The Princess Within Me

By IloveAC

33.4K 807 95

Sarah Watson is a student of Mayfield preparatory, a school for the rich and famous but she isn't any of thos... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27

Chapter 19

605 35 11
By IloveAC

Sarah's P.O.V.

Three things were braking my heart at this very moment; anger, betrayal, and disappointment.

It was the first time I felt all these emotions combining together and hurting me all at once. It was very painful as if I was being stabbed right through the center of my heart but dying would never result from it. Instead, I would still live my life, wounded and destroyed. It was so much worse.

I asked my parents to visit and pick me up from this depressing shambling. It was a good thing that they didn't have any work at this time of the week or else I would be stuck in here until I would be able to walk properly.

I was sitting right now in the balcony, unable to move any further. My ankle swelled up a bit but I guessed it was better now than yesterday.

I observed the entirety of the palace grounds from up here and it was very beautiful. The lawn was as green as emerald stones that glistened in the ray of afternoon sun. The floral beds were embedded with roses, tulips, and other kinds of flowers that were a shade of a rainbow. Everything was magnificent. Everything represented happiness, the opposite of what I was feeling at the moment.

I heard the door from my room opened and I exactly knew who was the cause of that. I didn't turn to check what was it about because from the moment I saw the photo of him kissing Roxanne, I forced myself to stop caring about him any further. Whether he loved her or not, it wasn't my problem anymore. It was theirs.

The serenity I was feeling moments ago was further disrupted when his footsteps began making their way towards me but then they stopped on their tracks for a second or so. Afterwards, they resumed their movement but towards the opposite direction.

A part of me was thankful but I wouldn't deny that a portion of me was hoping for him to approach me. What I felt was really complicated. How I wished that it was not.

I finally understood why he was being kind to me these past few days. It was all because of pity and guilt.

I rather preferred him being cold and arrogant than the other way around for it meant that he wasn't acting in front of me out of charity only. He was being himself and that would mean so much. It would only show that he trusted me but that, if not seldom, never happened.

"Your highness, the king and queen want to have a moment with you." Ms. Lisa said, interrupting my thoughts. I give out a small smile, complying with the request.

She handed me a pair of crutches before I stood up and walked inside the palace. She stayed at my side, together with Kara, one of my female bodyguards and helper as well, to assist me as we went down the stairs.

We passed through the halls which was eerie this time. Every step we took echoed through the silence and it made me unusually nervous but I tried to ignore it anyway.

As we reached the queen's office, something was finally heard but it wasn't able to make my anxiety disappear. As a matter of fact, it even heightened it.

Ms. Lisa knocked on the door then she waited for someone to let us in. Afterwards, a female voice, which obviously belonged to the queen, gave us the permission to do so.

We got in and I noticed all of the members of the royal family, except the great queen, that resided in this mansion were present. It was certain that this meeting was about a very important matter.

Ms. Lisa and Kara accompanied me to the couch opposite Cedrick's then they left without further ado. The queen was standing beside the king who was seated on his office chair, behind a wooden desk. They both wore serious expressions that would make kids run away and cry in horror. Actually, I was near to that.

I tried to refrain from having eye contact with any of them but my eyes accidentally landed on Cedrick's. They widened a little but it was almost unrecognizable that they did.

I quickly shifted my glance to my hands that were trembling a bit. I didn't know why I was very nervous especially that I didn't have any responsibility for the mess Cedrick had created. Maybe it was for the fact that my life would be at stake in this as well.

The consequence of any action committed by any of us would be suffered by the both of us, even if only one was involved in the act. That was how unfair living in the palace was. How I wished I'd be dethroned.

"Not a week had passed and yet another scandal about you is talked about. Aren't you tired of this?" The queen venomously asked Cedrick. He just kept quiet in his seat, still calm and unaffected. He was really dense.

"You're mother is right, Cedrick. You do know that this is a country where morality prevails so how can we fix this issue with the Church?" The king added. Cedrick just nodded as if he understood everything which I doubted.

He was staring at nothing. His blue eyes were duller this time and figuratively lifeless. His forehead was creased and his eyebrows were furrowed. It was obvious that he was contemplating about something.

"Are you even listening?" She exclaimed. Cedrick quickly glanced at her mother and perplexity was all over his face. He wasn't paying attention.

"Yes, I am." He said simply.

He shifted on his seat and finally gave his parents his full attention. The queen continued to ramble about the issue and soon, Cedrick's mind drifted to something else again. It seemed that her mother was oblivious about it but the king noticed it. He shook his head then he leaned forward and rested his chin on his right hand. His gaze was still fixed on his impudent son.

"Cedrick, is there something you want to tell us?" He inquired.

"Nothing, I'm fine." He replied. "Please continue." He said to his mother but she took it negatively. She decided to not elaborate her previous statement anymore for she finally saw the ignorance of her son. Instead, she chose to talk to me.

"I heard from your parents that they are coming here today. Are you even planning to tell us about this beforehand?" She asked intimidatingly. Honestly, I didn't.

"Yes but I hadn't have the chance until now. I apologize, your highness."

"May I know why you suddenly invited them here?"

"I-I wanted them to pick me up." I stuttered. She looked at me with bemusement but she soon understood what I meant.

"I would send you home if none of these happened. We need to act as if these issues never bothered us. We need to make them see that the royal family is inevitable." She said. I wanted to rebuke but Cedrick, who surprisingly got to his senses, did it for me first.

"You should let her go home, mother. Staying here would do her no good."

It was the first time I saw him acting like that towards the queen. He sounded very tired and annoyed this time which made her agitated towards him.

"What do you mean let her go? If you were listening a while ago, you would understand that allowing her to leave the palace will cause more suspicions to rise. They would only assume that you are really guilty." She argued.

"But I'm already guilty in their eyes even if we try to resolve it by locking her up in the palace. Besides, it's your fault that all of these had occurred. If only you didn't allow this marriage to be arranged then none of these had happened." He rebutted.

He stood up then he excused himself from all of us that were still dumbstruck at his sudden outburst. He left the room quietly but it was obvious that he was still mad.

The queen rubbed her forehead furiously as she breathed in some air to tranquilize herself. She was very angry this time.

"Sarah, if you mind, will you give us a moment, please? I just need to talk to Catherine in privacy." The king requested. I nodded in agreement.

I made my way out of the room, careful not to lose my balance. I saw Ms. Lisa and Kara standing outside, waiting patiently for me.

We transcended through the corridors until we arrived at the staircase leading to the third floor.

As we reached the place, I saw Cedrick lazily slumped on the couch watching some tv show.

I asked the two to leave as first then they followed suit. I took the moment to approach him and confront him about his inappropriateness a while ago.

I stood in front of the television which earned me a glare from him but he didn't say anything. He rose from his seat then he went to his room but I immediately caught up with him in spite of my condition.

"What's your problem? Why did you maddened your mother?" I queried angrily. He stared at me bluntly. No emotion was visible in his actions which only made him harder to read.

"Would you get out from my way!" He commanded.

I stubbornly blocked the entrance with one of my crutches but it was of no use. He pushed it away which made me lose my balance. I fell on the floor.

I saw the anxiety in his eyes and I noticed that he was having second thoughts about helping me or not. Sadly, He chose the latter.

He turned the knob of his door, clockwise, then he entered. He left me struggling to get up. I despised him.

I knew that it was very inappropriate of me to dislike a person just because of his own imperfections and wrongdoings but what he did hurt me a lot. I was disappointed when he wanted me to go and leave the palace, angry when he kissed Roxanne, and most of all, tormented when he blamed all of these on our marriage. It was very painful on my part.

A tear of despair rolled down my face and I wiped it off angrily. I couldn't stand him anymore. He was very impulsive and most of all, he was insensitive.

I was about to go to my room when Ms. Lisa approached me. She was grinning which was unusual so I didn't know if I should be happy or not.

"Ms. Sarah, your parents our here to see you." I was baffled at first but realization hit me when I saw them walking briskly towards me. It made me happy despite of what was going on. At least, I could, somehow, forget the problems I had for a while.

They hugged me tightly and I felt like I'd been deprived of air for a moment or so. I didn't know that they missed me that much but I wouldn't deny that I did also.

"How are you? Are you okay?" Mom inquired. I shook my head vigorously.

I felt my tears about to escape so I prevented them from conveying themselves by pursing my lips. I didn't want to let my parents see my vulnerability at this moment.

"No, but I'll be fine. I promise."

"Come on, I'll help you pack your things." I stared at her bemusedly which she took as her cue to answer my confusion. "The king told us about the problems Cedrick and you are facing. He let you to come home with us until everything is resolved."

I felt happy for I would be able to have my old life back even for a short period of time only. I didn't know why but I felt like this was the best thing that happened to me. I was really desperate to get out of this place and now, all of my pleads are answered back. At least, something good happened today.

I accompanied my mom to my room and we got a few pieces of clothes from my closet and placed them all inside my suitcase. I didn't plan to bring everything home for one, those weren't really mine and lastly, whether I liked it or not, I couldn't spend the entirety of my life away from this hellhole of a place. This was already a part of me.

I had a total of one luggage and duffel bag and these were enough for me. Besides, I still had some clothes back in my old home and I believed that they were still usable.

Kara went inside and took my baggages with her. Mom and I followed her as she leaded as out of my room. I was almost near the stairs when I caught a glimpse of Cedrick's bedroom doors. I wanted to bid him goodbye but then I realized that I shouldn't. I shook all of my thoughts away then I held Dad's forearm as he guided me down the stairs.

"Do you want me to kick his ass?" Dad asked, playfully. I grinned at him but I shook my head in disagreement. I didn't think that it would be helpful.

We passed through the familiar halls until we reached the formal living room. The king, queen, and the great queen were all there, waiting for us. We had a small talk but it was something of no importance. Afterwards, we bid our farewells to them then we left the room.

We were greeted by the blinding afternoon sun as we walked out of the palace. We went inside the vehicle and when everything was already set, the chauffeur ignited the engine and we began moving away from the premise.

I stared outside the tinted window and wondered if I would ever see all of this again. I knew the answer but what I couldn't tell was if I could still appreciate everything that could be found in this place. It was undetermined.

Everything was unpredictable at this moment and all I could do was to wait for what could happen next. Good or bad, I had nothing to do but to accept what it could be; reality was surely inevitable.

Cedrick's P.O.V.

I watched, by my window, the vehicle that carried Sarah and her family away from this shambling. Second after second, the car shrunk in size continuously until it was already invisible to my eyes.

I still couldn't comprehend what she said to me a while ago. I couldn't believe that she fell for me despite of my insolence towards her. All along, I thought that it was impossible, no scratch that, actually I never even thought about one of us falling for the other. I sounded like a female right now but I was just so dumbstruck that I couldn't analyze every word I blurted out. This was hard.

"Why didn't you stop her?" A familiar voice asked, bringing me back to reality. I glanced at his beholder and found out that it was Nico. I stepped away from the window and made my way towards the couch.

"How'd you get in?" I inquired as I offered him a seat.

"The guards outside let me in. They already know me really well." He replied. "So, why?"

"She wants to so I let her." I answered bluntly though my reason was entirely different. I wanted her to stay away from this place because it was obvious that she wasn't happy anymore, especially after today. It was the best decision I could come up with, I guess.

"Really? Nothing more than that?"

"Yeah, nothing more than that." I said in a soft tone.


I was indeed a liar so I didn't waste my energy in battling with my inner self. I didn't know where I got this characteristic of mine. Maybe from my father but I wouldn't want to recall anymore the lies he told me before everything changed. I didn't want to hate him for that.

I pinched the bridge of my nose as I thought of my animosity towards Sarah a while ago. I was forced to do that for I was already overwhelmed by everything that was happening. I didn't know anymore what to think, say, and do. I couldn't stand all of this anymore.

"What's the problem, Ced?" Nico asked. I forgot that he was still here so I shifted in my seat and remained comprised.

"Nothing" I replied.

"I'm just curious but do you have any idea on who did this to you? When I saw the picture, I noticed that it was taken in the school's corridors so it could be someone from the the school who has a grudge on you, don't you think?"

Actually, I didn't even think about the photo or who spread it anymore. I was only concerned about what would Sarah feel; I was preoccupied only by her in those moments.

Though with what Nico said, I got perplexed about it. It was true that it could be someone from the school but who could it be? Fortunately, one person came into my mind.

"I think I know who it was."

* * *

My car stood outside the the prime ministers' mansion, the place where the suspect resided in. It was fenced by tall black metallic poles that served as its gate. Some guards were also positioned outside to secure the area.

I went out my vehicle and approached one of them. Nico followed my tracks and I could sense the nervousness he had. I was right when I told him not to go anymore.

"Good afternoon, your royal highness. Are you here to meet the Prime Minister?" One of them inquired.

"Not exactly, but I'm here for his son."

He took out a black communication device and spoke with the other person on the line, informing him about my arrival. Afterwards, he let us in and another guard accompanied us inside.

The interior of the mansion was not far from what I thought. Paintings and portraits were hung neatly on each side of the humongous hallway. We walked through deeper until we reached the circular foyer. At the center was a grandiose staircase leading to the the rooms upstairs.

We were next led to an enclosed living room located at the side of the lobby. When we went in, I saw Richard sitting on one of the black leathered sofas. We sat on the one opposite of his.

"It's so nice of you to visit me here in my humble dwelling, your highness. Though I rather if you not." He spitted out venomously. I chuckled insolently.

"I rather not as well," I rebuked. "but I need to ask you on why you want to ruin me. I didn't do anything to you. Well, except for that." I said pointing at his swelled up face. I was amazed at my strength for I did it perfectly fine. I wonder how painful it was?

I was taken aback by him when he started laughing so hard that tears began forming on his eyes. I looked at him, baffled.

"Correct me if I'm wrong but you think that I'm the one responsible for those photos? Nonsense!" He uttered.

I knew that this might happen. I didn't even know what came to me to risk my pride and went straight to him. This was insane but I rather confront him than let everything become worse than it was.

"Why don't you ask yourself first on why you kissed that girl in the first place? Aren't you very impulsive right now, milord?"

I wanted to hurt him so much but what he said was true. I was acting without forethought and it would just mess up everything completely.

"Well, I guess if you really have nothing to do with it then I might as well leave now. But if I ever found out that you are involved in this then you better hide and not show your face to me anymore. I don't know what else I can do." He was still but his eyes were telling me the opposite. At least, this trip wasn't of no use.

I stood up and left the place immediately. I didn't want to breathe the same air as his for it was killing me like an insurmountable disease.

"Why did you give up on persuading him to tell the truth that easily?" Nico asked as we went out of the mansion.

"I didn't but it's no use if I kept on asking him without the assurance of a real reply. Besides I got my answer." I said slyly.

"What answer?"

"That he was really responsible for this one. I don't have anything yet, aside from his tiny winy ounces of anxiety he showed off a while ago, to prove my assumptions but I'll find something soon."

"Just that? " Nico queried. I nodded in agreement.

"Just that."


This is it, Chapter 19! Okay, I hope you enjoyed! Vote and comment please, thanks!

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