Love At First Roll

By Crasieiness

3.6K 176 7

What do you do when you clash both wheels and heart with someone you don't know? You stay away. And that's ex... More

Love At First Roll - REWRITTEN
Boiling Blood - REWRITTEN
Collision - REWRITTEN
Teases and Silent Stares - REWRITTEN
'Open when...' REWRITTEN
Nice Cars and Adrenaline - REWRITTEN
First Impressions - RETWRITTEN
Is The Best-Friend Better? - REWRITTEN
Trouble - Rewritten
Hardly A Cliché Date - Rewritten
I'm the Mistress - Rewritten
She's the Mistress - Rewritten
Jealousy Is A Monster - Rewritten
I Promise... Rewritten
Make or Break - Rewritten
Drowning Sorrows - Rewritten
Consequences - Rewritten
Exposed - Rewritten
Getting Shit Done - Rewritten
STDS. Use Them To Your Advantage... Rewritten
Prune Juice Is Not The Way Forward - Rewritten
Mothers, Proposals and New Jobs - Rewritten
Dinner Parties - Rewritten
Semi-Finals - Rewritten
Making Changes - Rewritten
Knocked Up - Rewritten
Additions - Rewritten
Needing the Tragedy - Rewritten
Carpe Diem - Rewritten
Sympathy to Empathy - Rewritten
Becoming a Hylton - Rewritten
Epilogue - Rewritten

Reunions- Rewritten

76 4 0
By Crasieiness


“Gabby I really don’t want to go!”

“Ron, you’re going. I’m going so you’re going.”

“Gabby you didn’t like anybody. Plus, I don’t have anything to wear.” I frowned, scrolling through my non-existent text.

“More like nobody liked her.”

“Shut up Aana.” Gabby growled, throwing a cushion at her.

“Ok, well Veronica you’re coming, I don’t care what you say. I have something that you could wear.” Aana grinned, looking through her wardrobe. “Actually, why the freak didn’t you say when we went shopping specifically for tonight?”

“I thought I could get out of it Aana.”

“Why? We haven’t seen the girls in ages?” Lottie interrupted from the ground. She was obviously on the floor looking through her clothes. Aana’s room was almost always a big mess. It didn’t help that we basically lived here so all of our clothes were around as well. It was the reunion today and for some reason I was nervous. Luckily, we all managed to stay in touch from high school. But tonight, we were going to meet everybody else. Everybody else would have gone to university and would be successful right now. All of the shit on the news they would have heard about too. Great and it’s a couple’s thing. The only person that actually has a date is Lottie. God, she’s a lucky bitch!

“So I have this for you Ron?” Aana grinned, holding a dark red pencil dress in her hand. The plunge neck was way too slutty for me. Although it was a beautiful.

“Hey, you didn’t let me wear that! You said it was your favourite!” Gabby whined from under the covers where she was probably googling images of Zac Efron.

“Shut up Gabriella. It is my favourite and it will make her feel less nervous.” Aana scolded.

“Aana, it’s beautiful but I don’t think so.” I smiled, hoping she would take it.

“Shut up, you’re wearing it. End of conversation.” She grinned hanging the dress up on the door and looking through her shoe drawers. She had endless clothes and shoes. Literally, she has a pair of platform stilettos in every colour. “And these.” she pulled out her pair of pair of bright red stilettos and placed them by the dress. “Ok, that’s you started. I have the gold cuff bracelets in my accessory drawers. The earrings are in there too!”

We went shopping a couple of days ago to buy the dresses for today but I didn’t get one because I thought I would be able to worm my way out of it. Obviously not, so now I was stuck with Aana’s little red dress and six inch stilettos. Aana picked a coral coloured maxi dress which was all lace from the chest up, although she already owned one. Lottie did try to tell her but she still brought it. Lottie brought and Aana chose a navy Bodycon which had white lace going up the sides and comes to about mid-thigh. Gabby brought a cream origami bow pencil dress. I then got dragged to more shops to buy accessories. I’m just thankful we all had the matching shoes. At one point, me and Lottie snuck off to McDonalds, yet we still got caught. The Mc Flurry helped me through the torture though. Aana had her nude platforms, Gabby had her diamanté ones that Aana got her and Lottie had her blue platforms. Thank god Aana buys our shoes for us or that would have been a new kind of hell. I don’t actually understand girls; they walk into the bloody shop knowing what they want yet the try on everything but that thing then buy it. Who has the god damn time for this shit?

“Oi you fat whore, what shall I wear tonight. Alanna said anything but that helps me in no way.” Jay strolled in, wearing just boxers. I have to say Jay was mighty fine but he’s always been Aana’s brother and although he didn’t go to the extent of Jake he was still a massive dick.

“Go spread your STD’s somewhere else, little Richard.” Aana smirked, jumping in-between me and Gabby on the bed.

“Very funny little bitch, seriously what shall I wear? Come on girls, help a guy out.” He pleaded, looking at Gabby because after Aana she had the most fashion sense.

“God just wear a dark wash jeans and a slim fit white shirt, maybe a black blazer. Wear those boat shoes I got you as well.” Aana muttered, whilst flicking through the channels on the T.V. She’s like a bloody fashion advisor robot.

“Thanks, love you loads Sis. Oh and Jake’s taking you. I kind of let it slip; he said he’ll call you.” He grinned and walked back out. Just as he left Aana’s phone began to ring. Talk of the devil.

“What do you want Jake?”

“No, I’m going alone.”

“Jake I’m not telling you.”

“You’re such an asshole.”

“Fine, I’m wearing coral.”

“No you idiot, it’s a pinky peachy colour.”

“Fine. Don’t be late, I’ll leave without you.”

“Whatever, bye.”

“Lottie your brother is so fucking annoying it’s unbelievable.” Aana cursed, scrunching up her face in disgust.

“What’s he done now?” Gabby chimed in, grinning like she knew something.

“He’s taking me to the reunion and he wanted to know what colour dress I’m wearing.” Aana spat.

“Am I missing something? What’s so bad?” I asked, raising a brow at her. Of course, Jake was a massive asshole but he was generally good looking plus she had a date so she didn’t look like a complete loner.

“MOTHERFUCKER, YOU LIKE JAKE DON’T YOU? AND JAKE LIKES YOU!” Gabby screamed, jumping on top of Aana, so she was straddling her. In an instant, Lottie jumped on to the bed and cornered Aana from her side.

“Of course he doesn’t like me and I don’t like him.” Aana muttered, struggling from underneath Gabby. I knew her well enough to know she was lying, something had happened.

“Oh god, you kissed my brother didn’t you? The day your parents were coming home he was here and downstairs with you then you came up crying and he left. Something happened. Aana what the fuck happened?” Lottie growled.

“No, we didn’t kiss. But I was angry with him when he just strolled in, in front of the reporters so when we got inside I pinned him up against the wall. Of course the sexual innuendos started and I just didn’t realise how close we were and how I started to see him as Jake just Jake. Not your brother and not Jay’s best friend but the guy who stuck up for me and may actually care about me.”

“Jesus Aana, now he knows you like him back he’s never going to let you go.”

“What do you mean Lottie?” Aana asked, climbing out of bed and looking at Lottie.

“God Aana, you’re so stupid. Jake’s always bloody liked you, the only reason he hasn’t done anything is because of me and Jay. Not even me so much but your Jay’s sister, he knows it would never work. Plus you’ve never shown any interest in him.”

“So why is he so horrible to me?”

“Aana are you freaking special? He’s horrible to you because it’s easier to handle it. Even I know that.” Gabby interrupted, rolling her eyes at Aana.

“Whatever, I’m showering first. We have to leave in two hours so start getting ready please.” Aana muttered and walked out.

“She’s in denial. That’s kind of creepy, my best friend and brother. Damn.” Lottie muttered, grabbing the remote control and putting on Letters to Juliet.

“Why the hell is this film always on?” I scowled. This was Aana’s favourite romance film and she had probably made us watch it more than a hundred times. I got her the DVD for her fifteenth birthday and now I regret it. It’s an amazing film don’t get me wrong, but I can literally recite the whole film without a script.

“I have no idea but you two better get ready or Aana’s going to go ape shit if we’re late.” Gabby laughed, continuing to eat the box of chocolates which she had nearly demolished.

“Whatever, I’m using the main shower. I’ll be ten max.” I announced and left.

Aana’s POV –

“Gabs, did you bring your curlers? I need you to do my hair.” I asked, concentrating on getting my liquid liner right.

“They’re in my bag; I’ll do it in a minute, but do your braid first.” Gabby called, fishtailing her hair. As usual Ron and Lottie were ready. I had done Lottie’s make up and straightened her hair. Gabby did Ron’s. Although it took ages! I wasn’t nervous to see everybody again, I was more excited but I was nervous about seeing Jake, knowing he liked me. Like Lottie said, I can’t act on it. Jay would kill me and Jake. I quickly finished my make-up and braided the front of my hair so Gabby could curl the rest. ”Right, I’m done, Aana come here.” I crawled over to her and let her curl my hair, trying to not wince when the curler touched my fucking ear. When she had finished, we quickly put on our dresses, trying not to ruin our hair and chucked on accessories and shoes.

“Damn Gabby, did you bring the gel pads? I’m out.” I scowled. I was used to wearing heels but without gel pads they hurt after a while.

“No, sorry. I was going to ask you.”

“Oi, assholes, more assholes are here.” Lottie called from downstairs. Great that meant Jake’s here.

“Come on Gabriella.” I grinned and tugged her hand.

“These stairs are going to kill me.” Gabby moaned, walking one step at a time and attempting not to fall. Heels never were her strong point. We walked in through the living room and Jake wasn’t the surprise. I looked down at Gabby and she looked just as shocked as me. I glanced at Lottie and Ron, they just shrugged. Great. I walked around and greeted Alanna and Nate. Nate looked so cute; he was wearing jeans and a navy slim fit shirt which matched Lottie’s dress. Jay was wearing the same, matching white dress and Jake was wearing the same but matching my dress. I hugged him and he just smirked at me awkwardly. I know Gabby was still at the door in the same position I left her in.

“Mark, what are you doing here?” I asked, raising a brow and looking at his outfit. He was matching the other boys and had on a white shirt too which matched Gabby. It was so cute but I still didn’t know where she was.

“Well, Nate told me he was taking Lottie and said Gabby was going alone so I thought I could take you?” He smiled weakly, glancing at Gabby and avoiding everybody else.

“No way hosay, asshole.” Gabby glared. He looked at me pleadingly, knowing I knew about his whole wife thing. I felt so bad for him, standing there in his little shirt and tie. God, Gabs was going to kill me.

“Actually Gabby, I think it will be a good idea. You won’t have to be a complete loner; after all it is a couple’s thing.” I joked, trying to encourage her.

“Hey, who am I going to go with?” Ron interrupted but soon shut up as soon as I elbowed her discreetly.

“Fine but don’t expect me to talk to you and this is for me not you. Now hurry up, let’s go.” Gabby scowled and walked towards the door. That would have been so cool with her little strut if she didn’t trip into the cabinet.

“Are we all going separately?” I asked.

“Aana, take your car. I’ll come with you.” Jake smirked, following the rest of the guys outside.

“YOU’RE TAKING ME TO A BALL AND MAKING ME FREAKING DRIVE? YOU ASSHOLE!” I growled, pushing my way to him and punching him in the shoulder.

“Freaking hell, you punch like a guy you bitch!” He winced, giving me a shitty hurt look.

“Shut up you pussy. Anyway, Nate you taking Lottie, Gabby and Mark and I’ll take these wankers and Alanna. “I announced and climbed into the car, making sure Alanna sat at the front and the guys sat at the back.

“Oi Jay, your sister’s ruining my manhood.” Jake moaned from the back.

“I’m going to ruin your manhood if you touch my sister.” Jay warned.

“Ok, both of you shut up.” Alanna interrupted. “I’m so nervous; I haven’t seen the guys in ages. I kept in touch with Athea but everyone else is virtually strangers to me.”

“Damn, you didn’t keep in touch with Emma or Shadia?” I asked, keeping my eye on the road.

“Nope. I have their numbers but I haven’t spoken to them.”

“Wow, you guys were close.”

“Yeah. Oh well, hopefully they’ll all be there today.”

“Yep, I’m sure they will be.” I smiled.

“Alanna do me a favour and grab a CD from the glove compartment.”

“Yeah Alanna, choose the one that says ‘Aana and Jake Sex Music’.” Jake grinned from the back, which earned him a punch from Jay. I laughed at his little winging and continued to ignore him.

“Ah, don’t worry. I think this is the place!” I grinned and parked smoothly in front of the huge hall. “Come on, let’s go. The guys are just parking opposite.” Jake walked around to me and hooked his arm in mine, pulling me towards the other guys. I smiled at the girls and we all began to walk in. The place was amazing. It was a hotel which was all glass and white. As you walked through, the waiter’s offered you non-alcoholic cocktails, which earned glares from all of us except Alanna. She wasn’t much of a drinker, even when we went out with Jay and Jake, she didn’t drink anything alcoholic. As soon as we walked in, I was taken aback by somebody jumping on me which made me lose my balance and fall on my ass with her on top of me.

“Fuck.” I muttered, rubbing my hand across my head. The screeching of laughter from Jake did not go a miss. The fucker even had his phone out taking pictures of me. I managed to stick up my middle finger and push the girl off of me.

“SHADIA OH MY FUCK!” I screamed when I noticed it was her on top of me. She had changed so much. Her hair was a dark curly brown and she was wearing a beautiful a red pencil dress with red peep toe stilettos.

“AANA, I HAVE MISSED YOU SO FREAKING MUCH MY ASIAN BITCH!” She laughed, rolling off of me and pulling me up.

“SHADIA I HAVE MISSED YOU SO MUCH OH MY GOD!” I screamed, hugging her. Eventually we broke it up and faced everyone else. I spotted Emma and Athea and hugged them both. They looked so good. They were both wearing different shades of green dresses.

“So who’s the hunk or should I say hunks?” Shadia smirked at us and waited for answers with her hand on her hip.

“This is Jake, he’s Lottie’s brother. This is Jay my brother and Alanna’s boyfriend. That’s Nate, Lottie’s boyfriend and that is Mark, which is complicated.” I announced, smiling at them.

“Oh we know about your guys love lives. Everyone does if you read any kind of magazine.” Athea laughed, smirking at Lottie. I laughed at Lottie blushing and Nate’s proud grin.

“Come on guys, everyone’s inside. We got you places next to us.” Emma grinned, leading us in. The tables were arranged in long columns across the hall and opposite the DJ who was playing a Chris Brown song. Everyone was clustered around the hall greeting each other and introducing guys and probably showing off.

“Aana, do you want anything from the bar?” Jake asked, genuinely smiling. I looked at him questioningly and pulled out a tenner from my purse.

“Get me and Shadia two vodka and cokes please?” I smiled, handing him the money.

“I can pay for drinks you know.” He scoffed, slamming the money and the table and leaving.

“What got his panties in a twist?” Emma laughed, plopping down next to me.

“As far as I know he doesn’t wear any.” I laughed.

“So how is he in bed?” Shadia grinned, nudging me.

“Ew, I don’t think I’d ever go there.”

“So you guys aren’t together?” Emma asked, raising a brow in question.

“Never in a million years. He’s gross.” I answered laughing with the girls. The slam of the drinks caught my attention. I turned to meet Jake who looked fuming.

“Enjoy your drinks girls.” He muttered and walked away.

“Damn Aana, he looked pissed.” Shadia muttered, seriously.

“I’ll sort it.” I smiled, sipping my drink and hoping for an extra shot of vodka if I wanted to get through this. “So girls any guys?” I winked.

“Emma’s going out with this guy called Nathan. She met him at Cadets when we were at high school. So they’re together. Athea’s with that guy Adam who we met on Kik. It’s like an online catfish relationship and I’m single, waiting for the right guy.” Shadia chirped.


“Hey bitches!” Rihana grinned, hugging us all.

“HEY! How about you then, any men?” I grinned, knowingly. She gave me a death glare and plopped down next to Gabby.

“What was that about? OO SPILL AANA NOW!!” Shadia grinned, digging for the gossip, I guess she hadn’t changed.

“Let’s just say she had a drunken kiss with Chris Fortes.” I smirked, ignoring the daggers I was receiving from Rihana.


“The very one. You guys know Lauren Harding?” I asked.

“Of course, she and Lily Rose are best friends and their both in the public eye. Lily Rose is going out with the hottie Mark Cavell. Him and his friends are beautiful, especially Nate Hylton.” Emma grinned like she had realised something. “Holy shit. Charlotte is the Lottie who’s going out with Nate and Mark is with Gabby right now. Freaking hell, I think I’m going to die!”

“You guys did well, I would include you in that Aana but your man is getting whined on by Natasha. Scary Natasha. Wow, she’s actually got pretty in seven years but still he looks like he’s enjoying it.” Shadia laughed, looking kind of disgusted at the same time.

“Eugh I don’t even care.” I scowled at the sight of her shaking her stuff on him. Being a dick was an understatement. He brought me and he’s ignoring me. Asshole.

“Guys remember those hilarious summers where we would talk to randoms on KIK?” Alanna laughed.

“Oh god, yes! All of the creeps! Shadia remember when we made Kalin and Myles our pretend boyfriends and their dirty Snapchats?” We were both in hysterics, laughing madly at the memories. Each summer we would all go on to KIK in a group chat and talk to strangers. Sometimes there would be the creepy people. So me, Shadia and Rihana were in a chat with these guys who were really rude so we added our ‘boyfriends’. It was so hilarious! We had dirty Snapchats to prove it; it was great but so wrong.

“Aana, Jake’s pissed and is now dancing with that slut Molly.” Lottie announced, turning my head to the dance floor. “You better get him out of here.”

“Charlotte, he’s your brother!” I whined.

“Your date.” She countered.

“Fuck.” I mumbled and left the table to drag Jake away. I politely smiled and greeted the people I went to school with and made my way to him.

“I’m sorry can I borrow him for a second please.” I smiled, pushing Molly out of the way.

“Why are you always ruining my fun?” Jake slurred.

“Shut up you prick, we’re leaving.” I scowled, dragging him from the dance floor and passed the girls. I pushed him on to the sofa in the foyer and went back into the hall to say bye. I said bye to the girls and exchanged numbers with them.

“I’m taking him home; I’ll try not to kill him. Call me tomorrow.” I said to Lottie and walked back over to Jake, dragging him out of the door and to my car, shoving him in the back of the car.

“Do you want me to drive?” He asked. He wasn’t completely drunk but I thought dragging him would add to my anger. I shoved my middle finger in his face and drove to my house. He can crash in the guest room. I sped home because I was feeling to hit him in the face. It had only just hit fucking nine and I was going home. I parked in the drive and let him get in himself. Luckily my Mum had already opened the door so I walked straight in, locking the car door when Jake got out. He walked in straight after me and slammed the door.

“Hi Aana. Hi Jake.” My mum grinned. “Nice time?”

“No.” I growled, glaring at Jake who looked guilty. “I’m going up, sort him out please. The girls are coming back here with Jay so leave the latch off. Night Mum. Night wanker.” I spat, kicking off my heels and taking them in my hands.

“Language Aana.” My Mum scolded.

“Sorry Mother.” I smiled sarcastically and ran to my room before I kicked him in the balls. I pushed the door of my room open and dropped my shoes and purse on the bed and then pulled the sleeves off, letting the dress fall to the ground, leaving me in just my underwear. It was boiling in here and I needed to get out of that dress pronto. The lace was really started to piss me off. Just as I was about to get my pyjamas, a voice stopped me in my tracks. It was Jake.

“I guess you’re beautiful without the clothes too Aana.” 

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