Nothing Like A Good Girl

By Lavidaaaloca

43K 1.2K 102

A good girl is known to make good grades, stay in school, marry a wealthy man and live happily ever after. We... More

New Beginnings
When We Met
Class In Session
He's Different
Just The Thought
True Colors
Fine Living
Roll With The Flow
I Feel Good
Be My Baby
The Break Up
All About You
Breathe Baby
Stay With Me

A Different Perspective

1.3K 67 12
By Lavidaaaloca

"Are you okay?" Rashad asked as he carefully helped me out of the car.

"Yeah I am okay." I smiled. "Is there anything I should be worried about?"

Rashad shrugged. "No. I just want to make sure that you're okay." He smiled. "You look good by the way."

"I know Rashad. You haven't stopped telling me."

"And you're going to keep hearing it." He chuckled as we waited patiently for someone to answer the door.

I couldn't help but notice how loud the music was and what sounded like yelling coming from the other side.

"Are they always this loud?" I asked. Aren't they concerned with someone calling the cops on them?

"Always." He nodded. Just then the door opened. A huge smile crept onto Rashad's face as he embraced the young man at the door. "Rich man its been a long time."

"Indeed it has. Nigga where the hell you been at?"

"Ahh you know here and there but I am never to hard to find."

"Shit I can't tell. You look good nigga."

Rashad smiled taking my hand into his. "Let me introduce my empress for tonight. This is April."

I waved. "Hi."

"You can't be coming in here saying hi shawty. You hear that?" Rich asked. I suppose he was referring to the noise in the background. "Them nigga's are loud so you're going to have to come out of that little shell of yours."

"Aye man ease up on my woman. She'll warm up to you little bastards."

A laugh slipped from my lips as I tried my best to hide it. That was a tad bit funny. However, my laughter did not go unnoticed.

"Oh you think that's funny, huh?" Rich asked which caused me to stop.

"I'm sorry." I honestly didn't want any trouble.

"Nigga I will put your head through a wall if you keep talking to her like that." Rashad suddenly said as his grip on my hand became tighter.

"You know I am just messing with her man." Rich said as he stepped aside. "Any friend of Rashad's is a friend of mine."

"You best do well to remember that." Rashad said as he lead me through the doorway.

"I hear you!" Rich stepped outside. "I'll catch up with y'all later. I'm about to go make a run."

"Alright I'll holla at you." Rashad said before closing the door behind us.

"You and your friends definitely have a indescribable love language."

"Awh that wasn't nothing. Rich knows not to try me."

I chuckled. "What makes you say that?"

"Because I'll bury him."

Without hesitation I believed that Rashad meant every word. I mean who wouldn't find Rashad intimidating? His presence is definitely a bit hard to waiver. I wouldn't dare cross Rashad either.

Suddenly we turned the corner which led us to the living room. There were men seated along the couch as smoke lingered in the air. There were liquor bottles everywhere, weed remnants on the table, money all over the floor, and the music was awfully loud. What the hell were they doing in here?

However, it didn't take long for them to notice Rashad. They all greeted him as he went around the room speaking to everyone but no one spoke to me. I awkwardly stood off to the side watching as Rashad socialized with his friends. It was a bit uncomfortable but I was trying not to go into my head. I wanted to be present and have them like me, but I could tell that they were a different crowd of people from what I am use to. Not to mention I know I am the youngest one here.

Is it crazy to say that I feel out of place? Everyone is just so relaxed while I cling to the wall for comfort. I wasn't nervous when we arrived but after that encounter at the door, I'm not even sure anymore. I'm not sure if they are going to like me. I talked myself into coming to this event and now all I want to do is go home.

Suddenly Rashad extended his hand out to me. I was relieved from my thoughts as I grabbed his hand with a smile. "I want y'all to meet April."

I waved but none of them returned the gesture. Instead they just stared at me blankly as if I was an intruder in their home. I quickly felt embarrassed and uncomfortable again. I should've known no one was going to like me. How could I be so stupid to think that I'd actually make a good impression.

"Yooo aren't you that girl from Pure?" One of them asked.

"The crazy bitch." Another added.

Bitch? Is he serious? He has the audacity to disrespect me like that?

"I beg your pardon?" I was literally lost for words.

What the fuck is the matter with Rashad's friends? They are highly disrespectful. Here I am trying to get these fuckers to like me when it's really me who needs to see if I like them. A bitch? How dare he call me out of my name.

I looked towards Rashad for support against his friends. If I wasn't ready to leave before then I am definitely ready to leave now. However all I could see was how tightly clenched is jawline became as he glared at them.

Suddenly he cleared his throat saying, "Now Michael I know we are blood and all but I'd be wrong if I snatched your ass up and slapped the fuck out of you."

Oh shit..

"And Jerry I know your ass didn't just call her a bitch. Nigga have you lost your mutha fucking mind?"

"Rashad I was just jo-"

"I didn't find that remark funny." Rashad said as anger lingered in his voice. "Don't play with me. You owe April an apology."

Jerry quickly turned to me with apologetic eyes. "I'm sorry April I didn't mean to disrespect you. I clearly wasn't using my manners."

"Michael." Rashad said.

"Yeah my bad April. I wasn't trying to disrespect you ma. Don't mind us. We are just always talking shit. We mean no harm."

No harm? On what planet is it okay for them to talk to women like that? I wouldn't be surprised if they all were all lonely fucks. Yet I decided to let this incident slide. I let the one slide at the door so I guess I can just add this one to the list. Although they definitely disrespected me I did not want this night to turn sour. It was evident that they pissed Rashad off and I did not want him being mad at his friends. I didn't come here for their to be a fight. I came to have a good time so I guess I could let this misunderstanding go.

"It's okay. Just please do not speak to me like that again. I am not a bitch."

"You right ma. I can't even fault you on that."

"If I ever hear anyone of you talk to her like that again I will fuck you up."

"Okay." I sighed grabbing Rashad's arm as I rubbed his back softly. I could see that he hadn't calmed down yet. "What's your name?" I asked one guy.

"Steve." He replied.

I then went around asking the others for their names. Shortly after a conversation started and the atmosphere began to change. The mood was much calmer now and suitable. Rashad had calmed down and started talking to his friends. He made good on his threat and dared anyone to try him but I am sure no one ever would. I wish my first impression of everyone went a little differently but it is what it is. I was just happy that Rashad defended me. Although it came with him threatening his friends, I found comfort in knowing that he would defend me against anyone.

Suddenly I thought of Stephen and how he allows his friends to disrespect me. He would've never stuck up for me like this which sucks because he is actually my boyfriend, but lately I've been giving our relationship some thought. Maybe Stephen and I are meant to last. Maybe I meant to be with Rashad. Ever fiber in my body is leading me to Rashad and honestly I'm starting to listen more and more to what my body wants. I mean why deprive myself of pleasure? I deserve it right?

After talking to Rashad's friends he took me into the kitchen. It led to the backyard where more of his friends were.

"There are so many people here." I laughed. "You said this was going to be a little get together."

"Hey I have no control of the guest list. I just show up." He smiled pulling me into your arms. "I am sorry about what happened in there. I asked for you to accompany me tonight but I didn't know that my boys were going to come at you like that."

I sighed. "It's okay. I am honestly trying to forget about it."

"It's not okay. I was about to whoop Jerry's ass."

I laughed. "Yes I seen it all over your face but I am glad you didn't. I am still here and I am having a good time."

He kissed my lips. "Are you sure." I nodded. "Okay." He smiled releasing me. "Just give me a second to make my drink and then we'll go out there."


Meeting Rashad's friends outside went smoother than the ones that I met earlier. They were very friendly and I could tell that they loved Rashad dearly by the way they talked about him. Many asked if Rashad and I were dating but he introduced me a his friend. It was funny because no one believed him but I didn't mind it actually. If he introduced me as his girlfriend I would be forced to play the part when I already belong to another. So I actually appreciated that Rashad didn't put that pressure on me even if he didn't know it.

We passed by a table full of women and they seemed to catch Rashad's eye. When they noticed him they all jumped up to embrace him.

"Hey big cuzzo." One smiled as she draped her arm across his shoulders. It was a little weird because Rashad was holding my hand so I felt a little excluded.

"What's up big head?"

"Oh, you know just hanging with the girls." She turned to me finally acknowledging my presence. "Who you got with you?"

"This is my friend April. April this is my cousin Lea."

I waved. "It's nice to meet you Lea."

"Hey girl. Any friend of Rashad's is a friend of mine. Why don't you sit down and chill with us for a while and let Rashad go do what men do best."

I turned to Rashad a bit unsure on what to do. I don't know these women and to tell you the truth I didn't want Rashad to leave my side. I came to this party with him and I honestly intended on being with him the entire time. Call me clingy but I don't care. I can't take another person disrespecting me. I might just curse one of his friends out.

"Uhh Rashad.." I looked towards him for support. "I think-"

"Yeah she can chill for a bit." Rashad said which literally had my head spinning. Did he not pick up on my signals? I did not want to be left with these women.

I glared at Rashad in hopes that he would reconsider but Lea instantly caught on. "Come on girl we aren't going to bite." She said taking my hand from Rashad's.

I slowly took a seat but I never took my eyes off off Rashad. I was praying like hell that he was only joking and wasn't seriously going to leave me here, but the look on his face told me that he wasn't.

Rashad kneeled beside me softly caressing my thigh. "If you feel uncomfortable at any point just text me." He whispered.

"I feel uncomfortable now."

"Just relax love and have fun. I'm not too far, okay?"

I sighed. "Okay."

He smiled. "Give me a kiss." Rashad slipped his tongue into my mouth as I enjoyed the taste of his salvia. Although he tasted like hennessey his lips were still good enough to eat. "I'll be right over there." He pointed to a group of men in the distance. "You're going to be okay ma. Just try to have fun."

"Okay I'll try." Rashad kissed me one last time before leaving.

I sat quietly as the women went on with their previous conversation. I could smell the liquor on their breaths and it was unbearable. They were talking a mile a minute and all I was thinking about were ways on how to leave the table. I planned on sitting here for thirty minutes before calling Rashad to come get me. All I have to do is just stay quiet, look interested, and nod.

"Why are you so quiet?" Lea asked.

I shrugged as I grabbed my phone. I placed it under the table getting ready to text Rashad before one of the women snatched it out of my hands.

"No you're not calling Rashad. You're going to sit here and chill with us." She said as she passed my phone to Lea. I was utterly shocked.

Did this bitch just take my phone?

At this moment I wanted to get up from the table. I was about to curse this bitch out for taking my phone and demand that Lea give me what is mine. Has everyone here lost their mind tonight? First I get disrespected by the men and now the women are forcing me to stay here against my will. I will literally think twice before I ever come to another one of Rashad's friends get together again. These people are definitely not my cup of tea.

Lea suddenly sensed my irritation saying, "Listen we aren't trying to be mean to you. I know you probably feel uncomfortable but we're just trying to get to know you."

"Yeah and we can't get to know you if you're trying to run off to Rashad every second that you get." Another added.

Lea then went around the table introducing everyone but that didn't help. I still wanted to leave. I honestly didn't care to meet these women anymore. They are not nice people.

"So what school do you go to?" Ashely asked.

"How did you--"

"Its okay April. We know you're young." Lea laughed.

"Is it that obvious?"

"Rashad has a thing for younger females, so when he brings them around they act just the way you're acting now. Scared."

"Mute". One said.

"And boring". Another added.

Well they sure forgot annoyed. How would they think that anyone would want to speak to them when they bombard their presences onto you? As if that'll make a girl come out of her shell. Maybe if they weren't so aggressive with their approach I would be more receptive but as of right now I don't care.

"Are you honestly not going to talk to us?" Lea said. I could sense the aggression and annoyance in her voice.

"Forgive me if I am a bit uncomfortable. Rashad and I have literally only known one another for about two days now, and I'm already meeting his family. It's a bit to fast for me."

"Then why did you come?" Ashely asked.

"Because he asked me to."

"Then act like you want to be here." Lea said. "We are simply trying to get to know you but we're not going to beg you to stay. If you're ready to leave I will give you back your phone so you can go."

I sighed rolling my eyes. Why do I feel as though I've been put on the spot? I've literally done nothing and I have already seem to have annoyed these ladies. Plus I'm pretty sure if I were to text Rashad right now he would more than likely be annoyed with me too. I don't want to seem like I was acting like a little girl but dammit this is beyond my comfort zone. Yet they are making me feel as if I am not woman enough to handle myself around a bunch of strangers or Rashad's family for that matter.

Okay. I can do this..

I will show them that I'm not a little girl.

I sighed hoping that I didn't just make the biggest mistake of my life. "I'll stay."

"Lighten up girl." Lea said as she passed me my phone. "We are all here to have a good time". She then grabbed my cup and smelled the rim. "What are you drinking?"


"Not a drinker, huh?"

"No I am not."

My mouth nearly fell as I watched Lea pour 2 ounces of who knows what into my cup. She then had the nerve to taste it before sitting the cup in front of me.

"You can have my drink." I pushed the cup away. "I told you I don't drink."

"Girl take the drink. You look like you could use one." Ashely groaned. "You need to loosen up". She said pushing the cup back in my direction.

"It's not going to kill you baby it's just going to make you feel good. Just try it." Brianna said. "If it's to strong than we'll add more of your chaser."


"Your soda." Lea laughed.

Well I see these women do not take no for an answer. My parents have always kept my siblings and I away from drugs and alcohol. They've told us so many stories of people who've gotten DUI's and the kind of sentences one gets with that charge. I have never thought about drinking and honestly I never intended to ever do it.

Now here I am. About to disregard everything my parents have taught me. What would they say if they saw me at this very moment. My father would probably give me the evil eye and my mother would most definitely beat some sense into me.

But here goes nothing..

I picked up the cup and gulped down the liquid. As soon as the liquor touched my throat I nearly threw up. This shit was disgusting! The aftertaste filled my nostrils as I breathed out of my mouth. I suddenly began to cringe at the thought of them asking me to have another.

"What was that?"

"Hennessy baby!" Lea smiled as she took a shot. "Woooahhh! Give me another. Give April another round too."

"Oh no, I think I've had enough. Thank you."

"No girl you can't stop now." Brianna said pouring me another shot. However, I happened to notice that she did not bother to chase it. "The party has just begun."

"The soda?" Did they honestly think that I knew anything about drinking liquor from the bottle. What are they trying to do? Kill me!

"Oh April take the shot!" Lea insisted. "Have some fun. You can trust us."

Everything in my gut was telling me to dump the shot on the ground, heed my parents warning and go find Rashad. But for some odd reason I wanted them to like me. It seems as though Rashad is very close with his family as well as his friends and I would hate for them to tell him anything negative about me. Yet normally I don't crack under peer pressure. Not even for my friends, so what makes Rashad's family any different?

"Look April." Lea said. "All you gotta do it tilt your head back and down the shot. If the taste is too unbearable try holding your nose while you're doing it."

"Oh and take some of this." Sandra said passing over some salt.

Salt? What the hell do I need salt for?

"Or we can always go grab you a lemon." Tameka suggested.

Okay now I am started to feel a bit pressured.

"Listen just take this shot first and if you need something to help with the taste we got you." Lea said.

"Oh wait!" Dalia said as she grabbed my cup from my hand. I watched as a transferred my shot into an actual shot glass. "Okay now you're ready."

I suddenly braced myself as we clicked our glasses together, tapped them down onto the table and took them straight back.

"Fuuuuuuuuck!" I coughed holding my chest. "What the fuck!"

"Yes April"! Lea smiled clapping her hands. "Okay now we can really have some fun. Pass me that bottle Shay!"

Another shot were poured for all the ladies at the table and we all took them to the head. After the fifth shot I could no longer feel my body. My body felt extremely heavy and my eyes began to close. I was present at the table but I could not make out what they were saying at all. It was weird but the feeling was so relaxing. Yet this feeling was fun.

I don't know where Rashad is at the moment and I really don't care.


An hour later I had went from a good girl to white girl wasted. I was giggling nonstop and saying things that absolutely made no sense. The ladies were hysterical at the fact that I couldn't hold my liquor, but what did they expect? They also joked about how Rashad might be upset with them that they got me drunk but I'm not sure he will be. Isn't this what he wanted? He wanted me to have a good time and I did. Well, maybe not this kind of a "good time" but at least they like me now.

Getting drunk is fun! I can't believe I wasted all my years being afraid to even touch a bottle. Now I can understand why my friends are so loose every time they get their hands on this stuff. It's freaking awesome! Ma and Pa were wrong about liquor. It doesn't kill you. It leaves you on cloud nine!

Suddenly Rashad walked over with a few friends. He literally took one look at me and I could tell that he wasn't happy, and although I was trying to take him seriously, I couldn't help but laugh.

"What did y'all give her?" I heard him ask as he rushed to my side.

"Don't worry about all that. We got her fucked up." Lea laughed as did I. She was beyond drunk too and I am pretty sure that Rashad's frustration was the least bit of her concern. Nor any of the other ladies for that matter.

"Are you okay April?"

"Yes I'm fine." I replied as a muffled a laugh. "Everything is fine."

"Are you sure?"

"Well I do have to pee."

"Okay then let's go." He said stepping aside so that I may get up. However that was something I was incapable of doing at the moment.

I tried to pull myself up but sadly I went tumbling back down into the chair. I laughed saying, "I can't feel my feet Rashad."

"Get up slowly ma.." He said as he so generously helped me out of my chair.

Once I was on my feet I could now feel my heels. Why do they feel so uncomfortable now? However, as soon as I took my first step I went flying into Rashad's arms.

I laughed again finding this situation oddly funny. "You are right. I am a fragile little thing."

He  chuckled. "You're my fragile little thing." He wrapped my arms around his neck. "Hold onto me baby." I did ask he asked and was swiftly carried off to the bathroom.

When we reached the bathroom Rashad rushed me inside. He helped me sit on the toilet properly before allowing me to use the restroom in peace. Although I didn't think it was necessary for him to help me actually sit on the toilet but maybe he thought I needed him. Once I was finished I washed and dried my hands as I looked at my reflection in the mirror.

My hair had fell and my eyes were red. Neither the less, I still looked cute.

Just then Rashad knocked on the door. "April are you okay in there?"

I cracked the door opened and pulled Rashad inside without a second thought. I locked the door and climbed on top of the sink as he watched me closely.

"Come here." I said as I pulled him between my legs.

"What are you doing April?"

"Shhhh..." I said before mashing my lips into his.

Abruptly Rashad pulled away for a second. He stared into my eyes as if he was contemplating on if this was the right thing to do, but how can it not be? I am drunk and I want him. I have never so desperately wanted a mans touch like I do now. I want him to grab me, squeeze me, and caress me as I melt into his hands like pudding. The thought of unfolding myself to him was tempting indeed.

Yet my passion was matched as Rashad grabbed my neck and pulled me into a kiss. Fuck this is so hot! I moaned as his kisses led down my neck and to my breast. He cupped one in his hand as he roughly caressed the other one. I didn't mind it at all. I actually love when Rashad is rough with me.

Suddenly there was a knock at the door that startled us both. I giggled saying "We're going to get in trouble."

"Just a minute". Rashad quickly replied on our behalf. He smiled. "We have to get out of here."

"No! Just five more minutes." I said tugging at his clothes but he wouldn't budge.

Instead he grabbed my face saying, "Listen to me April, when we go back out there I don't want you drinking anymore. You're done for the night."

"Why not?" I pouted sucking my teeth. Why is he trying to ruin my fun? First he wants me to have fun and now that I'm lit he just wants to shut me down. Am I not fun?

"Because I am trying to save you. Trust me. Plus we're leaving soon."

"Can't I at least have one more shot? You're going to keep drinking, so why should I have to stop?"

"This is not up for discussion April. No more drinking, do you understand?"

On one hand I felt like Rashad was treating me like a child but on the other hand I know that he is only looking out for me. Even if that means ruining my fun. Plus the look on Rashad's face wasn't a joyful one. I could tell that he wasn't playing anymore and I didn't want to test him.

"Yes, I understand."


We got back to Rashad's house around three in the morning. For some odd reason I kept thinking that I was inside of the house but I was still in the damn driveway. Like always Rashad helped me out of the car. Now on many occasions I am perfectly capable of opening my own door but tonight I think I'll let him relish in being a gentlemen. It seems as though I don't have to do anything.

"Wait where are my heels?" I asked as Rashad took me into his arms.

"They are in my hand baby. I have your purse too."

"Oh thank you." I said before laying my head on his chest.

When we got into the house Rashad laid me down on the sofa before walking into the kitchen. I groaned as my body sunk into the cushions. I never noticed how amazingly comfortable his couch was. It felt so good I thought about sleeping down here tonight.

Moments later Rashad returned with a bottle of water and some aspirin.

"Here baby take this. It'll help with your headache."

"But I don't have a headache."

"Trust me, you're going to have one in the morning."

I sighed as I slowly sat myself up. Rashad placed the pills in my hand and watched as I gulped them down. I found it funny that he literally watched me take the aspirin, but then again I know he is looking out for me. I lifted my tongue up just to be funny as I handed the glass back to him.

Rashad laughed. "Cute."

"Can we go upstairs now?" I mumbled as I closed my eyes. "I'm tired."

"Yes baby just give me one second." He said before returning the cup back into the kitchen. "Okay let's go ma."

When we reached the bedroom Rashad carefully laid me on the bed which felt even better than the couch. Everything just felt so soft and warm!

"Lets get you to bed ma." Rashad proceeded to tuck me in but I stopped him.

"Spend the night with me." I said sitting up in bed. Although my head weighed a ton I was more concerned with Rashad staying.

"Spend the night?" He chuckled. "Baby you're already in my bed."

"But I want you to stay with me. Please don't go."

"I cant sleep in here."

"Why not?" I whined grabbing his shirt. "Stay with me daddy." I pleaded as I covered his body with mine.

Rashad cupped my ass pulling me closer against his dick. "This is why."

"So. I am not afraid of a little dick. Stay with me."

"I can't April." He sighed prying out of my grasp. "I really want you but I don't want to take advantage of you. I'm a gentleman first baby."

"No baby I am ready. Please make me feel good. Don't you want mami to make you feel good?" I asked as I fumbled around with his belt buckle.

Once his belt was undone I slid my hand down his boxers grabbing his dick. I then shoved my tongue down his throat as I stroked his dick.

"Doesn't that feel good daddy?" I kissed his neck. "You're getting so hard baby."

Rashad groaned as I continued to speed up my strokes. I bit my lip as I watched this man that I wanted so bad unfold to me. The way his eyes clenched whenever I stroked his tip made my pussy beyond wet.

"Can I taste it daddy?"

"No, April stop." He said removing my hand from his boxers. "I can't do this. You can't do this. Lets just stop before things go to far."

"No it hasn't, not far enough. Isn't this what you wanted?" I asked as I began undressing in front of him. I threw my bra to the floor exposing my bare chest and extremely hard nipples.

I then crawled out of my bottoms and laid on my back with my legs open. I started rubbing my clit as I moaned Rashad's name softly. Although I wished he was the one playing with my clit, imagining it felt just as good. Rashad stood in place as he watched me tease myself not saying a word.

"I know you want me just as much as I want you, so why won't you take it?" I asked as I crawled to the edge of the bed. "Fuck me Rashad."

"No April."

"Solo te quiero dentro de mi papi.."

Rashad smiled shaking his head. "You need to get some rest ma."

"Will you rest with me?"

"I prefer to sleep alone but you can have my bed."

"Then where will you sleep?"

"In the guest room."

"Are you sure?"

"Its not a big deal". He said as he helped me back into bed. "You must get some sleep. Its getting late." He pulled the comforter over my body tucking me in. Rashad leaned down kissing my forehead saying, "Goodnight April."

Rashad stood at the doorway getting ready to turn off the light but stopped in his tracks as I softly  mumbled, "I love you" drifting off to sleep.

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