Scarlet Fever

By LlamaLoyd

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Killian Jones/OC Highschool AU Samantha Scarlet has had a crush on her older brother Will's (Will Scarlet :P... More

Chapter 1 Crush
Chapter 2 Type
Chapter 3 Charm
Chapter 4 Boyfriend?
Chapter 5 Spin
Chapter 6 Almost
Chapter 7 Movies
Chapter 9 Runaway
Chapter 10 Scare
Chapter 11 Home
Chapter 12 Touch
Chapter 13 End

Chapter 8 Busted

160 6 3
By LlamaLoyd

A/N: This chapter is way longer than I intended it to be. LOL Sorry, Enjoy! Also.. sorry about the cliffhanger opalscorpion! XD (Because I know how you love those.) 

  Sam sat at her table in the cafeteria working on some homework before the first bell rang. She felt the table shift as someone sat down. She could tell by the cologne that it was Killian so she didn't even bother looking up.
"I'm starting to see why Emma and you work so well together, neither of you know how to bloody fuck off." She muttered.
"Ouch." Killian sighed. "I deserve that."
"Yep, you also deserve a dull knife in the eye but, I don't look good in orange." Sam said and shrugged.
"Sammi, come on. You've got to believe me, I didn't know that wasn't you."
Sam rolled her eyes.
"How the hell could you not?? Not only did I tell you I wanted to wait, If I wanted to do that to you it would not be in the bloody theater!" Sam hissed.
"It was dark, I was so caught up in kissing you that I completely forgot Emma was there, because when I look at you, you are all I see, Not swan, not anyone else. Just you!"
Everyone in the cafeteria at that moment was looking at them.
"Please believe me." Killian added his voice cracking.
Sam sighed and looked back down at her text book.
"I need you to leave me alone." She mumbled. She wanted to believe him, she wanted to tell him it was all going to be okay, but everytime she put just a little more trust in him something like this happened.
"Sammi.." Killian pleaded.
"Just Go." Sam said trying to hide her eyes that were welling up with tears. "Please."
Killian sighed and stood up.
"Fine but I am not giving up on you on u-" Killian was cut off suddenly and Sam heard a thump sound followed by Killian hitting the floor. She looked up at Will standing over Killian with his fist raised. She looked down at Killian who was sitting up holding his jaw.
"Will!" She hissed and stood up standing in the way of him and Killian.
"Sammi move." Will said.
"No! What the hell??" Sam demanded.
"Oh don't give me that shit! You know exactly what this is. How long did you think your secret relationship would last??" Will asked.
"" Sam asked.
"Neal. I went to punch his bloody teeth out for making you cry until he told me I had the wrong person, and that you and Killian have been seeing each other."
"Will wait a mi-" Killian went to say but Will stepped around Sam and kicked him in the ribs.
Killian groaned and held his side.
"Will stop!" Sam screamed. Will knelt down and punched Killian in the face again.
"You were supposed to be my best friend!" He shouted.
"I still am Will!" Killian groaned in pain.
"No. you aren't. You stay the fuck away from my sister Jones!" Will growled.
"No! Will, I won't!" Killian shouted
"Yes, you will if you know what's bloody good for you."
"I do know whats Good for me Will and its Sam, shes the bloody best damn thing thats ever happened to me and I've fucked it up, but I love her Will. I love her, and I'm sorry that I can't be everything she deserves." Killian said looking at Sam now. Sam just looked at the floor.
"What is going on over here?!" Mr. Nolan asked as he approached the three of them.
"What are you even doing here Scarlet you dropped out."
"Had some business to take care of." Will said glaring at Killian before walking off.
Mr. Nolan helped Killian up.
"Go see the nurse, and then meet me in Golds office." He said.
"For what? I didn't bloody touch him!" Killian grumbled.
"Don't argue with me Jones, just go." Mr. Nolan sighed. Sam watched Killian walk slowly out of the cafeteria holding his side.

Sam peeked in the nurse's office where Killian was getting his bloody nose taken care of.
"What do you need Sweetheart?" The nurse asked.
"Oh Uh.. Mr. Booth sent me here, I was on my way to class and got sick in the hallway." Sam said holding her stomach
The nurse sighed.
"Just sit there, and Killian hold this I'll be right back." She said walking out of the room.
"How did you fake getting sick in the hallway?" Killian asked nasally as he held the napkin to his nose.
"I spilled the cup of vegetable soup in my lunch on the floor and then pretended to be gagging.." Sam smirked.
"Clever." Killian chuckled. "What brings you here?"
"I..wanted to make sure you were okay, and apologize for Will being a bloody idiot." Sam sighed and sat down.
"I didn't figure you'd care." Killian frowned.
"I care Killian. I do.. Okay, this is just all new to me. I've never been in a relationship, and of course I pick the most complicated guy in the school to have a crush on and I'm just scared. I've been let down so many times in my life that I have these walls, and anytime things get a little out of control they go up because its how I survive. I'm scared that because you have so much experience, and I have none that you are going to change your mind and go back to Emma." Sam said and looked away.
"Emma is ancient History, okay? I don't know why she won't leave me alone and I'm sorry you've gotten caught up in it all. The last thing I wanted going into this was you getting hurt."
"Did you mean all that stuff you said in the cafeteria?" Sam asked.
"Every word." Killian replied. Sam gave him a half smile.
"Are we good?" Killian asked.
"We.. are something better than what we were two days ago. I..need to get this situation with Will diffused."
"Aye. Best of luck with that." Killian sighed.
"You in trouble?" Sam asked.
"Nah. But I am getting out of here for the rest of the day, figure I better go home before Will sets my shit on fire."
"Take me with you?" Sam asked.
"You are going to ditch school?" Killian raised an eyebrow.
"I am not letting you go into that house alone. Liam isn't home." Sam said and folded her arms.
"Fine." Killian said stepped out of the room for a moment to look around the hallways. Before he gestured for Sam to follow him.


Before going home, Killian drove the two of them to Granny's.
"What are we doing here?" Sam asked.
"Well, I know you aren't much of a breakfast person, but I didn't eat before I left for school and I'm hungry, and friday night was a piss poor excuse for a date and I want to make that up to you now. No one from school will be here to bother us and I'm sure I can charm Granny into making you a cheeseburger or something."
"My brother just nearly punched your teeth in, and you still want to take me out on a date?" Sam asked "You have a death wish Jones." She smirked.
"I'd only die, for two things. Love, and revenge." Killian grinned.
"Revenge? Who are we getting revenge on?"
"Just be quiet and come eat with me, yea?" Killian asked.
"Fine." Sam said. "But only because I am slightly hungry, and this is not a date. We are broken up. Remember?"
"Are we? Then why is your hand on my leg?" Killian asked. Sam looked down at her hand on his thigh. She had always put it there when they'd be in the car together.
"Habit." She blushed and got out of the car.
The two of them walked into the diner and Granny approached them.
"Oh no, you skipping school I can handle Killian, but now you've gone and corrupted Sami?" She asked and put her hands on her hips.
"Actually, no Sammi is a willing participant. Right Sam?" Killian asked with a grin
"Right. I have to stop Will from killing him, but breakfast is in order first apparently." Sam shrugged.
Granny just sighed and shook her head.
"Okay, sit down." She said pushing them towards a booth.
Sam sat down, her phone started ringing in her back pocket.
"Probably Will, Archie probably called him and said I skipped." Sam sighed and pulled her phone out of her pocket
"Archie? The guidance counselor? Why would he do that?"
"Archie knows mine and Wills situation, where Gold doesn't. Gold would try to call my parents, and once he realized my parents aren't here that would be one big bloody disaster." Sam explained and looked down at her phone with a somewhat panicked expression on her face she hit the silence button and put the phone back in her pocket.
"Who was it?" Killian asked.
"No one." Sam said quietly and looked at the menu. "What are you getting?"
"French toast."
"I'll get that too." Sam shrugged and pushed her menu aside.
"Skipping school, and actually eating breakfast, you are just full of surprises today Scarlet." Killian smirked.
"Yep." Sam mumbled.
"Seriously, who was that?" Killian asked.
"No one." Sam repeated.
"I know better, you look terrified. Is someone messing with you?" Killian asked.
"No, Killian, its fine. Just.. let's eat and go try to fix this shit with Will okay?" She asked.
"Sure." Killian shrugged.

Once they ate and got back in the car Killian started going the long way home, something was clearly bothering Sam and he wanted to figure it out, her phone kept ringing while they were eating breakfast, and now it was ringing again and the fingernails, on her left hand that she had once again without thinking placed on his thigh dug into his jeans.
"You okay?" Killian asked glancing at her. She hadn't said much since the first phone call, and with each one she seemed to be getting worse.
"Yeah, fine." She said and turned up the radio
"No, you aren't." Killian sighed.
"Lets just get home. Why are we going this way?" Sam asked.
"Because, I'm trying to figure out what is wrong with you before I take you into a situation that is probably not going to help." Killian replied. "Just tell me what is wrong."
"Killian, nothing is wrong. I am fine Just drive."
"You're fine? Then answer your phone." Killian challenged.
"I don't want to answer my phone Its just a bloody telemarketer Killian!" Sam snapped.
"Must be a bloody terrifying telemarketer then." Killian argued.
"Killian please, just drop it." Sam pleaded.
"Must be racking up a fuck ton of credit card debt.." Killian continued.
"Killian just stop." Sam sighed.
"Then tell me who the fuck is calling you!" Killian demanded.
"Its my Dad! Okay?! Happy now?!"
Killian went quiet, he didn't know much about Will and Sam's father because he was rarely ever around, but he did know that when he was around, things were not happy in the Scarlet household.
"I'm sorry.." He muttered.
Sam didn't respond she just watched out the window watching rain drops splatter against it as a storm was moving in.

"Fuck.." Killian sighed as he pulled up into the driveway, Will was on the porch. Sam turned her head to look and sighed, things were about to get ugly. The two of them got out of the car
"I thought I made myself pretty clear when I told you to stay away from my sister."
"Will, come on, I got sick at school, Killian was coming home and he picked me up." Sam lied, hoping hell that would be enough but knowing her brothers temper it wouldn't be.
"Really? Because Archie called and said you ditched and that was nearly two hours ago so where the hell have you been Sam?" Will asked.
"We went and had breakfast at Granny's." Killian explained. "I wanted to give you time to cool off before I came here."
"Shoulda waited longer." Will shrugged before jumping off the porch.
"Okay, fine. You want to do this, let's do this but I'm not going to let you punch me around." Killian said and stepped forward.
"Guys no! This is so stupid!" Sam yelled. But that did no good the two of them were already swinging at each other.
"Stop!" Sam screamed as they slipped in the muddy driveway and were on the ground hitting each other. Liam pulled up next to the house and got out of the car running over.
"What the bloody hell happened??" He asked
Sam was hysterical, she loved her brother and didn't want him hurt, and she loved Killian and didn't want him hurt either.
"Will found out." She sobbed "I can't get them to stop!"
Liam put his hands on her shoulders. "Go inside, I'll break it up and then we can all talk." He said.
Sam nodded and walked up the porch and into the house. Her phone rang again and she pulled it out of her pocket knowing that she had to answer it sooner or later she swiped over the green answer button and sighed before putting the phone up to her ear.
"Hey Dad.." She said.

Liam pulled Killian off of Will both of them were bloodied and seething. He stood between them keeping them apart.
"He fucking started it, I was finishing it." Killian spat.
Liam slapped Killian on the back of the head.
"You're a bloody idiot."
"Thank you!" Will said but Liam smacked him too.
"You aren't any better! You're worried about Killian hurting Sam, but did you not hear her screaming for you to stop? Did you not see her face?"
Will sighed and looked down.
"No." He said.
"She was hurt, because of what you were doing, what BOTH of you were doing. I get it Will, shes all you have, believe me I get it, but she's grown up now it's time to let her make her own choices and for some damn reason she chose to be with Killian."
"Thanks, brother." Killian scoffed. Liam turned to Killian
"Speaking of you, I still don't know what happened friday night, but you better get your shit together, because if you ever make her cry like that again it won't be Will you have to worry about!" Liam barked. "Understood?"
Killian nodded.
"Good. Now you two have been best friends since you were 7 let's not ruin that, that's not what either of you want and it's not what Sam wants. So we are going to go inside, and we're all going to sit down, and talk and figure this out. Okay?"
Both Killian and Will just glared at each other. Liam smacked both of them on the back of the head again.
"Ow! Fine!" Will grumbled and they all walked inside.
"Sammi?" Liam called but there was no answer. "I know I saw her walk in here." He muttered and walked over to her bedroom door.
"Sam?" He asked as he knocked.
"Where is she?" Will asked walking down the hall checking the other rooms.
"She's probably locked herself in there, she does that when shes upset." Killian said and knocked on the door.
"Sammi, come on come out." He said.
"Yeah, you'd know all about that wouldn't you?" Will scoffed.
"Oh fuck off, Scarlet." Killian grumbled.
Will pushed him. Killian pushed him back.
"Bloody hell.." Liam sighed and went to the kitchen to grab the key for Sam's room. He walked back to the door where Killian and Will were still arguing and fighting and pushed them out of the way to unlock the door. He turned the knob and pushed the door open and found the room empty, Sam's dresser was emptied and her duffle bag was gone.
"Guys.." He said and walked over to the open window and looking out.
"Guys!" He shouted over the two of them fighting as he walked out of the room.
"We have a problem."
"What?" Will asked.
"Sammi is gone."   

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