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She was one of those girls you could easily spot in a crowd, dark hair always neatly tied with a floral scrunchie, and bright hazel eyes hidden behind bangs that draped over her large, round-rimmed glasses. A dandelion-colored leather bracelet was sure to be found on her wrist, embroidered in taupe the name her older brother liked to call her, 'Ollie'. Held often in her nimble fingers were knitting needles and a ball of yarn threaded into knits and purls, turning into sweaters for Christmas, birthdays or no special occasion at all-- there were at least three of her woven gifts in each of the Marauders' trunks.

Shy and quite with kindness swelling from her heart and an aura of sweet innocence about her, she found a home in the humble den of loyal badgers. Though liked by many, her timid disposition led her to spend most of her time alone, choosing to focus on her studies--a struggle if there ever was one, especially with the upcoming O.W.L.s--and find peace in the gentle clinks of her knitting needles.

But being the little sister of star Gryffindor Quidditch player and notorious prankster, James Potter, was not easy, and little did James know that with each prank he pulled on the Slytherins, it was placing a target on Olivia's back. One evening, after having gone much too far, Olivia finds herself cornered and pays for her brother's tomfoolery with a broken rib, a black eye, and a nasty cut lip.

While Malfoy, Snape, Mulciber and Avery simply laugh and leave the girl crying in a deserted Transfiguration classroom, Regulus Black takes pity and secretly takes the girl to the Hospital Wing. In show of thanks, Olivia knits him an emerald green sweater and gives it to him during their Herbology class.

Little did she know that that emerald green sweater, with nothing but kindness laced in every stitch--a kindness he has never known--, just might save the younger Black from the dark ink that would one day seep deep into his virgin skin.


A HUGE THANK YOU TO aeliziadubois for letting me write this ADORABLE story and trusting me with it. I cannot wait to see how this one turns out! :)

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