By Death-singer

376K 18.8K 21.4K

Kim Taehyung, son of a famous judge, is sent to a men's prison where half of the criminals were sentenced by... More

z e r o
Apologies + explanations
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Useful information!
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스물 일곱
스물 아홉


10.3K 552 553
By Death-singer

  Jungkook's leaning his forehead on the barred window of his cell. There isn't a single ray of sunlight in sight, but no matter how long he tosses and turns in his bed, no matter how much he closes his eyes and tries to empty his mind, he just can't sleep. It's early, much too early to be awake, and definitely too early to have his phone pressed against his ear, listening to the ringing tone while he quietly mouths "please, please, please" over and over again.

"Hello?" A ragged, familiar voice echoes through the device and Jungkook sighs  in relief.

"Hyung," he breathes out. "Hyung, how are you?"

"I'm good, Kookie, but it's four o'clock. Why are you calling so late? Are you alright?"

"Yeah. I'm... I'm fine, just... I'm fine." Jungkook whispers, shivering slightly when a cold breeze brushes against his skin. "Someone ratted out one of my guys."

There's silence for a few seconds, then Jungkook hears rustling.

"Do you know who it is?" Junghyun responds, now sounding fully awake.

"I'm almost sure it's Lee Donghyuk. I need all the info you can get on him, I don't care what it takes to get it. He's in protective custody until his release and I want him punished for what he did so that he knows not to open his mouth before he's out. If he snitched on one of my guys, there's no reason why he wouldn't do the same for me."

"Donghyuk? You mean that dumb kid from block V who tried to fuck you over when he first got there?" Junghyun asks, and his brother responds with a hum. "Didn't you teach him a lesson a couple months ago? Why would he only talk now?"

"It... happened again."

Jungkook can almost see Junghyun's eyebrows knotting through the phone.

"What did? Did he try to steal your drugs again?" He questions.

"No, he just happened to be an obstacle to something I wanted."

"You know, Kookie, if you want me to help you're gonna have to be a little more precise 'cause I'm getting old and not as good at riddles as I used to be." Junghyun sighs.

"Fine," Jungkook breathes out. "He was someone's cellmate. And I needed that someone moved to my cell. He is now like a few feet away from me so I can't really talk that much about him. Look, can you come see me at visitation tomorrow?"

"I'll come today. As a business partner." Junghyun says firmly. "You be careful with who you trust, Kookie."

Jungkook turns around and leans back on the window, the cold steel of the bars on his skin sending a chill down his spine. His gaze falls on the man peacefully sleeping in the bottom bunk, hair curling over his eyes and lips parted around soft snores. Jungkook crouches down near the bunk and as if drawn to the older man, his hand instinctively comes to rest on his cheek, drawing circles delicately with the pad of his thumb on Taehyung's pretty skin.

"Hyung?" He calls over the phone.


Jungkook inhales sharply when Taehyung hums under his touch and brings his hand up to rest on top of his in a motion too slow and imprecise to be conscious.

"Whatever you do to Lee Donghyuk," Jungkook leans in and presses his forehead against Taehyung's, eyes closed, breathing him in, lips hovering over his. "Make it quick and painless."

Taehyung groans as he stands in front of the empty room and finds out he woke up early for no reason. It's with a smirk on his face that Namjoon informs him mandatory classes don't happen on Saturdays and Sundays, since on weekends all prisoners' schedules are cleared out for visitation. Saturdays are usually reserved for business meetings or any other professional motive for visitation, whereas Sundays are exclusively for family.

So basically Taehyung's got a whole day of doing nothing ahead of him, and he can't find anything better to do than to pay Park Jimin a visit. He's grown fond of his cheerful and smart counselor, so whenever he's bored and the doctor doesn't have anyone else he just drops by his office for a quick chat.

This time though, it's not exactly for a simple chat.

"What happened to Donghyuk?" Taehyung asks as soon as he sits down.

Jimin's taken aback for a second, but responds right away. "I believe he's in protective custody. He's got his own protected cell in a building separated from general population."


"I'm not allowed to talk about that, unfortunately, he's in protection for a reason. But if you worry about him, don't. He's not stripped from his rights there, it's not like solitary, he's living a regular prison life but separate from everybody else." Jimin pulls out a file from his desk drawer and fishes out the paper at the surface that looks freshly printed out. "Plus, he's going to be released in two weeks, when he was supposed to have at least another four months on his sentence. So if anything, you should be relieved."

Taehyung sighs, relaxing at the prospect of Donghyuk finally leaving this place.

"That's good. The kid doesn't belong here."

"Yeah." Jimin says softly. "He doesn't."

They both fall silent, the rustling of files and paper as well as the chattering coming from the yard outside being the only sounds until Jimin's voice pipes in again.

"Ah, by the way!" He chimes, so cheerfully it makes Taehyung's eyes widen for a bit. Jimin looks up at him with a much too bright smile on his face and it has him even more confused. "You have a visitor today."

Taehyung arches an eyebrow in confusion. "Today? I don't have any business at the moment, though."

"Just go. Visitation starts at 9 a.m. Make yourself look good." Jimin insists, quick and giddy, and it's incredibly cute but there's something about the way he acts that makes Taehyung a little doubtful.

He doesn't say anything about it though, keeps his mouth shut for once, and quietly thanks the counselor before heading out of the office.

   Junghyun always hated seeing the prison.
It's too much gray, too much cement, too many fences, too many walls, all those things that remind him that his little brother's more trapped than he'd like to admit.

Jungkook has been a free bird ever since he was a kid. Always seeking adventure, always chasing after the thrill of feeling more alive than he should even if it means he has to fuck up to achieve it. Jungkook's never liked the walls of their home and he tried his best to avoid them as much as possible. When he was a kid, he went out to workout, to draw, to play, to party, to sing, and he always dragged his big brother with him.

Then he started going out to fuck up people's lives and everything went downhill from there.

Junghyun groans when he finds that the usual spot he parks his car in is taken, so he drives around the parking lot to find another one. He slips into a tight spot beside a sleek black car he recognizes as a Japanese Lexus LS460. He's a little surprised to see such a nice car in a prison's parking lot, until he remembers what kind of prison this is and that while driving he passed by much more expensive and luxurious cars than that one. Just as he's about to step out of his vehicle, he notices a shadow moving behind the tinted glass in the backseat of the car and squints to try and see. He fails to do so, and decides that he's not interested enough to wait for whoever's in there to come out.

He adjusts his necktie and dusts his impeccable slacks quickly before killing the engine and stepping out. Junghyun walks around the vehicle slowly, and just as he starts making his way towards the visitation block he hears a car door slamming shut next to him and whips his head around to look.

He halts immediately as he recognizes the gray-haired man standing tall despite the deep dark circles under his eyes.

"Judge Kim? Is that you?" Junghyun calls, turning around to approach the man with his arms open wide.

Startled, the judge's eyes look for him hurriedly until they find the younger man inches away from him and already pulling him into a warm hug.

"Jeon Junghyun?" Kim laughs, patting Junghyun's back as he hugs him back. "My god, it's been a minute."

"Indeed." Junghyun smiles sweetly. "Since I was a child."

"I remember when you used to tell me all about how you wanted to follow my steps and become like me. To punish the bad people and help the good people, as you loved to say."

Junghyun laughs, "I thought judges were superheroes without powers."

The judge pulls away and stares at the now grown-up kid he used to teach about all the flaws and loopholes of the law he had to be mindful of if he wanted to become a successful lawyer and judge like him. Him and his father used to be great friends, went to the same Law school, but eventually drifted away when only one of them succeeded. They found each other again a few years later.

Except that time, one of them was standing on the ground and the other was six feet under it.

So as an ode to the memories he had with his great friend, he often visited the kids at their mother's house to teach them about the right and the wrong. One was much too young to understand anything, and he rarely stayed with them, but Junghyun always paid pristine attention to his teachings. He was a smart kid, and even after Kim stopped visiting because he was overwhelmed with his work and his own kid being a mess, he was certain he'd grow up to be a wonderful, successful man of the law.

At least he hopes so. He truly, deeply hopes that he helped them stay away from that poisonous mixed drink of blinding grief and easy crime.

So he asks, "Tell me, Junghyun, what are you doing with your life?"

"Well, Jungkook and I have our own Law firm."

The words sound like the most wonderful melody in his ears. Warm relief bubbles up and expands in his chest.

"That's wonderful!" He says, patting Junghyun's shoulder. "I'm assuming you're coming to visit a client then?"

Junghyun chuckles. "No. I'm here to visit Jungkook."

The judge's smile doesn't fall. Hell, it even widens for a few seconds, it hangs there, on his face like Junghyun's cue to say his next words with mocking laughter but they never come. The young man keeps his eyebrows furrowed and his head low, keeps his apologetic smile and his clenched fists as he fiddles nervously with the cuffs of his suit jacket and he waits. He waits for the pride on the face of the man who was like a second father to him to crumble slowly, painfully.

And it does.

  "Why didn't you ask for one of the private visitation rooms?" Jungkook huffs as he sits down, glaring around the room at the too loud, over the top chattering and debating of the other inmates with their business partners.

"They were all already requested. Lots of people here are trying to keep their asses safe, Jungkook, me meeting you like this won't put you in danger. Stop being a little brat." Junghyun answers.

The younger brother rolls his eyes at that and sinks in his seat. He shoves his hands into his pockets and looks up at Junghyun.

"How are you, hyung?"

"I'm fine, Kook. You stayin' out of trouble?"

Jungkook smirks. "You know damn well I am the trouble."

Junghyun sighs and massages the bridge of his nose, leaning forward on the table. Jungkook notices the gray hairs starting to dust his scalp, appearing here and there, the wrinkles near his eyes. Time is catching up on his brother and he's not there to watch it happen.

"Kook, you need to step away from that whole... thing you've got going on. Our old clients are sending you money and making sure you live out your sentence peacefully. You don't need to have a business on the side."

"Hyung. I appreciate your concern but I didn't call you here to lecture me about what I can or can't do. I'm not fucking twelve anymore." The younger man groans.

"Really? 'Cause with the way you're acting right now I didn't notice."

Jungkook glares up at him with eyes colder than ice. He pulls his hands out of his pockets and props his elbows up on the table, arms crossed, leaning close.

"You seem to be forgetting that if it weren't for me you'd also be sitting behind bars, hyung." He grits out, voice raw and low.

"Which is why I'm trying to help you avoid sitting in this shithole any longer than you already are."

"I need something to ground myself," Jungkook retorts. "A distraction, so I don't end up becoming a goddamn animal like those pigs down here. I need it so I don't forget who the fuck I am, and so they don't either."

"And it just had to be drugs?"

"What else is there?"

Then there's silence and Junghyun knows there's no point in arguing any further. They're just losing precious time when they could be talking about the real reason why he's here.

"Anyways. What's the deal with Lee Donghyuk?" Junghyun asks.

"Well..." Jungkook sighs. "Two weeks ago some newbie arrived. A guy I've never seen before. Y'know how newbies tend to lay low? Wear their uniforms, avoid the yard for a while, follow the rules." Junghyun nods understandingly and his brother's lips stretch into a smile. "That fucker showed up on his first day in a goddamn Gucci suit. Walked cockily through the yard, his head high, and sat like a damn king with his cigarette as if he was in some luxurious restaurant or something. He looked like sex with legs and a Gucci suit."

"Don't fucking tell me you did this just 'cause you wanted to fuck some pretty boy?"

"No, hyung, it was more than that. Kim Seokjin talked to him. You know what Seokjin says to newbies. I thought the guy would shrink immediately, that he wouldn't dare look me in the eye. But he... he casually walked up to me, asked me to light up his cig, and smoked in my fucking face."

Junghyun chuckles. "I think I know where this is going."

"I respect people who don't let others spit on them. He's fucking fearless. Smart. He's got a foul mouth and he doesn't give a shit what could happen to him, he just does whatever the fuck he wants. It's exactly the kind of people I like to do business with. But it's also the kind of people I fucking hate having to compete with. So I had to have him close, not only so he'd potentially work with me, but also so I could keep an eye on him."

"And you told me he was rooming with Donghyuk. So you got your guy to fuck up the kid and blamed it all on the newbie." Junghyun throws his head back and chuckles. "Typical Jungkook move. Always gotta wreck people to get what you want."

"Funny how you never said that when we were getting paid loads of money to do just that, wreck people." Jungkook spits.

"People grow up and change, Jungkook, maybe you should consider doing that. But that's not the point, what's the deal with newbie then?"

"He refused to work with me. Said he didn't wanna be my bitch." Jungkook laughs bitterly and his brother follows with an amused expression. "And now one of my men is going doing because that fucking kid ratted him out and I can't do shit because he's in protection. So now I look like a fucking idiot."

"Cute. So what do you want me to do?"

Jungkook's eyes remind Junghyun of their father way too much for him to be able to look at them for too long. So when Jungkook leans forward, sharp glare piercing holes into his brother's face despite the soft bat of his eyelashes and the glimmer in his eyes, Junghyun gulps and tries to see something other than a wolf in a bunny's body.

"I don't want Lee Donghyuk to set foot outside this prison. His sentence was shortened. Find out when he gets released and make sure he doesn't get out, be it alive or not."

"You asked for quick and painless... I'm afraid it won't be that painless if he stays in that prison alive. You know what they do to rats, Kook."

Jungkook opens his mouth to speak but he quickly changes his mind. His older brother sees his hands curling into fists on the table and a small crease appear between his eyebrows as he frowns.

Then he whips his head up, fiery determination in his eyes and says, "Then you know what to do."

On those words, Junghyun nods and starts to get up. Jungkook doesn't follow, he stays seated with his fists tight and his jaw clenched. But before he can hear footsteps indicating that his brother's leaving, there's a pause, then more words.

"Who is he? Your cellmate?" Junghyun asks.

Jungkook's eyes sparkle and then he smirks.

"I have no fucking idea."

As Taehyung walks towards the secluded small room, he feels the handcuffs clicking open and freeing his wrists. He looks back at the guard who gestures at him quickly.

"Not coming?" Taehyung asks.

"I'm not allowed into the room. No guards are, since they're private, so you're going in there on your own. But the room is still monitored by multiple cameras that the head of security controls, so don't even think about doing anything funny."

Taehyung chuckles and slips past the guard into the room before closing the door shut behind him. He turns around and sees someone already seated inside, though he can't make out who that is because of the mask and glasses on his face, as well as the hat on his head. He squints, curious, and approaches him cautiously. He clears his throat and, startled, the visitor whips his head up and stares at him.

"Disguise off or I'm leaving right now." Taehyung commands right away.

"Jesus," the man chuckles, amused, and Taehyung finds the sound of his voice familiar. Before he can wonder where he heard it though, the guy's pulling his mask down and taking off his glasses. "I knew you had a temper but looks like prison does make people tougher."

"Motherfucker." Taehyung laughs, coming forward to take the man into his arms. "Choi fucking Minho. What are you doing here?"

"Trying not to end up on the other side of this visitation room, actually."

Taehyung steps away and moves to sit across from him. "How did you know I'm here?"

"I'm an idol, Tae. When my reputation is on the line, my company will do whatever the fuck they can to save it, and that includes finding people no matter how hard they try to bury where they are."

"Ah, right, the sexual assault thing. My father told me about that." Taehyung crosses his legs, sitting back in his chair with his head tilted to the side, a smile plastered across his face. "Did you do it?"

Minho snorts and arches an eyebrow. "Really, Tae? Out of all people, you ask me that?"

"I don't know, man, just 'cause you fucked me once doesn't mean you don't like a little pussy from time to time." He jokes.

"You're horrible. Not only do I like men, but I also would never lay a hand on a girl against her will. I'd never touch anyone against their will."

"I know, I know, I'm kidding."

"Which is why I'm here, Taehyung." Minho leans forward and reaches for the prisoner's hands, squeezing them between his. "I need your help."

"Let me guess. You want me to slip in a word to my dad and let him know they missed you with that hetero shit?"

"No, that's not gonna solve anything, your dad will still have to judge according to what he's given. You know how the public is, people take rape very fucking seriously, especially when it involves someone famous. So right now everyone is pressured by dozens of fucking associations who are on that psycho girl's side, while I don't have any proof that I didn't do it. My company won't let me come out as gay, they're saying it'll soil my image even more but fuck this, Tae. I'd rather give up my career than give up my life."

Taehyung stares at him. He sees the despair in his eyes and the glimmer of the tears starting to form at the corners, miles away from the usually goofy and charming guy who was quite a decent lay and a pretty good friend of his as well. Taehyung sighs and, for old times' sake, decides to stop joking and actually take this seriously.

"What do you need me to do?" He questions.

"I need you to testify. The next trial should be scheduled soon, I need you to be there as a witness and testify."

Taehyung arches an eyebrow. "You want me to tell the world I got fucked by Choi Minho?"

"Not the world," Minho protests. "I'll request a private hearing. No paparazzis. No press. No fans. I promise. Please."

He squeezes Taehyung's hands harder, insistent, desperate. His dark brown eyes are warm and they're slowly winning Taehyung over. His goddamn acting skills always make his expressions all the more intense and he knows it, knows he has power and he takes advantage of it, it's how he got charmed the hell out of Taehyung as well.

And just like Taehyung let himself be seduced back then, he allows it to happen again. He rolls his eyes, groaning, before he nods.

"Fine." A smile stretched across Minho's face and his whole expression brightens as he sighs loudly in relief. "But make sure it's private, seriously. Not just for the whole sex thing, I don't give a fuck if people know about my sex life, it's just that I'm trying to keep a low profile down here and it wouldn't help to have my face plastered all over the news."

"Yeah, don't worry about it. Shit, Tae, thank you."

Minho grabs Taehyung's face and suddenly plants a quick kiss on the man's lips, making Taehyung chuckle in amusement.

"Don't mention it." He smiles and starts standing up.

Minho follows, and soon enough they're hugging each other goodbye and heading out of the room through separate doors on opposite walls.

Once he's out, handcuffs click shut around Taehyung's wrists again, and as he's being escorted to the search room, he looks through the glass wall separating the corridor from the public visitation room.

He lets his eyes wander around the room, searching for familiar faces until he spots Kim Seokjin sitting at one of tables across from another man. The latter's back is facing him and he can see quite a pricey suit on him, though it seems a little boring from the looks of it. Reminds him of his father's poor taste in clothing, always picking the most bland and plain things and calling it modesty. His back is facing him so Taehyung can't see his face, but he's not interested enough to wonder anyways.

Seokjin's gaze meets his and Taehyung smiles at him, but he doesn't return it. Seokjin looks frightened for a split second, but before he can wonder why, the guard's urging him out of the visitation area.

"Seokjin? Is everything alright?" The man asks, raising an eyebrow at Seokjin's sudden silence and the panicked expression on his face.

Seokjin watches Taehyung walk away from the room and breathes out in relief. He closes his eyes and props his elbows up on the table, rubbing his temples.

"Yes, yes it's fine, I'm sorry." He apologizes.

The man nods slowly. "Shall we continue talking about our deal then?"

Seokjin looks up, watching the man's features and realizes that, indeed, Taehyung does look a lot like his father.

"Yes, judge Kim."


whOops lol you thought ;)

Sorry for the suuuuper late update, I just finished moving, but I still gotta open my bank account and I also happen to not have any hot water in my apartment so gotta take care of that too lol

Montpellier is such a pretty city though zjzbajanakawjjwndjs so worth it

I hope this 4K words update makes up for the lost time!!

See you soon 💕

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