Adopted by 5SOS?

By prettyinblackthings

1.9M 54.6K 25.3K

I'm Cara. A complete mess that no one wants. I ruin things and wreck peoples lives... That was until they cam... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
starting youtube?
important youtube video!!

Chapter 32

27.5K 852 567
By prettyinblackthings

Cara's POV

"But Luke....Relationships don't work if one is inside and one isn't" I sighed.

"Please...We can try. We've been through a lot. I really want to try" He begged.

"Okay. Will give it a go" I smiled even though he can't see me.

"I have to go. Love you" he said.

"Love you too" I smiled and walked to my cell. Bumping into some Hench teenager on the way.

"Watch it rainbow hair" The teen laughed.

"At least my hair is washed" I honestly gave the shittest come back.

"Your hair is ugly as fuck" She laughed by now a crowd was forming.

"I can easily dye it or cut it. Your still stuck with the fat face!" I laughed back.

She stood speechless then stormed off to her.

"Speechless" A girl who I am quite close with.Sarah said.

"She's a fucking weirdo!" I laughed and we walked to our shared cell.

"So hows Luke?" Sarah nudged and I laughed

"My boyfriend is fine" I smirked.

"Maybe next visiting time you can introduce me to one of his hot friends" she winked and we was locked into our cell.

We sat up most of the night watching a cheap film that we can watch since we are on the less dangerous wing. The film was about some girl who lost her memory and this man doesn't know. He visits this cafe every day and she forgets him. In the end they get married and have a child. Weird and shit.

"I'm going to sleep night Sarah" I spoke and laid back on the most uncomfy bed ever


Lukes POV.

Me,Ashton,Michael and Calum walked in the rock building for our visiting order to see Cara

"Visiting order for Cara Richards" I smiled to the women at the desk.

"Cara?" She spoke confused.

"Casady?" I spoke in hope that was helpful.

"Ah yes. Casady Richards. I'll send a officer down to get her" She smiled and typed on her computer. "Can I take your names please?" She smiled.

"Luke Hemmings" I said to her and she nodded.

"Ashton Irwin"

"Michael Clifford"

"Calum Hood"

We walked over to the sofa and sat on my phone until I was called through. I done some tweeting while I was waiting.

"Mr.Hemmings,Mr.Irwin,Mr.Hood and Mr.Clifford to visiting wing 3 please" A officer said and guided us to the hall.

We took are seats at the larger table near a women at a smaller table who look really excited.

We waited a few minutes then the gate unlocked and Cara came out in her usual clothes, black shirt,leggings and white vans. She had a yellow bib over her outfit and next to her was a girl with long black hair who was wearing similar clothes to her. They were laughing and smiling. The officers were to. They both walked over in our direction and I stood up to take her into a hug.

"I miss you" I mumbled into her more coloured hair.

"I've missed you too" She smiled and Michael coughed. "And you boys too" She laughed.

The girl she came out with sat at the table next to us with the excited women.

"Cara. This is my Nan. Nan this is Cara. My cell mate" The girl smiled.

"Ahh so your Sarah's friend. Thank you for looking after her" The women spoke in a old voice. Considering she's a Nan. She looks quite young.

"Boy this is Sarah. She's my cell mate" She said and introduced all of us. Sarah smiled and we smiled back at her. Sarah and her Nan went into a conversation.

"How's the tour going?" Cara smiled, holding my hand.

"We canceled it" Calum said.

"What? Why?" Cara frowned.

"We wanted to be able to spend more time with you. So we canceled it. But good news! We our having our own tour next year!" Ashton beamed.

"That's great! Hopefully I might be able to watch if I am out by then!" Cara smiled. A genuine smile not a fake one.

"WHAT! SHE'S MARRYING HIM!" The girl next to us yelled. We turned to see it was Sarah standing up in her seat.

"Sarah what's happening?" Cara spoke standing up. She's so caring for everyone around her.

Cara's POV

"She's marrying him" Sarah cried onto my shoulder.

"Marrying who?" I asked confused.

"My mum...She's marrying my abusive step dad! She didn't even tell me they were back together! The wedding is on Wednesday!" She cried harder.

"Is everything okay over here?" Billy the warden said.

"Yeah. I can calm her down" I sighed and he walked way.

When Sarah pulled away. Her 50 year old nan was gone. Her mum had Sarah when she was very young. Hence why her Nan is very young.

Sarah cried more now that her Nan has left.

"Come sit with us babes" I whispered and she nodded pulling the blue plastic chair to our table.

"Are you okay?" Michael asked

"Yeah I will be fine..Just a shock that's all" Sarah fakely smiled.

We spent the remainder of the visit laughing and talking about the tour. We also said me and Sarah are being released about the same time so we will all come to the tour.

"TIME! Everyone finish your visits!" The officer on the desk yelled out and I sighed. We all hugged and I went to Luke.

"I can't believe you want to be with a ugly wreck like me" I muttered into his red and black flannel shirt.

"I love you for you. I love everything about you. Your smile. Your attitude. That freckle on your shoulder that you hate. Your dimples. I love everything about you" Luke smiled and I looked into his perfect blue eyes and he looked into my hazel ones. Our lips connected into a passionate kiss and I smiled.

"I didn't really expect to have our first kiss here" I laughed.

"I don't care where it is" He smiled and left.

Sarah smirked at me and I rolled my eyes. I took one glance back at him and smiled.

"Cara's in love. Cara's in love" Sarah teased.

"Shut up" I joked and we went into the game room. There was only me,her and some other girls who were just sitting reading magazines or watching music videos.

Me and Sarah sat down at the xbox.

"So we've know eachother for awhile. But one thing I want to know. Why was you arrested?" She asked and I laughed.

"I was in a gang and we got into a huge fight with a different gang that basically turned into a blood bath. They found drugs and weapons in my school bag and pockets" I laughed

"What gang? I know a few" She said setting up a game of GTA.

"DC" I spoke in a simple tone.

"What? They are the toughest and roughest gang about!" She spoke shocked,

"I know. Why are you in here?" I asked. Its only fair I know why she's here now that she knows why I'm here.

"Took the blame for my brother. He seriosuly hurt someone and if he was to take the blame he would get way over 6 years. So I took it and got the same length as you" She smiled.

We played the game talking about are life outside. We both have had a similar childhood but mine was worst then hers. 

By now its around about 8pm now so we headed to our cell to watch yet another shitty movie on the decent tv.



Yay Luke and Cara are together..................

Do you think they are good for eachother?

Do you think it will be a easy relationship or something stopping them?


I'm writing another fanfic that I will post once i have wrote atleast 10 chapters lol.




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