Perfectly Imperfect | ✓

By pengisaurus

392 128 30

When a group of 9 friends become 8 through tragic death, they learn the true ways of life, To live, to love... More

Author's Note


14 4 0
By pengisaurus

"Dad. You're telling me you didn't realise that your own son walked out of the house ten minutes ago." Lucas fumed gripping his coat as I trailed him towards the door. "How many times do I have to tell you son. I was a s l e e p. Something people with a normal schedule can do, you're all basically grown men I don't need to babysit. He'll make it back home." He groaned wiping the sleep from his face. Lucas pulled at his hair swinging the door open aggressively. "Let him go lava cake. He needs a minute to cool down." Lucien grabbed my forearm causing me to freeze. I watched as Lucas plopped into his car slamming the door shut. I jumped at his beastly state, letting the darkest thoughts run through my mind. Why was he so upset that he lied about the money, it's not like Tony does drugs or anything...right?

"I've never seen him so pissed." I sighed letting Tyler miserably lock the door in front of me. "Yeah, he does that when he's overwhelmed. God knows what got under his skin this time. But don't worry your pretty little curly head love. He'll be back. Nobody leaves a damsel abandoned." Tyler twirled his finger around a strand of my hair and disappeared into the kitchen.

"Him and his damn temper, just like his ma. New York attitude stays in New York." Mikeal muttered stomping up the stairs and slamming the mast bedroom door. "Umm..." I looked around the house confused at the family's sudden outbreak. Lucien and Tyler both smiled at me relaxing my nerves. "Rockets?" Lucien smirked at me, I slid down into the love seat frowning at him.

"Leave the girl alone. I wanna hear about your life, all the twists and turns love. Don't forget the gory details." Tyler winked jumping into the spot next to me. He placed his large hand on my knee grinning like a small child. Swinging his legs over the end of the seat, he laid his head in my lap allowing me to play with his long locks, which he shared with his brother. I ran my hand through the waves of his hair beginning with the story of Rosealine, through Liana. Which seems odd because Liana and I aren't as close as Rose and I are. But besides the point we all shared the same classes and mutual connections so it all worked out. Until now.

As minutes turned to an hour, my mouth ran dry from the extraneous conversation. "So you're a trained martial artist huh?" Tyler raised his eyebrows. I nodded sipping from a water bottle.

"And that's why her family is always traveling around the world, because it's a big company, got it? Damn you're slow. I'm off to bed." Lucien sighed hugging me goodnight and flying up the steps.

"Why don't you show me what you got?" Tyler abruptly stood taking me by surprise. I shook my head laughing, he lofted the coffee table and all it's accessories and placed it in the corner of the room. "You'll wake up your brother and dad." I sighed not moving, my phone turned on with a notification from Rosealine's calendar. She had her job interview tomorrow, and I was pretty sure she wasn't sleeping even though it was 25 past 1 in the morning.

"Nah they're deep sleepers, as you can see. Plus sound proof walls are pretty necessary in a home like this." He hinted adjusting the sweatpants that fell lazily below his exposed abs and standing in the middle of the living room. "Ew. I got it." I gagged joining him in the center of the floor. We began throwing multiple kicks at each other and punches flew left and right. I knocked him in the jaw, sending him tumbling into the TV stand, luckily he recovered quickly enough to stabilize the expensive appliance. "Damn girl you can swing." He rubbed his jaw, as we breathed heavily. "So I've been told." I nodded swinging my leg up to his shoulder, which he surprising caught my foot.

"Gotcha." He held my leg up on his broad shoulder, "Not quite." I huffed, placing a firm grip on his pecs in slammed my foot into the crook of his shoulder and neck flipping him onto the carpet with a loud thud. "Wow." He caught his breath as I straddled him pinning his body underneath me. He lied there motionless and out hearts raced, his chest rose and fell rapidly. He flipped us over, and propped himself up with his arms. "Lucas got a lucky one didn't he."he breathed slowly.

I nodded not knowing how to react. "We should do that again sometime." He sighed laying on the floor leaving a trace of sweat underneath him. "Maybe, maybe not." I groaned getting up to drink so,e water, tossing him a fresh bottle as well.

"Uh oh." Tyler stopped in front of a mirror on the wall. "What?" I asked placing the water down onto the counter. "Someone got a little excited." He smirked pointing at the bruise on his neck, I widened my eyes at the sight of the purple hues and the end of his prominent collar bone. "Kiss it better will you love?" He smiled innocently at me. "No." I stepped back into the counter. "Why not? You did it, you have to fix it." He smirked walking over to me. I kept his gaze the whole time not moving. "I don't think that's how life works, love." I mimicked him. He smiled sitting down in front of me. "Just one quick peck." He begged. I sighed placing a quick kiss on his shoulder. "And one for good luck." He pointed to his cheek. I shook my head waltzing over to the water hoping to cool down my exhausted body. "Pleaseeeeeeeeeeeeeee." He kneeled on both knees hugging my waist. His head rested on my waist, I laughed at his height even though he still was pretty tall on his knees. "Fine, last one." I gave into his persistence. He grinned evilly standing up and pointed at his cheek. "You're so annoying." I tip toed to reach his face. I wiped my lips, removing the cold water from my chin in the process. As I leaned in for the quick kiss he turned his head quickly landing his lips onto mine. I pushed him away as fast as I could wiping my mouth roughly. "What the hell Tyler?!" I lowered my shouting. "Keeping that one for the memories love." He smirked sinfully kissing my head top and fading into the darkness upstairs. I sat around the counter in the lonely silence waiting for the click of the locks to swing the door open. But time ticked by, no one appeared. I squinted my eyes open at the figure above me as they cradled me in their arms, Tyler carried me up the stairs carefully and placed me in Lucas's room. "Shhh. It's okay." He played with my dark hair as I drifted back to sleep. The clock read 5:36 am, still no sign of Lucas or Tony. I must've fallen asleep at the counter, but I was too tired to worry anymore. I allowed for sleep to overcome my body as the scandalous brother massaged my head gently.

We couldn't tell Lucas, or anyone about the incident. Not now. Not ever.

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