Bloody Blossom Tree

By nerdgurl13000

895 32 3

For little kids, Halloween is a time to dress up in cute/ terrifying costumes and receive candy from stranger... More

Chapter 1: The Night I Died
Chapter 2: Oh wow, I'm a Vampire....
Chapter Three: The Doctor
Chapter Four: Was it a dream?
Chapter Five: the Green-eyed vampire
Chapter 7: Nightmare/ Scarlet's day out.
Chapter 8: "Anything you Desire."
Chapter 9: Maybe my memories were wrong...
Chapter 10: one door closes...
Chapter 11:

Chapter 6: The Ball

71 2 0
By nerdgurl13000

"Ouch." I winced, taking a sharp breath. I stood in front of a 3 way mirror wearing a dark red ball gown with bloody blossoms trailing down the skirt. Daria was helping me get all laced up in the back.

"Sorry." She replies and is a bit gentler. After she has successfully got it all laced up, I was barley able to breathe. "You look amazing." She says, slipping on my hands some Lacey red gloves that went to the wrists.

I turned sideways and nodded a bit. My hair is in a side braid bun, with a rose in her hair, and I'm wearing dark red heels that aren't to high. The ball was tonight.

"Man vampires plan fast." I think. Suddenly the door flies open and Dr. Darius comes in and let's us know that it was time, and I inhale in a sharp breath.

Daria grabs my hand and leads me towards the top ballroom entrance, and it seemed like a blur because I had her eyes closed the whole time. When i do open my eyes, (knowing i was in front of the door.) i gave a nervous hug to Daria and stood shakily in front of the door as she left.

According to the Doctors daughter, I was to wait until the door was opened by two guards and then walk down the ginormous flight if stairs, where Nickolai would be waiting to dance the first dance with me.

I would have been more at ease if they didn't spring this whole 'ball' thing on me yesterday at the meeting, well if you can call that a meeting. It felt more of an attack with the whole 'meeting the king' thing and especially after 'candi's' real attack.

Then this morning i had to learn how to dance, which the 'vampires' thought wouldn't take as long as it did, I was a terrible, terrible dancer. After that, i had to go into make-up, hair, and the fitting. I didn't even know what time it even was, but I already felt exhausted.

I started to wonder what everyone would be wearing, Nickolai probably in a suit, and Candi would probably be wearing something low-cut and revealing. Daria told me that she'd be wearing a black dress that cut to the knees. It sounded like something I would have worn to prom if I had been asked. A sharp pang hit me like a brick as I remembered my time being a human, and even though I was a vampire now, I didn't feel like one, especially since I had a nasty habit to refer to everyone as "the vampires".

I heard some steps scruffle at the door so I stood in a 'position' with my hands intertwined at my stomach, standing up straight. I didn't realize it, but when I felt something itchy on my head, I found a small tiara. Daria probably put it there, not realizing how uncomfortable I felt at that moment with it on.

I didn't have time to think about this because at that moment the doors opened and I heard trumpets. Everyone in the ballroom turned to face me.

"Dragul meu te uiți uimitor." I heard in my head, and I felt a small blush skatter across my cheeks. He said: "My darling you look amazing."

"Thanks." I gave a meek reply as I started down the stairs. I looked at some people I recognized, Nickolai- even though he just complemented me seconds ago- was staring with his mouth wide open. Daria clapped with her father, the doctor. Candi stared at me with a look of absolute disgust and anger, squeezing her champagne glass full of blood -or what I'm mostly assuming is blood- so tight it broke into peices.

I was right when I thought she would wear something low-cut and revealing. She wore a low- cut dress that stopped mid-thigh, and when I say mid-thigh, I mean the middle of the mid-thigh. Like I'm serious, one inch higher and she might as well be more clothed naked. Then for her top, it looked like she was wearing a small bikini top she showed so much cleavage.

As I looked at Nickolai, he kept staring at me, speechless. I blushed again and looked at the spectators, who where giving me impressed looks. I didn't know where to look, I was dying on the inside, about ready to bust into confetti, or flames, I'm not sure at the moment.

I finally reached the bottom and Nickolai shakily offered me his hand. I took his and looked up to him. I didn't really realize until now how small I was to him. He was about 6'4, and my head went up to about his chest and I guess my hand was small compared to his.

As soon as our skin came in contact, his look of shock became a look of love. He gave me a peck on the check and he led me out to the dance floor.

As soon as out feet were in the correct position, the lights dimmed and beautiful music filled the room. I was a sucker for a violin and cello, and let my enjoyment show on my face as I fell into step with him. I swear I would have re-killed myself if I went through all those dancing lessons for nothing.

"dragul meu, nimeni din această sală ar putea fi vreodată la fel de frumos ca tine chiar acum. Jur takingly frumos, esti superb." He whispered in my ear. And my face became as red as my dress and matched perfectly with my hair. "My darling, no one in this room could ever be as beautiful as you right now. I swear, you are breathtakingly beautiful."

I looked upward and whispered back: "I thought we agreed you'd speak English." And he groaned quietly.

"I'm sorry, you just make me forget everything when you walk into the room. Usually I can regain my composure after a while but tonight every second I get to remind myself that your mine." I pressed my head into his chest, as if trying to hide myself from everyone, which I guess was a bad idea because in his mind I could overhear him saying he'd feel like his heart was going to explode any minute and that it was a slow, sweet torture.

The dance started to fade, and he slightly moved me into a position to where I was thrown out, spun back in, and dipped. He then kissed me and brought me back up. I pulled away slightly and he gave me a soft "thank you. I would have never been able to stop."

I was then led out to mingle. First it was to a few random people, and when I was getting comfortable enough, he led me away to a corner.

"What's wrong?" I asked confused. He looked at everyone and nodded. "Usually I can let people come around you, like the vampire counsel, but tonight......tonight it's bugging me." I nodded.

"Why don't you grab something to drink, that might calm you down a bit." I suggested. He thought it over and didn't leave, he came in close to me.

"Stay here." His rough voice whispered in my ear, and I felt a jab at my heart. I reached for his hand. "I'll be fine." I reassured him, and myself. His hand on my arm slid slowly down and he slowly started walking away.

I know what you're thinking, "I thought yesterday before the meeting you were mad at him?" Well I was, until "Candi" scared the crap out of me. She seemed to leave me alone when I was with Nickolai, so I held on to him, except I made him sleep on the floor. Married or not, I don't feel comfortable with

Him sleeping right next to me.

I was deep in thought when a man approached me. He had black hair and a small stubble with crystal blue eyes. He smiled and stood next to me, sipping his drink and making one of those 'tck' sounds.

Holding his hand out to me we exchanged pleasantries. "Cosmin, it's a pleasure." I nodded and shook the hand.

"Um, the pleasure is all mine...?" He laughed. "Is that a question?" I smiled awkwardly and shrugged. "I'm not sure.....' My eyes went wide. "I'm scarlet." Returning his statement before.

"I know." He nodded. "It's your party." I laughed weirdly again and looked down. "Right." I mumbled in thought.

"You look very beautiful in that dress, I know my sister is wildly overcome with jealousy." I cocked my head a bit to the side.

"Who's your sister?" I curiously asked. *Looking back on this moment, I wish as soon as i met him, I should have screamed out to Nickolai, but I didn't.*

He pointed out and steered my head over to the dance floor. "Her name is Candice, she's the one in the tight black dress, well if you can call that a dress." I laughed along with him but it faltered and I narrowed my eyes at him.

"Oh no, what did my wrecking ball of a sister do to you?" He asked as if he had been through this a bunch of times. I took pity in him.

"She sort of... Attacked me." He groaned and slapped his hand over his face. "Oh my gosh Scarlet, I'm so sorry and I wish to apologize for her Doberman-like behavior." I nodded and laughed.

"Do you want to disappear for a few moments, I know how stressing these things can be." He said outstretching his hand. I thought about it but was hesitant.

"Nickolai will worry and-" he cut me off. "It will only be a few moments." I nodded and let him take me out a door.

When we walked out of the door and into the corridor he smiled and we talked a bit. "Have you seen the glass windows yet?" I shook my head and he led me out a few rooms over. "C'mon you have to see them!"

I was taken into a room with a few candles and books. "I don't see any windows-Ah!" I shocked when I was pushed against the wall. He smiled slyly and started kissing my neck, using a lot of tongue to lick me.

"What the HELL are you doing?" I yelped and struggled against him, but he was to strong. "Hush baby, daddy likes it sweet." I felt disgusted. "Let me go!" I yelp and he starts making his way up against my ear.

"Baby, daddy told you to be quiet, do I have to teach you a lesson? You naughty, naughty girl." I cried out. This was like, rape! "Is daddy's little girl pleased?" I started to move a bit away from him, but he grabbed me back and breathed up against me. His hands pinned me up against the wall.

"NICKOLAI!" I screamed in my mind and I started crying. "Baby, don't cry." His vile voice whispered. "I'll make it all better." He was then thrown against the wall. I slid down and sat curled up with my head resting against my knees.

I felt too very familiar hands pick me up. My arms wrapped around his neck and I sobbed into his chest. He didn't say or do anything, and that calmed and scared me. He led me upstairs to the room and laid me on the bed.

I calmed down a bit and opened my eyes to see him sitting in the bed. I sat up and laid my hand on his shoulder.

"el va muri!" He said sternly in his mind, I could tell he was trying really hard to not get too angry, but it's not like what he said calmed me. "He will die!"

"Nickolai.' I said into his mind, and I saw his shoulders lower a bit. "How can you kill a dead man?" I asked, sniffling a bit.

"I arde." He replied sharp. "Burn him." I gave him a small hug and went into the bathroom. Taking a long shower, trying to scrub away the pungent faith and stench of Cosmin. I guess I scrubbed to hard, because my neck was rubbed raw. I placed a fluffy robe on and walked back into the room. He was in the same position.

"Are you upset with me?" I said softly, not wanting to hear the answer. He turned towards me and beckoned me to his side. "Why would I be mad at you? That filthy rat tried to rape you." He noticed my neck as I came over to the bed.

"Dragul meu, what happened to up your lovely, beautiful, porcelain neck?" He looked down at me. My hand covered it and I sat on the bed next to him.

"I felt so dirty, it's like I needed to get rid of the poisoned layer of skin.' I broke into a few tears. "I feel like I'm a slut!" I was then on the bed and his arms were wrapped around me.

"My love, you are nothing of the sort. It's not like you dragged him over and kissed him, he did that to you. Ugh, the names he was calling you! It makes my blood boil just thinking about it." He growled.

"What about the ball?" I wondered a bit. He got off of me and started walking over to the closet. "I went down there and told them you were attacked. The sick freak is in the dungeon, going to die tomorrow." I felt a bit bad about that but then I remembered the way he called me baby and I was all for it.

I felt bad for missing the ball, but I was sort of glad I wasn't in there. I wondered what happened after I left.

Nickolai came our of the closet with nothing but his boxers, but because of a wave of sleepiness I didn't care. He went over to the bed, but instead of sitting back on the bed, he went on the floor. Right.

"Nickolai?" I called. "Yes dragoste?" (Love) he said from the floor. "Can you sleep up here tonight?" He was next to me in a flash.

We didn't sleep under the covers, we stayed up late talking a bit, but when we finally did go to sleep, I was in his arms, my head pressed against his chest, with my robe still on. Oops.

Oh well, I mean, it doesn't matter. We're dead, it's not like it was against the law.


Hi guys! I stayed up late doing this just for you! I can't quit now! I know you guys have been super supportive and I really appreciate that. I guess I just was having an writers block for the longest time.

*hands out cupcakes and cookies or anything you prefer better* you all are WONDERFUL! Luv you guys ;)

Btw I'm coming out with a new book, BUT DONT WORRY. I'm going to complete it and then publish it.

I won't make the same mistake twice.

So what did you think of the new chapter? It was a looooong one......for the writer anyway. I know you readers are like **zoom zoom zoom** and DONE.

Please vote and press that star thingy in the corner if you have the app. Or is that voting? Idk. Just tell your friends about it and comment so I know you like it, although I know a billion of you guys won't read this since it has no added value of the book.

I'll be sure to come out with a chapter soon, VERY SOON.

Luv you guys! Bye! 😋

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