It all came crashing down (Se...

By HufflePuffPingu

3.5K 113 5

Again please if you haven't yet read Clipped Wings or Learning to Fly then please do because this will make n... More

Chapter 1 ~ Are you crazy?!
Chapter 2 ~ We should be planning a wedding
Chapter 3 ~ The Wedding
Chapter 4 ~ Save me, Please!
Chapter 5 ~ I can't believe I did that
Chapter 7 ~ Urm...Okay?
Chapter 8 ~ Godparents?
Chapter 9 ~ I completely forgot!
Chapter 10 ~ Promise me this
Chapter 11 ~ It all makes sense
Chapter 12 ~ Is it over yet?
Chapter 13 ~ Mum?!
Chapter 14 ~ Yes!

Chapter 6 ~ George, I need you

290 7 0
By HufflePuffPingu

Song for this Chapter O-Town ~ Skydive, liturally just heared this song and fell in love instantly :D

*Fred's POV*

It's been nearly two months since Phoenix wen't missing. We know where she is but it's hard not to go look for her because we'd be putting everyone in danger.

''...And that's it from us here at Potter watch, tune in next week for more information...''

Lee finishes off todays streaming of Potter watch, we created this radio station to keep everyone at school and the order informed of whats going on. I glance over at my twin. He's staring down at his hands, he looks tired and he's alot skinnier than he should be. He hasn't slept or even ate since Phoenix left.

''Georgie, we're done come on...''

I lightly shake George back to reality. He looks up at me with a sad expression, it breaks my heart to see him so upset. Jinx hasn't really been herself either, I don't think anyone has really been the same since Pheonix's dissapearence.

To be honest, I'm trying to be strong for everyone else, but it's hard when everyone you love is breaking down right in front of your eyes.

We all say our goodbye's to Lee as he apperates back home. Jinx goes upstairs to catch up on sleep, George is in the front garden, staring out into the distance.

''Freddie deer, is everything alright?''

The calming sound of my mother softly flows through my mind. I turn to look at Mum stood next to me and just completely break down.

''I don't know how long I can take this mum, I don't know how long I can put on a brave face, knowing my best friend is out their somewhere. And knowing my twin brother is slowly dying due to lack of sleep and eating over the fact that his girlfriend may never come back alive...''

''No, don't you say that, Alziandra is a very brave young woman, she'll be fine, your father is working with Kingsley, Tonks and Remus at the Ministry to figure out a way of getting her back safely, don't worry, we will get her back soon.''

I hope so, I don't think I can take anymore of this, it's heart breaking, trying to act like it's going to be alright when everyone around you is falling appart.

I just hope she's safe, and well, and alive.

I decide to go to bed and join Jinx and catch up on sleep for now. I'm gonna leave George alone for a while, I need to give him his own space.

I slowly open the door to my room, not wanting to wake Jinx up. To my surprise she's still awake, just staring at the floor, she glances up at me and gives me a sad smile.

I swear I can hear my heart shattering into a million pieces at once. I quickly get undressed and climb into bed next to Clarissa.

She turns over to face me and nessles her face into my chest, I cradle her close to me while she starts sobbing lightly within my grasp. I can't hold back the tears.

''I miss her, I miss her so much Fred, I cant take this anymore, I just wan't my best friend back''

Clarissa cries hevily as I cradle her close. I don't know what to do, or what to think, I just wan't her back as much as anyone else.

''We'll get through this, she'll be back home soon and she'll be safe with us. Don't worry Clari, she'll be fine, she's a strong young woman after all...''


*Phoenix's POV*

I don't know how long I've been here, It feels like years, after a while I got so weak I couldnt move an inch without pretty much passing out from exhaustion.

They eventually untied me from the chair, as I grew to weak to even hold my head up, or stay awake. I'm sat on the cold hard stone floor with my back against the wall. My knee's up under my chin, holding my head up.

I hear faint footsteps in the distance and come face to face with Narcissa, she has been giving me this strenghthening potion for the past couple months to help keep me alive, because I barley got fed at all, enough to keep me alive but not enough to regain energy to run for my life.

''I'm going to get you out of here, today, The Dark Lord has asked me to do something for him and for that I will need to leave the house, I know a secret passage way that only leads into this room from the outside, that will give me the chance to sneak back in and help you out, I'll take you streight to the Weasley's house and leave you in the front feild, you'll have to fend for yourself from there.''

Sounds like a good enough plan, at this point its do or die trying, I just wan't to see George again and Clarissa and Fred, I just wan't to see a familier face again.

Narcissa soon leaves once more, I wait a few minuets before I hear the faint creek of an old wooden door opening, Narcissa steps forward and quickly helps me up to my feet, guiding me towards the old wooden door, and out into the front garden where we're now safe to apperate.

For a few seconds I feel that familier pulling sensation of apperating and I land hevily in the front feild of the Weasley's house, I hear Molly's voice coming from the kitchen she see's me and shouts for the others to come quickly.

I hear rapid footsteps of people rushing down the stairs, soon revieling Fred, George and Jinx.


They all shout with excitement, I don't know where I suddenly got the energy from but I run towards George as he runs towards me, we both meet in the middle. We both stand and cry hevily on eachothers shoulders for a long period of time.

''I'm so sorry, I didn't mean what I said. I'm just glad to have you back Alizandra''

George keeps repeating in my ear. I can't keep listening to him babbling on about how sorry he is, so I bring my head off his shoulder and smash my lips his to shut him up.

We both eventually pull away for air and keep our forheads touching while breathing hevily.

''I love you so much Georgie, I don't ever wan't to lose you again''

I whimper lightly while staring up at the tall handsom guy that is my one and only.

I glance over his shoulder and see Fred and Jinx stood next to eachother, crying. I run towards Jinx and hug her tightly, not ever wanting to let her go ever again. I evenentually move away from Jinx and embrace Fred's presents with a bear hug, just like when Cedric used to hold me when I was upset.


The four of us, Me, Jinx, Fred and George are sat in their old room on the beds having a light conversation.

I've got my head resting on George's shoulder as we're both sat on the floor leaning against his old bed and Fred and Jinx are oposite us leaning against Fred's old bed too.

Molly calls everyone downstairs for dinner, Finally some decent food, I'm so hungry I could devouer a horse.

Just as I go to follow Fred and Jinx out the door, George grabs my hand and pulls me back towards him. I turn and look him in the eye's, I can see all the hurt and worry behind his eyes that had been building up the past few months I've been gone.

''I'm sorry, for hurting you and forcing you to leave, you never would have had to go throught that if it wasn't for me...''

I cut him off by planting a kiss on his lips once again to stop him from going on and on about what happend.

''Please George, I don't wan't you to think it's your fault, because it's not, I shouldn't have left to go find my mother, as much as I wan't to see her, because I may not ever see her again, I put everyone in danger and right now knowing that everyone is safe, and my mother is alive is the best thing I could wish for right now.''

We're inturrupted by Molly calling us down from down stairs, we walk out the room and down the many stairs, with each step I take, I get a stronger and stronger smell of the amazing roast dinner slowly being layed along the length of the kitchen table.

''Looks amazing Molly, thank you''

I say cheerfully, Molly looks up at me slightly surprised at my mood, then looks at George and see's he's smiling, I swear I see a slight tear build up in her eyes.

We all tuck into the meal layed out in front of us, there's so much food it's like an all you can eat buffey.

I cherrish and savour every single bite of this god sent food in front of me, I will never take advantege of food and all the other privllages I have right in front of me and future ones to come. That's a promise I will make to myself and to everyone else around me.


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