My Bunny Honey (Fanfic)

By swallowtt

89.5K 7.3K 1.4K

Singto's cousin left him a bunny to babysit while he and his boyfriend went on vacation. In a twist of fate... More

Chapter 1: Baby
Chapter 2: On the Bed
Chapter 3: One Word
Chapter 4: Pet
Chapter 5: Bossy
Chapter 6: Double Standard
Chapter 7: Together
Chapter 8: Somebody to Love
Chapter 9: Wish Granted
Chapter 10: Do
Chapter 11: Laughing
Chapter 12: Transport
Chapter 13: Medicine
Chapter 14: Declaration
Chapter 15: Crossover
Chapter 16: Useless Muscles
Chapter 17: Scream
Chapter 18: Unconscious
Chapter 19: Flower
Chapter 20: Yes
Chapter 21: Details
Chapter 22: Souvenirs
Chapter 24: Peculiar
Chapter 25: Fairy Magic
Chapter 26: Love (Finale)
Thank You!!!

Chapter 23: Gone

2.7K 243 46
By swallowtt

            Godt stumbled a couple steps once he felt his feet touch the ground. Swatting Bas's hands away, he angrily pointed a shaky finger at the fairy. "W-What are you trying to do?" Quickly checking to see if all his limbs were still attached, Godt grumbled. "I'm a chef. I need my arms to cook. Are you trying to ruin me?"

"Don't worry," Bas reassured with a chuckle. "You're still in one piece."

"That's just by luck. What if your powers slip and I lose a limb? You tell me that you like me. If you really like me, why would you even take that risk?"

Bas stared at him with wide eyes; his smile immediately faded. "Are you really mad at me?"

"Are you stupid?" Godt yelled.

"I don't believe that I am," Bas responded. "Why are you asking?"

"I wasn't asking."


"That's what I'm calling you."

"You think that I'm stupid?"

"Yeah." Godt barked.

"Oh." Bas took a step toward Godt only to have the taller man take a step back.

"Why are you following me anyway?"

"You know why."

"Couldn't you leave me alone?" Godt demanded. "Aren't there rules for fairies to not disturb the lives of humans?"

"Do you...hate me?"

Godt sighed and replied. "If that's what it takes, then yes."

"What it takes for what?" Bas blinked innocently at him.

"What it takes for you to leave me alone!" There was a slight regret tugging at his conscience when the words came out of his mouth.

"I see." Bas lowered his gaze to the ground and when he looked up, Godt had already left. What is this feeling? He pressed a palm over his heart. Why does my heart hurt so much? What...? Reaching up to wipe the wet droplets trailing down his face, Bas glimpsed down at his hand. Are these tears? Am I...crying?


"Sing," Krist rubbed at his eyes. "Krist is sleepy."

"Did you brush your teeth yet?"

"Yes. See?" Krist beamed to show Singto his teeth. "All clean."

"That's good." Singto petted Krist's head. "Go to bed first. I'll join you after I shower."

"Okay." Krist nodded.

Singto smiled and went to the bathroom. By the time he was ready for bed, Krist was already asleep. Getting into bed, Singto pulled up the comforter for Krist and switched off the lights.

"Krist loves Sing," Krist muttered in his sleep.

He's so cute. Singto put an arm over Krist and closed his eyes. "Good night, Krist."


Godt got up from the bed and walked over to look out the window. Where is he? Walking out to the living room, he gave his apartment a quick glance in search of Bas. Was I too hard on him earlier? He can't blame me for getting angry. I could have lost my arms or legs. The way I reacted is understandable, right? Whatever. I'm going back to bed. He could stay out the whole night, if he wants to. He's not my problem. Godt huffed and returned to his room to slip back into bed.

What if... Godt's eyes shot open and he panted fearfully. Sitting up, he quickly glanced around for Bas's presence. Fairy boy really didn't come home? Godt got out of bed and went to the living room. Bas was nowhere in sight. Is he okay? He's not hurt somewhere, is he? Wait. He's a fairy. He should be able to defend himself. But...he's tiny and pretty. Damn it! What am I thinking? Grabbing his jacket, he figured that he should go out to look for Bas. With his car keys in hand, Godt hurried out of his apartment and went to his vehicle. Getting in, he started the engine and drove around the neighborhood.

The dark evening sky was soon replaced by the morning sunlight. Godt parked his car and got out in disappointment. A yawn emitted from his lips as he slowly made his way toward his apartment building. The sound of sirens caught his attention, so Godt averted his gaze to where all the commotion was centered. Some of the bystanders began to scatter as the paramedics arrived. Godt could hear a couple of them mentioning that it was an accident involving a kid. The lad was hurt badly and it didn't look good.

Kid...? It couldn't be him... Godt felt a sense of panic in his heart as he rushed toward the sight of the accident. Pushing his way to the front, he chased after the paramedics as they slided the young victim into the ambulance. Ignoring the various glances he was receiving because he was wearing his pajamas, Godt shouted. "Please save him!"

"We'll do our best," one of the paramedics informed. "Do you know the victim?"

"I..." Godt took a look at the victim and gasped inwardly. "N-No," he answered while shaking his head. "I don't know him...but, please save him." Nodding his head apologetically, Godt backed away and let the paramedics do their job. Where is he? Damn it, kid! You come back this instant. Do you hear me?

Are you want me back?

Godt immediately scanned the area when he heard Bas's voice. "Where are you?"

Right beside you.

"How long have you been beside me?" Godt asked.

I had nowhere else to go, so I went home after you left me on the sidewalk.

"Why didn't you say anything?"

I thought that you were still mad at me. I didn't want to... Bas hesitated for a moment. I'll leave, if that's what you really want. I won't bother you any longer.

"Where are you going to go?"

Somewhere that is not here.

"You just said you had nowhere else to go."

I don't.

"Then, why?"

Because of you...

"Why are you doing this?" Godt complained.

Doing what?

"You can't just come into my life, disrupt it, and then leave like it doesn't matter. You have to take responsibility for me."

I don't understand. I thought you want me to leave you alone. Doesn't that mean that you don't wish to see me?

"Since when do you even listen to me?" Godt pointed out. "J-Just show yourself. Now!"

Okay. With that, Bas made himself visible to Godt and expected to be scolded by the man. Instead, he was taken into a hug.

"You scared me," Godt muttered. "I thought something bad happened to you. I thought that I would never see you again."

"I thought you didn't want to see me." Bas voiced.

Godt released the smaller male from his embrace. "I wouldn't be searching for you all night, if I didn't want to see you."

Gazing up at him, Bas queried. "So, you miss me?"

"Do I have to say it out loud?"

"How would I know, if you don't say it out loud?"

"Didn't you hear my thoughts earlier?"

"Well, yes." Bas smiled. "But, I kind of want to hear you say it straight to my face."

Sighing, Godt obliged. "Yes, I miss you. I want you to stay with me. Okay?"

"You know," Bas pretended, "I don't have to stay here with you. I have many places to go."

"If that's what you want me to believe, sure." Godt played along.

"I'm only staying because you can't live without me," Bas continued.

"I wouldn't go that far. It's not like I can't live without you."

"In that case, I'm leaving." Bas threatened and began walking away only to have a pair of strong arms wrapping around him from behind.

"Don't you dare," Godt ordered. "You are not allowed to leave until..."

"Until...when?" Bas interrupted.

"Until," Godt twirled Bas around and looked him straight in the eyes, "never."

"Never is a long time." Bas grinned.

"Not long enough when I'm with the right person."

"I'm not a person."

"Fine. You're the right one."

"Was that a confession?"

"No," Godt denied.

Bas's bottom lip jutted out, so Godt leaned down wanting to kiss it away.

"That guy is talking to himself," someone uttered. "Is he crazy?"

"I think you're right," another person agreed. "He's walking around in his pajamas."

"It's a shame. He's so handsome."

"Yeah, that's too bad."

Godt's eyes rounded and he inquired softly. "Did you make yourself only visible to me?"

"Yes." Bas nodded.

Wheezing, Godt grasped Bas's hand and dragged the fairy along with him.

"W-Where are we going?" Bas stumbled in his steps.

"Home!" They entered the building.

"Are you going to take advantage of me?"

"Don't tempt me," Godt warned as he unlocked the door.

"What if I tempt you even more?" Bas flirted.

"Then," Godt pulled the fairy inside and locked the door when it shut, "I'll probably...take advantage of you."


Godt woke up as a result of the afternoon sun shining at his eyes. Turning to look at the sleeping fairy beside him, Godt smiled and gently caressed a side of the other's face. Did I overdo it? Why is he sleeping? I thought fairies don't need to sleep. Wait. Why is his cheek so cold? Godt sat up at once.

"Nong Bas." He patted the fairy's face, but there was no response. "Nong, wake up. Nong. Don't scare me. Nong!"

His cell phone suddenly began to chime. Seeing Singto's name flashing on the screen, he reached over to seize it off the bedside table. "P'Singto, why aren't you at work?"

"N-Nong," Singto was sobbing. "It's Krist."

Godt felt his heart dropping. "What happened?"

"He turned back into a bunny." Singto's breaths hitched uncontrollably. "Krist is...gone."

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