The Silent One (boyxboy) - Bo...

By RainbowAlpha

501K 22.6K 1.9K

Adrian, a mute hybrid who nobody can read. not even his mind-reader brother. Nobody knows exactly who he real... More

The Silent One (boyxboy) - sequel to Alpha
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Fathers' Day Special :D
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Ch 16 - Happy Birthday Adrian
Chapter 17
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31

Chapter 18

14.8K 570 15
By RainbowAlpha

Just a reminder, It's my choice whether I want my chapter short or long. It's good enough that I usually write long chapters. Some people write it short but it's their right. All I wanted was for the readers to have something to read, long or short. If you don't like it then don't read it. And wait. Thank you for reading tho.

Ok the story starts now..

I felt the small body shifted under my arms. I tried to get up but as soon as I did, my head felt like someone playing drums in it. I plopped back, grunting. Fuck, I hate hangover. I look at the small figure beside me. The person was facing down, face covered by the soft pillows. Short hair, muscular bum,sexy tight boxers, fuck it's a guy. Did I had sex with a guy yesterday? I groaned.

Then the guy lifted his head, looking straight in my eyes, sleepily. Then my eyes widened. Fuck! "Nothing happened, chillax," Jay groaned and tried to continue sleeping. 'Then why're you naked?' I asked, scooting away. "May I remind you that I am not fully naked. I have my boxers covering my junks," his voice muffled by the pillow.

'What happened yesterday?' I asked. "You tried to rape me, that's what happened," he stared at me with a pissed off look. 'And?' "I knock you conscious. After you managed to tear off my clothes," he pointed at the bundle of ripped clothes on the floor. "I may look calm but I am so not okay with it. I don't need another psycho in my life. I'm serious. It's enough that my mom tried to kill me. And I'm the reason she's even breathing right now," jay sighed. He looked sad but I know deep down, he's devastated. How? I don't know. I just know it. I felt it.

'Dont worry, I'll kill her for you,' I said. He looked at me in utter disbelief. "Did you think you can kill her that easily?! You're a fucking 16 years old kid. She's at least 500 years old! And she can come back from the dead!" Jay yelled. 'Calm down. I have my family to help,' I assured him. He sighed.

"I-I'll help," jay muttered the word. I looked at him for confirmation. "I'll help. For real," he said with determination. 'But then you'll be going against your own race,' I asked. "I.. I am not a Mohina. I'm just a normal boy who happened to have some sort of super magical powers. I don't know. They told me my parents left me when I was a kid and they found me. Melissa took me as her son and trained me hard. So I know a lot about dark magic. And I do not agree with the ways of Mohinas. I was.. Afraid... If I fight, they'll kill me. I-I.. I don't wanna die. Till I find happiness of my own," jay blushed. Give the guy a little pat. I mean he just confessed a little about him. That's something.

Suddenly the door swung open. "How many times do I have to tell you don't bring anybody home for sex?! You're fucking 16!!" Papa yelled. Then he saw Jay. "What is he doing here?" Papa asked. 'Well, something happened yesterday,' I said. "Don't tell me you've mated already? Coz you're to-," "Melissa's back from the dead," Jay interrupted. "Say what?!" He looked angry. Jay hid behind me, probably remembering how Papa acted before. "Joan resurrected her yesterday. She took Melissa's soul from within me. And she tried to kill me. I don't know how your son got there but he saved me. And no we didn't do anything yesterday but he tried though. Then I hit him unconscious," Jay said all in one breath.

Papa looked amused. "Now that's something. You're the only person who could knock him conscious. How?" Papa asked. "A little magic here and there," Jay said, whimpered slightly and cutely(like what the fuck? Stop, Adrian!) . I spun my head around and look at him with wide eyes. 'You used magic on me?!' I breathe a heavy breath on his face. "Hey! I'm a skinny pale guy, I don't really have that much muscles to protect my asshole's virginity!" He swapped at my shoulder.

"So what're you doing here exactly," Papa had his serious look on. "I don't wanna go back. I wanna help you. It's time for the Mohinas to stay dead. And the Shadows too. For good," Jay said in determination. "Well, I know you're not lying. Walking lying detector here. Great, now it'll be easier to know just how many and at what point are they now," Papa gave a wicked grin.

"They're close. And they're coming fast, now that Melissa's back. They went to see Lakofsky," Jay gave the information without hesitation. "Now how the hell did Melissa managed to get the Shadows to cooperate?" Papa asked, curiously. "Easy. You,"Jay pointed out. "Me?" "Yeah, they all wanted to see you rot in hell," Jay said stoicly.

"I'm starting to like this boy, Addie," Papa said and before he left he said,"we'll talk about this later. For now, go to school. The rest went already. Benny gonna send you boys to school." "Melissa's out there and he's still worried about school?" He asked in disbelief. 'Whatever happens, education comes first. No matter what happened. That's bound to happen when you have a dad who went to school and universities just to kill time,' I smiled sarcastically.


"It's time, Lakofsky. We'll start tomorrow. D'you have your boys informed?" Melissa asked. "Yes, you don't worry about that. They are more than eager to start. They can't wait to get their revenge," Lakofsky said in thick Russian accent.


"Thank you all for coming. I know it seemed like nothing is going to happen but let me assure you that Melissa has return. And she won't stop until she see every last of my generation wiped out of the face of the earth. It's enough of what happened centuries ago. I can't let that happened. And I know, you don't want to see the lifeless body of your nephews and youngest brother," Vlad looked at Skylar.

The room was filled with the leaders of almost every animal race in the world. All thanks to Skylar's dad for being the ultimate alpha seed and super reproductive. Here they are, working together to save their youngest brother's family. Isaac was there too but he kept out of Skylar's line of view. The others forgave him already but since Skylar was barely 18, he already lost his father. So it was hard for him to forgave Isaac.

"I want the Mohinas and the Shadows gone. For good. Unless they're willing to join any of us and be the war slaves, then don't kill them. But I want Melissa to suffer a slow death," Skylar gritted his teeth. He may be the youngest brother but he was definitely his father's son. His fury was unchallengeable.

"Anybody have any information about our dear old friend, Lakofsky?" Vlad asked. The leader of the RedSky Eagle, Kuba, stood up and said,"My intel informed me that he was sighted in Canada 4 days ago. Since then no sight of him." "Thank you. That will be noted. For now, each one of you and your mate have your own room in the mansion and few mansions are ready for your men to reside in. If there's anything you wish to speak of, feel free to ask me, Skylar or my older sons," Vlad smiled and dismissed the meeting.

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