Arranged By Fate

By ditigaur3

177K 6.4K 502

Story of Indian Arranged Married couple Rashi & Kabir Rashi : Introvert , shy , cute , adorable , kind hear... More

Character sketch
Important note
Author's note


4.2K 181 12
By ditigaur3

Next morning

Me , Kabir , and his few cousin's & friends went to my parental house , for pagfera ritual .

He touched my parents feet , making me smile in adorance . I didn't expected this .

' or may be it's just an act of kindness '
My mind's voice .

Kabir , papa , my bro & Kabir's cousin,  they all chatted, had snacks in the living room.

Me , mamma & few other females were in another room .

In the evening , they started to depart .

Kabir came inside with my brother , where I was , we had little conversation and after few seconds , my brother excused himself   , leaving only me & Kabir there .

"May I have your number" he asked.

"9922_______.   Give me miss call too"  .

"Here , "he offered some money to me .

"I don't need any , I'm at my parental place  "

" But  MY responsibility now"
he said stretching 'MY' .

I took it , because I didn't want to show all this to anybody else .
It was a kind of our 'secret talk' .

Papa asked Kabir to stay , he looked  at me once , saying
"I wish to , but work issues" .

Then they all left , with gifts given by my parents .

Next day , in afternoon , Kabir came .
Same 'touching-of-feet-&-blessing' session happened at first . Don't know is he doing this for real or just faking .

Then , me , bro , mamma , papa , Kabir , were sitting in living room .

Most of the time my parents asking him about some random topics & he answering .

After some time I went to kitchen with mom , so as to help her in preparing dinner  My brother , had a call , so he left .

I was about to enter the living room ,

Papa - I'm so thankful to you son
             That you hold my daughter's
            hand at that time .

Kabir - please don't say like that papa
             Infact , it's me who is thankful
              to you .

Papa - But still , you are the one who
             saved my head not bowing
              down .
            You didn't even had idea how
            much you did for me .
Cancelling of engagement , just before 5 days , it's...

Kabir - papa , you are the one who
              helped me . And I'm , who is
              thankful to you for believing
           me , and giving your daughter's
          hand during that period of time .
         Navneet is so unlucky , to loose
           your daughter .

(Stretching on 'your daughter ')

Then I entered showing as if I didn't herd anything .

We had dinner together he took glances of me , i noticed it from the corner of his eyes .
But I didn't look up at him .

Kabir - Daal ( pulse )was delicious & halwa (sweet dish ) too .

(He said slowly, so that no one else hear it .  When I was at the door of my room & beside it is a wash basin in which he was washing his hand after dinner )

I was kind of shocked , how did he knows .

"Kabir  jiju (B-I-L) , where are you ?"my brother entered shouting & searching him .

"Here, what's the matter ? "
Kabir said & went in the direction .

Then they discussed about something , which I didn't got anything .
But it was about his work .

I got busy doing chit - chat with mamma .

While the evening was setting down , I went to took empty glass of milk given by mamma to Kabir & my bro  .

He was there on sofa , checking his phone  , bro was talking with someone on phone, standing near the entrance gate of the room .

As I was going near him , he looked up at me . His gaze makes me nervous , slow & silent .

When I was leaving after taking the glasses , "Rashi " he called me , in a low voice .

I turned towards him " W..What ? "

"I ..Wants to change "
he said making me all confused .

"What ?" I asked him .

"I said ..I want to change " he replied .

"I herd that but . What do you want to change ? And why ? " I asked .

"I wants to change my clothes . Because these are not very much comfortable for sleeping  .
Only if you can give me
any shirt of your bro "
he answered with a smirk in a teasing manner .

I was still confused ,
why is he asking bhai's ( bro's ) shirt .

"But why don't you change in your own clothes ?".                         

"Because , I forgot to pack . Actually , I thought we will leave in the evening so ..."

"Wait " I said & went inside .

"Lijiye (Here )" giving him a shirt .

"Youu.......H....How ? "
He was kind of  shocked and it's me who was having smirk this time .

It was his shirt that I gave him .
He was shocked that I packed his clothes too . He was not here yesterday though , but I knew my parents will force him to stay at least for a night , so I had .

I didn't answered him and was about to leave , smilingly leaving him in suspense .

"Rashi  "

I stood there looked at him .
He looked at me for a few seconds then
" thanks " .

I just moved my head from left to right in order to say 'mention not '.

"Good night " came his next words , whole I had taken two more steps .

"Good night " I said .

Unknowingly my voice was low & slow , with shy smile , which is not under my control now-a-days , or mostly around him .

Then I  slept with mamma .
The trio slept in different room .

(It happens in our family , you may call it conservative or traditional but , I  too was feeling shy with him around  )


BIL - Brother-In-Law
MIL - Mother-In-Law

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