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Ch. 8: Crumble

In all honestly, Olivia Potter has never been kissed. Never dreamed of kissing a boy, until she met a Slytherin boy who was just so perfect.

Except for one small detail.

His family and his friends. He wasn't quite himself with them. In fact, he was completely different.

She couldn't even stand Sirius anymore. She could only bear to be anywhere near Remus who didn't tell her what to do, but advised caution around Regulus' friends. He stayed up late talking to her while James continued to ignore her as he had since she went to Hogsmead with Regulus.

She could vividly see James rushing over to them as their lips were inches apart. She screamed at him, cursing him out, shoving him and nearly punching him. She was serving a month of detentions and was banned from Hogsmead until after Christmas. She was in serious trouble from her parents, but so was James. He was in trouble for making sweet Olivia so angry.

Olivia's grades slowly began to slip. She couldn't concentrate. Couldn't focus on anything. She just ignored Mae all together.

She really only talked to Remus. She was waiting for him in the Astronomy tower that night when someone came in. She turned around and her heart sunk. Avery.

"Leave me alone," she huffed, stepping forward.

"No," he grinned wickedly, advancing toward her.

He was caught off guard as the Potter girl launched herself at him. Everything within her snapped. Regulus wasn't talking to her right now, Mae wasn't, James wasn't...And she was just so full of anger. She punched him in the face, clawing at him. His screams filled the night as he tried to get away for her ferocity.

She wasn't sure how she wound up in Dumbledore's office and hour later, waiting for her parents to arrive. She sat quietly in a daze. Dumbledore sat reading his book, quietly waiting. He looked up as there was a knock on the door. "Come in."

Mrs. Potter spotted her daughter, rage contorting her face. "OLIVIA FLORENCE POTTER! WHAT HAS GOTTEN INTO YOU!" she shouted, storming over to her.

"He beat me up first," she shrugged, not looking at her mother.

"You look perfectly fine in my eyes," Mrs. Potter scoffed.

"No. Not this time," she rolled her eyes, arms crossed over her chest.

"James is right, hanging out with that Regulus boy is no good for you!" Mrs. Potter insisted.

"Mom! You're being ridiculous!" she gasped, jumping to her feet.

"No. And you'll be homeschooled for the rest of the semester. Go pack your things," her mother demanded.

Her father watched, feeling guilty. He knew this was for her best interest, but that she'd be miserable and angry. He let his wife do all the talking. Olivia looked upon her parents in disgust.

"So quick to judge the brother of your sons best friend. Who, by the way, has been ruder than Regulus ever was," she snarled.

"All of this for some boy, Olivia. Honestly, go pack your things. Tell your brother to help you bring them out to the carriage," her mother said urgently.

"James and I haven't spoken," she said quietly, eyes flickering to Professor Sprout who looked on with sympathy.

"Olivia. Just go," her father said quietly.

Olivia did not let herself cry until she saw Remus in the hall. She flung herself into the boys arms, crying into his chest. She told him that she had to go home. Anger contorted his face. Sweet Ollie, with only love in her heart, didn't deserve even a small bit of this cruelty.

Remus took bag after bag from her and carried it down to the carriage. He did not speak even slightly to her parents when he saw them. He refused to (if you have nothing nice to say, don't say anything at all).

Olivia sat with her arms crossed and did not speak all the way home. Rage grew within her. She grew restless toward the end of the drive. She stormed into the Potter's house, her mother calling out after her.

"Don't you slam that—" Her mother's shout was cut off as Olivia slammed her bedroom door shut. She trashed her room, tearing down stupid Qudditch posters, ripping her bed sheets off the bed, throwing books across the room until her parents came in containing her.

She heard her mom mumble some spell she never heard and she passed out.


Olivia Potter woke up in an all white room, chained to the bed. She shook her head, biting her lip as tears filled her eyes. She was so far away from Regulus now. So far from James and Remus and Sirius...and Mae...her bed in Hufflepuff...Hogwarts, her home.

She was in her mother's toxic grasp.

She and her father got along just fine but Olivia Potter and Mrs. Potter couldn't see eye to eye. And they never would.

But she had no idea that Regulus was frantically looking for answers, wondering where she went. Even if she didn't talk to him anymore he was okay with just knowing that she was happy. But now rumors were spreading and he didn't know what was true or where she was.

And he's have to talk to his brother to figure it out.

A Sweater for Redemption • DISCONTINUED Where stories live. Discover now