Lion's Pride

بواسطة keonjanae

215K 8.2K 2.8K

My Works // #4 // 2017 - 2018 (EDITING as of 2020 - 2021) He was her escape and new beginning... S... المزيد

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6 (Part 1)
Chapter 6 (Part 2)
Chapter 7
Chapter 8 (Part 1)
Chapter 8 (Part 2)
Chapter 8 (Part 3)
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13 (Part 1)
Chapter 13 (Part 2)
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18

Chapter 18 (Part 2)

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بواسطة keonjanae

R . a . y . n . e

     "Am I missing something here?"

    The way that Jah'eim stood would make any man cower backwards. It felt as if he had been betrayed by everyone in the room with the exception of Danielle. His heart seemed to pound in his chest, the AirPod in his ear that blared the lyrics of a G Eazy song now being overpowered. He removed the earbud quickly, blinking rapidly. I can feel the death stare of Jah'eim on the side of my face which he shifts over to Dr. Tee. His jaw was clenched, forehead throbbing with a headache he couldn't stop. Sweat beads had begun to form as his body became hot. Jah'eims' hands start to itch in the palm as he felt the urge to break everything around him. His eyes slowly close, the wetness of unknown tears finally pooling in the bottom of them. Jah'eim doesn't know it but on the inside, this made Dr. Tee snicker.

     "I'm just at a lost of words and I definitely don't like your tone doctor. You better be lucky I respect my brothers family or else you'd be finished right here." He expresses through clenched teeth just before taking a step back. That's when my left eyebrow began to twitch, a feeling of something to come washing over me. I don't ignore the twitching, taking it as a sign because I only notice it when things are about to turn sour.

      "Man, I hate to say but," Tank saves the day by breaking the short awkward silence. He steps away from his far location, coming into the circle of three now made four. I eye the fresh cut he sported, a perfect fade on his head. Tank adjusts his black pants around his waist, seriousness in his demeanor. "It is very telling on your part how bad of a liar that you are. I'm overly observant with people and I instantly knew that you were a fraud the second you walked in here. Do us all a favor and yourself a favor and tell us what's going on. Where did you come from?"

"Sorry to seem like such a downer but I can't carry out your favors." Dr. Tee doesn't take Tank's words too lightly as he felt halfway defenseless. He knew he had protection, just didn't know when the protection would come. "I work here at the hospital. The answer to your question is already there. I am simply just taking care of Montavious."

     "Look son," Samuel finally takes the chance to speak. He had grown tired of seeing his new dear children batter at the doctor. He wanted answers as well, making his stand known. A silver chain hangs from his strong neck, shining as he spoke. "I don't necessarily put myself within situations that involve conflict but for that man laying in that hospital bed though, I'd instantly put blood on my hands. For your safety, please tell us who you really are."

     "sigh Sir, for the last time," Dr. Tee confidently eyes me before outstretching his hands at his sides and doing a full circle spin. Everyone in the room takes a good look at him, reading the filth he exudes. "I am just a temporary replacement."

     "That's some bullshit man and I ain't tryna hear it." Sosa, another silent brother of Montie's, says the words I wanted to before I could. I could tell by the glossed look he carried that he had been another victim to the sadness behind Montie. Sosa looked as if he hadn't slept in days, let alone eaten anything. "I ain't got time to be dealing with no fake ass doctor. I watched one of my closest brothers get shot in front of my face. Do you really think I have the time to listen to yo' fuckin' bullshit?"

     "Okay, I just don't get paid enough for this. Who are y'all anyways? I could have each of you escorted out like I said." Dr. Tee had finally had it with the group of family continuously hounding him with questions he had already answered. Creases in his forehead had begun to form, looking as though they were rippling waves in a body of blue water. His hands were now clammy, forcing him to stuff them inside the pockets of his white hospital coat. When I see Sosa's eyes turn deadly, I knew I had to prevent what was coming next. Jah'eim began to chuckle, and Tank seemed unresponsive as he thought about the nasty reply.

     That was a bad thing.

     "Are you really trying to question us? And who the hell getting escorted out? From the way I see it, you're the only one that's gonna be escorted out. Pick which escort way you'd like to take wisely." Samuel, being the only angry man that is still reasonable at the moment, spoke his mind. The other 3 didn't like words as much as he did when they were under irritation. I watch as Sosa began to rub at his hard temples in a failing attempt to control his emotions. When he looked up again, I finally noticed the dark rings under his tired eyes.

     "I mean," Dr. Tee makes a sheepish face. "It's only fair right?"

     "But there is a difference," I'd never seen Montie's step father upset and I didn't expect to see it today by any means. The love, compassion, and time he put into raising Montavious could be seen in his eyes as Samuel spoke. "We are not the frauds so nothing is fair here."

     "I mean, don't you think that it's fair I ask questions in return? I have a right to that."

     "Who the fuck do you think you are man?" Samuel let's his large, hard working hand make it's way into the air. He points one of his firm fingers in the direction of the doctor, eyes squinted and mouth twisted. You could blatantly see the over distaste Samuel had. He knew something, if not everything, was off about this whole ordeal. Montavious is a fighter, a great fighter. There was no way in the devil's given red hell in his mind that his son needed a 'plug pull'.

     "A doctor?" Dr. Tee says in a nonchalant and questionable tone. His eyebrow raises.

     "Keep getting smart, and I'ma punch you dead in yo' shit bro. Now ain't the fuckin' time." Sosa had finally found the underground strength to get real violent now. Well, he always had the given strength to do so but he had been slowly holding out on it until this moment. The semi-automatic hand gun that was under the black and silver Gucci belt he currently wore called his name repeatedly. Sosa had an itch for shooting, never the one to initiate a gun fight though unless under bad circumstances.

     "How would you feel if you were the one getting interrogated?" Dr. Tee had the guts to step in closer to Sosa as he stood there. The doctor had never been afraid of anyone or anything, so why would he back down now when he was subtly just doing his job? Sosa sees him getting more sure of his scrawny self and a laugh escapes his lips. One that is so filled with anger and animosity that it had shocked even himself. He takes one of his hands and raises it in the air, his pointer finger stabbing at the flared chest of Dr. Tremayne. He pokes at it three times, smiling such a wicked one.

     "Look here doc," Sosa begins. "Fuck what you sayin'. I think you need a reminder of what I meant when I said I didn't play games."

     "I'm listening." Dr. Tremayne clenched his jaw.

     All the while, Jah'eim, Samuel, and Tank stand back. Jah'eim was still containing the sudden urge of strangling the doctor better than he thought he would have at the moment. I bat my eyes in his direction, while I take over his facial features for a second. Jah'eim had a very refined jaw line, with poking beard hairs at the top, continuing on to the bottom of it. He wanted to walk away from the current situation but he also couldn't bring his feet to move his muscular body. Something to Jah'eim was off and the determination to find what it is had become great.

     "Everyone in this damn room know you a fake ass doctor. That's the truth... You see, where you went wrong was thinking that you could walk into my brother hospital room, with his family in it, with the fake bullshit. None of us in here wanna see Montavious die today. There is something real fuckin' funny about this and you the only person in here how throwing out red flags repeatedly." Sosa clears his throat. He wanted his words to sink into Dr. Tee's head deeply. He eyes the doctor close, checking for any sudden movements. When Sosa sees that the doctor wasn't budging, he reaches under his black bomber jacket to reveal the handgun tucked underneath his belt. "So, I'm giving you one more chance to tell us all who the fuck you are..."

     Tank takes the time to step back three steps, holding his hands at his sides. His visible fists wanted to make contact with something, anything. An intense stare down had gone underway as he tried to control the urges. Egos were being tested and two lives suddenly at stake. My mental health had grown tired of arguing with the impostor doctor as I sighed with my eyes closed. My mouth opens to speak and break the stare down but before I could let out what I had to say, a soft knock at the door beats me to it. Danielle doesn't hesitate as she answers the door, looking for an outlet from the tense atmosphere.

     "Well hello," a nurse, no older than 25, makes her way into the hospital room. She fidgets with the black rimmed prescription glasses on her face, visibly nervous. Her blue scrubs and grey stethoscope around her neck give her a more trusting aurora. She didn't seem ass off putting as Dr. Tee, her sweet voice almost sounding angelic. "It seems like I'm interrupting something?"

     "No, not at all." I answer quickly. The look of slight fear on her face as she stared at 4 men who were ready to fight, slowly increases. I could tell that they were making her uncomfortable as she stood. I notice a grey clipboard in her arm, more bulky and official looking. I flick my finger at Jah'eim, Tank and Samuel, knocking them out of their trance. Their eyes soften, instantly lightening the mood. "I'm just wondering what's going on here. We are speaking with this doctor here, something about pulling the plug on him?"

      "Pulling the plug? That doesn't sound right to me...I take it that you're Rayne Diamond?" The nurse doesn't hide her dissatisfaction with my reply. She too had no idea of what was to happen with Montie but, she knew matter of factly that he didn't need his life taken away. Her eyes rake her clipboard just as Dr. Tee had done. She had long dark hair that she wore bone strait, and a perfect middle part atop her head. I get a good look at her Hispanic features, taking in her natural beauty. I am by far not into women but I always give credit where it's due.

     "That would be me. Who are you?" I take the time to look over at Jah'eim, his eyes picking up on the clipboard difference between the nurse and Dr. Tee. A pen click is heard as she checks something off on a document, turning to me with a smile. I return her warmness, smiling back.

     "My apologies, I have to sign and make sure that I am talking to the right person. I'm nurse Sandoval and I work just under my father. Now, I've only been checking in on Mr. Montavious Indie here and there but my father has been the one to do the miracle work. I was coming by to check on how he is doing and to run a couple tests but I didn't expect to see you all. My father should be here soon, he'll have more information about pulling the plug if needed but I don't see anything that suggests that."

     "You have to be fucking kidding me..." my neck cranes at the words that slipped out of Sandoval's mouth. Maybe she was making a mistake in what she was saying but something inside tells me that she is telling the truth and that Montie's real doctor is on his way. Glenda then rises from her seat, a black Gucci clutch in her arms. Samuel takes her under his large muscular arm as she stands. They had heard what she said too, growing curious.

     "I'm sorry?" Nurse Sandoval feels the tight atmosphere coming back as she stared at me innocently. She hadn't planned on being in some sort of family drama today, her own family's problems were enough.

    "It's nothing to do with you, I promise." I rub at my temple to ease the now growing headache that soon felt like a migraine.

     "My father is well known here at the hospital. I'm sure you're familiar with Dr. Shapiro? It says on my documents that he is primary..." Nurse Sandoval says almost shakily. I nod my head, giving her a sense of ease that she hadn't walked into the wrong hospital room. Before I could give a reply, Glenda takes the opportunity to.

     "That is just the person we are looking for, nurse. I'm sorry but, the gentleman here told us something different." Glenda expresses. Her eyebrows come together, a hand on her thick hip.

     "I'm not following?" Nurse Sandoval finally understands the people before her. When she walked into the dark aurora of the family in the room, she hadn't quite caught on to the situation at hand. Now, she realizes that they had all come here to prepare for a sad day that would potentially never come. "What's going on ma'am?"

     "Well, we were told that Dr. S may have possibly switched over hospitals and is no longer taking care of my son. We here all believe that he is not being truthful." That's when the nurse takes a good look at the alleged doctor, not recognizing him. His lab coat had a different tint of white to it, not the normal color she is use to seeing. However, when he eyes her back, she instantly can recall seeing him at a club she recently had been to.

     "That's impossible. He would never leave this facility. I should know, I'm his daughter and live with him everyday. It almost sounds unrealistic to say something like that."

     "I guess we'll just have to ask Dr. S." I say.

     "That would be best." Nurse Sandoval replies.

     As if Dr. Shapiro had overheard his name, his midsized frame enters the room. Dressed in all black attire, blue gloves covering his hands and a matching mask around his face, Dr. S surveys the almost packed area. All eyes had been placed on him, soaking up his presence. A warm aurora exudes from his smile as he removes the mask. Nurse Sandoval returns his good energy, offering a hug that he returned. The two of them favored one another almost identically, their matching smiles resembling twins. Dr. S inches towards where I stand, instantly recognizing me out of everyone.

     "Hello again, how are you? Ready to take a look at your husband here?" Anger, sadness and any other un-detected emotion I was feeling right now, began to surface all at once. My eyes become ablaze, quickly darting in the direction of the fake doctor in the room. I feel my chest caving, the lies Tee told earlier replaying in my mind.

     "Hello Dr. Shapiro, I'm Glenda, the patients mother. This is Samuel, his step father. We've met plenty times before." Glenda and Samuel pay their respects to Dr. Sappiro, giving him nice and firm hand shakes. I internally thank Glenda for speaking because she had unknowingly stopped my raging fit from taking place.

     "Ah, familiar faces." He seemed to channel all of the bad energy in front of him, reinstalling it as good. The world needed more people like Dr. Shapiro, now and immediately. "How are you?"

     "On behalf of all of us, we are just fine and happy to have you here." Samuel interjects. He only seemed to care about Montavious now, completely dismissing the fraudulent doctor to his side. Glenda hugs Samuel on his side just a little bit harder, sensing her husband become tense. It was like she deteriorated his fire as she felt him becoming calm all over again.

     "I apologize for having everyone wait. A woman came in just before I could get here and nearly delivered her twin boys on the floor. Excuse me but, duty called." A smile spreads on his face as he recalled the last few minutes of him delivering the two handsome boys. Glenda smiles, remembering when she too gave birth but not exactly to twins.

     "There is nothing greater than the gift of life." Samuel eyes her.

     "Absolutely nothing," Dr. Shapiro says. He then snaps his fingers twice to himself. "Now, down to the real business."

     "Montavious," I say lowly. Dr. Shapiro hears my muttering, nodding his head. I watch as he walks directly to the front of Jah'eim, whom was too busy drowning in his own thoughts. In his mind, he just couldn't get over the trait Montie carried. When his brother is to finally awake, Jah'eim would have more than bargained for at his choice of words with him. He wondered the reasoning behind why he hadn't known about it as he rubbed at his large shoulder.

     "Jah'eim," I say softly to him. He looks my way, a mixture of sadness and anger evident in his eyes. Jah really didn't mean any harm towards me but he definitely couldn't hide his feelings. He blinks, letting me see the tears he tried to fight back. It was rare when he cried, very rare. Jah'eims' pride wouldn't let a soul see the soft side of him.

     "Excuse me sir," As if being in his zone had completely vanished away, Jah'eim looked down upon Dr. Shapiro. His large frame towers over almost everyone in the room except for Samuel. He moves slightly to his right, a bit closer Tee. I move to the side as well, Dr. Shapiro nearly gliding between us to Montie. He checks his vitals and more importantly Montie's heart rate, gladly seeing no errors. Everything seemed steady and slowly progressing, something Dr. Shapiro was happy to see. He then looks at some of the gunshot wounds, seeing a yellow oozing substance over them that he didn't recognize.

     "It seems like everything is moving along just fine," he announced. The statement alone causes the entire room to burst into low murmurs. Me, Danielle, and Sosa being the only quiet ones. "I don't understand why I'm seeing this though... Nurse Sandoval could you come here please?"

      "Yes?" She slowly approaches her father, leaning over his shoulder as he looks over the body of Montavious. She examines him too, finding nothing wrong as her father had.

     "Could you read me his medications off please?"

     "Of course." Nurse Sandoval looks again to her clipboard, everyone dead silent. So silent, that the only thing in the room that could be heard were the machines Montie laid conjoined to. "Here he has listed all of his regular medications, such as the IV and everything, but he got put onto a new one just last week. Seems like he isn't responding to it very well."

     "What is the name of it? Would you happen to know?" Dr. Shapiro glances back at her, a hand feeling around on Montavious' arm for any punctures he didn't notice.


     "What?" Tank is morbidly surprised at the name of the medication.

     He looks to Jah'eim, whom was just as surprised as he was. He may have not shown it but shock hit him like a bus. Sosa claps his hands in frustration, already knowing something had been off. The real reason why the trio of men were the most shocked happened to be because the both of them knew the drug Lorazepam all too well. It slowly starts to infect the body's immune system, taking off more quickly once the immune system is completely altered. It's a very old trick in the book that each of the men had used. Lorazepam was also used as a catalyst to help with hand fights and extended torture. It helped aid in the fact that they absolutely knew their enemy was going to die in the matter of 24 hours. Whether they survived the torture or not.

     "I'm confused..." I say to no one in particular.

     "Oh my bad Rayne," Dr. Shapiro shifts his conflicted face towards my more perplexed one as he began to break down the severity of the drug I hadn't known of. "Lorazepam is a deadly, for an explanation. I don't understand why they would give it to Montavious though, he doesn't need it nor should he had ever been prescribed to it."

     "It says here that it was too dwindle down the pain with his gun shot wounds." Nurse Sandoval adds with confusion.

     "Well that's just stupid." Dr. Shapiro laughs ironically. "Lorazepam is definitely nowhere near an aid. It kills, there is no in between. I see now that this is the reason why Montavious hasn't yet woken up. The drug basically puts him to sleep with its intense poisoning."

     "Who prescribed the drug if I might ask?" I demand, looking at Nurse Sandoval. She reads the documents once over, finding nothing.

    "It says an unknown source."

     "Excuse me?" I exclaim with anger. "What kind of games are we playing here? Goddammit!"

     "I understand your frustration," Dr. Shapiro speaks, taking ownership to his part. "I am not able to be here every single day and that is bad on my part. Recently, I did take a day off with given PTO hours. I normally have a qualified substitute doctor take my place. Honey, check when this was-"

     "It was prescribed exactly the day you took off." Nurse Sandoval interjects, already knowing what her father was going to ask of her. "It says here that a... (looks at clipboard) Tremayne Tolley took over your shift. (scrunches face)"

     "Oh my..." A hand covers Glenda's mouth as she stared at Tee, who happened to purposefully be silent this entire time. He realizes now that everyone has caught onto his games and lies. Tee looked as if he was going to shit bricks being under the stare of a pair of eyes from each person in the room. Jah'eim held the worst stare out of everyone. He felt as though his life had been came for when Tee attempted killing his best friend in front of his eyes, and almost right under his nose. Angry growls protruded from the big bull as he snatched the black hood away from his blonde curls. Jah'eim then made a promise right that second to himself that he was going to handle him personally.

     "Y'all just listen to me,-" Tee tries to protect himself with his words as he notices the way Jah'eim silently moves toward him, power in each step he took.

     "There ain't no fucking listen," Sosa says with a calm voice, but I knew he was far from it. Salty tasting tears had begun to slowly flow down my face, inching into the crevices of my mouth. I felt as if I had gone numb... numb from hearing how Montie had been poisoned with a drug and numb from the amount of anger I felt towards 'Tremayne'.

     "I just want you to know that you've severely fucked your life up." Tank makes clear. Sensing the mood and tone of the room change, Dr. Shapiro and Nurse Sandoval find themselves moving to stand off to the side. They knew better than to call out for security at this second. Family turmoil was about to unfold in front of their eyes and to be honest, the both of them wanted to see it unfold. Dr. Shapiro looks at his daughter, the both of them curious.

     "Let me just-" Tremayne starts to talk, but the landing of Jah'eims fist on his upper right jaw, knocks the sense out of his brain to even speak. Tank and Sosa aren't even surprised at all because they knew it was coming all along. Before another second goes by, Jah'eim sends another jab his way, this time knocking Tremayne completely to the ground. I want to stop Jah'eim but I know better than to. His eyes were dark and cold, holding the same hostility in them as the day he found out his mother had cancer and the day his father was sent to the hospital. His rage had finally consumed him whole as he continued to batter at the fraud.

     I glance at Danielle who wasn't used to Jah'eim acting out. She had seen it sort of but, that doesn't compare to what she's witnessing now. Danielle seemed to be the only one here who hadn't known about this particular side to him. She stood confused, a hand over her mouth. Sosa walks behind Tank, coming up to the duo. I watch as he grabs at the arms of Tee, holding him up for Jah'eim to continue his work. Danielle looks at me like she wants to help the fake doctor but, I quickly shake my head not to.

     It is best for her to stand back.


D . a . n . i . e . l . l . e

Later that Night

     Night time tonight seemed more calming than it had ever been. The stars beamed in the sky, but the rain pellets falling from above gave the chilly night a gloomy feel. I sat alone in my bed, watching the pellets hit the window. The dark blues, grays, and subtle whites of the sky contrasted very well against the low greens, browns, and yellows of the ground. I listened intently to the outside as light thunder crackled in the distance. I inhaled the sweet scent of my body care items I had bathed myself in, feeling warm. I wore beige shorts, a simple black tee covering my chest.

     A cold breeze from the air conditioner hits me, making my pebbled nipples sit at attention. I fold my legs pretzel style on my bed, tucking them underneath me as I rest my backside on the large headboard. My mind began to race at the events of today when silence becomes too deafening. Montavious was not put on a machine where we had to pull the plug on him, and he was never on the list to be deceased. Tee had done something foul with poisoning his IV, injecting it with Lorazepam. I for the life of me couldn't figure out why he would do such a thing but then again, Jah'eim did mention something to me about him being involved with the street lifestyle.

     There were a lot of things that went wrong with the past 24 hours. From the run in with miss irrelevant at the pool, to the unfortunate incidents at the hospital. I shake my head and run a hand through my loose curls. Doing this reminded me that I needed to make an appointment, and soon. I'd probably end up taking Rayne along with me just to have more girl time together since today got ruined. Tee was suspect number one to Tank, Sosa, and Jah'eim at this point and I wouldn't even be surprised if he came up missing after a month. If I hadn't known before that Montavious is loved by each man he walked with, I knew now. I had never seen Jah'eim so angry in my life... not even that one time we were at the hospital for his own father.

     It's seemed like a deep nerve had been struck inside of him, irritating his entire mood. Seeing his fist send threatening blow after blow to Tee was enough to make me believe that Jah'eim had something wrong with him. An anger management issue, I think to myself. After he had finished giving the man a piece of good madness, Jah had looked down upon Tee with disgust. Sosa and Tank managed to pick up his weak body, whisking him away to somewhere unknown. I could tell that Jah'eim was extremely apologetic for his actions once he noticed how everyone seemed to distance themselves from him. Just before leaving the hospital, he gave me a look I couldn't manage to understand.

     "Hello?" My phone had begun to ring next to me, I smile as I answer.

     "Hey Danielle," came the voice of Tru on the other end. It sounded as if he too had been in bed, just about to get some rest. I don't dismiss the more intense deepness he had when saying my name. Instantly, my smile becomes brighter as I forget about my day.

     "Hi, how are you? Long time no chat?" I pry before sinking into the covers of my bed.

     "I've just been really busy lately Dani. I'm sorry, really. A lot has come up since we last kicked it." There was evident sadness in his voice and I find it just a little bit cute.

     "I completely understand. Life has been doing its thing with me lately so believe me when I say that I get it." I give a long sigh, Tru groaning on the other end.

     "Mmm," he chuckles slightly. "If it's that easy to be forgiven, what else can I get away with? I'm starting to think God giving me a special gift here."

     "Don't push it." My finger raises in the air as if he can see me and my eyes squint.

     "Alright beautiful, I won't."

     We share a laugh.

     "So, you want to talk about anything special future wifey?" The two words make my heart jump, finally happy to know that I still have my groove with men. I don't get too sure of myself and keep it base level.

     "Eh, not much for me to say and okay, I see you trying to get that rizz game up."

     "Don't act crazy now. Ya' boy got a few tricks up his sleeve." I giggle, happily.

     "How so?"

     "Oh come on, can't expose myself too early. Things have to remain a mystery just to keep up the spice." Tru's words drip with demon intent, making my core a little more excited than it should've been.

     "So you think every relationship needs spice?" He smacks his lips.

     "Take it like this," there was a pause as I could hear Tru sitting himself up on the phone. "If I did everything right like every other man, you know like... flowers everyday or chocolate everyday, you'd almost expect it every time. Well, what if I bought flowers one day and a Lamborghini the next? See what I'm saying? That's keeping the spice."

     "I take it you've done that before?" I can't help keeping the smile that seemed to paste itself on my face. "Snitching on yourself maybe?"

     "I've done a lot of things for women who've held that deep connection with me. Let's just leave it at." He chuckles.

     "Okay." I pause. "Since you're out here buying lambos and things like that, I take it you work a high level job?"

     "I work a series of jobs. As I've said before, I'm a busy man."

     "What's your main choice?" I pry with a manicured thumb nail resting between my teeth. I was enjoying  our conversation to say the least. It felt great to finally talk to another person as if I was a high school girl again.

     "I honestly take that as a loaded question. Sometimes I'm working the bar at the club where we first met or sometimes I'm out in the st-" A sudden knock on my front door echos through the empty house as I pull the phone away from my ear. I look in the direction of the darkened hallway before me that led out to the upper living room with cautious eyes. I take a glance at the time clock on the nightstand, seeing that it was nearly 1am. Who the hell? I think. I put my phone back to my ear then, rising from my bed to answer the door.

     "Hey, actually I might have to call you back..." I say to a still rambling Tru.

     "Wait, is it something wrong? You need me to do anything?" He asks rapidly. I could hear on Tru's end as he seems to be getting out of his bed. Shaking my head, I remember that he couldn't physically see me.

     "No, I don't think anything is wrong. I'll just end up getting back to you as soon as I can. You have my word." I answer his questions, my eyes still laser focused on the hall.

     "Well, okay... Good night beautiful." Comes his soft reply.

     "Good night..." with that, I hang up the phone and speed up my pace in walking to the door.

     Something in my heart seemed to know that I had to open my front door. I walk at a fast pace, trying not to trip over myself on the way. I silently curse my mother for my height when I am barely able to see the figure outside through the peephole. I undo each lock, soon opening the door and instantly starting to become emotional. Jah'eim greets me, not so much with words. The rain of the night had long soaked through his fitted white tee, making the fabric become almost transparent against his brown skin tone.

     I can see all of his tattoos through the thin material, nearly glistening under the moonlight as he barely quivered. I look up at Jah'eims' face and surely damp hair. His curls seemed more out of place and not at their best. There is a Hennessy bottle in his right hand which clasped on to it strongly, like his entire life was contained inside of it. Tears were stinging his eyes and falling down his handsome face. His demeanor and vibes tug at my heart strings and all I want to do is hug him tight. I step closer to him, just before I found Jah'eim letting himself fall over me. The weight of his more than average sized body overpowering mine.

     "I feel like I'm breaking down Danielle... I don't know what I'm suppose to do," he mumbles just before tears come down his face. I don't say a word as his cries happen softly.

     He needed me and that became crystal clear.

    I'm going to be there for him.

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Read to find out.... Maybe your typical thug story....maaaaybe
220K 5.7K 44
Cause he just wanted one thing, And I just wanted something to, Smile at, and live for, and hug on, I'd rather have quality than quantity, Oh, I just...