World's Apart

By klutzy17

57.5K 1.5K 364

All Jack knew was that he loved her...and one day, any way he could, no matter what it took, he'd make it bac... More

Here In Your Arms
A Long Way From Home
In His Wake
Yesterday's Tomorrow
The Two Of Us
Together Again
For Old Times Sake
A Night To Remember
Farewell Kisses
The Wheel Keeps Turning
Back To Square One
Bye Bye Birdy
The Waiting Game
As The Snow Falls
Christmas Kisses
Winter Wishes
One More Good Day
Right Back At It
Auld Lang Syne (Part 1)
Auld Lang Syne (Part 2)
Yesterday's History
The Phone Call
Fools Gold
A Mother's Words
Through The Rain
I Will Love You
A Lesson in Love
The Last Time
Till Death Do Us Part
Old Friend
Into War
Flight Of His Life
An Ocean Of Blue
Living Nightmare
No News is Good News
The Love Of Two Hearts
The Long Night
J Is For...
By And By
Jack II
Jack III
Love, Lies And Death
In Minds Eye
New Beginnings

Forgotten Shoes

801 19 0
By klutzy17

In the passing days Ali and James had decided to prolong their stay in Dorset. James had offered his time to the local hospital to assist with the mass influx of soldiers returning from Dunkirk.

It was a warm May afternoon and fed up of being alone in the big house, Ali found herself walking idly through town. People milled about the square and there was a care free air to the world, almost as if the war had been forgotten. Pink and purple flowers bloomed in the hanging baskets and a group of elderly friends were playing bowls on the green in the centre of the square. If there was a war out there, nobody in Weymouth knew of it. Or at least that's how it felt...

Ali turned her back from the square and headed away from the village. The familiar lane was quiet and dim amongst the shade of the trees. She had planned on visiting her mother back home, but instead Ali turned from the lane and made her way through the trees and up the narrow stoney path to the left of the lane.

The thicket of vines and tall grass either side of the gravel pathway grew tall and unkempt and there was a buzz of bees and the chirp of crickets as she climbed the shallow ascent. Inhaling, she breathed in the familiar lovely smell of sweet grass, mixed with tree pine and the distant smell of ocean salt. It brought a smile to her face and as she crested the top of the hill, her smile widened as she came into the familiar clearing of the wildflower field.

The tall poplar trees lined the perimeter of the field and tall fluffy grass was a wash with bursts of purple, yellow and blues. For a long moment she stood at the edge of the field and marvelled at the sight of her favourite spot. It was so peaceful here, so unchanged and unmoving, unlike every other part of her life. The field was home.

Ali bent down and unfastened the buckles from her white shoes. She delicately slipped them from her feet and cradled them in one hand as she stepped onto the grass with bare feet. The soft grass crunched softly under her step and as she slowly walked forward the long grass brushed against her bare legs. Her red and white dress shifted as she moved. Her free hand glided against the tall grass and she twirled stray pieces between her fingers.

She lifted her head and at that moment she saw a figure step out from between the trees at the opposite end of the field. Ali could see it was a young man and from the way he held himself she knew it was him. She continued to walk forward, he hadn't seen her yet.

Jack stood with both hands in his pockets, his gaze fixed upwards as if staring at the tops of the tall poplar trees. Ali followed his gaze and saw a wave of sparrows moving gracefully in the air. She turned back to watch him and saw him inhale deeply as he continued to watch the birds.

She was closer now, thirty meters or so. When he turned his gaze, he would definitely see her. Ali toyed with herself about whether to call out to him or not. Before she could decide, Jack dropped his gaze from the sky and his eyes met with hers. He recognised her immediately and for a brief moment he hesitated before starting to walk towards her.


"Jack," They both spoke at the same time.

"You first," They said simultaneously again.

Ali blushed and Jack chuckled lightly before gesturing towards her "You first,"

Ali nods curtly "I didn't know you'd be here,"

Jack paused for a moment, unsure of what to say. Then a playful smile broke out onto his face "Oh you mean like you didn't know I'd be patrolling Dunkirk the other day," he teases.

Ali's mouth drops open and her eyes widen "I didn't!" she exclaims stepping towards him.

Jack holds his hands up "Hey, it's fine. I'm honoured, seeing you twice in two days," he grins.

Ali walks past him and shoves him lightly out of her way as she walks towards the centre of the field. He was being playful she thought to herself. She could do this, she could joke about like old times with him.

"Damn," Jack watches her saunter past him "The war changed you," he teases as he jogs after her.

"Oh yeah," Ali turns and nods "Tough as old boots now," she flexes her none existent muscles at him and they both laugh. Jacks blue eyes alight as he watches her before him.

When they reach the centre of the field they both drop down and sit amongst the tall grass. There's a long comfortable pause as they both take in their surroundings. Ali watches as Jack smiles up at the sky before their eyes meet once more.

"Why are you really here" she says, almost a whisper.

Jacks face was even and he shrugged slowly "Where else would I go," he says "This place...this is home,"

Ali understood every word that left his lips and instinctively her hand travelled to her stomach where she felt the baby move under her touch.

"It's a bit different this time though," Jack chuckles lightly nodding towards Ali's stomach.

Her heart lurches but she chuckles back none the less "Yeah, just a little bit," she pats her stomach and flashes her ring towards him, it catches the sunlight and glitters brightly.

She watches the light dance around the ring and in that moment a wave of unknown sadness washes over her. She lowers her hand and lays down in the grass. The flowers and grass part around her and brush against her skin. Her blonde hair splay around her like a halo and Jack watches as she tucks her hands under her head and roll onto her side.

"I never imagined this," she whispers so low it is barely audible.

Jack hesitates before shaking his head and laying down beside Ali. He rolls onto his side behind her and wraps a protective hand over the top of her body and holds her close.

"Neither did I," he whispers against her hair.

A warm tingling coursed through Ali's body as she felt the familiar feel of his body against hers. She knew she should move away, sit up or maybe leave; but she didn't, she couldn't. She had missed this, laying here with Jack was home, it felt right and in that moment there was nowhere else she'd rather be.

She rolls onto her back, then onto her other side so she was facing him, her bump neatly between them both. His arm was still across her and their faces were just centimetres apart. She stared into his warm, kind eyes and Ali found herself thinking of the ocean. It was only yesterday when she had helped pull him from the depths of the sea. The memory was fresh and the reality of losing him became very real. Ali squeezed her eyes shut tightly and chewed the edge of her lip.

She felt his arm move and then she felt his fingers holding her chin delicately.

"Ali," he breathes softly.

She slowly unsqueezes her eyes and see's his face still before her. She touches her own hand to his and sighs.

"I can't lose you,"

Jacks eyes are unmoving from hers.

"You'll never lose me Ali," he whispers back.

His eyes search hers and the once familiar butterflies dance in his stomach once more. Delicately he tilts her chin up and bringing his lips down onto hers. Ali inhales sharply but doesn't pull away as she parts her lips and allows his tongue to graze between her teeth. She moves her hand into his hair hold him close to her, tugging lightly at his hair a low moan escapes his lips and he rolls over so she's on her back. Jack pulls back then reconnects their lips before he places soft delicate kisses against her neck.

The feeling is exciting and electricity dances across her skin. In the distance Ali can hear a low rumbling in the sky. As her fingers run through Jacks hair she looks up into the sky and spots a Spitfire flying over head. Suddenly her heart sinks and her skin turns cold. There would always be something to remind her of the war and this was it. That lone plane circling overhead was a simple reminder that no matter how hard she tried, she couldn't escape what was happening.

She held up a hand and pushed against his chest. Jack sat up and moved back as Ali sat up too.


"We can't do this Jack, I'm sorry," She stands and brushes the grass from her red dress.

"Ali I still lo-"

She holds her hand up towards him "Don't Jack, please," she pleads, willing him not to say the words to her.

He hesitates but falls silent as he watches her. His blonde hair is sticking up from where she had pulled at it. She's about to turn away from him but she steps towards his, smoothes down his hair and cups his face between both hands. She then leans down and kisses the top of his head for a long moment.

As she pulls away from him he holds onto her wrist but she pulls back "Don't follow me okay,"

She turns away from him and starts to walk towards the edge of the field.

"When will I see you again?" He calls after her.

She turns back once "You won't," she shakes her head "We can't see each other again," and with that she starts running until she's through the lining of trees and back on the stoney path. It's only when she stops to catch her breath that she realises she's forgotten her shoes...

A/N: Hello everyone! I'm so sorry for the lack of updates I've been so busy these last few weeks finishing uni etc..but the good news is I'm back and will be updating regularly again!! Hope you enjoyed this chapter! Let me know thoughts about possible theories for the story??       R :)

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