Aphmau Boyfriend Scenarios

By miss-fanfictions

674K 12.7K 17K

This includes! Gene~ Dante~ Laurence~ Travis~ Vylad~ Zane~ Aaron~ More

Where He Takes You on Your First Date
His Nickname for you
Your Nickname for him
Where They like to Kiss you!
How You Sleep Together
He Tells You He Loves You
How he Likes your Hair!
His Clothes you Like to Steal
His Favorite Meal to Cook for you!
What he Does When You're Sick!
What he Does When You're Sad!
He Gets you a Pet!
You Tell him You're Pregnant
How You Get Your Way!
!~One~Shot Winner~!
Their Favorite Thing About You
Your Favorite Thing About Them
What They're Insecure About
What Makes Them Jealous
The Pick~Up~Line he Loves to Tell You
The First Time You Did "It"
What Turns Them On
"I love it when..."
How he Likes Your Makeup
The Swimsuit They Buy for You
They Walk in On You Changing
Their Kink
Who They're Jealous Of
Q/A Answers •3•
|Video Games| AaronxReader
Their Quote
Garroth Q/A
Garroth Q&A Answer
|Video Games| Aaron x Reader •Part Three•
Who Kawaii~Chan Shipped You With Before
What Your Parents Think About Him
How you meet [MCD]

|Video Games| Aaron x Reader •Part Two•

7.6K 133 173
By miss-fanfictions

(Y/n)- Your Name
(L/n)- Your Last Name
(F/c)- Favorite Color
(H/l)- Hair Length
(H/c)- Hair Color
(U/n)- Username
(E/c)- Eye Color
(S/c)- Skin Color
May Update Through One Shots~

I glanced at Aaron to see him look at me for a moment, before jogging over to the gym teacher. I hesitantly followed behind him.

Usually for the races I would pick someone like Kawaii~Chan, because they weren't the slowest, but also not the fastest. About the same speed as me. That way it was fair and we could race to see who won. It isn't really a race if we all know Aaron's going to leave me in the dust on the track.

Aaron stopped in front of the coach with furrowed brows. "Don't you think we should race people more... our speed?" He suggested to him.

The gym teacher raised his brows and chuckled. "Wow, that's the first time I heard you talk," he chuckled to himself shaking his head, "It's not about who wins or loses, I just have to get the time you finish running the track. And the two of you are the last to race, so do this or you get an F for the class today."

Aaron stood still looking at the teacher, down at him ironically because he was a few inches taller than him. I guess he was trying to figure out a way around having to race me, but I don't think there is one, so we might as well get it over with.

"C'mon," I mumbled to Aaron, walking past him and over to the track.

I did a quick few stretches for my legs, and readied myself to run. As I did this, Aaron stood next to me and watched, which you could say was pretty awkward.

As soon as the gym teacher blew the whistle, I took off in a sprint down my row of the track, leaving Aaron behind me.

Wait a minute.

I looked back, seeing that Aaron stood at the beginning of the track just watching me as I kept running. Well the winner gets bonus points, so like hell am I going to stop running.

I had ran a little more than a quarter of the track when I could see Aaron take off from the starting line in a dash, and that really had the crowd, who was completely silent, screaming. I was screwed.

But there was no way I was going to give in and lose, that obviously wasn't what Aaron wanted, he was just making the race more fair. Instead, I pumped my legs to run faster, and I could feel the burn in my calves, but only ignored it.

As we approached the finish line, Aaron and I were about neck and neck, and I knew neither of us were about to back down. With that said, I pulled ahead by the slightest and passed the finish line first, leaving the crowd again screaming and jumping on the sidelines.

I stopped and hunched over with my hands on my knees, gasping for air to fill my lungs. They felt like they were on fire, and my legs weren't much better.

The gym teacher glared at us, shaking his head as he scribbled down our scores, which were probably different by about 0.1 second.

"You're faster than I thought you were," Aaron said, only slightly panting beside me while I was about to fall down to the grass and die.

"Yeah... I guess.." I said. Maybe I was sorta fast, but I still didn't run often, so I was still dying because my body wasn't used to running like that.

"No really, I was gonna let you run halfway, but you were already almost there," he said, wiping the slight sweat from his forehead.

I chuckled, staying up straight and running a hand through my hair. "Thanks."

Aaron was about to say something, when the gym teacher blew the whistle loudly, signaling class was over.

I told him a quick bye before walking back to the bleachers and retrieving my bag so I could head back to the locker room to change into my uniform. I paused though, looking back and watching Aaron get his own bag.

Believe it or not, I actually had fun, and Aaron did seem like a really nice guy. It would be stupid if I let a potential good friend slip right through my fingers.

"Aaron!" I called as he walked past me, hopping in front of him, "You wanna hang out again sometime, maybe tomorrow?"

He looked down at me, seeming to have an inner battle with himself about whether he wanted to hang out with me again or not.

"Sure.." he said after a few moments.

"Great!" I said, happy that he said yes and didn't just reject my offer, "How about the park near the elementary school around twelve?"

Aaron nodded, agreeing to the time and place I had scheduled our hang out.

"I guess I'll see you tomorrow then, bye Aaron," I said, giving a slight wave before turning and jogging back to the changing rooms. That was a bad idea on my part, because it reminded me of the throb in my poor legs.


"So you're going on a day with him tomorrow!?" Teony gasped as I recounted my interaction with Aaron to her, Aphmau, and Katelyn on the way home. Aphmau and Katelyn made sure they walked home with me so they could hear what had been said between Aaron and I.

"No! It's not a date! We're just hanging out, as friends," I explained to them, adjusting the strap of my bag on my shoulder.

"Yeah right! He totally liked you, it's so obvious!" Katelyn said, "He gave you his shirt and he let you win the race."

I groaned and shook my head at them. "It is not obvious, because he doesn't like me! He was just trying to be nice this morning, because it was obvious I had a bad day, and he didn't let me win the race. He gave me a head stare so it would be fair."

Aphmau shrugged along side us, tightening her ponytail. "Maybe, I mean, you wouldn't have won without it."

"Of course she wouldn't have. Did you see that boy's abs? It was like Irene herself sculpted his body!" Teony gushed, "Hand crafted just for (Y/n)!"

I playfully smacked Teony's arm with a slight blush. "Hey! I told it's not like that!" I whined.

Katelyn chuckled and shook her head. "Whatever you say (Y/n), I hope you have fun on your date tomorrow!" She said, leaving me at my drive way to glare at them as they walked off. With a sigh, I went in my house.


I peeled out into the hallway, looking up and down it before leaving my room and slowly closing the door so not to cause noise. The hallway was clear, so I tip-toed down it.

Once I made it to the stairs, I leaned down and looked around the living room to make sure I couldn't see my father there.

My mother died when I was young, and I was my fathers only daughter, so he was a bit overprotective. I had never actually had a boy over, or mentioned one to my father, but the way he joked about what he would do to my future boyfriends and how he would chase them down the street with a bat, kept me cautious.

When I was sure he was no where in sight I continued down the stairs to the front door.

"Bye Dad, I'm going out!" I yelled, just about getting off the stairs before my father popped out from the kitchen.

"Where are you going?" He asked, making me stop in my tracks with my hand on the doorknob, just about to make my escape.

"Just the park," I answered, hoping he wouldn't pry more.

"With who?" He questioned, raising an eyebrow at me as he cleaned a plate at the kitchen sink.

"Just y'know.. Aphmau and Katelyn," I lied, not wanting to tell my father who I was actually going to the park with.

"Oh okay. Just be home by 6:00 for dinner sweetheart," he said, allowing me to let out a sigh of relief and quickly leave the house before more interrogation.

Once I got to the park, I looked at the time on my phone to see it was only about 11:50. So I decided to play on the playground until Aaron arrived.

It was about my fifth time going down the side when I saw a boy in a red hoodie entering the playground.

"Aaron? What took you so long?" I chuckled, sitting at the top of the slide as he walked over to the bottom.

"Sorry, I just... lost track of time," he said, and I shrugged.

"It's okay," I told him, taking a moment to look around at the oddly empty playground, "Well, we have the whole playground to ourselves, so why are you down there and not going to the slide?"

I slid down the slide, stopping in front of him with a grin, and I swear I could see him smirk before he ran off the the jungle gym latter to get to the slide. I chuckled and ran around him to the stairs, getting to the slide just after him.

"I used to come here all the time when I was little, I'd beg my mom and dad about it every morning," I told Aaron, going down the slide once more before jogging over to the swing.

Aaron shrugged, following me over and sitting on the swing next to mine. "I went to playgrounds sometimes, usually by myself."

I chuckled, and began to swing back and forth while looking over at him.

"That doesn't sound like any fun," I commented, "But I guess you can make fun of me, because I didn't know how to swing by myself until I was ten, so I guess I needed someone here."

Aaron chuckled quietly. "Really?" He asked.

I raised my brows at him. "Did you just laugh? I never thought I'd hear that," I told him, as I could hardly get him to smile, "Maybe I should start telling you about stupid childhood facts about myself more often."

Aaron smiled, looking away from me and out at the empty playground.

Or that was until a little girl came skipping in with a little backpack.

She sat down under some trees, spreading out a blanket to sit on she pulled from her backpack, before pulling out a bunch of dolls. She sat quietly playing with them for a few minutes, and I furrowed my brows as I didn't see the little girl's parents.

"Hey, you see her parents anywhere?" I asked Aaron, slowing my swing down until I sat still.

Aaron glanced at the girl before around the park before shaking his head.

"We should ask her, just to be sure she didn't wonder off," I said, quickly standing up and walking over to the girl. Aaron stood up hesitantly and followed after me.

"Hello," I smiled at the girl, kneeling down at the edge of her blanket, Aaron mocking my movement from beside me. "Do your mommy or daddy know your here? We don't want them to worry wondering where you are."

The girl smiled at me and nodded. "Yeah, my mommy's watching me from the house!" She said, pointing to a house across the street where a woman and man sat chatting.

"It's kinda boring playing by myself, will you play with me?" She asked, hope sparkling in her hazel eyes.

"Sure," Aaron spoke up before I could, shifting to sit criss cross on the blanket, "What's your name?"

I smiled at and moved to sit the same across from the girl.

"Indigo," She said, "Like the color, it's my mommy's favorite color!"

I chuckled and nodded. "Well, my name's (Y/n), and this is Aaron," I introduced us to the girl.

Indigo smiled and nodded, digging through her bag again. "We can play house! It's my favorite game," she said, pulling out two baby dolls.

"This is my baby, and this is your baby," she said, handing me the plastic baby doll with blonde pig tails.

I chuckled and looked over at Aaron. "What should we name our baby?" I asked him, finding humor in playing house with the young girl.

"Uh, I—I don't know," Aaron said, blushing slightly and not daring to make eye contact with me.

Indigo giggled and cradled her baby doll. "Aaron be a good daddy!" She told Aaron, quite sternly.

Aaron nervously took the fake baby from my hands and rocked it in his arms just like Indigo was. "Let's just call her Dolly," he said quickly.

I chuckled at Aaron embarrassment and nodded. "Dolly's a great name," I commented, leaning closer to Aaron, "Dolly has your eyes!"

Indigo nodded. "Yeah! Now you have to do mommy and daddy things," she said, causing Aaron and I to both snap our head to look at her.

"... Like what?" Aaron asked her cautiously.

"Feed her!" Indigo said, letting us let out a sigh of relief as she passed Aaron a fake toy bottle, "And kiss each other!"

My face burned red with the thought of kissing Aaron, and my breath hitched slightly as Aaron quickly pecked my cheek.

"No!" Indigo whined, placing the baby doll she was playing with in her lap and leaning her head on her hands. "Kiss romantically!"

Geez, is this girl making us her own romance movie?

I glanced over at Aaron, and he sighed, knowing the girl wasn't going to stop until she got what she wanted.

He mumbled a quick apology before placing his hands on either side of my face and leaning close to kiss my lips gently.

Only instead to peck my cheek right next to my lips and tricking the girl to think that we kissed.

She squealed with joy and awed at us. "You are the cutest mommy and daddy ever!" She said, and I quickly pulled away from Aaron with embarrassment. I had never actually kissed anyone before, and coming so close to my first kiss left me flustered.

"Uh, we have to go now. Sorry we can't stay longer," Aaron excused us, standing up to make his escape.

I quickly stood up after him and nodded. "Yeah, Sorry Indigo, But my dad will be wanting me home soon. Uh, bye!" I said, waving and smiling to her as I followed Aaron out of the park.

"Bye!!!" Indigo cheered after us.

For a while as we were leaving the park and just walking down the street, Aaron was quiet, and I didn't know how to make conversation. Until he spoke again.

"Sorry.. a—about that... I just wanted to make her stop bugging, but I guess I just made things really awkward.." he apologized, and I just chuckled at him.

"Don't be sorry! I love kids, but I know how they can be. I don't think she would have stopped until we kissed if you weren't so clever," I complemented him, "Honestly, I haven't even had my first kiss yet. I guess I was just really nervous."

Aaron rose his eyes as he looked at me. "Really? Well... actually me neither," he admitted, which shocked me slightly.

"Wow, but it just seemed so natural to you, and you're an upperclassman!" I said, which was kind of like rubbing salt into a wound.

Aaron chuckled with embarrassment. "Yeah... I guess. I've only just seen it in movies, and yes, I'm a senior who's never had his first kiss. Laugh it up."

I shook my head with a smile. "I'm not going to laugh, I think it's sweet. And I mean that. It shows you don't just hop around with girls, and you care about who have your first kiss with," I told him, "It's also nice to know that about you, most guys wouldn't dare to admit it."

Aaron shrugged, shoving his hands into his pockets. "Would it be wrong to say I'm not like most guys?" He asked.

I giggled and rolled my eyes. "I would prefer you not to, but I think it might just be the honest truth," I told him with a smile.


This is the end of part two of this one shot! I couldn't figure out how I wanted to end this chapter, and that's because if you guys want, I will make a part three! Unless you're over it already xD

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