Just an Ordinary Girl

By dev_curr

20.3K 235 165

Devan and Steph have been best friends forever, and raised as normal girls, but one night at a One Direction... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Sara - please read so you get her character!
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
What Happens Next

Chapter 4

682 7 0
By dev_curr

“Hi, my name is Sara and-“ She stopped realizing that the four boys sitting at the table were all in One Direction.

“Oh My God!” She squealed to the four boys.

All but Niall were already seated at the table, Sara went to ask the boys a question when Niall came walking up with Stephanie and Devan.

Sara made a face showing her disgust as the girls sat down at the table; she scrunched up her face to look even more unattractive than it already was. She looked at the girls rolled her eyes, and made a nasty comment about how they looked.

“Excuse me?” Harry asked her his emerald eyes growing as he looked at her, pissed off at what she had said to them.

“If you are going to be this rude for the rest of the night, we are going to need a new waitress.” Louis added while giving her a nasty look.

Sara turned to walk away and the girls just started cracking up.

“Get it Lou!” Devan yelled

“Who is that?” Liam asked

“That thing is someone we go to school with, she is an absolute bitch!” Stephanie added still laughing about what just happened.

“Well don’t listen to her, you both look lovely!” Niall said in his Irish accent, smiling to show his braces.

“Thanks Niall!” The girls said simultaneously.

They did that a lot actually, ever since they had been friends they had always said the same thing at the same time. They couldn’t help it if they thought alike.

By the time they were leaving the restaurant almost two hours, and a lot of laughs later there were already loads of people outside with cameras.

Zayn, Liam, Louis, and Steph walked out first helping her to Devan’s car. Harry, Niall, and Devan followed about two minutes later. Devan was already clumsy enough, and the bright lights flashing in her eyes didn’t exactly help. She tripped when one of them went off, luckily she grabbed onto Harry just in time, or she would have ended up on the ground.

“Thanks Harry.” Devan said as all seven were standing outside of Dev’s car.

The girls thanked the boys for buying them dinner, hugged them all goodbye and made their way back to Stephanie’s house.

“That was fun!” Stephanie said as they pulled out of the parking lot.

“Yeah, and the look on Sara’s face was absolutely priceless!” Devan said as she began to laugh again.

Stephanie reached down to turn the radio on then all of the sudden they heard

You’re insecure

They instantly looked at each other and were singing and dancing they did that for the rest of the ride home no matter what song came on.  Since Steph was a huge One Direction fan she had a twitter and tumblr dedicated to the boys every move. Devan was one of the only ones who knew about it and used to tease her for it all the time. They went up to Stephanie’s room and plopped down onto her bed, and opened her laptop, she typed in her user name and password.

“Finally, the first time these dumb things are actually useful” Devan said chuckling as she watched her friend checking her followers, and messages.

“Oh my god Dev look!” Steph squealed pointing at her computer.

Her twitter time line was full of tweets about them, and her tumblr dash had pictures of the girls with the boys plastered all over it.

They couldn’t believe it, only about a half hour ago most of those pictures were taken, damn directioners could move fast.


Monday came, but Adam was on vacation so Stephanie picked up Devan for school, the girls decided to skip first period. They had been desperately craving starbucks, after they ate the wondered over to the book store just a few feet away. Walking past all the books, they finally made it to the magazine section, when they suddenly noticed their faces on the cover of a magazine.

Stephanie’s POV*

I picked up the magazine that said One Direction’s Mystery Girls Oh my god. I Stephanie am on the cover of a magazine!

Where is Devan? O well not my problem, I picked up another magazine that had an article about the boys. First Louis and Eleanor! Aww they are so cute, and she is so perfect, I wish I had her clothes.

Liam and Danielle oh my god, they are so adorable I can’t even take it, if they ever break up I am losing hope in all relationships.

Zayn and Perrie, eww why are they going out?! They are so wrong for each other I can’t take it! Not that I can say anything to Zayn now that we’re friends.

Finally Harry and Kailey, ew just look at her, she is so plastic and gross but whatever you’re into Haz. Oh my god! Is that Devan? I saw the picture of Devan and Harry and she was holding onto his arm, they looked like a proper couple too!

I ran over to find Devan wondering aimlessly around the store. I decided not to say anything to avoid her freak out, I don’t have time to deal with that right now.

“Ready to go?” I said walking up behind her.

“Yup! Let’s go” Devan said back me


“And why are we late ladies?” They lady at the front desk asked us as we walked into school.

“Umm, we overslept” Stephanie replied not sounding to convincing.

“Can we have our late passes now? We need to go” Devan said to the lady getting impatient.

The woman handed them slips of paper so they wouldn’t get in trouble for being late.

“Have a great day!” Devan said sarcastically, while making a fake smile to the woman.

The second they stepped out of the office Devan rolled her eyes.

“Devan!” Stephanie Whisper-yelled


“You are going to get us into trouble one day Dev!”

“Who cares that lady is a bitch!” Devan replied.

Typical Devan.


The girls were sitting at the table with the usual gang, Alex, Troy, Kyli, Anna, Courtney, Devan, and Steph. All but Adam, he was coming back next week.

They were having a great time like they usually did, making fun of each other and goofing off, when suddenly the one person they hated came walking up….Sara.

“Can we help you?” Devan asked looking up Sara

“Actually yeah, I want to hang out with One Direction and you’re going to help me.”

“In your dreams bitch.”

“Oh really?”

“Yeah really, now why don’t you run along we’re kind of busy.” Devan said making a face a Sara.

She rolled her eyes and walked away.

“I can’t stand that bitch.” Stephanie said, pissed off about what just happened.

“That bitch should go jump off a cliff.” Devan replied causing everyone to laugh lightening the mood a bit.

“Yeah, so what’s been going on with you and One Direction.” Alex asked with a cheeky smile.

“Nothing we’re just friends with them” Stephanie replied

They all knew the story about the night of the concert, that was it, but to Devan and Stephanie there wasn’t anything more to tell. Stephanie was over the fact that they were One Direction and saw them as normal people, and Devan always did. So to them telling them every detail of their relationships with the boys was almost stalkerish.

“Sure you are” Kyli replied rolling her eyes.

Luckily the bell rang before the girls had time to respond to Kyli’s comment.


*Harry’s POV*

“What the hell Harry!” My girlfriend screeched through the phone.

I pulled it away from my ear and scrunched up my face at the tone of her voice.

“What’s wrong Kailey?”

“Have you seen the articles Harry?”

“Yeah, but you know those are just rumors right?”

“Whatever Styles, keep it up and we are done!” She said before hanging up on me.

As much as she drives me crazy I can’t imagine life without her, she may be crazy but at least she’s mine.

Maybe I should have her and the girls meet! Perfect!


All of the boys agreed to go to Harry’s hotel room that night and so did Stephanie and Devan not realizing what Harry had in store for them.

The girls stopped at Niall’s room and walked to Harry’s with him. They opened the door and Niall mumbled “great” under his breath. Stephanie knew exactly who she was and had the same reaction as Niall. Devan on the other hand had no clue who the hell she was.

“Hey!” Niall yelled as he made his way over to the boys.

Kailey already had a nasty look on face “God Niall, why do you have to be so loud all the time!” she screamed causing Zayn to flinch at her high pitched voice.

“Hi guys, hi Kailey!”Stephanie said politely walking over to sit next to Louis.

Right as Devan was about to say something she was cut off by none other than Kailey.

“Ew, I can’t believe you hang out with these people, and what the hell are you wearing?” She said pointing to Devan scrunching up her face even more.

Devan was wearing yoga pants and a sweatshirt, she was going to hang out with the boys in the middle of December so there was really no need for her to get dressed.

“What the fuck did you just say?!” Devan yelled to Kailey, walking closer to her.

This was going to be quite a night.

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