بواسطة PhoebeBuffay20

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•°•To Possess Is To Destroy All Possibility Of Love•°• Hailee Erickson :- A girl with a broken heart. A girl... المزيد

Writer's note+ Character List


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بواسطة PhoebeBuffay20

                 ~I know where you hide
                       Alone in your car.

                   Know all of the things
            That makes you who you are.

                  I know that goodbye
                 Means nothing at all.

          Comes back and make me catch
             Her everytime she falls~


I woke up the day after with swollen eyes. My cheeks were tear stained and red. I rubbed the sleep from my eyes yawning. My phone beeped, indicating a text. I picked it up to see Ryder's text. I frowned. Why did he message me so early in the morning?

Ryder: Be ready.

Ohh. I forgot I was supposed to go an an adventure with him today. I'd be lying if I said I wasn't excited but I didn't wanna show it.

Me: Yayy I'm sooooo excited.

Ryder: I know you're rolling your eyes right now. At least be a little better at lying.

Me: I guess I should've learnt how to lie a little better.

Ryder: Yup you should've. I'll be there in 2 hours. Be ready, Rose.

My heart fluttered when I read his text. I didn't know how he had this effect on me just by calling me Rose. I smiled at the thought.

I threw on a white v-neck with black ripped jeans and a maroon hoodie. I went downstairs. There was this excitement within me. Like a dinosaur spitting fire in my belly. I was surprised to feel this way. Maybe because I don't really feel anything anymore other than anger. I was putting on my sneakers when Mike's face appered in my peripheral vision.

"Going somewhere?" He said sternly. "Yeah." I said not telling him about Ryder. "With who?" He said. He was always so nosy. "Just a friend." I said dismissing him as I made my way to the kitchen.

"Do I know this friend?" He said not giving up in being nosy. "Why do you always have to be so nosy? You're not my dad Mike so back off." I said coldly.

"Why is it so hard for you to understand that I'm only looking out for you?" He said angrily. "I'm older than you Mike. I can take care of myself. I don't need you giving me orders okay?" I said, calmly. "Don't give me that "I'm older than you" crap. You could just tell me who you're going out with and I'll back off." He said.

"Fine! You wanna know? I'm going out with Crystal. There. You happy?" I said, making my to the front door. He blocked my way. I groaned internally.

"But you and Crystal are not friends anymore." He said, smirking at me. "What, you keep tabs on me now? Seriously Mike. BACK OFF! And I mean it." I said shoving him to the side and walked out of the house. I was so angry at him. Who does he think he is giving me orders like that?


Because of the fighting I forgot to have breakfast. So I texted Ryder about where I'll be and went into the small retro cafe. It was surprisingly full, considering no one really came around here. I ordered blueberry pancakes with chocolate milkshake.

I sat down in the booth looking through the glass. I saw Ryder approaching the cafe. The cafe door opened, singnaling his entrance. I turned around to see him making his way to me. All eyes turned towards him. Especially girl's eyes which lingered a little longer on him than necessary. I rolled my eyes at those girls.

He looked so handsome wearing a black button up shirt with sleeves rolled up to showcase his veiny forearms. His chain that hung from the belt loop of his jeans shone brightly whenever light hit it. His hair was more messy that usual but he still looked good. He wore that same boyish smile everytime I saw him.

He slid down in the booth in front of me and took his ray bans off. All girls eyes were directed towards me and him. The difference was they were staring at him in awe while they stared at me in anger. I wouldn't blame them. Considering he was a Greek God in front of them while I was a nobody. I became self concious of what I was wearing.

Wait what? When did I become uncomfortable of what I wear? It's not like he is gonna care.

"Hey,Rose." He said, smiling. He looked breathtakingly beautiful whenever he smiled which was all the time. I couldn't help but return his smile, mumbling a hello.

"So what did you order?" He said leaning forward, resting his arms in front of him. "Blueberry pancakes and a chocolate milkshake." I said, suddenly aware that his legs were brushing with mine. He nodded than signaled to the waiter.

"I'll have what she's having." He said, waving the waiter off. "I didn't pegged you as bluberry pancake kinda guy." I said curiously. "I'm not. It's the first time I'm gonna be trying it." He said.

"So where do you plan to take me today?" I said, trying not to be eager. "What a curious little cat." He said smiling as he pinched my nose. I slapped his hand away causing him to chuckle.

I just gave up asking him about today. The waiter came with out food. We both immediately digged in. Ryder took a bite of his pancake and moaned loudly. Everyone stared at him but he was too busy eating his pancake. I kicked his shin causing him to yelp.

"Would you stop moaning? Everyone's looking at us." I said, hiding my blush behing my hair. "But this is just so good." He said, moaning again. I kicked him again causing him to shut up. "Stop. Or I'll leave." I said. He immediately stopped and started eating in silence. The silence was not awkward. It was a comforting silence where we didn't have to keep the conversation going.

After a few minutes later, a group of girls stopped at our table. I looked at them but they were ignoring me, looking at Ryder. Ryder didn't acknowledge them as his eyes were closed. One of them cleared her throat. She started to speak but Ryder signaled her to wait as he ate in silence.

After a few seconds the girl tried to speak again but Ryder again signaled her to stop. All three of them started glaring at me and I looked out. While the girls were busy staring at me Ryder signaled me to call him. I frowned calling him. His phone rang and he signaled me to not pick up my phone. The girls turned to him and he started speaking particularly to no one. He left the booth, trying to run away from the girls. I held in my laugh as I saw him leaving the cafe and standing outside.

"What are you to him? His personal slut? What does he even see in you?" The girl sneered at me. My mood shifted from happy to anger within seconds. I slammed my hands on the table and stood up to face the girl. Even by wearing heels the girl was a good inches shorter than me.

I grabbed her by her throat. Her eyes flashed with fear. "You don't wanna mess with me. I'm notorious for beating up snobby bitches like you. Now get out of my face before I break your neck." I said, tightening my hand on her throat then leaving her gasping for air. The girl still terrified by me, tried to save her dignity by flipping her hair on her shoulder and tried to walk confidently but almost fell a few times. Ryder came in a few minutes later, his eyes shone with amusement.

"I take it back. You're not a cat. You're a beast." He said walking towards me. I rolled my eyes and paid for the breakfast. "Can we leave now?" I said getting impatient

He paid for his breakfast and held his arm out for me to take. I stared flatly at him. He lowered his arm and shoved his hands in his pockets, smiling sheepishly at me.

We walked to his car. He opened the door and I sat inside. He jogged towards his side of the car and slid in his seat, flashing me a smile. The engine roared to life as he started driving towards a destination that both excited me and terrified me.


After half an hour we arrived at our destination. Ryder opened my passenger door and held his hand out for me to take. I didn't miss how his hand shook when I grabbed it. I saw a hill in front of me. I looked at Ryder confusingly. He just held my hand tighter and flashed me a smile as he started dragging me towards the top of the hill.

A few minutes later we were at the top. I was out of breath while Ryder didn't even break a sweat. Curse boys and their stamina!!

After my breath slowed down I looked around to see a single bench close to the edge of the hill. As I walked towards it my breath caught in my throat as I looked at the view. The sun was setting making the sky the prettiest shade of blue, purple and orange. The lights in the city shone. Ryder stood beside me, still holding my hand.

"Woah." I said looking at the view. "I know." He said, dazed. We sat down on the bench and just enjoyed the breeze and the view.

"I used to come here all the time with Landon." He said, out of nowhere. His eyes showed that he was reminiscing. My heart beat wildly as I heard Landon's name. If he knows Landon, he knows about me. I didn't interrupt him.

"Me Luke and Landon, we were like the golden trio. We were just a bunch of 12 year olds hanging out here. He left for New York which is where I assume he met you." He said, pausing. All the while I was staring at him, wide eyed. I never knew he was friends with him. He is friends with Luke but Landon never mentioned him.

"When I heard he died, it was like losing a brother. I couldn't be there on his funeral with all the people giving me looks of sympathy. So I stayed behind and waited for everyone to leave. That's when I went to his grave and cried. I cried so hard. I cried like a little baby. I can never imagine how hard it must've been on you,Rose. You couldn't even speak a word at his funeral." He said, looking at me his eyes glistening with unshed tears. I was confused.

"Yes, Rose I saw you. Landon told me every single little thing about you. He may have not mentioned me but he talked about you all the time. He was like lovesick puppy. And I envied him for having a girl like you by his side. I thought love never really existed. But seeing you two made me believe that maybe love is real. It's not fair that he never got his happy ending." He said, a few tears slipping. I was full on sobbing at this point.

He wrapped his arms around me and let me cry into his chest. I couldn't believe everything I just heard. After a few minutes, which seemed like eternity I pulled away.

"Sorry for making you cry but I felt like I needed to tell you." He said, his hand on my cheek. "Thank you for telling me." I said. "Now let's get out of here before I cry again. Oh and also if you tell anyone that I cried in front of you, you're dead meat. Got it?" He said, warning me palyfully. I chuckled. And just like that everything was right again.


After we stopped to get pizza he took me to a bar. The bar was not that crowded. We ordered two beers and sat down watching people sing on the karaoke machine.

We laughed like maniacs at a guy who sounded like a hyena singing Carry on My Wayword Son by Kansas. After he finished singing, Ryder stood up and went up to the little area where the karaoke machine was. He requested the guy to play a song as he flashed me a smile. He signaled the guy to wait and jogged towards me.

"Come on we're up next." He said, pulling my hand. "Oh no no no. I can't sing in front of these people." I said, horrified. "Come on, Rose. Loosen up let's have fun." He said. I finally gave in.

A familiar music started playing as I tried to remember it. Ryder started singing and I realized which one it was.

Beauty queen of only eighteen ,she had some trouble with herself.
He was always there to help her, she always belonged to someone else.

He nudged me to sing the next part. I closed my eyes and started doing the one thing that I loved the most.

I drove for miles and miles and wound up at your door.
I've had you so many times but somehow I want more.

We started singing the chorus together. Our voices harmonized so perfectly together.

I don't mind spending everyday. Out on your corner in the pouring rain.
Look for the girl with a broken smile. Ask her if she wants to stay awhile.
And she will be loved. She will be loved.

This was the second time we sung together. But this time something was different. It was like I could feel his voice flowing through me. There was this passion in both of our voices. After a very long time I could feel the song, not just sing it. I was finally able to sing without being weighed down by painful memories. It was like I could breath again.

And once again. It was all because of Ryder.


So did you like this chapter? If you did, click the star button and share this story with your friends.

Question of the day!!

Which was the first book that you read on Wattpad??

Mine was "My Wattpad Love" by cold_lady19. I can't tell you how much I love that story.❤❤

Leave your answers in the comments❤

Until next time.


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