I've Got What I Wanted

By Phoenix-54

782K 9.5K 1.1K

Sequel to I Want Mr Baker! After hiding their relationship for a year, Riley Spence and Caleb Baker finally h... More

I've Got What I Wanted. Part 1
I've Got What I Wanted. Part 2
I've Got What I Wanted. Part 3
I've Got What I Wanted. Part 4
I've Got What I Wanted. Part 5
I've Got What I Wanted. Part 6
I've Got What I Wanted. Part 7
I've Got What I Wanted. Part 8
I've Got What I Wanted. Part 9
I've Got What I Wanted. Part 10
I've Got What I Wanted. Part 11
I've Got What I Wanted. Part 12
I've Got What I Wanted. Part 13
I've Got What I Wanted. Part 14
I've Got What I Wanted. Part 15
I've Got What I Wanted. Part 16
I've Got What I Wanted. Part 17
I've Got What I Wanted. Part 18
I've Got What I Wanted. Part 19
I've Got What I Wanted. Part 20
I've Got What I Wanted. Part 21
I've Got What I Wanted. Part 22
I've Got What I Wanted. Part 23
I've Got What I Wanted. Part 24
I've Got What I Wanted. Part 25
I've Got What I Wanted. Part 26
I've Got What I Wanted. Part 27
I've Got What I Wanted. Part 28
I've Got What I Wanted. Part 29
I've Got What I Wanted. Part 31
I've Got What I Wanted. Part 32
I've Got What I Wanted. Part 33
I've Got What I Wanted. Part 34
I've Got What I Wanted. Part 35
I've Got What I Wanted. Part 36
I've Got What I Wanted. Part 37
I've Got What I Wanted. Part 38
I've Got What I Wanted. Part 39
I've Got What I Wanted. Part 40
I've Got What I Wanted. Part 41
I've Got What I Wanted. Part 42
I've Got What I Wanted. Part 43
I've Got What I Wanted. Part 44
I've Got What I Wanted. Epilouge
IGWIW Valentine's Special Chapter

I've Got What I Wanted. Part 30

14K 173 43
By Phoenix-54

Hey :) So, sorry again. But I was sick all week. And I've been staying up until like 3am every night watching The Mentalist. Because it's brilliant :) I freaking love that show. I have all three boxsets and I want to watch them all before school starts. And Simon Baker is on hot guy ;) Plus I'm going away on holiday in a few days!! Yay! :) So I'm away in Spain for two weeks. There might be wifi where I'm staying, but I'll only find out when I'm there. If there isn't wifi, then I won't upload until around the 20th of August. Once I come back from holiday, it's like a week until I'm back at school. Which is kind of depressing. But I'll try and get a new chapter up before I go :) Just out of curiousity, how many of you want them to get back together?  Or for her to get together with Cahill? I know what I'm doing, but I'd like to see what you think.
Anyway, that's it for today and I hope you enjoy.
Please Vote Comment and Become a Fan. And please Like my Facebook page 'Phoenix-54'
I'll definitely talk to you all before I go. Maybe an Upload :) See you later and enjoy :D


“Riley, your phone is ringing.” Aaron shouted from the living room. I’ve crashed here for two nights already. And I’m no closer to knowing what to do. I grabbed my drink before walking into the living room. I lifted my phone and sighed. “Who is it?”

“Mum,” I set my glass on the table answering the call. “Hey,” I tried acting like nothing was wrong.

“Where are you?” She clearly knows what’s going on.

“I’m at Aaron’s house. Why?” I walked over to Aaron and sat down beside him

“Caleb came over earlier asking to talk to you. He was under the assumption that you were here. What's going on?"

I sighed rubbing the bridge of my nose. "It's complicated mum. It's nothing for you to worry about."

“Well I am worried about it Riley. I want to know what’s going on. Why don’t you stay here instead of Aaron’s? Come over for dinner and talk about it.”

I looked at Aaron rolling my eyes. He smiled, shaking his head slightly. “I can’t mum I’m going out soon. I don’t know if I’ll be finished by dinner time.” I really don’t want to talk to her about it. She’ll only see one side of it.  And I really don’t need that. I need to talk to someone who will help me see where Caleb is coming from. I’m confused enough as it is, that I don’t need my mum to complain about him.

“Well come around whenever you finish then. I don’t see why you’re staying in Aaron’s house and not here.” She always had something to complain about. I know I should probably be telling her everything, but I didn’t want to tell her most of it yet.

“I don’t know when I’ll be finished. I’ll text you when I’m leaving.” I closed my eyes, resting my forehead against my palm.

“Okay, I’ll see you later then.”

“See you later,” I hung up the phone, let out a breath. “I just want to go somewhere where nobody can talk to me.”

Aaron laughed, pausing his video game. “Unfortunately it doesn’t work like that. There’s always going to be people you don’t want to talk to, trying to talk to you.”

“What if I move towns or something?” I looked over at him and smiled. He smirked shaking his head. “I just want a few days where I only have to talk to the people that I want to talk to.” I groaned, falling back against the sofa. 

“I really hope I’m not involved in that,” he hit my knee. I smiled shaking my head.

“Well you’re obviously now involved. I’m here aren’t I? We should just run away together.” I repeated slapped his thigh. He laughed, grabbing my hand to stop me.

“I don’t think so Riley. You’d end up complaining about something or other.”

I narrowed my eyes before hitting the back of his head. “I don’t complain about things. You’re just really annoying that I have to tell you.” I smirked standing up from the sofa. “Right, I should go now.” I walked over to the other chair and grabbed my jacket. “Are you sure you don’t want to come? It’ll probably be more interesting than that game.”

He smiled shaking his head. “It’s so much more interesting. This is the best game ever. You should play it with me sometime.”

I shook my head, pulling on my jacket. “No thanks, I’ve got better things to do.”

“I’ll buy it for you for your birthday next month.” He smiled before turning the game back on.

“If you do I’ll never talk to you again.” I grabbed my bag walking over to the door. “I’ll see you tonight then. Don’t miss me too much.” I smiled opening the door.

He smirked and looked over at me. “Don’t worry, I won’t.”

“See you later,” I laughed leaving the room.

I know I probably shouldn’t be going out. Most girls would probably be in their beds crying their eyes out that their boyfriend kissed someone else. But I really didn’t want to do that. When Adam goes back to University tomorrow, I’ll be bored enough as it is. So I’ll probably end up thinking about it. And I’ll probably stay at my mum’s after that. But I don’t really want to stay at her house. Aaron will say I can stay here, but I don’t want to stay too long. Like, what if I stay away from Caleb for long enough that the baby comes? I’ve only got about two months left. I am pretty angry at him. I don’t know how this is all going to pan out.


“So what happened when you went home then?” Cahill asked sitting beside me.

“The worst thing that could have happened.” I mumbled taking a sip of my smoothie. Yeah, I know that’s a shocker. I’m not drinking coffee for once.

“You asked him then?”

I set my cup down nodding. “Yeah, and it turns out it was true.”

He looked at me with a shocked and sympathetic look. “I’m sorry Riley. I really thought it was lies. What happened?” He reached over and rubbed my upper back.

“I showed him the text and acted like I didn’t believe it. But I could tell by the look on his face that it was true. But he tried lying about it. He eventually told me he kissed Stephanie. You know my half sister.” I glanced up at him and he had the same look on his face. I hated that look.

“So what did you do? Are you still at the house?” He stood up and moved his chair closer to mine.

“Not right now no. I’m staying in Aaron’s house for now. I’ve not really thought about what I want to do. I’m trying not to think about it.”

He sighed and put his hand on mine. “Are you okay? It’s probably not a good thing getting worried at this stage.” He sounded so like Aaron.

“Yeah, I’m better than I probably should be. I’ve just not really thought about it. I just want to ignore him right now. It’ll probably end soon enough though. I want to ignore it for now.”

“The longer you leave it the harder it’ll get.”

I gave him a look to tell him I didn’t want to hear that. I raised his eyebrows, holding his hands up. “Have you talked to Stephanie yet?”

I let out a single laugh shaking my head. “If I have it my way, I’ll never have to see her again. Thankfully I’ll only have to do that for a year before she leaves for college. If she didn’t take a stupid gap year then I wouldn’t have to do it this year.” I complained before taking a sip of my smoothie.

“So are you going to stay at Aaron’s until you get everything sorted?”

I shrugged, setting my cup down. “I don’t know, probably not. I might stay with my mum for a while.” I ran my hand through my hair, leaning back against the chair.

“Well you can always stay with me if you need to. There’s plenty of room,” he offered with a warming smile.

“Are you calling me fat?” I raised my eyebrows jokingly at him. This is just what I need; someone taking my mind off of everything.

“Yeah that’s exactly what I’m saying.” He rolled his eyes lifting his drink. “But my sister Holly is coming over to mine on Tuesday for dinner if you want to come.”

I smiled and nodded. “I’ll think about it and let you know. I might have better things to do.” I gave him a sweet smile, making him smirk and shake his head. “No seriously, thanks for the offer. I’ll see if I’ve got some stuff sorted before then.”

He nodded leaning on the table. “How’s everything else? What else is making your life so busy?” He asked smirking at me.

“You’ll be surprised to know, not a lot. I spoke to the University two weeks ago about going back.”

“What did they say?” He asked raising his eyebrows.

“They’ll hold a place for me until next year for going into second year. If I don’t apply with them for next year, when I want to go back after that, then I might not have a place. So I’ll probably go back in September. Then in two years I might actually have a degree.”

He laughed, creating wrinkles around his eyes. “Well if I ever need someone to take my Maths class, I know where to go.” He smiled nudging my shoulder.

“Yeah, if it didn’t bore me as much as it does. And I could actually be bothered to do it.” I smiled finishing off my smoothie. I looked down at my watch and groaned seeing it was only five o’clock. “I don’t want to go to my mum’s,” I complained rubbing my eyes.

“Why not? You always go over to her house.”

I looked at him as if he was stupid. “I don’t really want the whole second degree about what happened. I just can’t be bothered.”

He smiled and stood up. “Well let’s go get something to eat. I’m starving, and I really don’t want to wait until I get home.” He grabbed my bag and pulled me to my feet. “I might even buy you dinner.” He smiled handing me my bag.

“I don’t remember saying I was hungry.” I smiled putting my bag over my shoulder.

“Tough, I am.” He held the door open, letting me walk through first. As long as this wastes time, I don’t care if I’m not hungry.


I eventually I had to leave and go to my mum’s. But since it was half seven, I knew I wouldn’t have to stay long. I shut the door, before taking my jacket off. “Hey,” my mum said walking out of the kitchen.

“Hey,” I hung up my coat and followed her into the living room.

“Do you want some coffee?”

I shook my head sitting down on the chair. “No I’m okay. I’m trying to cut down. I drink way too much.” I smiled, taking my shoes off and tucking my feet underneath me.

“So what’s going on between you and Caleb then?” She asked the obvious question. But I didn’t want to tell her why I am ignoring him. Knowing her, she’ll probably go over to my dad’s house and start having a go at Stephanie. I don’t want her to get involved. I really don’t care if anyone has a go at Stephanie. I sighed and rubbed my hand over my face.

“I’m just ignoring him because of something he did. I don’t really want to talk about it.”

“What did he do?” She clearly didn’t get the message. I really don’t want to sit here and have her fire questions at me. I know if I tell her, she’ll probably hate Caleb so much. And if I do forgive him and go back, then she’ll say I’m making the wrong decision. I don’t really need that on top of actually dealing with Caleb.

“Just something I didn’t like. I don’t really want to talk about to be honest. I just want to sort it out the way I want to and when I want to.”

She smiled slightly and nodded. “Are you going to stay at Aaron’s for much longer?”

I shrugged running my hand through my hair. “I don’t know; I’ll just see how things go. His parents said I could stay for as long as I needed to. But I’ll talk to Aaron about it at some stage.” I know what he’ll say already. He’ll that I can stay for as long as I wanted. And that I don’t have to leave if I don’t want to. There probably wouldn’t be any point in having the conversation with him. I already know how it’ll go.

“Well you can always stay here. You should’ve come here instead of Aaron’s.”

I sighed and stood up. “I’m going to go get a glass of water.” I left the room and walked into the kitchen. I let out a breath, leaning against the counter. I’m seriously too tired for all of this. I groaned when I felt my phone vibrate in my pocket. I dug it out of my pocket and answered it. “Hello?” I turned around and poured a glass of water.

“Hey, Riley,” my dad greeted me. “How’re things?”

I’m going to assume that the message hasn’t reached him yet. But then again, it isn’t like school where the whole school knows within half an hour. But only Caleb, Aaron, Cahill and I know what actually happened. And I know they wouldn’t tell anyone. Maybe, Caleb would, but that would be Jim or Lucas. “Hey, okay. What’s up?” I took a sip of my water, resting my back on the counter.

“I was wondering if you wanted to come over on Tuesday for dinner. Its Damien’s birthday so I thought you and Johnny might like to come over.”

I closed my eyes, resting the back of my head against the cabinets. “I would but, I’ve already got plans with Cahill. Sorry,” I said even though I don’t know if I’m going to Cahill’s. But I don’t particularly want to see Stephanie.

“Can you not rearrange them for his birthday?” He tried guilt tripping me into it. “We all would like you there.” After he said that, I thought I might as well tell him that I probably won’t be back in his house for the rest of the year.

“Yeah, I can’t come dad. I’ll probably not coming back to your house for the rest of the year. I have to go, but I’ll call you tomorrow.” I pushed myself off the counter and grabbed my glass.

“What; why? What did I say?” He did sound genuinely upset.

“Ask Stephanie. As long as she’s there I’m not coming over. I have to go; I’ll talk to you soon.” I hung up before he could answer. You would think after all the trouble I went through in school that my life would be easier from now on. But it’s not. It sucks.

~~~Caleb’s POV~~~

I knew I would screw everything up. Riley won’t even talk to. It’s like life’s so shit now. I’ve only gone out to take Max out, and when I tried to talk to Riley. But she wasn’t at her mum’s. That’s the only place I would imagine she would be. I really don’t know where else she would be. I honestly think if we talked about it, we might be able to get through this. I need her in my life. And with the baby due so soon, it just makes it so difficult. But since I couldn’t talk to her, I thought I’d talk to someone else. And since I’m so angry, I found myself outside of Stephanie’s house. If it wasn’t for her, this wouldn’t be happening.

I pounded on the door, venting some of my anger. I took a step back and waited for the door to open. The door opened to reveal Riley’s dad. “What’s with the banging?” He asked slightly annoyed.

“Where’s Stephanie?” I came straight out with it. I really couldn’t be bothered having stupid conversation.

“At a friend’s house. What’s this about? Riley said that she did something. What did she do?”

I’m probably the only person that Riley hasn’t talked to. “She ruined my life. What did Riley say to you?”

“Nothing really. I asked her to come over on Tuesday but she said she already had plans.” He walked out slightly, closing the door behind him. I wonder who she has plans with? Maybe that’s who she is staying with. And to be honest, I don’t see how she would want to go out after what happened. I know her; she wouldn’t be in the mood.

“Did she say who she had plans with?” I had a feeling I would get an answer I didn’t want.

“Some guy called Cahill. What happened with Stephanie?” He asked again. I muttered some swear words under my breath while walking away.

Cahill. She’s staying with Cahill. And I know what’s going to happen. She’ll get closer to Cahill than she’s ever been and they’ll probably get together. And it was my entire fault basically. I just don’t know if there’s any point trying to get her to talk to me. I know how it’s going to end. She’ll get together with Cahill. I might as well just let it all happen. I won’t be able to get her back. I’ve lost her for good now. 

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