Detroit: Become Human One Sho...

By CelestialShadowWolf

1.1M 29.9K 33.8K

One shots involving Connor, Markus, Daniel, Luther, Simon, and Ralph from Detroit: Become Human. They'll most... More

|Connor x Reader|
|Markus x Reader|
|Connor x Reader|
|Simon x Reader|
|Ralph x Reader|
|Connor x Reader|
|Markus x Reader|
|Connor x Reader|
|Daniel x Reader| {Part I}
|Ralph x Reader|
|Connor x Reader|
|Simon x Reader|
|Markus x Reader|
|Connor x Reader|
|Luther x Reader|
|Daniel x Reader| {Part II}
|Connor x Reader|
|Markus x Reader|
|Connor x Reader|
|Connor x Reader| {Part I}
|Ralph x Reader|
|Connor x Reader| {Part II}
|Markus x Reader|
|Simon x Reader| {Part I}
|Connor x Reader| {Part III}
|Simon x Reader| {Part II}
|Daniel x Reader|
|Connor x Reader|
|Ralph x Reader|
|Connor x OC|
|Markus x Reader| {Part I}
|Connor x Reader| {Part I}
My Snow Puppy!

|Connor x Reader|

28K 899 472
By CelestialShadowWolf

A/n: Here's the small crossover with Heavy Rain! Let's just pretend HR and DBH take place in 2038. Part three of the mini series with Connor is next! If any of you have questions to ask me, feel free to PM me! I'm losing many people in the sea of notifications. Love you all!!!
~(Y/n)'s POV~

"So, who's our new friend?" I question Hank as he returns to his desk, gesturing to the man who was standing in Captain Fowler's office.

"Scott Shelby. He's a private detective. I don't like him for one damn second," Hank glares at the man who stood in front of Captain Fowler as he spoke.

"You didn't like Connor and now you already hate Shelby. Is there anyone you liked when you first met them?" I question curiously.

"Hell no. I didn't even like you when we first met. Now, we're drinking buddies."

Connor sat in front of my desk, his eyes scanning the private detective from afar. "Scott Shelby. Age: forty-four. He is a former Marine and police lieutenant. He is currently a private investigator."

"We've established that last part, Connor," Hank sighs.

"It seems he has a record on file that not even I can hack into."

I smirked, "Our dear new acquaintance must be hiding something pretty serious if Connor can't hack that file. If it weren't something serious, there's no need to lock everyone out."

"Suspicious as hell, but our major concern is how we're gonna work with him. Private investigators are fucking annoying to deal with. Always shoving their noses into shit and pestering victims and witnesses for information," the Lieutenant grumbles.

"Speaking of private detectives, here comes Shelby now," I whisper. Scott shuffled over, a serious expression painted on his face as he came to a halt in front of Hank's desk. The older man glanced up, raising a brow.

Shelby cleared his throat before speaking. "My name is Scott Shelby. I'm a private detective who is investigating the recent murders of five young boys in the past few months."

Seeing as Hank wasn't going to open his mouth, I stepped in. "A pleasure to meet you, Detective Shelby. I'm (Y/n) (L/n) and these are my partners—Hank Anderson and Connor." I didn't receive a word back, so I quickly changed the subject. "So, what do we know about the suspect?"

"Suspect has been kidnapping boys between the ages of nine and thirteen. Each body was found on some type of wasteland, always adjacent to train tracks three to five days after they were abducted. The bodies are also found with an origami figure in their right hand and an orchid on their chest," Shelby informed us.

"So, this 'Origami Killer' is quite a case. No leads and no strand of evidence to aid us in our search for this sicko," I groan, fiddling with a pen on my desk.

From the corner of my eye, I saw Connor's LED flicker from blue to yellow. The android stood up hastily and nearly bumped into my desk. "Another body was just found, (Y/n)."

"Lead the way, Connor." I snatch up my keys and Hank grabs his own. Shelby follows us out of the station and hops in Hank's car while Connor rode with me. We headed to the scene as the light drizzle turned into a downpour. "This rain seriously has to lighten up."

"We have received ten inches in total over the past month. We are lucky no flooding has occurred due to the showers being scattered," Connor stated.

"You a weather android now?" I giggle, earning a smile from the android.

-Abandoned Industrial Site-

"A pretty outlandish place to dump a body," I commented as Connor and I walked up on the scene. The boy's body had already been searched and the officers found an origami figure in his right hand that was shaped like a frog. One officer handed me the orchid that was on the child's chest once I put gloves on.

I handed the beautiful flower to Connor and he scanned it. "There are no fingerprints on it, (Y/n)."

"Like always, our killer knows how to hide their trail without leaving behind a single breadcrumb." The disdain in my voice was clear as day.

Hank and Shelby arrived just as I tossed the orchid on the ground. "Nothing?" The Lieutenant asked.


"Well, shit..."

"I'm going back to the station and reviewing the case files for every boy. Maybe something will align and I'll be able to find a single clue to whoever this killer is."

Hank glanced at Connor. "You goin' with her?"

"Yes, Lieutenant."

The older man smirked. "Of course you are. Should've already known without asking." Leaving the scene, I drive back to the station with Connor by my side.

-Detroit Police Department-

I asked Captain Fowler for the case files and he gave them to me without a single question. With the manila folders in hand, I shuffle back to my desk and toss them on the cool surface. Connor took one and flipped through the information while I did the same.

After a couple of hours, Connor was able to find a single clue. "In each case, the victim was abducted in a public place. At the time of abduction, the victims had little or no defensive wounds on their body, implying that the victims knew or trusted the person that took them."

"What's your conclusion, Connor?" I inquire.

"Our suspect must be someone in the police force. A child would trust a man or woman with a badge."

"And it wouldn't be suspicious to see someone in uniform escorting a child," I added with a small gasp. I scramble for my phone and quickly call Hank, telling him of what we deduced from our hours of reading. "Tell Detective Shelby what we found out. It could help him create a list of possible suspects."

I hang up and toss my phone on top of the files. Sighing in relief, I flop into my chair. Connor eyed me closely. "Are you alright, (Y/n)?"

"Yeah, I'm fine. I think I might head home and get some rest. I didn't sleep well last night." I organized the files and placed them in my bag. "I'll see you tomorrow, Connor." I kissed the android on the cheek before leaving.

-At Home-

When I was finally in the comfort of my home, I took out the files and my laptop, setting them gently on the kitchen table. Searching through the myriads of profiles, I compared each one to the time of the disappearance of each boy. When I tried to pull up Shelby's file, I was blocked by an unknown firewall. It was the file Connor tried to hack into earlier. Though Scott was a private detective now, his file should be able to be accessed with ease.

I cross my arms, glaring at the screen. "Not even Connor could break this firewall." Then, an idea struck me. I jumped from my seat and ran into my bedroom. Searching my nightstand drawers, I was able to find the usb that had firewall coding in it. "Maybe I can use this to replace the current firewall with one that's easy to bypass."

Back in the kitchen, I was successful in recoding the firewall into a much simpler one and hacked in with ease. "Gotcha!" Opening the file, I compared the times of the disappearances with the times Shelby was supposedly on an investigation. When the first one matched, I gave the private investigator the benefit of the doubt. Then, the second and third murder matched his off-duty hours. "This isn't looking so good."

Finally, I check the last three murders. My eyes widened when I realized all the timeframes matched the moments when Shelby wasn't on duty. I shook my head and tried to push the negative comments away. I checked the next thing that could possibly link him to the murders and saw he took numerous of days off from work each day a boy was kidnapped. "It's him..."

Suddenly, I heard the sound of my front door being kicked in. I had a feeling of who it was and wrote down Shelby's name on a sticky note and stuck it to the underside of the table. Once I completed that task, I searched for my pistol. I didn't get too far down the hall before I felt an immense pain in the back of my head and blacked out.

~3rd Person POV~

-Next Day-

"Connor, where the hell is (Y/n)?" Hank questioned the worried android.

"I'm not sure, Lieutenant," Connor responded, concern dripping from his tone. "She's four hours late for her shift."

Hank's eyes narrowed. "Something's not right. Get your ass in the car. We're gonna pay her a visit." Hank and Connor headed to (Y/n)'s house, not letting a second go to waste.

The moment the car pulled into the driveway, Connor hopped out of the car and ran to the front door. When he saw the door was wide open, he dashed inside and saw the place was a complete mess. Frames were shattered and decorations were broken into minuscule pieces, scattered across the floor. The android scanned each room, hoping to find a clue to where she had went and who was behind such chaos. Connor stumbled into the kitchen and saw (Y/n)'s laptop was broken into two pieces. Along with her computer, the files were torn into pieces.

Something laid on top of the torn pieces of paper. Connor reached out and grabbed the black object. It was an origami black swallow.

Connor's eyes filled with horror as his LED turned red. He knew who left the origami swallow behind for someone to find. Dropping the small object on accident, he scrambled to pick it back up. When Connor kneeled down to grab the intricately folded piece of paper, he caught a glimpse of something yellow stuck to the underside of the table. The android snatched it, along with the swallow, and stood up. There was only one word written on the sticky note.


Connor ran out of (Y/n)'s house and to Hank's car. The older man raised a brow in confusion when he spotted the machine with a sticky note and piece of origami in his hands. "What's gotten your wires in a bunch?"

"(Y/n)'s gone and I know who took her," Connor said, his LED still illuminated a deep red.

Hank examined the two objects and read the note. "Shelby? As in Scott Shelby?"


"How do you know for sure? Maybe (Y/n)'s just not home," Hank said, trying to think positive.

"Her computer was destroyed along with the files. (Y/n) would never do such a thing."

"Okay, let's say Shelby is the origami killer. How would we prove him guilty?"

"By finding (Y/n) before time runs out. We only have a few days if the suspect sticks to his routine."

"Going from a child killer to kidnapping an officer. Talk about a big and idiotic move. Let's head back to the station and ask around if anyone's seen him around recently."

On the drive back to the station, Connor's gaze was glued to the sable swallow. He ran his fingers over the neatly folded piece of paper, baffled at how it was made from only a single sheet of paper. It was eerily beautiful, symbolizing another missing person. This time, it was someone close and dear to Connor.

At the station, Hank and Connor asked fellow officers if they had seen Detective Shelby recently. One officer said she last saw him a few hours ago asking her a few strange questions. "What kind of strange questions?" Connor asked.

"About the rain we're supposed to have today. He also asked if there were any abandoned industrial sites near the ports. I told him there were a few warehouses," she replied.

"Did he say anything about where he was going?" Hank inquired.

"He said he was heading to the warehouses to check them out and see if they'll be of use. He was acting as if he was in a hurry."

Connor didn't wait for Hank and stormed out of the station. The older man followed and placed a hand on his shoulder. "We'll get (Y/n) back, Connor."

"If Detective Shelby is doing what I think he is, then (Y/n) only has a few hours."

"What're you talkin' about?"

"Detective Shelby plans to use the downpour and the river as a way to drown her quicker than his previous victims. With the combination of the rain and the overflowing river, we only have a few hours to find (Y/n) before it's too late."

"Then we better get our asses to the port ASAP."

-Port of Detroit-

The duo exit the car and begin their search. With help from the officer, they were able to narrow their search down to only a few warehouses. An hour was wasted searching the first two thoroughly. Finally, they entered the last warehouse. Time was short and the rising water level was proving to be nerve-wracking to both man and machine.

"(Y/n)?" Connor called out, his voice echoing all around them. Hank had his pistol drawn, checking the area for any signs of the woman or the suspect. The android searched the farthest corner of the warehouse and spotted what seemed to be a metal grate with a padlock on it. "(Y/n)?" He called out once again.

From the grate, Connor heard the voice of the woman he had been searching desperately for. "Connor!" The machine ran over, falling to his knees and staring through the metal bars. Water was up to (Y/n)'s neck as she clung to the bars.

"Lieutenant!" Connor shouted, grabbing the older man's attention. Hank dashed to Connor's side and aided him in getting (Y/n) out.

"Move back!" Hank yelled. Connor did as he was told and the man aimed his pistol at the padlock. Before he could pull the trigger, another gun went off. Hank and Connor turned around to see Detective Shelby with his gun trained on them. "You've got a lot of nerves, ya piece of shit."

"Step away from the grate," the private detective demands. "Now!"

"Like hell we are! Killing innocent kids and now kidnapping an officer. You're a piece of fuckin' work, ya know that?!"

Connor took a step towards the suspect. "You broke into (Y/n)'s house when you discovered she hacked your private file. She knew who the origami killer was and you kidnapped her before she could tell anyone."

"How did you figure it out so soon?" Detective Shelby curiously asked.

"Before you were able to capture (Y/n), she wrote your name on a sticky note and stuck it under the table to conceal it from sight," Connor responded.

"That's what I get for underestimating an android. Now, drop your gun," Scott directed towards Hank.

Pretending to listen, the Lieutenant bent down to drop his gun, but he quickly raised it and shot the man in the hand. Detective Shelby dropped his weapon and Connor closed the distance between them. The android knocked the man out while Hank handcuffed the murderer.

Once he was secured, Connor snatched up the detective's pistol and ran back to help (Y/n). He shot the padlock off and opened the grate. He grabbed her hands and pulled her out of the frigid water. (Y/n) collapsed in Connor's embrace, her drenched form shaking violently. The android took off his jacket and slung it over her shoulders, providing some warmth for her freezing body. (Y/n) hugged him tightly, getting his clothes wet. Connor didn't care about his clothes one bit.

"I'm so glad you found my note," (Y/n) mumbles into Connor's chest.

The android stroked her wet (h/c) locks, water dripping from the ends. "We should get you to the car and warm you up. Your body temperature is continuing to drop."

"Yes, please."

Hank smiled at the woman as Connor escorted her to the car. Inside, the machine started the engine and turned on the heat. Luckily, the Lieutenant has a blanket in the backseat, which provided extra warmth. Connor scanned (Y/n) and saw her body temperature was steadily returning to normal. 

After a few minutes, (Y/n) leaned on Connor and rested her head on his shoulder. The android readjusted so she could, instead, rest her head against his chest. Short after, the young woman fell into a peaceful slumber. Connor kept his arms around (Y/n) as she slept. He was finally able to calm down after being on-edge for hours. His LED finally returned to blue as he closed his eyes and rested his chin on top of (Y/n)'s head, welcoming the peaceful moment with a smile.

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