Vampire Vs. Slayer (A One Dir...

By CarlyFletch13

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Ariana Doden's life was far from perfect. It was filled with creatures that most people only see in their nig... More

Vampire Vs. Slayer (A One Direction Horror)
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16

Chapter 13

8.2K 149 19
By CarlyFletch13

As promised, here is the next update! :) I literally wrote this in 20 minutes because it just was a fun scene to write! Sorry if there are any typos....I don't proofread :)

~Carly <3

Ariana’s POV

After hanging up with the mysterious voice, I wrote a letter to Louis and left it on the fridge before getting into my car. Revving the engine, I drove slowly until I reached the address sent to me. Stepping out of the car, I took in the looming image in front of me.

A giant Victorian styled house was the only thing in sight, but it was completely dark except for a window to the cellar. Twigs snapped and crunched as I slowly stepped down the path towards the small door. Before I lost my nerve, I flung the cellar door open and stepped down.

Harry’s POV

I pulled against the chains again, screaming in frustration when they didn’t budge an inch.

“Zayn!” I screamed. “Let me go!”

“Now you know I can’t do that,” said Zayn as he re-entered the cellar. “You’re all part of the plan.”

After blacking out coming from Ariana’s house, I woke up in these chains in the basement of our house. Normally, I could break out of these easily, but Zayn injected me with way too much vervain. I’m extremely weak.

“When is the girl getting here?” asked Finn as he followed Zayn in.

“She should be here any minute. I know she’ll do anything to save Harry,” said Zayn mockingly.

I glared at him menacingly. “If you lay a hand on her I’ll-”

“You’ll what?” Zayn cut me off. “Kill me? You can’t even stand up straight.”

“It’s such a shame Niall’s been gone hunting since this morning; he probably would have tried to help you,” said Finn. “Although, I would hate to have to kill him too.”

Before any more conversation could be spoken, the cellar door flew open and a pair of black boots came into view.

“Ah, so you decided to show up?” teased Zayn as Ariana stepped fully into the room.

She ignored his comment. “I’m here now; I’ve done everything you told me to. Let Harry go.”

“I’m afraid I can’t, you see, he’s also a traitor. He knew you killed my girlfriend, but he protected you anyways. He chose you over his own brothers!” Zayn spat.

“Ariana! Run now!” I yelled out.

“I’m not leaving you!” she insisted.

Before I could protest, Finn moved forward quickly and chained her up across from me.

“Now, you two can keep each other company while I go get everything. Then, we can get started,” Zayn said.

The two pairs of footsteps faded up the stairs and I turned to Ariana.

“Why did you come after me?” I asked.

“You needed help! I wasn’t going to let you die!” she said. “But, now it looks like we both will.”

“Hey,” I soothed. “I’ll get you out of here. Everything’s going to be okay.”

“What about you?” she asked worriedly.

“We’ll see about that later,” I answered vaguely.

I didn’t want to disappoint her, but there’s no way I’m getting out of this one alive.

Ariana’s POV

“Enough chit-chat,” said Zayn as he came back into the cellar. “Time to get started.”

Giving Harry a brief and smug expression, Zayn stood merely an inch from me before brandishing a large knife. My heart rate sped up dramatically at the sight of the extremely sharp utensil. One of his hands held me by the neck tightly to the wall and the other brought the knife to the left side of my forehead. Very quickly and precisely, Zayn drug the knife across my forehead, causing searing pain to spread through it and blood to flow into my line of sight.

“GET OFF HER!” I heard Harry yell.

“Keep him quiet,” Zayn said to Finn.

Over Zayn’s shoulder, I faintly saw Finn drive a stake into one of Harry’s legs, causing him to cry out in pain.

Zayn smiled evilly at me.

“This should be fun.”


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