The Original Witch

By lenaf327

409K 10.3K 2.1K

"Always and forever." That's what her family lived by when they were human until forced to become the first v... More

Author's note
PART 1-Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Ending of Part 1-Chapter 27
Part 2-Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Ending of Part 2-Chapter 46
Part 3-Chapter 47
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Author's note
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Authors note
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Voting for new story face claim (please vote!)
Face claim + cover
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
New Book Out!!
New cover, update, and a thank you
New Avengers book out

Chapter 48

3K 96 8
By lenaf327

Light shines into the room through the window, pulling me out of my deep sleep. My eyes slowly blink open before I haul my body upwards and look around Ginny's room. Sleeping on the floor, I enviously look at Hermione clutching her pillow, fast asleep, with light snores escaping her lips. Ginny is also fast asleep, yet I'm wide awake now.

It's not long before I hear shuffling from downstairs, and I assume the footsteps to belong to Mrs. Weasley, getting a head start on making sure everything is ready for the big day. Strangely enough, I'm really looking forward to the wedding today despite how I used to laugh at those silly lovebirds years ago. Everyone needs a happy day like this every once in a while. 

My hands grab onto my two pillows and I chuck one at Ginny and then one at Hermione. The two girls gasp awake and start fretting about needing their beauty sleep. I giggle as it takes them awhile for their eyes to settle on my guilty figure. Glares appear on their faces as I shrug, "I think it's time for us to get ready."

Ginny looks at her clock, widening her eyes at the time, "We only have two hours!!" 

Hermione and I exchange a glance at this, questioning the young witch about her routine to get ready. We all get up and get right to work on our hair and makeup. 

Ginny slips on a black dress and tells us that she is going to help out in the kitchen just to make sure everything is ready. "I guess she didn't need the full two hours."

Hermione laughs at this, pulling out a thick strapped red dress, fitting right at the small of her waist. I reach into my bag to pull out the only fancy dress I brought, an open backed red strappy dress.

She looks down at her dress and then mine, "Great minds think alike."

I nod at this, smiling at how great it is to be back with my friend. If Rebekah was here, she would be making sure every inch of our outfit was perfect and that we all looked ready to impress. I think we cleaned up nice though, if I do say so myself.

Hermione looks at the clock, "The wedding starts in less than an hour, so we should go down and greet the guests."

I follow her down the stairs to see Mrs. Weasley helping Fleur get ready, hidden from her future husband. She stops for a moment to turn to us, "Dears, tell everyone to be seated in 30 minutes." We nod our heads and walk outside into the perfect summery weather, in awe of the final setup for the wedding. 

"Mrs. Weasley sure outdid herself this time..." Hermione mumbles, eyes glazed over in admiration at the beautiful sight. 

My eyes spot the twins, both standing tall in their unique dress attire. I cock my head when I spot a white bandage around George's head, one that wasn't there last night. 

They both look dashing as ever, so I stroll over to them. Their eyes fall onto me as I speak, "Looking good boys!" A small blush appears on both of their faces, Fred's reddening even more.

George looks proud, "I do look handsome don't I?"

"You do, but George...what happened?" I gesture to the bandage, making the twins share a look before bursting out in laughter.

George laughs, "She missed that amazing moment!"

Fred responds, "More like cringe worthy with that awful ear humor!"

"It was genius! Holey, it doesn't get better than that!"

"I could have done better!"

My eyebrows raise, curious as to what I missed. George notices my confusion and answers, "When we brought Harry back, Death Eaters attacked us and one decided I was too attractive for my own good, leading to a hole in my ear now."

I widen my blue eyes, shocked at how nonchalant George is being, "I can't believe I didn't notice last night."

George shrugs as Fred steps forward towards me, "Alexia, you look beaut-"

"Fred!!" A voice loudly exclaims behind us three, forcing us all to turn around to see Angelina Johnson making her way over excitedly. 

She rushes forward past me and by the time I turn back around, she is already locking lips with Fred. My jaw drops at the sight, completely caught off guard and shocked.

Angelina pulls away and offers a friendly wave my way before excusing herself to find her friends. 

My stomach drops while my heart stings as I realize that my return was too late. I stand still, not uttering a single word at what just transpired. My mind swirls with confusion and regret, unable to comprehend the fact that whatever feelings we shared for each other may not have been strong enough to withstand that long of a period apart. 

George awkwardly looks between me and Fred as he scratches the back of his neck, no one speaking for a few moments before Fred decides to break the silence, "Alexia...I'm so sorry, but it just happened."

I come back to my senses, shaking my head through the pain, "No, don't apologize."

"I feel awful. I should have told you and-"

My words cut of his rambling, "Fred, stop. It was my decision to leave. I didn't expect you to wait around for me, especially a year and a half. Besides, I told you not to let me hold you back, so I am happy that you have someone to make you smile during these dark times." 

I feel a few tears pool in my eyes but hold them back as I quietly mutter out, "Excuse me." My feet quickly take me away from Fred to find a quiet spot at the side of the house, hidden away from everyone else. Finally, a few tears escape my eyes, making me feel better since I no longer have to put on a facade.

"Alexia?" I turn around to see George with a concerned look embedded on his face. "I should have told you, I am so sorry. Please don't be mad at me."

A deep breath flows through my lungs as I wipe the last tear, "I'm not mad. No one is at fault here. I just needed a moment to gather myself before the wedding."

He steps forward to engulf me in a hug, "I hate seeing you upset, especially at the hands of my twin."

I mumble into his chest, "I would rather be upset than not feel at all." We pull away and he holds out his right arm for me to take, and I do just that. We make our way back to the tent, taking a seat in the front row. 

George strides over to stand behind Bill, the music starting up once everyone is in place. I push away my hurt from the fact that I've lost Fred to instead look at Fleur.

Fleur starts to walk down the aisle, gorgeous and without a single imperfection, smiling brightly as she walks towards her one true love. 

I admire her wedding dress and the way it moves as she takes one step closer to Bill. Once she reaches him, he takes her hands into his own.

The pair exchange their vows, both pure and filled with the upmost love for each other. I can't help but smile at the exchange, knowing they will be happy together for a very long time. 

The ceremony concludes with the celebration soon following. Music floats through the tend while some dance and others mingle with drinks in their hands. I spot Viktor Krum whisk Hermione away for a dance, so I walk towards Ron, "Don't worry, one dance won't change how much love she has for you."

His cheeks redden, matching his hair, yet he opens up to me, "Hermione for me is you for Fred."

"Hermione knows who she belongs with while I see my future with Fred slipping away..." My eyes find interest in the ground, feeling slightly embarrassed that I came home expecting me and Fred to finally be able to be together and finding out that he's taken.

I hear Ron scoff at my words, not believing the latter, "He knows that you are the one for him and wants to be with you. He just needs to end things with Angelina and fast because she can't hold a light to you, so their relationship is doomed."

My head shakes at this, "No, don't say that. Angelina is good for him, and I don't wish anything bad on their relationship."

A dry chuckle escapes his lips, "I don't think I could be as calm as you are."

"If the Yule Ball has any indication, I have to agree with you on this one." I playfully nudge him with my elbow as he rolls his eyes at the mention of how much of an are he was to Hermione that night. "Let's dance, shall we?"

My hand latches onto his wrist, dragging him out to the space where others are dancing. Ron lets out a groan, clearly not in the mood to dance, especially near Hermione and Krum. He attempts to not be clumsy, yet he still manages to step on my toes quite a few times. I don't mind though and he pretends not to notice. "You're a much better dance partner than McGonagall."

I snicker at this, playing back the memory of that dreadful moment for him, but hilarious one for everyone else. "Well thank you. I certainly didn't expect this many nice comments from you today."

I peer over at the happy couple, dancing excitedly to the music as the onlookers clap and cheer. 

Ron's shoulder shrug from underneath my grasp, "There are no hard feelings anymore, so there's no reason we can't be normal friends."

"Agreed, although there is nothing normal about us and our world."

Almost as if one cue, a loud noise echoes throughout the tent, forcing everyone to jump with wide eyes. 

A bright blue orb makes its way into the center of the room, delivering a message, "The Ministry has fallen. The minister of magic is dead." Everyone is silent, afraid to move as they wrap their head around the news. The voice lowers, "They are coming."

Hell breaks loose when a darkness seeps into every corner of the room, leaving no trace of light behind. All of the joy that radiates off of all the guests no gone and instead replaced with fear. Screams erupt from all over in a chaotic mess as Deatheaters then appear out of nowhere. 

The Deatheaters start attacking the guests, leaving a trail of destruction as they cast spells with the intent to hurt and kill. I frantically look around for my friends, desperate to protect them all from this.

A feminine scream makes me rush over to the source, and I find Angelina backed into a corner by a Deatheater. I yell out, "Stupefy!" The Deatheater stumbles, allowing me to grab onto Angelina. I pull her behind me, weaving through the chaos as she thanks me breathlessly. I finally spot Fred and sigh in relief knowing he is alright. 

I push Angelina into the arms of Fred, turning around right away knowing that they will both be safe. Ron found his way to Hermione and Harry, so I flash over to the trio, grabbing onto Harry's arm immediately as they apparate.

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