Zoe and Pin triple trouble

By fanfic_writing_girl

33.8K 426 185

So this is what i want to happen in season 3 of free rein but not with the songs This is what happens when P... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13

Chapter 6

2.4K 29 11
By fanfic_writing_girl


It has been 3 months since Pin has gone on his travels and it has become a bit easier with him not being around but still hard. I miss him and we still call every night.

I am in my bedroom trying to find something to wear. But my clothes are not fitting. I go and grab some of my moms and they just about fit. I feel my stomach and it is a bit hard. I know for the past few months i have been throwing up every once in a while but i thought it was just from dad cooking dinner. I ignore it and i will talk to the girls about it later. I get my stuff and leave.

I go into the tack room and put my stuff away.

"Hey Zoe you ready for training today do you feel ok to do it," Jade says walking in with Becky.

"Yeah i feel fine today but i need to ask you something," i say to them.

"Sure what".

"Something is going on with me like my stomach is really hard".

"What do you mean," Jade says touching my stomach.

"Zoe that's not normal i can only think of one thing that it could be".

"What tell me".

"Well the only thing i can think of is that you're pregnant but i dont think it is a possibility," she says. Oh my god i didn't even think of that.

"Zoe is it possible that you are"I nod my head.

"What when".

"A few months ago with Pin. Remember when you guys overheard our conversation. The night before then we... you know".

"Zoe if it was a few months ago then you would have a bigger stomach".

"What am i going to do".

"Well, let's take a test".

"No, i dont trust the test i need to see a doctor".

"Ok, why dont you get doctors appointment and we can come with you".

"Ok, I'll get it for as soon as possible".

"Well tell us and we can come with you" i nod my head.

"What am i going to tell me she is going to ask why i was at the doctor's".

"Just tell her that you were just getting an annual checkup if you're not pregnant".

"I'll call the doctors to tell Marcus that im going to be a few minutes late will you,"I ask.

"Yeah sure," they say walking off.

"And guys" they look at me before walking out the door.

"Dont tell anyone," i ask.

"We won't it's our secret," they say.

"Thanks" they nod and walk out. This cant is happening.

I finish my training and now me and the girls are heading to the doctors as they could get me an appointment. I walk in and sign in and me and the girl sit down.

"Zoe whatever happens just remeber that we are always going to be here for you," Becky says.

"Thanks," i says.

"Zoe Phillips," the doctors say. I turn to the girls they smile at me. I get up and walk with the doctor.

"Please, doctor just go over them again".

"Miss Phillips i have gone over them plenty of time. You are just over 3 months pregnant" she says. i sit there in shock.

"Now Miss Phillips you have a choice if you want to get an abortion or not if you dont want the baby you are still in the period of the pregnancy of where you can get one".

"No im not getting an abortion".

"Ok well i would like to get an ultrasound done so we can check up on the baby," she says. We walk over to the table and she does the ultrasound.

"Ok so here is the baby now you should be able to find out the baby's gender in 3 weeks," she says. This is me and Pins child.

We finish with the ultrasound and im going to leave.

"Here is your photo of the baby now i would like you to come in 3 weeks for a checkup as I've seen you around i would advise that when you get to 20 weeks not to ride miss".

"Thank you" i walk out of the room i put the photo in my pocket. I walk out and Becky and Jade reading some magazines. The see me.

"So what she says".

"Can we go outside now" we walk out and go to a bench. I pull out the photo and give it to Jade.

"Oh my god Zoe your pregnant".

"Yeah, i kinda am".

"So how many weeks are you".

"3 months and i can find out the gender in 3 weeks".

"Oh my god zoe this is amazing".

"I just dont know what im going to tell Pin".

"Tell him the truth ok" i nod myt head.

"Ok who want to go and get ice cream" Becky says.

"Yeah come" Jade says we get up and head and get ice cream.

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