Scarlet Fever

By LlamaLoyd

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Killian Jones/OC Highschool AU Samantha Scarlet has had a crush on her older brother Will's (Will Scarlet :P... More

Chapter 1 Crush
Chapter 2 Type
Chapter 3 Charm
Chapter 4 Boyfriend?
Chapter 5 Spin
Chapter 6 Almost
Chapter 8 Busted
Chapter 9 Runaway
Chapter 10 Scare
Chapter 11 Home
Chapter 12 Touch
Chapter 13 End

Chapter 7 Movies

170 6 2
By LlamaLoyd

 A/N: Surprise! I wasn't planning on updating this again until I was finished with Stowaway but I randomly got the urge to write in this book. 

 Sam rushed towards her first class of the day, If she ever planned on being on time again she was going to have to stop riding to school with Killian, he was a distraction if she ever saw one.
"Where's the fire?" Emma said as she stepped out of the girls bathroom standing in Sams way.
"I'm late." Sam grumbled and tried to push her way past Emma. Emma knocked the books out of Sam's hands.
"Oops." She shrugged.
Sam rolled her eyes
"Really Swan? How about I give you a matching shiner for the other eye? Even out the ugly?" Sam scoffed and bent down and picked up her books.
"Did he tell you he loves you?" Emma asked.
"How is anything Killian and I do your business?" Sam asked.
"He told me he loved me, I was just wondering if thats something he tells all the girls."
Sam scoffed. "Please." She said and started walking past Emma again.
"Don't say I didn't warn you." Emma said in a sing song tone.


Sam was quiet during lunch, which was concerning to Killian. He wondered if he had done anything to upset her and was about to ask when she spoke up first.
"Did you tell Emma you loved her?" Sam asked. Killian sighed.
"I was drunk and it was like a month ago."
"So.. you don't love her?" Sam asked.
"No, Sam. I don't. She's just trying to get in your head." Killian said and smiled.
"Okay." Sam smiled, although she was keeping it in the back of her mind along with the rest of her insecurities about Killian.

"What are you getting so pretty for?" Will asked standing in the doorway to the bathroom watching Sam put on makeup.
"Gina, Lacey and I are going to the movies." Sam lied.
"Oh.. since when do you put on makeup for them?" Will pried. Sam rolled her eyes and went to shut the bathroom door but he stopped it with his foot.
"You got a date or something?" He asked.
"Will.. come on. Even if I did, it's none of your business."
"Oh its my business alright. Whos the guy?"
"Will. Stop." Sam sighed.
"I just want to know who you are going out with, if you don't tell me you can't go."
"You can't stop me from going Will." Sam said and put her hands on her hips.
"Like hell I can't. Who is it?"
"Fine. Its.. Neal." Sam lied.
Neal? Really Sam? She thought.
"Cassidy? Really that guy?" Will scoffed.
"It's just a movie Will. Just get over it. I'm 16."
"Yeah and Neal is 19."
"So?" Sam asked.
"So no. I don't like it."
"You don't have to like it Will, I'm doing it anyways!" Sam said and walked past him and grabbed her jacket.
"Samantha!" Will shouted. Sam flipped him the bird and walked outside.
"The bloody hell is wrong with her?" Will sighed.

Sam walked around the block to were Killian had parked his car, even though it was his house, they couldn't be seen leaving together.
"Sorry to make you walk love." Killian said as she slid into the passenger's seat.
"Will let you out of the house in that?" Killian asked looking her up and down. She wore a short black denim skirt and a black spaghetti strap cami with a short sleeve green plaid shirt over that.
"Will doesn't get to tell me what I do." Sam shrugged
"Alrighty then." Killian smirked and pulled away from the sidewalk and started the drive to the theater trying to keep his eyes on the road, and not on Sam's legs.

Once at the theatre they got their drinks, and snacks and sat down in the back row. There wasn't many people tonight which was how Killian liked it. Easier to not actually watch the movie.
"Huh. Funny finding you two here."
Sam cringed and looked up at Emma who plopped down on the other side of Killian
"You know Emma, they have special places for stalkers like you." Sam said.
"Probably the same place for psychos who go into a fit of rage over a harmless game of spin the bottle." Emma shrugged. Sam grumbled and went to stand up but Killian pushed her back down in her chair.
"Easy Killer. Just ignore her." Killian sighed.
"Tell her to move." Sam said.
"I could tell her to move, but she wont move. Just ignore her, lets watch the movie." Killian said and pointed to the screen as the lights in the theater went down.

About 30 minutes into the movie, Sam and Killian had stopped watching, and were making out, Sam had been in a bad mood since Emma showed up, so he was trying to get her mind off of Emma. Killian felt her hand cupping the growing bulge in his jeans. He let out a low growl against Sam's lips. Sam had no idea what she had done to cause that noise but she knew she wanted him to do it again.
Killian felt the hand unbutton his jeans and slip down the front of his pants into his boxers,
"Sammi.." He breathed as the hand wrapped around him stroking him lightly. Killian ran his hand up Sam's thigh. Sam's breath hitched in her throat as his hand went up her skirt but God she did not want him to stop She nearly jolted forward in the seat went his fingers reached the silk fabric of her panties. She opened her mouth to gasp as he rubbed his fingers up and down feeling her up and Killian's tongue invaded her mouth exploring every inch of it. Now she knew why no woman ever said no to him, this was a God damn religious experience. He moved her panties aside and ran his finger along her bare flesh and she thought she would come undone right there.
" have to stop. I.. God.." She panted as his finger found the sweet spot at the apex of her thighs.
The hand around him had tightened moving faster.
"I'll stop when you do." Killian growled into her ear.
"W..what?" Sam asked sitting up more to look. Her mouth gaped open as she watched Emma moving her hand around in Killian's pants.
"What the fuck?!" She shouted pulling away from Killian. Killian looked down.
"Fuck! Sammi I swear I thought it was you!" He tried to explain as he pulled Emma's hand off of him.
"Oh Bullshit Killian." Sam said with tears in her eyes as she stormed out of the theater.
"Sam! Wait!" Killian sighed and stood up fixing his pants.
"Like you really didn't know that was me." Emma rolled her eyes.
"For the last time Swan, Fuck OFF!" Killian shouted and ran out of the theater trying to catch Sam.
"Sam wait!" Killian yelled. Sam spun around.
"Fuck you!" She cried. "I should have known. Why you didn't try to make her move, you wanted some freakish three some!"
"No! Sam for fucks sake I swear I didn't know it was her! I thought it was you!"
"How could you not tell?" Sam spat.
"It was Dark. come on Sam.."
"No. Fuck off. Go finish the movie with Emma, maybe she'll finish you off." Sam scoffed and walked away from him.

Will and Liam stood from the couch as Sam nearly broke the door down getting inside. Her make up was smeared all over her face and she was nearly sobbing now.
"What the fuck happened?!" Will asked.
Sam pushed her way past him.
"Hey! No! Talk to me." Will said pulling her back She pulled away from him
"Leave me the fuck alone!" She screamed and went in her room slamming the door. She locked the door and sat against it with her forehead resting on her knees sobbing. How could she be so stupid? He would never change.
"Sam come on, open up love." Will said and rattled the door knob.
"Leave me alone!" She yelled.
"Sammi, unlock the door." Liam said.
"NO!" Sam shouted.
Killian came in the house
"Hey what is going on?"
"Sammi went on a date with fucking Cassidy and now she's a mess and she wont talk to us!" Will growled and hit the door with the side of his fist.
"Open the damn Door Sam!"
"Fuck off!" She shouted. Killian had never seen her so pissed off. Liam gave him a knowing glare, his we will talk later glare that Killian had known well.

It was about an hour later before Will decided to pick the lock on the door. He opened the door and sighed at Sam curled up in her bed asleep. He walked over and sat on the bed running his thumb over her mascara stained cheek. He didn't know what Neal did, but he'd find out. He stood and pulled the blanket over Sam and leaned in kissing her on the top of the head much like he'd do when they were just kids when she was upset.
"You were too good for him anyways Sammi." He whispered before walking out of the room.

"What the hell did you do?" Liam asked.
"Its a really long story Liam.. and I'd rather not get into the details."
" didn't!" Liam sighed and put his hands over his head. "Killian you've got to be kidding me!"
"No, Liam we didn't have sex. Okay? I don't want to fucking talk about it."
WIll walked into the room. Liam looked up at him.
"Hows she doing?" He asked.
"She's asleep." Will sighed and sat down with his head in his hands.
"She'll be okay Will, she's a tough kid." Liam said.
"Oh, I know but that doesn't mean I can't pay Neal a visit at school tomorrow." Will said.
"Don't do anything stupid Will," Killian said.
"You didn't fucking see her face when she came in. I don't know what that asshole did, but hes going to answer for it." Will snapped.
Can I really let him knock the piss out of Neal when I'm the asshole that made her cry? Killian thought
Will pulled out his pocket knife fidgeting with it.
Yes. Yes I can.

Will waited outside the school, as Neal pulled up in his car. Neal barely had time to get out of the car before he was yanked out and pinned against it.
"Whoa! Will what the fuck?" Neal asked.
"The fuck did you do to my sister Cassidy?!" Will asked.
"Sam?? I haven't touched Sam! Okay, we kissed once but It was at Laceys party and we played spin the bottle and it was her turn and the bottle landed on me, that was it." Neal said putting his hands up. "I swear I haven't touched her other than that."
"She said she went to the movies with you last night!" Will shouted.
"No, she didn't go with me. She went with Killian."
"What?" Will asked.
"Yeah they've been a thing for a while now. I figured you knew since he's your best friend." Neal said. Will backed away from Neal and looked towards the school what the hell had been going on behind his back?

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