Not What It Seems (Chase Dave...

By Writing_Babe

331K 5.5K 2.5K

Living with the Davenport's mean craziness and adventures. Continue to follow Alex through the wild adventure... More

I'm Not Leaving
Speed Trapped
Spy Fly
Missin' The Mission
The Cousin From Hell
Robot Fight Club
Bro Down
Save Me
The Rats Strike Back
Spike's Got Talent
Leo vs. Evil
Hole In One
Trucked Out
The Bionic 500
Bionic Showdown
Memory Wipe
Adam Up
Llama Drama
The Haunting of Mission Creek High
Perry 2.0
My Little Brother
Prank You Very Much
Twas the Mission Before Christmas
Trent Gets Schooled
No Going Back
Third Book!

Parallel Universe

9.4K 175 24
By Writing_Babe

“Inventing the wheel? Boring! Discovering electricity? Snooze! Sliced bread? Lame! But now, Davenport Industries introduces the world’s first proton fuser!” Davenport beamed as he led us five teenagers into the lab. None of us were actually interested in this proton fuser thing, but Davenport looked so excited.  

So, guess what? My shoulder was officially healed! You had no idea the relief I got when I removed the stupid sling I was wearing. I felt free.

Davenport pulled off a huge white sheet, revealing a huge, weird looking machine. We all stared at the inventor, bored looks on our faces.

“You know, for a scientist, you would think your payoffs would be a bit more proportioned to your buildups.” Leo said.

“Uh, the payoff, is it allows us to see the origins of the universe.” Davenport said. “This thing fuses subatomic particles, so we can understand how planets form.”

“Well, we already know how boredom forms.” Bree deadpanned. I chuckled.

“Have you ever wondered where stuff comes from?” Davenport asked. “Galaxies? Stars? Planets?”

“This stuff? No. Onion rings; yes.” Adam said.

Davenport frowned. “Guys, I have always wanted to build this thing, and now it’s a reality. It’s an important life lesson. If you have a dream, believe in it ‘cause it can happen.”

“Um, Mr. Davenport.” Chase started. “Isn’t it dangerous to tinker with the fabric of the universe?”

Adam chuckled. “He said tinker.”

“Yes, technically it could destabilize the earth or open up a wormhole into a parallel universe…but I made it now and I wanna play with it.” Davenport excitedly said.

The crazy inventor started up the proton fuser and a blue orb appeared, connecting the two cones together. “Prepare to be amazed!”

“Or gravely injured.” Chase said. Adam stretched out his arms, backing us away from the machine. Leo hid behind Davenport as the blue orb grew. A second after, it completely disappeared.

“Once again; Big buildup, teeny tiny payoff.” Leo said.

Tasha came down to the lab, smiling. “Okay, the popcorn is popping and the movie is uploaded.” Leo looked at her funny. “Or downloaded.” She waved him off. “Oh, whatever! The red thingy is blinking green. Just head upstairs! It’s movie time!”

Grinning, Chase grabbed my hand and dragged me upstairs, Adam and Bree following. We all collapsed on the couch and waited for the rest of the family to come upstairs. I cuddled into Chase’s side and rested my head on his chest. He wrapped his arm around me and kissed the top of my head.

When Davenport, Tasha, and Leo came up, the adults came right to the couch, but Leo went over to the kitchen. He scowled at Tasha before washing the dishes. Oh, he was in trouble.

During the movie, we were all laughing at a funny part when Leo started inching his way towards the TV. Tasha noticed.

“Leo!” She exclaimed.

Leo let out a scream and dropped the dish he was holding, causing it to shatter into pieces. “I said no movie. First you won’t do the dishes, and now you break them?” Tasha questioned.

“Hey, you said you hate looking at dirty dishes, and that’s one last to look at.” Leo said. I rolled my eyes.

“That is it. No more TV for the rest of the week.”

“That’s not fair!” Leo started backing away. “By the way, I’ve seen this movie. I wouldn’t get too attached to the dog.”

“If you’re going to the lab, could you grab my phone?” I asked, realizing that I left it down there.

“Come get it yourself!” He hollered back. I rolled my eyes, kissed Chase’s cheek, and followed Leo down to the lab.

Leo was basically fuming when we got to the lab. “Leo, would you relax.” I spotted my phone on the cyber desk and grabbed it, shoving it in my pocket.

“No!” He exclaimed. “My mom was being ridicu-“ He got caught off by the noise the proton fuser was making. We turned to the machine and saw the blue orb growing and growing.

“Leo,” I said, trying to back away. The next thing I knew, we were being sucked into the machine.


“Alex, get up! Time for school!” I heard the voice of an unfamiliar woman call. My eyes shot open and I shot up. I looked around the room I was in and furrowed my eyebrows. It was bright pink, there were posters of boys on my walls, and it was just really girly. I wasn’t girly.

Where the hell was I?!

The door to my “bedroom” opened, and in came a woman I had never seen before. “Sweetie, you have to get ready for school.”

“Uh, who are you?” I blurted out. This woman had brunette hair and brown eyes.

She chuckled and felt my forehead. “Are you feeling okay, Alex. It’s me, mom.” My eyes widened and I was frozen. Mom? This wasn’t the mom I grew up with, so this was my biological mother. What the hell?!

“Get dressed and be down in ten.” She said before walking out of my room. I still couldn’t move. I was beyond confused. And one other thing Where was Leo. He got sucked in with me.

I quickly got dressed in a pair of skinny jeans and t-shirt before hurrying downstairs. I was lucky enough to find those clothes in the closet, because there were basically only skirts and really frilly tops. I did not wear those clothes.

“Morning, Alex.” A man, which I was guessing was my biological dad greeted. He had brown hair and blue eyes. He was wearing a suit, which I assumed he wore to work.

“Morning.” I greeted back, a fake smile on my face. I had to try and act normal.

“Why aren’t you wearing a skirt?” My mother questioned.

I shrugged and grabbed an apple from the counter. “I better get going.” I started walking towards the door, but I was stopped.

“Alex, you forgot your car keys.” My mom said.

I turned around and chuckled nervously. “Uh, I’m just gonna walk. Bye!” I quickly walked out of there.

“What the hell is going on?” I yelled as I started running to school.

As soon as I got to school, I ran inside and started searching for Leo. When I found him, he was talking to Perry. “Leo!” I called, running over to him.

“Alex? Is that really you?” He asked. I nodded. “Thank god.” He hugged me.

“What’s going on?” I asked him.

“First, come with me. We have to find Adam, Bree, and Chase.” He grabbed my wrist and pulled me towards the cafeteria. My eyes bugged out of my head when I saw it. The lunch ladies weren’t manly like they usually were. No, they looked like fuckin’ supermodels.

“There you are, babe.” I heard a voice say. I whipped my head around to come face to face with Chase. Before I had the chance to say anything, he crashed his lips onto mine.

“Even here you guys are gross.” I heard Leo mutter.

“Uh, what are you wearing?” I asked Chase, noticing that he was wearing a football jersey. He hated football.

“Alex, why are you hanging out with Dooley?” Bree asked, waltzing over here. She was wearing the clothes she would never usually wear. And Adam…Adam was wearing clothes that made him look like a geek.

“Because he’s my best friend.” I answered.

Bree and Chase laughed, while Adam stared at the book he was holding. “Dooley’s your friend? That’s a good one, Lex.” I cringed. They knew I hated that nickname.

I pulled Leo to the side. “Leo, what the hell is going on?” I was so confused and a tad pissed.

“Long story short, we’re in a parallel universe, and I have bionics.”

I pretty much gawked at him. “Well, that explains why my biological parents are alive.” This time he gawked at me. “So, uh, you said you have bionics.”

He nodded. “I need to talk to Adam, Bree, and Chase.” He said before running over to them. I decided to leave them alone and walk out of the cafeteria. I didn’t want to be around Adam, Bree, and Chase. I didn’t like these versions of them.

“Alexandra, why aren’t you in class?” I heard a familiar voice ask. When I came face to face with the man I despised, I gulped.

“Gregory?” I whispered.

“It’s Mr. Peters, Ms. Martin. Now, get to class.” He barked before walking away.

“Even in this universe he’s a dick.” I mumbled. I jumped when I heard a loud crash, followed by screaming. In a blink of an eye, Adam, Bree, and Chase were running out of the cafeteria. I ran in there, knowing Leo was there.

“What happened?” I asked. Leo looked a bit frightened.

“I, uh, just showed Adam, Bree, and Chase my lightening fingers.”

“Then why did they look scared?”

“Because they don’t have bionics.” My eyes widened. “And their last names aren’t Davenport. It’s Henderson.”

I swallowed. “S-so what happens now? How do we get back to our universe?”

“We have to get sucked in by the proton fuser.”


After school ended, I decided to wait in the hallway for Leo. If I’m being honest, I didn’t even go to my classes. I wasn’t sure if I had the same schedule, and I wouldn’t be able to concentrate if I did. This was all too weird.

“Alex!” Leo called, walking towards me.

“Leo, you ready to go?” Davenport asked, walking towards us. “Who are you?” He asked me.

“You don’t recognize her?” Leo asked. He shook his head. “Anyways, what are you doing here?”

“I always pick you up from school.” Davenport said. "A) Your mother insists on it, and B) It’s the few minutes a day I can enjoy natural sunlight.” Davenport laughed.

“I’m so confused.” I told Leo.

“Right, I forgot to tell you.” Leo said. “Davenport Industries doesn’t exist. Tasha Technologies does.”

I blinked. “Alrighty then.”

As Davenport continued talking, I noticed Adam, Bree, and Chase walk up to us. “Hey, Leo.” Adam greeted.

“Sup, babe.” Chase said, causing me to wince. He talked so differently and I missed my Chase.

“Hey! Look who made some friends!” Davenport said.

“That’s Adam, Bree, and Chase. You don’t recognize them?” Leo asked.

“Uh, no.” Davenport said, confused

“Ahh, hey look! It’s the dude who gets all excited at stop lights!” Chase exclaimed, wrapping an arm around my waist. Except this time, he was lowering his hand to my butt. I had to bite my lip to stop myself from slapping him. I had to guess that the Alex in this universe loved it when Chase did this. I didn’t.

“You guys take your time. I’m gonna be at the car playing with the windows.” Davenport said, running out of the school.

“Alex, get in your cheer uniform!” Caitlyn yelled. I knew it was her because her voice was so annoying.

“I’m a cheerleader?” I asked Leo in disbelief. I was suddenly pulled away by the annoying girl herself. “Leo!” I yelled. Damn, her grip was tight.

Just as I was about to be shoved in the girls locker room, I quickly shoved Caitlyn out of the way and ran back to Leo. I stood there frozen when I saw a guy in black suit approach Leo.

“Freeze, Dooley. You’re coming with us.” The guy said.

“Note to self: Not a fan of the Henderson’s!” Leo yelled. Did they call this guy?

Suddenly, Perry walked up behind the guy and hit him over the head with something silver. Ouch.

“Nobody messes with my roller blading buddy!” Perry said. She then started wrestling the dude. Davenport took that opportunity to walk back into the school.

“Leo, it’s hot in the car and I’m not allowed to use the air conditioning, so are you coming or not?” Davenport asked. Leo pointed to Perry and Davenport slowly turned around.

“I used to be a Christmas elf at the Mission Creek mall. No one cuts Santa’s line on my watch.” Perry said.

“Run!” She yelled. Leo grabbed my wrist and used his super speed to get us out of there. I didn’t even know he had super speed. And, did he realize he forgot Davenport?

As soon as we got to the house, I collapsed on the couch. Super speeding wasn’t my cup of tea. “What are we going to do?” I asked.

“The FBI is after me, so you have to hide in the lab.” He said.

I looked at him like he was crazy. “Are you insane? You want me to leave you to fend off the FBI by yourself?”

“Yes. Alex, just please listen to me and head down to the lab. See if you can get the proton fuser to start.”

I nodded hesitantly. “Please be careful.”

“I will.” He quickly hugged me and I ran down to the lab.

I was beyond confused. I got the whole parallel universe thing, but at the same time I didn’t. My emotions were all over the place, and it didn’t help that I actually saw my biological parents. I couldn’t believe it.

After failing at starting the proton fuser, I decided to just wait for Leo and Davenport. I wasn’t sure how long I waited for them, but I breathed a sigh of relief when I saw them. Davenport immediately went to the proton fuser.

“I would feel a lot better about this if you would sign some release forms.” Davenport said.

“Push! Buttons!” Leo yelled.

Davenport pushed a few buttons, but nothing happened. Wasn’t he a genius? What happened?

“See, told ya it didn’t work.” Davenport complained.

Suddenly, the doors to the lab opened and a few FBI guys tried getting through.

“Hurry!” I yelled at Davenport. Leo and I ran to the doors, trying to get the FBI guys away. We used magazines we found and swatted their hands. It was actually working.

“Something I made actually works!” Davenport shouted, causing me to turn around. The proton fuser was working!

“If we leave, what will happen to you?” Leo asked.

“Both universes will reset till the instant you left.” Davenport explained. “None of this will ever have happened. Except, I’m gonna start believing in myself.”

I grabbed Leo’s hand and jumped into the vortex, hearing the screams of Davenport. He had girly screams.


Leo and I jumped out of the vortex, returning to the lab. Our lab.

“I hate Davenport’s inventions.” I hissed.

“Couldn’t agree with you more.” Leo mumbled.

We both trudged upstairs, exhausted from the crazy day we had. Was it even a day? I didn’t even care at this point. I was just happy to be back.

When we walked back into the living room, everyone was crying. “I was so attached to that dog.” Adam cried.

“There you are.” Chase said as I sat down next to him. “You missed the movie. Where’d you go?”

“You wouldn’t believe me if I told you.”

“Try me.” So we did. Leo and I told them everything. But, I left out one little detail. I didn’t tell them that I saw my biological parents.

“Yeah, I don’t believe you.” Chase said, causing me to roll my eyes.

Later on in the day, Davenport wanted to show us another invention. I stayed in my room for that. I no longer trusted his inventions.

I know I said I wouldn’t be updating until my vacation was over, but since I’m trapped in the house until it’s over, I might as well write.

The whole missile attack thing is still going on, and it’s pretty scary. There have been more than 8 attacks in the past 3 days. It’s pretty nerve wracking and all I want to do is go home.

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