Crossing Enemy Lines

By lala_cutiepie273

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Saphire and Gabriel have always been at one another's throats since day one. They've argued a lot and the rea... More

Chapter 1: Introductions
Chapter 2: Science Class
Chapter 3: Tennis Buddies (Gabriel's POV)
Chapter 4: Early Awakenings
Chapter 5: Let the Games Begin
Chapter 6: Let's play Pt. 1 (Saphire's POV)
Chapter 6: Let's Play Pt. 2 (Scarlette's POV)
Chapter 7- The End of an Era & The Beginning of a New One
Chapter 8- The Mistake That Almost Happened(James POV)
Chapter 9- The Morning After
Chapter 10: Alone...With Him (Pic Of Saphire)
Chapter 11- Prep-Rally (Gabriel's POV)(Pic of Gabriel)
Chapter 12: Back At Home Pt. 1 Scarlette's POV (Pic of Scar)
Chapter 12: Back At Home Pt.2 James POV (Pic of James)
Chapter 13- Welcome Home? (Family Pic)
Chapter 14: The Breakthrough (Gabriel's POV)
Chapter 15: All by myself... Not!

Chapter 16: Gabriel vs. Drey (Gabriel's POV)

33 1 0
By lala_cutiepie273

Hey everyone sorry it took so long to update but I got some good news. I will be posting more often thanks to the fact I just got: A BRAND NEW LAPTOP (Game show host voice) Anyways like I said look forward to new chapters more frequently.

This chapter here came from a little thing I like to call My Imagination. In earlier chapters there was a whole Team James, Team Gabriel debacle, but now with James out of the picture and Drey in it who do you think will win? Also yay me for making it to my senior year in high school :3 Class of 2015 you know who you are.

This chapter is dedicated to UDontSay143. If you are into Fairy Tail and love fan fictions I recommend you read this author’s ongoing Trilogy Strange Feelings and some of her other works. Don’t forget to fan also :D. Trust me you won’t be disappointed. Anyways I hope you guys enjoy the chapter.

Also if you haven’t already don’t forget to





Chapter 16: Gabriel vs. Drey (Gabriel’s POV)

Saphire has been acting really strange lately. She’s been smiling and acting giddy all the time. I mean don’t get me wrong I’m glad she’s happy, but I miss the more sarcastic, devious- minded Saphire. This all started a while ago when she came back to the dorm all happy and stuff. Although I would never tell her it makes me highly upset that I’m not the one making her like that. It’s whatever I guess, but I just hope whoever it is doesn’t hurt her. Speaking of miss happy-go-lucky here she comes now.

“Hey Saphire, what’s up?”

“Oh nothing just going out to see a friend, and because I know his is coming yes again. If you’re curious as to who I’m always meeting how come you never just ask or tag along.”

This made me stop and look at her. You mean all this time I could’ve just “tag along”.  Part of me believes that she’s just saying that to tease me because that’s the Saphire I know. “Are you sure it’s okay for me to come with you. I don’t want to intrude or anything if it’s a date or something like that.” I cringed at the word “date” because I don’t like the idea of her going out with someone other than me. Sure she dated James, but she eventually told me that was just to mess with Scar.

“D-date? It’s not a date, at least I never thought of it as one,” she mumbled the last part while blushing slightly. Wow she’s actually bashful right now, so there goes any chances I had of it being a girl. If she’s blushing that means she must at least be attracted to the guy. I wonder if she blush when people talk about me around her. Maybe I should try to make her blush. Nah, I don’t feel like dying at the moment.

“So are you coming or not? He’s actually wanted to meet my friends before, but I wasn’t too sure when to arrange everything.”

“Umm yeah, sure. I guess. Maybe while we’re on our way you can tell me about him.” 

Her face began to light up as she went into details about this guy. Apparently his name is Drey Johnson, it sounds highly familiar but I can’t put my finger on it yet, he goes to our school, and a whole bunch of useless things I can’t remember simply because I don’t care. I hope this dude isn’t an undercover douche ‘because it seems as though Saphire really enjoys his company. I didn’t notice where we were going until we were already there. It’s… it’s… it’s a FroYo Bar, right here on campus. Also not too far from the dorms either. Saphire didn’t stop talking until we were inside. She looked around and grabbed my hand when she found who she was looking for. Now I don’t mean to sound like a high school girl but, oh my gosh she is holding my hand. It’s so small and warm.

“Hey Drey,” she said as she let go of my hand to give him a hug. I was glad when it didn’t last longer than 5 seconds. “Okay so Drey you’ve always said that you wanted to meet my other friends so, Drey this is Gabriel, Gabriel this is Drey.”

“Nice to meet you Gabriel, Saphire has told me a lot about you,” he said while putting his hand out. 

“Same here. Not that I was actually listening,” I said the last part in my head while shaking his hand. Where are we in a job interview? We sat down, Saphire next to me-yes- and Drey across from us. They started talking and I would join in on the conversation from time to time, but I am mostly observing the way she acts around him. She isn’t as lay back as she is in the dorm but I wonder if my presence have anything to do with that. As for Drey he thinks I don’t realize it but he glares at me a little whenever I steal Saphire’s attention away from him, even if for a little while. This continued going on for quite some time.


“Umm if you two would excuse me I have to go to the little lady’s room,” Saphire said all lady like.

This made me snort because she is everything but a lady. There was this one time she just got up and said “I need to take a shit,” like anyone asked. As though she can see where my thoughts were she gave me a playful punch and a glare, which would’ve been terrifying if she wasn’t fighting a smile. As soon as she left and was out of earshot this is what I heard: “I don’t like you.” I turned to see Drey watching me and giving me the evil eye.


“I’m sorry I didn’t know I was here for your approval.”

“Well listen here buddy, I can tell that you like Saphire but you’re not gonna have her. She is mine and mine alone. So I would appreciate it if you would just go back to wherever you came from so me and Saphire-“


“Pause there you little Romeo reject. First of all it is Saphire and I. Secondly I don’t know who you think you are but Saphire is MY roommate so if I leave she comes with me. Last but certainly not least, Saphire does not belong to you she is not an object in which you can control, so I would appreciate it if when you refer to her you do it with respect. Capiche.” And cue the applause hat would usually come around this time in TV shows. Seriously, who does this guy think he is saying Saphire is his? I doubt this self-centered brat knows the first thing about Saphire.

“Listen if it’s a fight you want then it’s a fight that you will get. And you know what in the end Saphire will choose the better man and I can tell you this, it is NOT going to be you. So we can play this game of who wants her more but in the end she will choose and I can bet you anything it won’t be you.”

“You’re right it probably won’t be me that she chooses in the end, but you bet your ass it sure as hell won’t be you either.” I don’t need this guy telling me that Saphire won’t choose me, I already know that. She deserves better than me, she deserves the best and it sure isn’t the guy sitting across from me I can tell you that. Someone once told me that it is possible for both players to lose a game and if I don’t win her heart then neither will he.


“I’m back~~. What did you guys talk about?”

“Nothing much love, just guy stuff.” Beep-beep-beep. Do you hear that? It’s my fake detector going through the roof. Man is this guy two-faced.

I put my arm around her shoulder, “Where to next Saphie?” When she didn’t take my arm from around her I cheered in my head. Gabriel: 1, Drey: 0. Take that you loser.

“Oh Gabriel remember you said you would teach me to skate, Drey doesn’t know how to either so what better day than today to go to a skate rink.”


“Your mistaking love I told you I didn’t like to skate not that I don’t know how to. If you want to go then we shall. Any objections? None alright then let’s go.”

Ugh he’s such a kiss up. I can’t believe I have to spend all day with this jerk wad. I’d rather stay home and play games. But there is no way I am leaving Saphire with him after I saw his true colors. I can’t believe this is who she comes home smiling about all the time. Why do I feel he just want to get into her pants, well skirt today. You would not believe the smile that came on my face when she started holding my hand again. It’s almost as though it’s a reflex now. I’m not sure if I should feel bad for Drey or not. The way it seems it’s like me and Saphire are on a date and he’s a third wheel. It doesn’t even bother me that she’s mostly talking to him, why because she’s holding MY hand.

“So Gabe are you going to show me the awesome moves you’ve been bragging about since forever,” Saphire asked in a teasing tone.


“Well Saphie I was never one to brag but, since you asked maybe. My team did we did win the National Roller Derby Competition 4 years straight in High School.”

“Yeah whatever, if I see you trip even once you will never hear the end of it from me. I mean from the moment you wake to when you fall asleep I will make fun of you, understand?”

“Really, come on even the pros mess up once in a while. But whatever I guess.”

“Ooh there it is. Come on Gabe, let’s go,” Saphire exclaimed while practically dragging me to the place. I looked behind me and saw that Drey was slowly following behind us with a scowl on his face. Awe the poor baby wants a friend. I got a good look at his face and I can’t help but feel like I know him from somewhere, but where? Maybe it’ll come to me later, as of now I have a student to teach. We were heading to the counter and notice that there was an extremely long line. Saphire let go of my hand to stand in front of me. Not wanting to give up contact yet I wrapped my arms around her waist and rest my chin on her shoulder. Now I know what you’re thinking, but no I’m not doing this to spite Drey. That’s just a bonus.

“Ugh I can’t believe that there’s such a long line. They’re going to kill my vibe,” she said while absentmindedly playing with my hair. I like it when she does that.

“Oh calm down. It’s just that they have this promotional thing going on and also today is rollerblading through the decades. Apparently there’s a competition going on. Not sure what the prize is though.”

“How did you know all of that?”

“Oh there’s a sign right there.”

“Hey Saphire how about we go sit down and Gabriel can get our skates for us. I’m a size 10 by the way,” Drey said as he decided to ruin a nice moment. He was already dragging Saphire away before either one of us had a chance to say anything. The bastard, I don’t like how he was practically manhandling Saphire. The little bum, trying to steal her away from me. Even she looked uncomfortable when he was dragging her away. Maybe there’s a chance that she likes me back. Well that a big maybe. Why can’t I just tell her how I feel?

“Dude if that was my girl I was not letting him take her away,” some random voice said.

“I’m sorry but do I know you?”

“Well maybe you would if you would stop sulking and lift up your head. I dare you to say you don’t know me once you see my face.”


“Why should I… wait Chase? Hey buddy long time no see. What are you doing here?”

“Well seeing as though I go here and I skate, a skate rink here seems like the best way to kill boredom. Anyways back to the topic, how could you just let him steal her away from you man? You’re supposed to protect your lady friend from a douche bag like him.”

“Well I would but she’s not my girlfriend, he’s her friend, and she would get all defensive if I told her not to hang with him anymore. Trust me when she’s mad she can yell and that is a headache I don’t feel like dealing with right now.”

“Well would you rather deal with that headache,” he said while motioning his head towards Saphire and Drey. She seems kind of awkward like he’s making her uncomfortable of something. I’m guessing her days with Drey don’t usually be like this. Wonder if it’s because I’m here.  Oh well there’s not much I can do now. Leaving is not an option. Guess this headache it the one that won. Finally after minutes of waiting in line it was my turn and, this is when I realize that Drey didn’t give me any money to pay for his skates. Maybe I could tell him that it ran out of his size. I’ll just buy his damn skates out of the freaking kindness of my heart.


“Hey Tony can I get a size 10 male, 8 ½ female, and 12 male.”

“Yeah sure thing Gabriel and since you’re a regular here, it’s only $50 for you.”

“Thanks Tony you’re the best.”

“Of course I am. Now Chase what do you want from me now,” I heard Tony say as I walked off to deliver the skates. By the time I reach there Saphire is looking at me as though I’m an angel.


“Got the skates people, are you ready to skate?”

“Yeah yeah just hand them over you geek,” Drey said. He seems upset like I just ruined something. Not even a thank you after I paid for them. This guy must have been raised in a barn. Well whatever, he’s lucky I got a discount. It took us a few minutes to lace them up, and by us I mean Saphire. She tried to stand up but then fell right back down.

“Come on take my hands,” I said while standing up, with ease might I add. She slowly put her hands in mine and got up slowly. This is like watching a deer or horse take its first steps. She’s so wobbly. “Come on you can trust me Saphie.” I slowly started skating us toward the circle. Skating backwards was always so much fun. Too bad Saphire’s too busy looking at her feet to look at me. She does have quite the grip on my arms though. “Hey Saphire look up, look at me ok. This is all about balance, alright.”


“Gabriel this was a bad idea, I’m going to fall and everyone is going to laugh I know it. Then it’s going to make me claustrophobic and ruin my entire day.”

“No, you’re just being overdramatic. And what makes you think I’m gonna let you fall? Again balance and just push yourself forward. Now I’m going to let you go slowly, alright?”

“Ok, I’m making the decision to trust you. Don’t let me down.” I nodded my head. Like I said I slowly began to let her go but then kept my hand there just in case. She’s moving slowly at first but then gradually starts to get the hang of it. Soon enough she can move on her own.

“See I told you that you could do it.”

“Great now I can skate myself over to the bathroom.”

“What did you drink today that makes you have to go so much?”

“Shut up. Pregnant people pee a lot. I can already tell your facial expression, so yes that was a joke.”

I took in a breath of relief for a moment I actually believed her. If she really was pregnant I could only hope that it wasn’t Drey’s. How he would love to rub that in my face. I bet he wouldn’t even care if she was pregnant, the scumbag. The feeling that I know him from somewhere can’t escape my head. He’s probably not important if I can’t remember him. Hey speak of the devil, there he is now coming my way. Oh dear, please help me I just want to enjoy skating. Is that so wrong? If it is then it shouldn’t be.

“You think you’re winning don’t you Skater boy?”

“Winning what? The skating completion it hasn’t started yet nor did they say what we had to do. Are they just watching us skate and then they’ll choose who they think is best? That would be-“

“Would you shut up? I was talking about the fight over Saphire. You’re so cocky I bet you think you don’t even have to try to win her.”


“Again watch how you talk about my roommate she’s not some prize to be won.”

“Whatever, hey watch out Skater Boy.” Next thing I know he tripped me. The little bastard tripped me. He laughed and moved behind me. I turn around to see he had his arm around Saphire’s shoulder while still laughing, but now pointing also. I see so that’s why he tripped me out of nowhere. He wanted to make a fool out of me in front of Saphire. Well tough luck for you buddy because I can do that all on my own. Saphire moved out of his hold and came over to me offering her hands, which I gladly took.

“Guess you’re going to be making fun of me day in and day out, huh,” I asked while rubbing the back of my head sheepishly. I have no right to be embarrassed and usually I wouldn’t be, but with her in front of me I just can’t help it.


“Nah, even the pros mess up once in a while right?”

“Yeah, right. Hey come on they’re about to have like a Soul Train thing going on.” True enough the people split into two groups on opposite sides. The D.J. started playing Jungle Boogie. By now Saphire was watching me like I’m crazy. “Oh come on tell me you’ve never wanted to do this. Also while you were in the bathroom they announce that the soul Train is the competition. I think we actually stand a chance.”

“I don’t know Gabe I just started learning how to skate so I’m not as good as you. I don’t want to embarrass you; I know you come here often.”


“Hey it’s alright we’re here to have fun and if they have a problem then oh well. So you with me or what?”

“I’m with you. Now we’re doing Kid N Play no ifs ands or buts.”

“That’s a tough move for a beginner, you sure you up for it?" 

“Please, I may not be a champion roller-skater but I know quite a lot about dancing, ya dig?” She’s so cute when she tries to talk retro. “Besides it’s go big or go home, right?


“Ok then. Let’s do this.” It was finally our turn and Get on up by James Brown was playing. Surprisingly we did it perfectly without falling. On our way out we were doing the Disco Roll or as some call it “The Reel it in”. We were having fun but then everything changed when the Fire Nation attacked. I’m just kidding Drey came into the picture. He wasn’t looking to happy. Maybe he fell or something.

“Saphire may I talk to you for a minute. Alone.” I have a feeling that part was directed towards me but who could ever be so sure. Again there he goes with the manhandling and pulling her away from me. Has no one taught him to never put his hands on a woman? I swear if I ever have a son he’d be a perfect gentleman, just like his daddy. Well now that I’m skating alone maybe I should join the rest of the people and wait for the Soul Train to finish. The way of dance has really changed hasn’t it? 

I look over to where Saphire and Drey are and it seems as though they are in a heated conversation. Oh man I hope he isn’t making her mad. As much as I miss Sarcastic Saphire it doesn’t mean Happy Saphire has to die. Can’t we have a Happy- Sarcastic Saphire instead? At any rate it looks like we won’t get to stick around to see who the winner is. And I was really curios too. I see her skating her way back over to me with Drey not too far behind.

“So Saphire choose who are you going to spend the rest of the day with. Remember what I said.” What did he say, I hope he isn’t threatening her. I really wish he would do something like that. I’ll just open a whole can of crazy on him.

“Yes Drey I remember what you said, and that is why I’m going to choose…Dramatic Pause… Gabriel. You must have lost your mind if you think I was going to choose you. I’m sorry but Gabriel was in my life first and whether you or he likes it or not he’s now a permanent fixture in my life. And if you can’t get along with him then you won’t be able to get along with any of my other friends, so yeah. Also I saw you trip him, that wasn’t very nice of you.”

“Yeah well whatever. I’m out of here.” He left and I realized he still haven’t repaid me for the skates. The freeloading scumbag. We stood there in an awkward silence for a while neither of us knowing exactly what to say. Until I decided to break the silence and ask, “What did he tell you anyways?”

“Ugh he tried to give me an ultimatum. He said it’s either I send you home or lose his number and never talk to him again. We all saw how that turned out.” 

“Hey I’m sorry if I ruined anything. I know you liked him because these past few weeks you’ve been the happiest I’ve ever seen you and that’s because of him."

“Nah don’t apologize you being here has opened my eyes to what a jerk wad he really is.”



“May I have this dance young lady,” I asked with a bow.

“You may.” I took her hand in mine for the umpteenth time that day and placed the other one around her waist. She lay her head against my chest and soon enough we were skating to the rhythm of the music. I went over the events of today to see if maybe I could have maybe tried to get along with Drey better. As I thought over everything I realized it couldn’t be helped, he’s just a tool. I went over what Saphire said to him because some of that really got to me.

“Did you really mean it when you said I was a permanent fixture in your life,” I asked looking down at her.

“Well, yeah I mean I trust you a lot and believe it or not I’m actually starting to like you. Besides you have way too much dirt on me for me to allow you to run freely. Just don’t- don’t abuse my trust ok.”


“Now why would I do that?”


The spotlight shone down on me and Saphire practically blinding us. Well I guess it would make sense that they didn’t know our names there wasn’t a sign-in sheet anywhere. It was more of a jump-in kind of competition. “WILL YOU TWO PLEASE COME UP TO CLAIM YOUR PRIZE? (They went up). NOW FOR YOUR PRIZE. YOU TWO HAVE WON TWO MOVIE TICKETS TO THE PARAGON THEATER WITH RESERVED CHAIRS FOR THE LOVED SEATS THAT RECLINE ALL THE WAY BACK. ALSO GET UP TO FIVE THINGS FREE AT THE CONSCESSION STANDS. THESE TICKETS EXPIRE BY THE END OF THE YEAR AND THEY’RE GOOD FOR ANY MOVIE OUT.” 

Wow that is a really generous prize they got going there. Saphire practically glomped me out of excitement. Well at least out of all things I got her to smile. And free movie tickets. 

Drey’s POV

“I cannot BELIEVE you got her mad at you. The plan was simple get her to fall for you. That’s the one thing you had to do.”

“I’m sorry she brought a friend with her today and I said something to him that she heard and it pissed her off.”

“You know what this is nothing but a minor setback. So that didn’t work we just need to revise. I just have to come up with something so foolproof even you can’t screw it up. Now I have things to do, I’ll come back when I think of something else."

She is finally gone. It really sucks that I had to lose her friendship but it was all to protect her. Gabriel is a good guy, I hope he can protect her when the time comes. No one knows what exactly my sister will plan next. Maybe after all of this is over we could start over and become friends. Just maybe.

So everyone that is the end of this chapter update. Again I am so sorry it took so long and sorry if you found it short. Also if you’re wondering yes The Paragon Theater is real along with all the attributes listed the seat’s really do recline all the way back, it’s perfect for cuddling, and there’s even a tray for your food. The tickets may be pricey but I am telling you it is worth it. Just don’t go there if you’re the slightest bit tired. You will fall asleep. Yes it’s that comfortable.

The multimedia used is from The Tonight Show w/ Jimmy Fallon. There are all kinds of other cool things you can find if you go on his channel so check it out if you liked the one I posted here. 

Thank you everyone for reading and again please Vote, Comment, and Fan. Until next time people. Which I promise will be soon. :D

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