A Sweater for Redemption • DI...

By youremynewbestfriend

71.5K 2.2K 618

"I just don't think you've ever been properly loved." [Regulus Black x OC] #1 in Regulus Black-07/20/18 More



4.1K 144 61
By youremynewbestfriend

Ch. 4: Chocolate

All heads turned as Olivia entered her Defense Against the Dark Arts class. She quickly sat down and didn't raise her hand or even move during the class. She was glad that James normally stole the spotlight. Being the center of attention made her palms sweat and heart race.

At the end of class, she dragged Mae out with her as fast as possible. People whispered as she passed by. She stood as tall as she could, despite her discomfort.

Upon hearing a rather rude comment, Olivia spun around, only to crash straight into the chest of Regulus Black. Regulus went down instantly, being caught off guard, bringing Olivia down with him.
Pushing herself up off his chest, she found Regulus's face was just as red as hers felt.

"Sorry," she said, getting to her feet and helping him up.

Regulus shook his head. "We keep meeting in the most enchanting ways, don't you think?"

Olivia couldn't help the giggle that rose out of her. She hated giggling. She lowered her eyes, "Both encounters involved me being in pain. Not very enchanting if you ask me!."

"Perhaps not," he conceded.

"Liv. We have to go," Mae said tugging on her friends sleeve. She looked up at Regulus warily, pulling her friend away from the Slytherin.

Olivia watched Regulus' eyes soften. He knew his reputation, he knew who's son he was and what they stood for. He lowered his eyes to his feet. "I'll see you around Liv."


When he looked up again, Olivia and Mae had gotten away from him but not from the Marauders. He didn't have to hear them to know what they were saying: stay away from him, Regulus is bad news.

He wished he wasn't, but he was. It was best if she stayed away. Otherwise she could easily get hurt. She deserved a happy life, one that involves him not going within fifty feet of her. Which was the last thing he wanted to do. He wanted to get closer. He wanted to really get to know her. He couldn't help himself. He wanted to know more.


"Stay away from him!" James hissed, gently grabbing his sisters arm. He was prepared to drop to his knees and beg.

"Go harass Lily, would you?" Olivia said, pulling her arm away from him.

"James, he's just a kid! He's not his paren—"

"Shut up, Remus," Sirius snapped.

Olivia stepped back anxiously. Remus have her an empathetic look to which she could only shrug. She inhaled deeply, doing her best to stay calm. "You're my brother, James. I love you and you're wonderful, but you're not my father. You don't get to control me, okay? If I want to hang out with Regulus, I will, okay? I don't care! When will you stop babying me?"

"You're my sister, Ollie. How can I watch you go off into the face of danger—"

"I'm not befriending Voldemort. I'm befriending a 15 year old boy for Heavens sake," she hissed. "No I'm not even befriending him. We aren't friends. He saved me and we just bumped into each other. Alright? Now bugger off and go prank someone or something!"

She turned and stormed off, hands balled in fists. That little...oh, her brother was insufferable! She skipped her next class, unable to contain her anger. She went straight to the astronomy tower. The view from up there always calmed her. Thankfully, there wasn't a class going on. The tower was empty.

She looked out at the school grounds, deep in thought. Why did James care so much about who she talked to? Why was he being such an arse? Most importantly, why was she upset that he didn't want her talking to Regulus? She knew who he was and what his family was like—but she couldn't help but want to uncover him like an artifact. She wanted to understand him.

"Ollie?" a voice asked behind her, startling her. For a moment she tensed, thinking that it might be James, but when she turned around she found Remus walking toward her on the balcony. He approached cautiously, watching her wearily.

"Oh for Godric's sakes, Remus. I'm not going to jump. Just give me your damn chocolate already, yeah?" she held out her hand to him.

Remus frowned for a moment before grinning and holding out a chocolate bar to her. Her fingers brushed against the packaging before he pulled it away. "I'll give you all of it, if you tell me who hurt you," he said softly. Curse him! She just wanted the chocolate already!

Olivia hesitated. Remus was like a brother to her, she knew she could trust him. But what if he told James?

"I won't tell him if you don't want me to," Remus said, as if reading her mind.

"Candy first," she said, holding out her hand. Candy was always first.

Remus sighed, handing over the chocolate. He watched as she broke off a square before sitting down near the railing.

She was silent for a moment, staring out at the horizon. "Mostly Avery," she said at last. "He slapped me, and choked me. I-I didn't see who used the knife..."

Remus sat next to her. "You're very brave, Olivia."

She smiled sadly. "I thought they were going to rape me. And then I wondered if they were going to kill me..."

Remus wrapped an arm around the girl, holding her close. "Let me know if they bother you again, okay?"

"You're a good guy, Remus. You know that? Any girl, or guy, would be lucky to have you," she said softly, leaning her head on his shoulder.

"What? I'm not—"

"It's okay. I don't judge," she said, watching the sun rise up over Hogwarts and out of site as midday arrived. It was going to be a long day.

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