally smiled at each other.

Then giggled.She had the tip of a heart in her mouth while I had a knife.


"Battle!"I grabbed another knife and Sally grabbed a knife to.

We were joking around and were, easily, knife fighting.

I got my knife cookie close to her face and she bit my cookie knife.

"Oh no.Blade down.Blade down."She giggle and bit hers to I laughed and let her have the rest of the one I had.

We got done with dinner and I we to clean the dishes.

Masky wouldn't let me.

"Masky, I can do the dishes.You don't have to do them."

"You cooked i'm cleaning."

"Yo-you sh-sho-should gi-give up."

"Never Hoodie."

"Up an-and ~tic~ at the-them."

"Why Toby?"I was laugh.

He picked me up and threw me over his shoulder.

"Toby put me down."I was still giggling.

I saw Snow going up stairs to my bedroom.

Toby set me down when we got in the living room.

I went up stairs and to Jeff's room.I knew I didn't show it, but I am scared he'll never wake up.

I saw he was still alive and breathing.I grabbed my jacket and walked out.

I went to my room amd hung my jecket up.

I was going to go to Kristin's room, but she was talking to Liu.Em was with Jason.Not messing that up.

I knocked on Sadie's door.

"Come in."I came in.

"Hey Sadie."

"Hey.What's up?"

"Can we talk?"

"Yeah."She sat down on the bed, and I sat next to her.Snow laid on the bed behind me.

"So what's up?"I hugged her.

She hugged me back."I'm starting to remember, but please don't tell."

"I'm glad.I won't, but what happened to where you started to remember?"

I wiped what little tears I had and told her.She looked at me with sad eyes.

She held up my arm."What happened here?"I just noticed my makeup on my arm was starting to run from my tears.

I hid my arms behind my back.


"Fine.I scratch till I bleed if I have low self of steam."I took a rag I kept in my pocket to wipe off the make up, and showed her every mark.

"Don't say anything.Only Kristin knows."She nodded.Snow licked Sadie's hand.

She looked at my arms and touched the fresh scars.I pulled my arms back quickly.

"Oh did that hurt?"

"A little.I did this a few days ago."

"So it's still fresh."


"Why did you do this?"

"I stopped for a while, but restarted."She hugged me again.I hugged back.

"So this is why you stay in your room a little longer than normal."

"Yeah.I've scared Kristin before."


"I did it so hard, and lost so much blood, I started to feel dizzy."

"Why would you do that?"

"Brittani and her old friends.But, I stopped for a while, then started back."

"I feel bad."

"I can heal the scars, but I don't.They are reminders."

"I get that.Hey want to go on a walk, I know your still down about Jeff."

"Yeah.Just let me change."She nodded.

I changed into a (f/c) skirt with a matching shirt.I put on some combat boots.

I put my music note, ring, bracelets, and locket Jeff gave me on.

I came back out and me and Saide went for a walk.

We came back and both went to our rooms.Snow came back up to me after being with Smile all day to comfort him, and me and Sadie being on a walk and she didn't want to come.

She crawled next to me, and we passed out.

Jeff's P.O.V

I got hit into a tree with (Y/n) yelling for me to stay awake.She held me.

I blacked out.

But, I realized something, I can't move.


"I guess i'm trapped in my own mind."

I looked around and saw my memories.

"(Y/n).When I get out of this damn comma I'm going to give you the bigest hug."

Emily's P.O.V

I came out with Sally, but (Y/n) took of into the woods.She needs time.

I bumbed into Jason.I started to fall back, but he caught me.

"Hey there don't go falling on me."I blushed a little bit.

"Al-alright."We started to hangout.I think he is starting to like me back.

While no one was looking, he would feed me some of his cookie at dinner.

I'm really happy, but I haven't seen (Y/n) all day.I hope shes ok.

"Emily are you ok?"

"Ye-yeah.Why wouldn't I be?"

"Cause you got quiet all of a sudden."

"Oh sorry.I was just thinking of something."

"Or who?"

"Well, yeah.I'm just think about how (Y/n) is dealing with the whole, Jeff in a coma thing."

"I'm sure she's ok.She's probably with Sadie."

"Probably."He looked at me and told me goodnight cause he was heading to bed.

I hugged him and told him goodnight back.Then he left me with my thoughts.

Kristin's P.O.V

I was catching up with Liu all day, and helping him feel better about his little brother in a coma.

He was taking it like any brother, hard but being strong.I was really worried on how little sis was taking it.

I saw her wearing everything he gave her walking with Sadie to do who knows what.She was laughing a little, but she had a little of a sour face at the sametime.

"Is she going to be ok.Other then me and Sally, she is the closest to Jeff."

"I hope.She's got you guys.I hope she doesn't do what she can do."

"That is?"

"I can't say.I promise I wouldn't.Sister code."

"Alright.Well i'm going to head to bed, night Kristin."

"Night."He walked out of my room and shut the door behind him.

I started getting sleepy and passed out.

Hope you all enjoy, and another chapter will be on it's way soon.Kindness can go a long way, but rudeness will get you nowhere.Sending my love to you all.
Xoxo~ SakurasoHana

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