Ace For Hire // BTS Reader In...

By tokki-maknae

915K 43.7K 22.2K

Who is Ace? Besides being the deadliest hitman on the market in the underground, whose really under the hood... More

Queen for Capture Intro


18K 790 623
By tokki-maknae

"This is your fault."

"Hmm?" You looked over smugly at Suga. "Should I have warn you to wear shorts?"

"How did yo- that's not the point." He interrupted himself to catch his words, which makes you burst out into rare fits of laughing. You calm yourself a bit looking back at the very agitated male. "What? You seriously don't think that I snitched about the pissing contest."

"Why else would RM make me cross dress." He snaps a bit while walking past the front gates.

"My guess? Hella over due karma. You act like you're constipated all the time. Or maybe its because you're actually full of shit, but trust me when I say I could care less about getting you in trouble with RM." You said while readjusting your duffel bag over your shoulder.

Suga stares at you before muttering 'whatever'. He ties his wig's hair back and pulls out his phone, you couldn't help but watch everything he did. Because honestly him doing small things as a girl was weirdly cute. It's moments like these you wish you could afford a phone. Take few pictures of Yoongi dressed like the protagonist of some cliche reverse harem, that would've been amazing black mail.

"Jin hyung just texted, let's go." Suga says as he's walking away from you. You sighed a bit following him, when you rounded a corner you saw a van parked in the alleyway. "Please tell me that's not the car."

"Yup, why? Never gone into a white windowless van before." Suga teases and fast walks across the street, while flipping his hair back sassily.

"Nope, but I'm expecting free candy now." You looked both ways before running across. Now that you're closer you see a Jin wave at you guys, like a mom seeing her kids after their first day of school. RM sat shot gun obviously pleased with Suga and your's somewhat bitterness towards today's events.

He rolled down the window and popped his sunglasses onto his head, "Hey kids how was school?" Suga answered by throwing his wig at him releasing the sweaty mop of black hair underneath. "I got hit on, TWICE, that is more than once. And let the record show that I didn't want to be hit on, even once."

You glared daggers at RM for a while before crossing your arms and looking away. Jin picked up on your salty behaivor right away, "How was school for you [Y/N]?" He asked you. for a second you thought you heard genuine concern in his tone.

"It sucked. The new kids are loud and annoying. My teacher for english has the iq of a small potato. And now I'm stuck going on a mission I didn't signed up for." You finshed saying with a huff.

"Bitch baby's upset because we blew her, already crappy, cover." Suga said. Even though you love to hate him. What he said was true. But that only made you more irritated at the fact that what he said was true. "Whatever, at least I wasn't getting hit on every five seconds."

"Twice, I was only hit on twice. And I wasn't asking to get hit on either." Suga groaned out, remembering how he spoked in a high pitched tone to the guys trying to get "her" number. He ran both his hands through his hand to let his hair breath. Causing his hair to stick up in weird places held from sweat.

"Oh good, then you know what the majority of girls deal with." You said, turning away from him. You decided the day you met them, that you shouldn't stoop to their level of pettiness and saltiness. Now you changed your mind, if they were going to be little shits, then you'd be a bigger shit on their case.

"Ah, the joys of being youthful again in high school." RM cuts in before you two could argue. Then he pick the wig off his lap and held it away from him like a dead rat. "Anyways Suga, Taehyung brought you your suit, he left it laying on the back seats."

"Thank god." Suga says taking off his jacket and sliding open the van door going in. "Skirts fucking suck, no offense [Y/N]," You looked at him confused but he continued, "like one single wrong move and its either balls out or ass out in those things." Suga ranted on while cimbing into the back of the van to finish changing.

To protect your virgin eyes you stayed up by RM's door, "I fully agree, except with the balls part."

"After Suga's done you can change back there too." RM said putting his shades back on.

"One, I'm not changing. Two, even if I were going to change it wouldn't be in the back of a van that's within a mile of three guys. And three, reasons one and two." You said while counting off your fingers.

"So then what are you wearing?"

You looked at him a bit puzzled then down at you school uniform. You took your cardigan off and tied it around your waist. "Ta da, club ready."

RM looked you over head to toe, which made you squirm a bit. "Is this the part where you tell me you have a dress in your bag."

"No, because all the bag has in it is the Ace suit." You said as you tossed the bag into the van without looking.

RM groans a bit, and looks over to Jin. "Tell Taehyung we need him to-"

"Already on it." Jin says while texting away, to Taehyung mostly likely based on how may emojis are being sent from the other number on the phone screen.

"Taehyung's on his way with the others." Jin says before putting his phone back in the cup holder.

"Can I ask what the mission is?" You asked propping your elbows against RM's open window leaning in a bit.

"We're going to Sweet Sin Club."

"It sounds like the kind of place you'd get hepatitis A through Z at."

"It is, but besides the point. We're going because other gangs will be there. That way we'll get recognition for BTS." RM says while pulling his sleeve back a bit to check his wristwatch.

"It's kind of like going to your high school reunion and showing everyone who used to shit on you, what's up." Suga said stepping out of the van in a black suit. His jacket had a detailed velvet design, and he had a perfectly smooth white button down with a black tie. For an asshole, he cleaned up really nice. You'd give him only that much credit.

Suga finishes fixing his sleeve cuffs and looks over at you smirking a bit, "Take a picture it'll last longer." You stuck your tongue out and rolled your eyes. Turning back to RM you asked more questions about tonight's mission. You use the term "mission" loosely because you doubt it'll be any but that.

"Also no weapons. Club rules." RM says.

"Oh okay, in that case then, I'm not going." You reply with. Club rules or not you're not stupid enough to walk unarmed into underground gang territory. That's like a baby lamb walking into a den of wolves. Stratch that, hyenas, they're more sadistic than wolves. You doubt RM would just say 'welp okay, get home safe kiddo.' so you instantly thought of other ways to strap weapons on yourself.

"You're going. Because one, I say so. Two, I can make you go. And three I will personally pat you down, thoroughly." RM said while smiling cheerfully, mimicking the way you counted off your fingers eariler.

Returning the same smile, you matched his tone, "You do number three and I will shove your head so far up your own--" You were cut off mid-threat from the rthymic honking off another car pulling into the alleyway. You looked at the black car before looking over at Jin and RM.

"Ya! Why did you let Jungkook drive?" Jin yells out while getting out of the drivers side of the van.

Now that the black car parked closely infront of the van you could see Jungkook in the drivers seat, looking very nervous. Which made you question if it was his first time driving. In the passenger seat you could see Hobi dancing to the music but going 'aww' and pouting a bit when Jungkook turned the car off. Jin quickly went over to Hobi probably to nag him about letting Jungkook drive.

Jimin and Taehyung came out of the back of the car, both off them did a model strunt for three feet. Jimin ran his fingers through his hair with his other hand in his suit jacket pocket. While Taehyung broke out of the model strides to run up to you giving you a bag. You didn't take it right away at first so Tae ended up pressing it into your chest and arms with gentle force.

"I didn't really know your size, so I picked a dress that you could adjust the tightness of." Tae said excitedly. For a second you were excited too. It's not everyday you take a break from boring high schooler or hitwoman Ace. But in the back of your head you quickly remember why you had to get dressed up in the first place. "Um thanks, V."

"You can just call me Tae when it's just the two of us [Y/N]." Tae gleamed before going off to cling onto Jungkook who was talking to Jimin. You peeked into the bag to look at the dress.

Damn, Tae has good expensive taste.

But you weren't still exactly all on board to go to a club. Let alone one called Sweet Sin. You seriously question that whoever named it, was expecting it to be a strip club. You noticed Hobi was able to calm Jin over Jungkook driving by reasoning so maybe you could do the same.

While everyone was talking in pairs and what not, you quickly walked over to Jin. You grabbed his sleeve and gently tugged on it to get his attention. With your other hand you gripped the bag closer to your chest, wrinkling the paper of the bag. "Jin oppa, do I really have to go?" You asked him softly. Dropping an oppa in hopes that it would better your chances of persuading him.

Figuring that the best way to win Jin over would be to play a maknae card on him, you aimed for a soft approach. "RM said he wanted you to go as a show of power in numbers." Jin told you.

You frown a bit and used a pouty voice, "but there's only eight of us in total. How could that be power in numbers?"

"Actually a more recent gang that came up only has four people in it. They've already got a pretty huge reputation and earned a lot of territory in the underground. So having a show of power in numbers would help us a bit." Jin said making a surprisingly decent and reasonable point. You grumbled a bit and used your weak card. "But it's a school night."

He paused, he held in a laugh before saying "I doubt you actually thought that would change his mind." Huffing, you let go of his sleeve before putting your hands on your hips in frustration.

"The others do the pouty voice when they want something their way too, so I'm immune to that at this point [Y/N]. But it was a pretty good try." Jin said patting your shoulder at your attempt. Noticing quickly how upset you were getting because it started to show on your face. Jin leaned down and held a hand up to his mouth so he could whisper, "I can talk to RM about getting the tracker off for you tonight, and I can make them leave early so you can have privacy to change."

It's not exactly what you wanted to here, but it's not like Jin was giving you a door number 2 or 3. Reluctantly you nodded, causing him to smile a bit. Which you noticed now that you were this close, that Jin's cheeks turned squishy when he smiles. Suddenly he held his pinky out to you, you looked up at him.

"I promise [Y/N]. I'll talk to Namjoon for you." You stared at the pinky, feeling a flood of nostalgia fill your chest.


"But dad." You whinned.

"No buts, I'll only be gone for tonight. And I'll make it up to you tomorrow." Dad said, rolling his suit case to the door and setting his duffel bag on top of it. Making sure it won't fall of the suit case before walking away from it.

You knit your brows together, he's done this before. He's been doing it more recently, leaving suddenly and saying he'll be back before you know it. Like saying that would make it easier everytime he left at the last minute. Your bottom lip shook a bit and you felt your eyes start to prick at the tears forming.

You weren't a little kid. But you were human, and he was the only other person you really had. Whenever dad would leave you couldn't help but feeling crushingly alone. As if you were someone's unwanted dog, and they just left you on the side of a road to figure out how to go on alone.

"Hey, hey cheese ball don't cry." Dad said quickly going over to your and brushes hair out of your face. Cheese ball. That was the nicknamed you earned when you got your head stuck inside a cheese ball tub. When your dad got your head out you were covered in cheese power. He laughed so hard he actually cried. Ever since then, you were his cheese ball. But that's a bit cheesy.

"When I come back I'll take you to that cat cafe you like okay?"

"Kit-Tea Cafe?" You asked, trying not to show it did make you feel a bit better. He notice the corner of your lips tugging into a smile at the mention of your favorite cafe. "Then we'll go to your favorite book store, and the record place next to it- we'll make a whole day out of it. I promise cheese ball."

He held out his pinky towards you. You broke out into a toothy grin and locked your pinky with his. "Pinky promise?" You repeated.

"Of course! Pinky promises are the most sacred promises known!" He exclaimed jokingly, causing you to giggle. After that he plopped a kiss on your forehead, "Be safe when you walk to school tomorrow. But also get me some allergy pills for the cafe. I love you cheese ball, don't forget that."

"I know, I know. Love you too dad." You smiled and watched him leave.


"Pinky.. promise?" You asked softly, staring at his pinky.

"Of course! Any old promise can easily be broken. But a pinky promise lasts forever. Don't you know that." Jin said teasingly. You looked at him and then back at his pinky before wrapping your own pinky around his. It was kind of funny in a way because your hand was smaller than his. But his hand has less scars and cuts on it than yours.

"I'll go kick those boys out now so you can change." Jin said, ruffling your head before leaving you. You quickly grabbed the edge of his sleeve again, he turned and looked at you. "What's wrong? [Y/N]?" He asked. You let go of him as soon as you grabbed him and mustered a soft, "thank you."

"No problem. If anything I should be thank you, [Y/N]. I know this isn't ideal for you. And I understand why you'd want to act difficult and you have all the reasons to. Some of us act like dicks around you but, BTS is all we really have for us. All we really have is each other." You looked past him at the other's. Jungkook was yelling "MA!" to make an impersonation of an actor causing the others to laugh or join in. Suga and Hobi were laughing and talking to each other. The way Suga laughed made his mouth turn into a gummy smile. Even Rm was having fun with them too.

"I know that's probably weird hearing it from an underground gang." Jin continued and followed your line of sight, instantly smiling wider at his members. "We all got hurt and damaged in our lives. We all come from different places, we all have different stories." He turned back to you, "so I hope you can stay long enough to be apart of the new stories. The better ones to come." Jin finished saying and tossed you the van keys which you caught with ease.

"You can change in the van when you hear them leave." Jin then walked over to the others. You heard him talking, but not loud enough to make out the exact words. You looked at the keys then at the white paper bag you've crumbled to death at this point. You didn't realized how tightly you were squeezing the bag. And you hoped Jin didn't notice either.

Unlocking the van you climbed inside and rested your head against the seat in front of you. The noise of tires driving against loose rocks and other trash, made you lean over to look out the window. You saw Jin wave good bye to the black car before turning to you and giving you an 'ok' with his hand. Afterwards, Jin walked a little ways to the entrance of the alley to give you more privacy.

Opening the bag a bit, you looked inside. Your eyes dart to the wrist tracker on your arm and then back at the dress. Today was already a shit storm for you more or less. Maybe tonight will get better.

I love reading the comments uwu
This is an early update and they'll be another update on Friday as per usual ♡ ♡

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