Paint My Love

By 28tomlinson

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What happens when a good girl falls in love with a bad boy? That's simple, they leave broken hearts, loved up... More

Paint My Love
Chapter 1:They call me Malik
Chapter 2: Never in your wildest dreams
Chapter 3:I hope it's gonna make you notice
Chapter 4:Let's go crazy
Chapter 5 : I can't escape this time
Chapter 6 : Does he know
Chapter 7: And time is frozen
Chapter 8 : The one that I came with
Chapter 9 : We've got all night
Chapter 10 : Nothing to loose
Chapter 11 : There's always room for common ground
Chapter 12 : He knows everything there is to know
Chapter 13 : I'll never be that girl again
Chapter 14:Now I'm asking you to stay
Chapter 15 : Oops
Chapter 16 : Let me kiss you
Chapter 17:I shouldn't have kissed you
Chapter 18:Words don't come easy, without a melody
Chapter 19:Need to take a break and figure it out
Chapter 20:You're looking at me I'm sure
Chapter 21:Can we fall?
Chapter 22:You've got this spell on me
Chapter 23:This is what the night is for
Chapter 25:Baby you don't have to worry
Chapter 26 : I wanna be last
Chapter 27:I'm not scared of love
Chapter 28:They don't know about us
Chapter 29:Late night spaces
Chapter 30:If this room was burning
Chapter 31:I hope you won't get up and leave
Chapter 32:Snitch
Chapter 33:Hoping my love won't show
Chapter 34:You don't need to run
Chapter 35:Is this how it ends?
Chapter 36:Throw me a life-line
Chapter 37:I'm saying good-bye
Chapter 38:Packing up and taking off
Chapter 39:You're already on your way
Chapter 40:I've been watching you all night
Chapter 41:The words get trapped
Chapter 42:Do's & Don'ts
Chapter 43:Everything is new to me
Chapter 44:The poet and the beat
Chapter 45:Giving it to someone else
Chapter 46:I still get jealous
Chapter 47:Nothing's making sense
Chapter 48:Like I was in love again
Chapter 49:The stupid little things
Chapter 50:Falling Slowly
Chapter 51:Searching every lonely place
Chapter 52:Going back to the time
Zia: Part 1
Zia Part 2
Chapter 53:We're Fireproof
Chapter 54:Made all my plans
Chapter 55:Follow My Lead
chapter 56: Look how far we've come~!

Chapter 24:Can I take you home with me?

172 8 0
By 28tomlinson

Zayn's POV

"Soh tell me bout her" Doniya said sittin down at the end of my bed.

 "Who?" I asked shocked.

 "Gia, who else"

 "Whah is with you people and thah girl"

 "C'mon Zen she's ya new girlfriend, course we wanna know bout ha"

 "She's Indian, she's very pretty and she's a few months younger than meh"

 "Do you have a picture?"

 "Oh god leave meh alone man"

 "Look how he's blushing" my cousin Aroosa laughed. I don't know when she'd walked in, buh apparentleh she was very interested in the topic of discussion.

 "Yeah I think he realleh likes her" Doniya laughed pinchin my cheek.

 "Can you'll like stop please" I begged. They were right; I was blushing, buh I didn't know how to stop.

 "Noh we wanna meet her" Aroosa stated with a smile and my sister nodded.

 "Yeah Zen, invite her for Safaa's party"

 "Ya crazeh, how can I bring her here?" I looked at them to see if they were actualleh serious.

 "Nicely, I'll ask Mosie" Aroosa said referring to my mom. Mosie is just an Urdu word for aunty by the way.

 "Yeah goh ask her goh" I said just to geht rid of them. The truth is I was hopin my mother would tell'em they're crazeh. Noht cause I didn't want Gia to come, buh cause I didn't think she'd want to. She's kinda shy and she like spends most of her life at the church. And this was gonna be a house full of Muslim people. I dunno how she'd react. Ten minutes later I was in my room doing some sketches when ma babeh sister walked in.



 "Whah ya doin?"

 I showed it to her and the look on her face was like full of awe.

 "Sick huh"

 "Hmmhm" she nodded.

 "Bai, mommy said you must invite your friend" she fiddled with her fingers.

 "What friend papa?" I asked just to tease her even though I knew exactleh whah she was talking about. And I couldn't believe thah Doni and Aroosa had actualleh asked ma mom. And now they'd put Safaa up to it cause they knew I couldn't seh noh to her.

 "This one" she took my phone, which was just lying there on the bed, and unlocked it. And showed meh the picture of Gia thah I had as my wallpaper.

 "Buh why?" I whined and she laughed.

 "Cause me and Wali and Doni and Aroosa and everyone wanna meet her"

 "But Papa, whah if she doesn't wanna meet you'll?" I raised my eyebrows.

 "She wants to" she said with all certainty.

 "How do you know?" I asked tickling her a little.

 "I just do" she giggled.

 "Okeh babes I'll invite her, promises" I held up my hands.

 "Okeh thanks Bai" she kissed me on the cheek and then ran off to report the news to her sisters. And I sat there realizing just how easy it is for them to manipulate me.

Gia's POV

"So it's her birthday?" I clarified.

 "Yup and she wants you to come"

 "Do you want meh to come?"

 "Obviousleh Giashka"

 I love how he says my name, it's cute.

 "Ok, whah time is it?"

 "Uhm the party itself is at like five buh my famileh will be there the whole deh"

 "I'll be there around four then"

 "Okeh" I could hear him smiling.

 "Oh Zayn?"


 "I can bring Priya though?"

 "Yeah sure, Tommo'll be there"

 "K talk to ya tomorrow then?"

 "Yeah, bye babes"

 "Sweet dreams"

 "You too"


 I didn't cut the call, but apparently he thought I had, cause I could hear him singin. And then suddenly he was like "shit" and then the call cut. I couldn't help but smile; he's such a dork really.


I checked my phone again for the hundredth time and like I'd expected, there was nothing from Gia. I knew I had nothing to worry about, but I was freakin out. I didn't know whah she'd think of ma famileh and if they'd like her. It's stressful business man.

 "Hey bro, you okeh?" it was my cousin Jawaad.

 "Jawaad whah ya up to cuz?"

 "Nothin man, just lookin for you. Wanna come chill outside?"

 "Okeh les goh"

 I followed Jawaad outside and decided to take a smoke. Gia didn't seem to be coming aneh time soon. And god knows I needed it.


I was having a hard time deciding what to wear, buh eventually I settled on dark jeans and a nice top. It was one of Priya's so it was more girly than usual. I straightened my hair and even put on wedges. Making a good impression is like a really big deal for me. And the fact that I like Zayn a lot makes it essential.

 "G, you ready?" Priya called out and I could hear her grabbing her keys.

 "Yeah" I glanced in the mirror one last time and then walked out of my room.


I had smoked half of the cigarette when my sister came out to call me.

 "Zen, Louis is here"

 "Tell him to come to the back" I said noht even realizing thah Gia and them were coming with Loueh. Well, I quickly realised a minute later when Loueh came to the back hand in hand with Priya.

 "Oh shit" I threw my cigarette on the ground and stomped out the light, just as Giashka appeared. I hoped she hadn't seen meh.


We goht there and I was really nervous. I texted Zayn to say we'd arrived and I expected him to like come and meet us outside, buh he didn't. Instead a pretty girl that looked a lot like him met us in the drive way. She greeted Lou and smiled at the two of us and then invited us in. I was stalling a little cause I was so nervous. So I asked Priya to inspect my outfit before we went in and of course Louis waited patiently.

 "Don't be nervous, they're really nice" he whispered to meh.


 We were just headed up the front steps when the girl came out again. And based on what Zayn had told me, I assumed she was his sister Waliyha.

 "Zen said to come to the back" she said to Tommo who nodded.

 We went around to the back and sure enough there Zayn was, having a smoke. He immediately dropped the cigarette as soon as he'd seen us, but I'd already seen it.


She looked really good. Like I dunno what was goin on, buh it’s like every time I see her she looks even better.

 "Hey" I wrapped my arms around her enveloping her in a hug.

 "Fancy meeting you here" she teased. I greeted Tommo and Priya and then gestured for all of us to go inside.

 "Don't introduce" Jawaad commented and I suddenly realized he was still standing there.

 "Oh yeah. Gia this is my cousin Jawaad, Jawaad this is Gia"

 "Hi" she gave him a quick hug.

 "Nice to finally meet you" he smiled at her and then winked at meh.

Loueh and Priya made their weh inside and Gia and I were right behind them. Buh I stopped just outside the door.

 "You nervous?" I asked squeezing her hand thah was actualleh shakin.

 "You have no idea" she sighed.

 "Don't be, they're gonna love you okeh" I looked into her eyes. She didn't seem to be believing meh though. Soh I took her face in ma hands and was about to kiss her when she pulled aweh.

 "Thanks, buh I don't like the taste of tobacco"

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