Hidden Kingdom

By Leostar729

4K 205 99

Avian Ravenwood has always known her place in the world since she was young, serving the Royalty she had been... More

āŠ±Chapter 1 - part one šŸ—” Failed LessonāŠ°
āŠ±Chapter 1 - part two šŸ—” SummoningāŠ°
āŠ±Chapter 2 šŸ—” An Unwanted GuestāŠ°
āŠ±Chapter 3 šŸ—”SurprisesāŠ°
āŠ±Chapter 4 šŸ—”Birthday BashāŠ°
āŠ±Chapter 5 - part one šŸ—”Introducing MagicāŠ°
āŠ±Chapter 5 - part two šŸ—”Elemental StrengthāŠ°
āŠ±Chapter 6 - part one šŸ—”Mage TrialsāŠ°
āŠ±Chapter 6 - part two šŸ—”Master MageāŠ°
āŠ±Chapter 6 - part three šŸ—”A Royal CommandāŠ°
āŠ±Chapter 7 šŸ—”Beginnings of CourtingāŠ°
āŠ±Chapter 8šŸ—”Courting DisasterāŠ°
āŠ±Chapter 9 šŸ—”Courting SecrecyāŠ°
āŠ±Chapter 10 šŸ—”Beginnings of PanicāŠ°
āŠ±Chapter 11 šŸ—”Death within LifeāŠ°
āŠ±Chapter 12 šŸ—”Eternal SorrowāŠ°
āŠ±Chapter 13 šŸ—”NightmaresāŠ°
āŠ±Chapter 14 šŸ—”Revenge MissionāŠ°
āŠ±Chapter 15 šŸ—”Revenge is SweetāŠ°
āŠ±Chapter 16 šŸ—”Mission OrderāŠ°
āŠ±Chapter 17 šŸ—”Mission OneāŠ°
āŠ±Chapter 18 šŸ—”Unpleasant CompanyāŠ°
āŠ±Chapter 19 šŸ—”Unending NightmareāŠ°
āŠ±Chapter 20 šŸ—”Hostage SituationāŠ°
āŠ±Chapter 22 šŸ—”Jail BreakāŠ°
āŠ±Chapter 23 šŸ—”Hidden TruthsāŠ°
āŠ±Chapter 24 šŸ—”Decoding the PastāŠ°
āŠ±Chapter 25 šŸ—”Dragon BondingāŠ°
āŠ±Chapter 26 šŸ—” Stifling Truths āŠ°
āŠ±Chapter 27 šŸ—”Chosen Future āŠ°
āŠ±Chapter 28 šŸ—”A Lover's BetrayalāŠ°
āŠ±Chapter 29 šŸ—” A Dragon Encounter āŠ°
āŠ±Chapter 30 šŸ—”Destiny's DecisionāŠ°
āŠ±Chapter 31 šŸ—”A Mother' guidance and a King RevealedāŠ°
āŠ±Chapter 32 šŸ—”Hidden KingdomāŠ°
āŠ±Chapter 33 šŸ—”Mother's StoryāŠ°
āŠ±Chapter 34 šŸ—”Anxiety RisingāŠ°
āŠ±Chapter 35 šŸ—”Sky TrialsāŠ°
āŠ±Chapter 36 šŸ—”Capture the Magic FlagāŠ°
āŠ±Chapter 37 šŸ—”Magical ChallengesāŠ°
āŠ±Chapter 38 šŸ—”All or NothingāŠ°
āŠ±Chapter 39 šŸ—”Nightmare CallingāŠ°
āŠ±Chapter 40 šŸ—”The King's Blade āŠ°
Authors Note

āŠ±Chapter 21 šŸ—”Attempting SeductionāŠ°

33 1 2
By Leostar729

Welcome back!!!! you just completed part 2 of 4. This chapter is dedicated to BookTemptress for their mass amounts of votes on all the previous chapters!!! I greatly appreciate your support. Not gunna lie but your votes were part of why I decided to finally update today. So sit back and enjoy the rewards! You earned it!!! XD


Alex stood a minute longer watching in an observing manner. Turning so my back faced his probing eyes mumbling under my breath about his uselessness. He grinned before he too disappears into the dusk. The guards not having left with their leader, followed closely behind Alex. Which I found to be curious.

Finally alone I let out a sigh of relief mixed with frustration.

Dax peeked around nervously at our surroundings. His eyes darting around before resting back on me. He lifted his hands using sign language to communicate in case there were ears in the night listening. 'Do you think what he said was correct? Can you not do magic while in these cages?' He signed in haste, his hands slightly shaking as they waved in the air betraying anxiousness. I knew he was heavily relying on magic to get us out of this situation.

Frowning in thought, deliberately drawing a small line into the dirt and inserting a small amount of magic into the action.

Instead of a small crevice forming, pain engulfed my entire core radiating down my arm to my palm and through my fingers. Forcing out a sharp gasp from my lips.

That man wasn't kidding. Bartholomew must enjoy the pain he causes magic users when he throws them into these cages. 'I won't be able to use magic. It causes immense pain when spells are invoked. Safe to say magic isn't an option right now.' I signed to the boys, their gazes pinned on my frantic hands.

'Then what do we do?' Jake signed shortly after. His signing slower than usual.

Sighing once more I sink to the ground, 'I don't know.' Signing helplessly. I placed my head in one hand while running the other through my hair.

Touching cold metal within my hair gave me pause. My heart picking up in pace as I comprehended that I may just have stumbled onto a solution unexpectedly. Untangling my fingers from my hair and bring my hands back down in front of me I began to sign excitedly, the movements slicing through the air with extra energy. 'I am so stupid. My lock picking tools are still within my hair. The lackeys were too incompetent to take them out, probably dismissing them as mere decorations.'

Bao actually grinned as he watched my hands. 'Excellent! If we can't locate a key, then we have a solid plan to fall back on. Do you actually know how to use them?' He signed when my movements finally decreased.

'Of course. I practiced with them several times. I am not that dense, Bao.' Our glares crossing.

Jake interrupted before Bao could retort, 'When shall we make our escape?' He signed with exaggerated movements as to keep our attention solely on him to stop any silent squabbling.

Dax replied before I could, 'It would be best to escape when everyone has fallen deep into sleep. That way there is higher chance of success in escaping. Stealth is our best bet.'

'I agree. We might have to wait a couple of hours but by the looks of things most have already gone to bed.' I signed after him.

Bao cut in, 'What about our weapons?'

I didn't want to leave behind my weapons, but if a clattering gave us away I would rather leave them behind. 'We can look for our weapons. If they give off even a bit of sound when trying to retrieve them, then I am leaving them behind and running. I would rather leave them and escape, than retrieve them and get caught while doing so.'

Jake and Dax nodded their agreement while Bao tried to protest. Ultimately he decided it wasn't worth arguing over. Jake glimpsed over my shoulder. An exaggerated grin on his lips while he signed, 'Incoming. Avian, your lover is back.'

Sneaking a peek over my shoulder horrified to find Alex making his way over to us silently. Keeping his eyes trained on me. Quickly whipping back around to find the shaking forms of Jake and Dax. Their persons shuddering from silent laughter while Bao scowled. I signed frantically hoping the man coming towards us couldn't see my movements. 'He is not my lover! Not a word out of any of you.'

Not wanting the second in command to snoop for longer than necessary, this would be an excellent time to let out my inner hostility. Leaning my back against the bars of the cage and crossing my arms over my chest I glared at his approaching form. At first he said nothing. While raising an eyebrow I snapped at his cool countenance, "Come to try to pry information out of me for your leader?"

Surprisingly he took it all in stride. Instead of yelling at me for my behavior he simply shook his head. Curiosity tinged with guilt gleamed swam in the depths of his gaze. The emotions dashing across his face made me uneasy. "No, why would I?" His voice soft as he spoke in a rich tone befitting a prince.

I snorted in an unlady like manner that would have horrified my aunt. Not that I cared. "I think your leader hates me. I will be put to death if he has anything to say about it." My voice no louder than a whisper at the thought of possible death.

Alex stepped closer to the cage with a bit of a scowl on his lovely face. What caused him to be upset? "No, he won't be able to do that to you." He paused for a second then added as an afterthought, "Or your companions. I won't let him and neither will the elders." Alex spoke with a gruffness, as though it pained him to think of such thoughts.

His excessive mannerism towards me sparked my curiosity. Who was this man who thinks he could personally stand between me and the order of my future death sentence given by his commander.

Lowering my head slightly to hide my obvious curiosity towards the male. "Why do you care so much about what happens to me?" slips from my lips without consent.

He meekly smiled as he partially studied my lowered face, "I believe you will be able to help my people. Whether Bartholomew agrees or not. I will not allow him or anyone else to put you to death, for the sake of my people."

That didn't reassure me in the slightest. It didn't matter what he said. Alex wasn't the leader. He couldn't guarantee my life. I still had no say in the decision just like back home. "It doesn't matter. I have no choice in the matter. I don't even have a choice in my life now as we speak. I will never be free to make my own choice." I slightly turned away from his intensified gaze as he tried to decipher my words.

"What do you mean? No choice?" He was confused and I didn't blame him for that. However why was he inquiring into my personal life? He was talking to me as if we were the best of friends, not prisoner and captor.

I grimaced not believing I was about to explain my circumstances to a complete stranger. The boys unnaturally quite while watching the interaction. "I have no choice when it comes to the matters of my heart. My King has given me a deadline. I must choose out of the two men he has picked for me to marry by my next birthday."

Indicating to the silent Bao and Dax who lounged on the ground, faces blank from emotion just quietly observing. "I must decide soon otherwise he will choose for me. All to extend his reach into another Kingdom." My voice hollow from the lack of control I possessed over my own life.

Fury and anger grew thick in the air wafting from the seething Second in Command. "Why would he do that to you? You should be able to choose who you want. Be free to make your own decisions concerning your heart." The tension in Alex's figure growing by the moment. "That is simply inhumane what he is putting you through for the sake of expanding his control."

Dax moving about redirecting my attention from Alex to his hands. 'Seduce him, Avian. He may be holding onto the keys.'

Alex was the second in command! The useless leader might be too lazy to hold onto the keys of the cages, the person he would put his faith into to hold onto them would be Alex!

Was Dax crazy! He wanted me to try and seduce the Second in Command. What in the world was my fiancé thinking?

However it could be our best chance. Biting my lip I slipped my hands behind my back. As Alex continued to rant, I waved my hands behind my back slightly to get the attention of the boys. Quickly signing, 'Be ready to distract him. I'll discreetly check to see if he has the keys but he might notice. If he does distract him.' Out of the corner of my eye I could see the three of them barely nod.

Stalking closer to the bars of the cage I grimace slightly at what I was about to do. Adopting a sneer I laugh sharply to get his attention. "Wouldn't you do the same thing if it meant more power for you? After all most men only seek higher power than that of what they already possess. Exploiting any means necessary in order to obtain it."

Frozen in place as Alex pinned me with a look as fire erupted within his gaze. I waited with baited breath as he came into reach. His hands slipped though the bars to grab me by the shoulders, pulling me closer to him.

Bingo, I almost smiled giving away what I was up to.

"I would never take away someone's choice!" He took a deep intake of breath as to continue on his lecture. Not that I was paying attention as my hands were lightly flitting around his waist looking for one specific thing. The boys appeared to be holding their breath collectively as their stares fixated on my hands.

Finding nothing I moved to pull back when my fingers come into contact with a small metal object. Exploring it with my fingertips I am able to mentally map out the dimensions of a small key, more than likely the one I need. Slightly pulling my hand back I carefully slide the object between the sleeve of my shirt and the leather bracer on my wrist. "So no, I would never do something like that." My attention pulled back to Alex as he held me in place. "So why would you let him do something like this to you?"

Having obtained what I had wanted, there was no reason to be this close to him any longer. Though just being near him had my heart racing for an unknown reason. I shouldn't be feeling like this for a man I just met.

Pulling away from his warm hands, my stare steady trying to make him understand, "I have no choice, Alex. I must serve my King." My voice stronger but I didn't dare to raise my voice any higher than a whisper.

Alex's hands only grabbed at the air between us when he moved to grab for me. Moving deeper into the cage to evade his reach as I couldn't take the risk of him finding the key on my person. "Everyone has a choice. You will still follow his leadership even after all that he has done not just to you but to countless others as well?"

"I am his future Blade. As his Blade I must stay true and faithful to the King I have sworn to serve. Even at the cost of myself."

"So much loyalty for someone who wouldn't think twice about stabbing you in the back if it profited him in some way." He murmured more to himself than me.

"Then pray tell me, what should I do?" My gaze traveled across his face as he contemplated my question.

"You could run away. You could stay with us, then you would be free at last." I raised my eyebrows at him. He wasn't kidding. He actually wanted me to run? That wasn't going to happen. I had already given my vow of sworn fealty to the King.

I shook my head vigorously, loose locks of hair whipping around my face before I stopped. "I would never do something so cowardice. I am not one to run when things get difficult." Appalled at his mere suggestion. Why would he suggest something like that and why would I even consider what he had said? "Why do you even care about someone like me?" I couldn't help but glare at him suspiciously.

Alex simply shrugged as if he didn't even know himself. "I don't know." He confirmed for me. Though something in his tone told me otherwise. The Second in Command had a reason he just didn't want to tell me. "Oh by the way my name is Alex." Smiling as he held out a hand for me to take. Rather than take his hand I simply stare at it until he slowly lowered it. "You know it is rude to not introduce yourself after someone tells you their name."

"I don't see the point as you already know my name, even before you kidnapped me."

"I find it courteous." He stuck his hand through the bars again for me to take.

Rolling my eyes at him I smile lightly as I take his large hand in my smaller one, the hand not hiding the key. "Avian Ravenwood, King's Blade Apprentice to King Moddox of Fallforth Kingdom."

His grin widened, "It is nice to meet you Avian." Gently he removed his hand from mine, extracting it from the bars of the cage. "We will talk later, as it takes quite a bit of time to get to where we are going." After he bid me goodnight he made his way to his tent, glancing behind over his shoulder to look at me every few seconds until he was out of sight.

I don't plan on it. First chance I get I am getting myself and the boys out of these cages. 'I got the key. I don't know which cage it is to. Be ready, we will make our escape in a bit.' I signed to the boys as I turned back around to face them. A grin of my lips, each had an identical grin to my own.


Hope you guys enjoyed the third part of today's update. One more to go and that will be all for today. This story would not be possible from all of your guys' continued support. So thank you one and all, to the new readers and the returning ones. 

As always, Vote, Comment, and Keep Reading. Onto the final part of today's updates! 

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