Confusion (Kuroko no Basuke)

By scarletrose246

855 32 7

Yuki Eto is currently dating the prince of the school Kise Ryouta but what happens when she begins to fall in... More

The Day it All Began
A New Love?
A Stab in the Heart
Where Do I Belong...
I Don't Need Love
Upcoming Ball?
A Fashion Disaster!
Ughh The Cramps...
Its Time For A New War To Begin
Reunited Once Again
Oni-sama Is Going To My School
My World Has Been Dyed Red
Author's Note
Eyes of A Killer
An Unescapable Fate

Reunited Friends

19 0 0
By scarletrose246

Later on...

"Shiro why are we doing this?"

"Yuki its fine we should deserve a break once in a while, plus its best that we get to join in school activities as well."

"Oi Yuki, Shiro you guys are here too?"

"Yeah do you know why exactly we are doing this."

"No but all I know is that were not the only school doing this, maybe you can ask one of the photographers."

"Yuki why don't you go ask one of them." Kaname says while pushing me along  to one of them

''Excuse me?"

"Oh is there something you need or disagree with?"

"Well I just have a question about why were doing a photo shoot."

"Oh I see they didn't tell you yet, I can tell you all about it. This school is not the only one in existence, there are other schools that are trying to be number one. To do that there is a magazine named Glamour which shows selected students to represent the school positively, our customers that read this are the whole kingdom and all around the different worlds no matter how far. Starting today you will be featured in this magazine every week. We haven't been publishing any out because of a few circumstances but now were back in business, we also have this on a sight for everyone to see. Get the picture!"

"So that means every school tries their best to show how good they are and people just rank them."

"Yes that's a way to put it."

"When are we going to start the photo shoot then?"

"Oh soon we just have to wait fir a few other students from another school to arrive."

"Happy I asked now he says we wait for some other students to come... Well I think their here now I guess."

Walked in a group of  people came in and oh my god they looked so fricken cool. First walks in a girl with hair pure white and lovely blue eyes. Along after her came a guy with green hair and eyes and his fingers seem to be wrapped. After him came in...

"KAGAMI" I tackled him in a hug

"Eh! Yuki I didn't know you go here!?!"

"Yukichi do you know this guy?"

"Yeah we were best friends when I lived in this other town but I didn't expect to see him here like this again. Kagami meet Shiro, Aomine, and Kise."

"Nice to meet you, this green guy here is named Midorima, then we have Kuroko, and she is Akemi."

"I think we should tell the photographers we can start now, right guys? Sir were all here now!"

"Thank goodness now come on lets have boys first then we'll have the two ladies after that. Now here are your pairings Aomine and Kagami, Shiro and Midorima, finally we have Kise and Kuroko okay now lets get down to business."

Akemi and I just here the sound of shuffling feet, people telling others orders for wardrobe. I don't know if it was just me but Aomine and Kagami seem to have very similar personalities. 

"Akemi-san! Yuki-san! Its time for you two to get ready now."

We both were put in white dresses up to half of our thigh. My hair was put into high pigtails accessorized with pink roses. I wore a cross necklace and knee length lace socks. Akemi's hair was put into low pigtails she had a white headband and she wore knee length blue and white socks.

Me and Akemi come out to ask everyone how we look but everyone just stares at us making us feel uncomfortable so I guess Akemi thought one of us should say something.

"How do we look everyone?"

"Wonderful amazing better than I thought but were missing one thing here. Now its perfect." the photographer then puts cat ears that match our


"Lets get started."

Later after the shoot and interview end 

"Why are your faces red?" Akemi asks the group of boys 

"Its nothing." someone mumbles 

I look down at the time realizing its dinner and that its getting very late. A great idea pops into my mind.

"Hey why don't you guys eat dinner with us and stay at our school for the night since its getting so late you can ask your headmaster. What do you think Kagami-kun."

"I guess its a good idea."

"Great then its decided. Lets go contact your headmaster first." 

After a call

"Well they said we can stay but only for tonight." Says Midorima 

"Okay then lets see I'll take Akemi with me and you guys can choose who you want."

Come on lets go eat dinner. Suddenly we all see a flash in the sky, we run to see what it is.

"I can't find it lets split up and see if we find something."

"Have you seen anything yet Yuki?"

"No have you?"

"No not yet, hold on wait stay still I see a person walking towards here."

"Um sir are you lost? Do you need something?"

Suddenly he lunges towards us me and Akemi run for quite a bit until I decide to fight back. My eyes glow red, my adrenaline raises, then I feel an object in my hand. It has a hilt its a katana! 

Here he comes, one... two... THREE! I leap forward slashing at him but I used the back of my sword so he's only knocked out. I let Akemi know to get the others and meet up, I drag his heavy body to the others.

"Yukichi are you okay? Are you crazy? You could have been killed. Good job beating this guys a**." Everyone just floods these answers and questions on me until I see Miss. Saki and Miss. Ayaka 

"Yuki what happened here?" asks Miss. Saki

"We don't know we just saw a flash we went to see what it was and then he comes up and attacks me and Akemi."

"Lets just leave this be, me and Miss. Ayaka here will figure this out and make sure to bump up security. Go eat and then sleep you guys need your beauty sleep."

TIme Skip to After Dinner 

"Akemi you have such beautiful hair and such soft skin whats your secret?"

"I don't have one its just naturally like that since I was born."

"Its such a shame."

"What is?"

"Well your so pretty and yet you don't even realize it."

"Thank you"

"Lets get to know each other, I pick a question you pick a question. How about it?"

"I'll will find out all your secrets. You go first."

"Hmm do you like anyone in particular?"

"What do you mean by that? I don't like anyone." I avoid eye contact

"Well I heard it might be Aomine but you might still have feelings for Kise."

"Woah woah woah how do you know about that your in a different school."

"Well gossip always travels around. You can communicate with other students if you use this." she hands me a phone like device

"This lets you communicate with people like a phone but take  a look at this." She starts to call Kagami

He answers and then a hologram appears in front of us life sized.

"Wow this is pretty cool!"

"Yeah it is, I guess its just like a video camera because they can see our surroundings and we see theirs."

"Is there a reason I am here?" Kagami asks

"No I just wanted to show Yuki this thing you can go now. Here you can have it I have a bunch of spares you can just add to the contacts list."

"Thanks lets go to sleep now I'll sleep on the floor and you can sleep on the bed."

"What no Yuki just sleep with me in the bed you have a giant bed we can both fit. And were both girls anyways. "

"Well okay then good night."

The next morning 

"Bye Akemi I'll see you next week! You too Midorima and Kagami. Oh and Kuroko. "

To be continued...

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